My first lucid experience was when i was about 9 years old i think. The scenario was something like the dungeons of a video game i used to play, called captain claw. I was about to be sumerged in a boiling cauldron with a green substance, but then i thought "Wait a minute... this is not real... this is a dream! Omg im stuck!" and i wanted to wake up and couldn't, lol. Then after about a minute i woke up, but it was really a challenge to wake up from that dream.

Then the movie Inception was on cinemas and most people i knew went to see it. I think i was 15-16 at that time. Those who saw it said something like "It is difficult to understand, it's a deep movie. You have to pay close attention, and even if you do so you might not understand it." I took this as a challenge and because it was said that it was a good movie i went to see it. I payed close attention and it wasn't actually a challenge to understand the movie. What is important the first time seeing it is maybe the layers of the dream, the scenarios and of course lucidity and how those who have lucidity take advantage over those with lack of lucidity. Then of course after seeing the movie again i saw more details.
At that moment i became interested in lucid dreaming but also in the concept of "sub-conscious" and ideas. I then talked about the movie with those that already saw it, but the things they talked about were non-sense, like for example the relationship of the main character with his wife, or his children and stuff like that which is actually secondary to my opinion. So having nobody to talk to about lucid dreaming i began researching. Actually before that, while visiting an Argentinean site there was a post that said something like "Do you want to lucid dream?" or something similar. Very interested i read the post, knowing that it was possible. Then i began researching, until i found this site.
My first lucid after having found this site was inception style, like falling asleep in a dream, and ... dreaming. That got me lucid and it was one of the best 5 lucid dreams i had.
From the movie im still interested in lucidity of course, but not so much about the concept of "sub-conscious" neither on ideas.