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    Thread: Ultimate Summer Challenge!

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    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
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      Ultimate Summer Challenge!

      Brandon's Awesome Ultimate Summer Challenge of Awesomeness!
      There's a 104 days of Summer Vacation,
      And school comes along just to end it.
      So the annual problem for our generation,
      Is finding a good way to spend it.

      And! I thought of a good way to spend it! Having a great time LDing! I put up a great anime picture that reminds me of summer (watch Air, it is amazing)... That is all I have to say about that.

      To latecomers:
      Sign up with a list, but I won't be wanting the challenges to last longer than the end date of the competition. Try to keep in mind how much longer is left on the challenge when you make your list. All are welcome here.

      The Challenge!
      So summer is coming around and you probably have a few goals you want to hit (as do we all). Well I decided to make a challenge for anyone wanting to make these goals.
      Here is how we start!
      Sleep 7-8 hours every night.
      You get 15 nights without if you have vacation or a certain day in the week that screws you.
      Stick to at least one technique the whole time!
      You get 5 days off if you need them for R & R or for forgetting. No jumping around from technique to technique though. You can have this one technique and another, but you can't change that one.
      If you break these rules, there is no punishment... But I really think you should abide by them to get away from your own punishments.

      Now I know that different Summer Vacations start and end at different times, so I am just going to start it from June 1 to September 12 just 104 days.

      OK, so each challenge is personal to each specific person.

      My challenges:
      104 LDs
      Visit the same place in a LD 20 times (dream room doesn't count)
      Visit DWA
      360 vision
      Find my sword and stab myself with it (I have reasons for this)
      (You can put any number more than 3, TOTM or TOTY are good challenges for this, certain amount of LDs, certain amount of WILDs, etc. are awesome as well)

      My punishment:
      I will take cold showers for a week
      I will sign up for a marathon
      I will get off DV for a week
      I will put up the pictures of my 80s party I went to on the picture board here
      I will go off meat for a month

      Each challenge coincides with a punishment. I can complete all of them or none of them, if I don't complete 104 LDs I get the cold showers. Either way I will accept what happens (your punishments don't have to be so bad... without meat for a month would kill me!).

      Feel free to put your own rewards per challenges. I can't guarantee any rewards to myself, so I won't put any for me. Might help you though if you want to have a good thing to chase and a bad thing to run away from.

      I will put your username, challenges, punishments, and rewards in this original post, as well as update them when you get an LD or a task done. You can just put what tasks you got done on here, you can link to the DJ, or you can post it here. All your choice.

      Please don't sign up if you don't think you will finish the summer out. Please sign up and get some LDs! I would love to give you some advice if you need any regarding anything.

      Post once a week and say how many hours you have been getting of sleep. I am not a dictator about this, but once a week you should be visiting this thread to remind yourself of the goals and punishments. If you wish to change goals, go ahead, please don't make them easier for your sake unless you really shot too high! Changing goals should normally be used if you lost interest in the goal.


      104 LDs (24/104)
      Visit the same place in a LD 20 times (0/20)
      Visit DWA
      Find my sword and stab myself with it

      I will take cold showers for a week
      I will sign up for a marathon
      I will get off DV for a week
      I will go off meat for a month


      -Have a lucid dream at least 4 out of the 7 days in a week
      -Use Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece Powers
      -Face the final person in each of those three shows
      -Use DILD the whole time through this challenge
      -Go to the moon
      -Travel through space unit i see a supernova
      -Write every dream down i can remember in great detail
      -Listen to music while sleeping to see if it helps me LD

      -Cold showers for a week
      -No anime whatsoever for 2 days (this might kill me)
      -No caffeine for one day (tea, coffee, pop, etc....)
      -Go straight to bed for 3 days straight (no music, tv, or anything else before bed)
      -Meditate for an hour straight (this will also kill me)
      -Listen to country music for 30 minutes straight (this will kill me)


      *~*~* My Challenges *~*~*
      • Use an elemental technique aside from freezing
      • Talk to a DV member in a lucid dream
      • Summon an object in my line of sight
      • Control two bodies at once
      • Use stable third person camera control
      • Shapeshift into something non-humanoid
      • Fly into outer space
      • Simulate psychedelic hallucinations
      • Stretch my body out in unrealistic ways
      • Play a video game
      • Make myself shrink or grow

      *~*~* My Punishments *~*~*
      • No ice cream for a month
      • No DV for a week
      • No using the remote controls for the new fans for two weeks
      • No masturbating for a month
      • No rock music for two weeks
      • No video games for a month
      • No psychedelic music for two weeks
      • No electronic music for two weeks
      • No candy for a month
      • No comedy movies for two weeks
      • No anime for two weeks


      Challenges (using WILD and/or DILD)
      - Use an elemental power on the first try damn it
      - Make delicious foods and taste them
      - >55 lucid dreams (19/55)
      - Ride a whale in the ocean for a considerable amount of time


      - Drink at least 3 cups of milk at every meal for 5 days
      - 2 week break from DV and all other social media
      - Cold showers for 2 MONTHS


      -DEILD Chain 6 dreams or more
      -60+ lucids (0/60)
      -Dilate time as much as possible
      -Control a dream's inherent emotion
      -Complete all five TOTMs in one dream
      -Complete TOTY in 14 days


      -No electronics for two weeks
      -Take hot showers for 10 days in which the high temperature for the day exceeds 105 degrees
      -Lock myself into a room until I can play Flight of the Bumblebee perfectly
      -Spend an entire day listening to country music
      -No chess for three weeks
      -Set myself up for REM rebound every other day for a month (< 3 hours of sleep)


      1 LD per week
      Cloning myself
      Perform a task of the year
      Getting good (preferably master) at control through reframing
      Perfect method of locci application in dreaming

      No psychology videos or research for a week
      No game of thrones books for 2 weeks
      No tv series or youtube videos from my subscribed channels for a week


      1) Must have over 80 lucids, every DEILD in a chain counts as one. (0/80)
      2) Float around and have fun with dream characters
      3) Develop a new simple character for myself set in a post-apocalyptic world, with a deep and intriguing twist that I will let unfold over time.
      4) Start a new experiment, to do with shared dreaming with my friends.

      Very simple, no piano, tea, no science websites or reading for a whole week.


      Moi challenges
      #1 Sleep 8+ hours a day
      #2 Have at least 1 ld a day and 15 a week three weeks in a row.
      #3 Have a SATSIFYING dream orgasm
      #4 Sex in anime style 3 nights in a row at will
      #5 Visit another world 3 nights in a row at will
      #6 Get a dream guide to teach me 3 or more things
      #7 Master DEILD and be able to chain 3 dreams without breaking a sweat
      #8 Play the violin with a tone more beautiful and a phrasing more elegant than I could ever have imagined
      #9 Start working on my LD Control Chamber
      #10 Have an epic high speed sword (or spear) fight

      Good reasons to pull off the above
      #1 Stop eating 2 hours before bedtime untill I get 8hours/day for a week
      #2 Tell myself I will become lucid 100 times each morning and night until it works
      #3 No masturbating for a month
      #4/5/10 Visualise 10+ minutes a day on the subject 'till I get it
      #6 Take cold showers within 1 minute of waking up for a month
      #7 WBTB every 90 minutes for 1 week
      #8 fall asleep within 30 minutes of lying in bed for 1 month
      #9 Write and draw about it and add something to my design every day for 2 months


      1.) Meet my animus [ ]
      2.) Change the dream scene [ ]
      3.) Have my 25th lucid [ ]
      4.) Sex with Trevor McNevan [ ]
      5.) Eat dream food [ ]
      6.) Do each TotM from June, July, and August.

      1.) No candy for two weeks :L
      2.) Healthy food for a week :L
      3.) No DreamViews for a week
      4.) No hot showers for 10 days
      5.) No phone for 3 days, unless doing something important.
      6.) No DV online chat for 2 weeks


      - seriously WBTB 42 times
      - notice sleeping position upon wake 20 times
      - recognize this is a dream when having dream with sexual contents at least once
      - to learn to visualize, do visualization exercises 30 times
      - have two WILDs

      - do dumbbell exercises 5 times a week for a month
      - cook a well balanced dinner for an entire week
      - no masturbation for a month
      - stomach exercises for a week (4x20 legs lifts per day)
      - will spend 3 days in a roll meditating for 3 hrs per day and will not private dream journal if I fail the WILD challenge

      I'll be posting for this nonDVer friend of mine.
      Goose man


      Study at least 1 hour/week inside dreams while the challenge lasts
      Force a bearer to fight seriously.
      Create another planet.
      Visit the sons of first dream body.
      Learn how to fight using progams or computer language.
      Restore to health another two universes and make enemies out of villains this way.
      Create two new powers.
      Try at least to DS in 20 different ocassions, with at least 3 different people.

      1000 "toad" jumps/week for a year.
      No anime or manga for a whole year.
      No DJ-devouring for three months.
      Internet sites and games bye for two months.
      Cold showers all winter.
      No milk for two months.
      Make more experiments on myself.
      Stop porn forever.


      Just have a week off goals in dreams is enough.


      Here are mine-
      -Go sun-diving
      -Walk on clouds
      -Slay a dragon
      -Turn into Spiderman and swing around a city
      -Have sex without waking up
      -Go horseback riding
      -Go camping with a few friends.
      If I can't meet my goals, I don't think that I'll punish myself too much.


      • Have 15+ Lucid Dreams
      • Fly at supersonic speeds
      • Summon a monster
      • Chain a lucid using DEILD
      • Recall 5 dreams in one night

      • Have cold showers for a week
      • No reddit for a week
      • No social networking for a week
      • Turn off my computer 1 hour before bed for a week
      • No DV Chat for 3 days


      Summer challenges

      The basic idea is that I want to replace MILD with DEILD as my staple technique over the holiday in preparation for having a roommate at uni next year (making other techs difficult to perform really pissing him off with middle of the night awakenings)
      1. Recall 2 dreams each night
      2. WBTB 3-4 nights of the week
      3. Increase weekly LD rate by 1 each week
      4. Aware for 5 micro-awakenings from sleep cycles a week
      5. Awaken from a dream without moving 5 times a week (after no. 4 has been completed)

      Punishments (all for a week)
      1. No spotify
      2. No listening to vinyl
      3. No listening to mount eerie/microphones (current musical obsession)
      4. No listening to shoegaze/dream pop
      5. No listening to psychedelic/prog


      1. Have 15 lucids [0/15]
      2. Complete a ToTM [ ]
      3. Find Garrus, tell him Shepard is still alive and go find him together [ ]

      1. No video games for two weeks. I'll probably commit suicide.
      2. No internet (excluding DV and important stuff. DV may not exceed three hours a day.).
      3. Wash all household dishes for a week.


      Have 20 lucid dreams (I'm new alright?)
      Fall in love in a dream
      Kill myself in a dream
      Run around naked in a dream
      Revisit the same dream 5 times

      Cold showers for 2 weeks
      No computer for 2 weeks
      Wake myself up from any lucid dreams for 2 weeks

      Windhover's Lucid Dream Tasks

      1. Go to Gambler Casino. Arrest Evangelista and Gambler, and then find their identities and secrets of Gambler. Find information about Ellen.
      2. Go on a double date with San, Gahng, and Miho at Jeju Island.
      3. Do a dubstep performance at vOx tour in front of 30,000 crowds.
      4. Go to 1880's Western world in Nevada. Morph into badass cowboy Len. Stop a train and save roped Floret by gangs. Seize golds.
      5. Go to Florence, Italy. Go to Leonardo Da Vinci museum and see some things.
      6. Morph into Leila and perform a full Evanescence albums in front of 10,000 crowds at indoor concert.
      7. Go to Cardia. Morph into Miho and do a quest, earn a skill point, use a skill.
      8. Go to Theeden Central Government in a vampire city, Theeden, morphing into Leila the Ripper. Kill White Slayers, Panic, and Fear. Then save Amy in a trapped ritual room.
      9. Go to Bora Bora Island and surf waves.
      10. Go to manga BLAME! world and kill Sanakan rampaging murdering Fishers outside Toha Heavy Industry with Cibo.

      Task at all times: write a DJ whenever I achieve one task above.

      1. Cold shower for 1 week (popular one!)
      2. Strict diet meals for 2 weeks
      3. Slap myself. 3 times. Really hard.
      4. Work out for 2 hours.

      Days till start: 0
      Night of the 31st counts
      Last edited by Sensei; 07-01-2013 at 09:02 PM.
      Alyzarin, Zoth, SnowyCat and 9 others like this.

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