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    Thread: Spring 2018 Lucid Dreaming Competition

    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
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      Spring 2018 Lucid Dreaming Competition

      Missed the signups but still want to join? Post in the sign up thread here to join for the second week.

      The competition begins on Friday, March 16th, at 8 PM YOUR time (wherever you are.)
      The competition will end on Sunday, April 1st, at 8 PM.

      Track the competition scores LIVE here: Live Scoresheet

      Please PM me if you need a scoring correction or notice any bugs.

      • Honor system: Be honest and trust others to be honest.
      • Lucid dreams must be posted in your dream journal on DV with link posted here to count. If it’s short, you can put it in your post in a spoiler. If you don't want to post it because of sensitive matters or anything like that, then you can PM it to me.
      • Dreams must be lucid for Tasks and Goals to score points.
      • Don't abuse the point system - No spamming. Spamming means intentionally finding loopholes and using sneaky tactics to get ahead of other members, rather than earning points the normal ways. If you have a plan and think it might be spamming, PM me to ask. Any points achieved via spamming will be automatically disqualified. Please play fair and remember that this is a casual competition with friends. Encourage others and celebrate their successes as well as your own!
      • If you have any questions or need clarification to any rules, please PM me instead of posting them in this thread. I will update the OP if anything in particular needs extra clarification.


      I surround all important competition announcements in a big, bold announcement block like this one. Even if you don't read the rest of the posts in the thread, please at least skim the thread for these blocks - they contain incredibly important information regarding the competition. They're huge and should stick out pretty easily.

      Spring 2018 Lucid Competition








      King Cobra

      IMPORTANT! If you have not posted in this thread at all after the first 7 nights of the competition, you will be dropped from the competition and suspended from the following competition. Even if you aren’t scoring any points, please post it in the thread so I know you are participating, as failure to do so will result in your ejection from the competition. Also, if you know you will be unavailable for a period of time, please post something to let us know, or PM me (dolphin) so you aren’t dropped.

      In light of this, at the half-way mark of the competition, if the lack of participation of some competitors has significantly thrown off the balance of the competition, I reserve the right to restructure the teams to restore a fair balance. This will only occur if the discrepancy is due to lack of participation, and any changes will be made at random, uninfluenced by individual/team scores at the time, and (as much as possible) performed with permission of the individuals affected.


      Induction and Recall
      In order for you to get points for an LD, you need to write it in your DJ on DV and post the link here.

      • Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      If you think more than 2 fragments are from the same dream, count them as 1 Full Dream instead.

      • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point

      • First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Subsequent DILDs - 5 points

      • First WILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Subsequent WILDs - 5 points
      Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD

      • Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points (Max. 10 points)
      Return to a lucid dream after a brief awakening mid-LD. A DEILD chain is over once you are awake long enough to write down the dream.

      • WBTB (success or failure) - 2 points (Only counts once per night)

      Dream Control Tasks

      IMPORTANT! - Points no longer stack for completing a single task that falls in multiple categories (i.e. Normal Dream Control, Task of the Month/Year, Personal Goal, etc.). Instead, it counts for the highest-scoring category. If you complete the same task multiple times, then it can count for the additional categories, but each category can only be scored once per task per night. For example, if you complete a weekly challenge involving full transformation, it only counts for the 20 points for the Weekly Challenge, and not an additional 10 for the advanced control task of full transformation. However, if you were to complete the transformation a second time in the same dream, you would then score those 10 points. Note that this rule does not apply to 3-Step Tasks, as those have always been purposely stackable.

      Each task can be completed once per dream/chain.
      Advanced versions of tasks earn points instead of basic versions, not in addition.

      Basic Tasks

      • Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point

      • Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points

      • Practice a Waking Life Hobby (Beginner and Intermediate Only) - 5 points

      • Ask for Advice (Beginner and Intermediate Only) - 5 points (eg. ask a DC or electronic device)

      • Eat/Drink Something - 5 points

      • Use an Electronic Device - 5 points (doesn't have to work, just try)

      • Use an Ordinary Object to Perform Dream Control - 5 points (eg. car, phone, watch, glasses, pen)

      • Fly - 5 points

      • Telekinesis - 5 points

      • Super Strength - 5 points

      • Super Speed - 5 points

      • Gain Invulnerability - 5 points (must test to prove, eg. jump off a cliff)

      • Basic Summoning - 5 points (eg. summoning from pocket / making someone appear from behind you / around the corner.)
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide

      • Basic Unsummoning/Banishing - 5 points (eg. look away and back to make something/someone disappear)

      • Object/DC Changing - 5 points (change object/DC into something different, or change its size/shape.)
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide

      • Push your hand through a solid object - 5 points (note: 'pushing finger through hand' RC does not count)

      • Partial Transformation - 5 points

      • Invisibility - 5 points (must test to prove, eg. look at your body or sneak past someone undetected)

      • Change Gravity - 5 points (doesn't have to be for everything, at least one object)

      • DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points

      • Unspecified Dream Control (any powers not listed here) - 5 points

      Advanced Tasks

      • Teleport - 10 points

      • Element Manipulation - 10 points

      • Fully Phase through Big Solid Object - 10 points (eg. the wall, keep your eyes open)

      • Advanced Flying - 10 points (flying at high speed / into space)

      • Advanced Summoning - 10 points (make something/someone appear right in your direct view / summon something larger than human-size)
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or a Dream Guide

      • Advanced Unsummoning/Banishing - 10 points (make something/someone disappear right in your direct view / unsummon something larger than human-size)

      • Mass Telekinesis - 10 points (use telekinesis on 5+ objects at the same time, or one enormous object - something that can't be lifted in waking life)

      • Advanced Object/DC Changing - 10 points (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)

      • Time Control - 10 points (speeding up/slowing down/stopping time intentionally)

      • Full Transformation - 10 points

      DreamViews Extra Tasks

      Each unique task can only be completed once during the competition.
      You can complete more than one Task of the Month per dream. As per official Task of the Year rules, those tasks must be completed in separate dreams to count.
      Tasks include:

      Task of the Month (March 2018)- 15 points/task (beginner tasks not included)

      Task of the Year (2018) - 20 points/task

      Dream Themes (Beginner and Intermediate only)
      Each week, a different theme will be given. If your dream (lucid or non-lucid) matches the theme, you earn an additional 5 points. Points for each theme can only be claimed once per night. Some themes may be open to slight interpretation (just keep in mind the Honor System).

      Week 1 Theme - 5 points:Rainbows
      Week 2 Theme - 5 points: Grass

      Challenge Tasks

      There will be one Challenge Task each week. Each task must be completed during the assigned week.
      The second task will be announced at the end of Week 1.
      Points for each challenge can only be claimed once.

      Week 1 Challenge - 20 points

      Beginner: Find a rainbow in the sky.

      Intermediate: Fly to the top of a rainbow and slide down it.

      Expert: Fully transform into a rainbow.

      Week 2 Challenge - 20 points

      Beginner: Walk on grass.

      Intermediate: Sit on grass and eat something.

      Expert: Make an area of grass shorter or longer in height.

      Three-Step Tasks

      Choose 3 different Dream Control Tasks from the Basic and Advanced Dream Control tasks above, excluding RC/Stabilization. DV Extra Tasks, Challenge Tasks, and Team/Enemy tasks can not be declared for the Three-Step tasks.

      Beginner: Pick any of the Basic or Advanced Dream Control Tasks

      Intermediate: At least 1 of the 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks

      Expert: All 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks

      Tasks must be completed in order.
      Multiple tasks can be completed in one dream, but they can also be completed in separate dreams.
      You may change tasks at any time, even if you are on task 2 or 3, as long as your updated task choices are posted before the night you complete them.
      If you choose to include an Unspecified Dream Control task, describe your task here in advance.
      In addition to receiving points for the Dream Control task, you will also receive bonus points:

      • Complete first chosen task - 5 points

      • Complete second chosen task - 10 points

      • Complete third chosen task - 15 points

      If you complete all 3 tasks during the first week, you may pick 3 more tasks to complete in Week 2. The same difficulty requirements from above apply.

      Team Tasks
      Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.

      • Meet a teammate - 7 points (once per dream/chain)
      Each additional teammate in the same dream/chain - 3 points

      • Show your teammate a previous dream (in-dream)* - 10 points

      • Have a teammate take you somewhere from a previous dream of theirs* - 10 points

      • Have a teammate teach you something* - 10 points

      Enemy Tasks
      Note: "Enemy" refers to a member of the competition on a different team than you.
      Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.

      • Meet an enemy - 5 points (once per dream/chain)
      Each additional enemy in the same dream/chain - 3 points

      • Fight an enemy* - 10 points

      • Fight one or more enemies with your teammate(s)* - 20 points

      • Convert your enemy to an ally* - 10 points (enemy must start out hostile)

      • Convert multiple enemies to allies in the same dream/chain* 20 points (enemies must start out hostile)

      Personal Goals

      Choose your own goals to complete in a lucid dream.
      Unlimited additional goals can be selected, but only ONE per night can be claimed for points.
      Each goal can only be scored once per competition.
      Goals must be different from other tasks in the competition, eg. "telekinesis" is not acceptable. More specific/unique versions may be okay, eg. "use telekinesis on a DC" - ask if you're not sure whether it's too similar to another task.
      Goals must require some degree of thought, not just things you might accidentally do in a dream anyway.
      You can find some ideas in the Lucid Dares thread under "Anyone Dares".
      Post your intended goals in this thread (wrap in spoilers if the list is long). Goals will only be awarded points if they are posted in advance.

      • Complete a NEW Personal Goal - 15 points (something that you have never done before in a lucid dream.)

      • Complete an OLD Personal Goal - 10 points (something that you have already done in any previous lucid dream, including outside of the competition.)

      Dream Journal Points

      Points will be awarded at the end of the competition for posting comments in other contestants' Dream Journals. Only DJ entries containing dreams from the competition are included.
      Only one comment per DJ entry will earn points (a conversation on the same entry will still count as one.)
      Add these to your posts as you go. Include how many DJ comments you made each day in your scoring posts, and I will add them to the scoresheet.

      1 point will be awarded for every 3 DJ comments.

      This is just a little kick to get people posting in Dream Journals. I feel a lot better about writing in a DJ knowing that people are going to read and comment on it; I am sure others feel like I do. It isn't worth many points because this is a dreaming competition, but it could add a few bonus points to your final score.
      When posting comments in a DJ, it is helpful to "like" the entry so that the member will get a notification on DV. You should also "like" any comments on your DJ when you read/respond to them, so that people know you have seen it.
      Make sure you read the dreams so you can make a comment with some substance (more than a quick one-word comment.)

      Tier Bonus
      The top scorers in the Intermediate and Beginner leagues earn a bonus for their team based on their position.

      • 1st - 100 points
      • 2nd - 50 points

      Now what?

      Post your task choices for the following:
      - Three-Step Tasks
      - Personal Goals

      Keep track of your nightly scores and post your updates/subtotals here when you can.

      Have fun everyone, and good luck!
      Xanous, Saizaphod, NyxCC and 2 others like this.

    2. #2
      ex-Lucario Achievements:
      Made Friends on DV Tagger First Class 1000 Hall Points Vivid Dream Journal Veteran First Class
      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Cobalt Storm</span>'s Avatar
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      Three-Step Task:
      1. Teleport
      2. Phase through big solid object
      3. Time Control

      Personal Goals:
      -Complete transformation into a Lucario
      -'Assist' a submarine into space
      -Play a song on the piano with 4 hands
      -Eat some meat off a wild animal
      -Eat a burger with unknown special sauce inside
      -Travel down a random road and see where it goes

      -Transform into a wolf
      Saizaphod and NyxCC like this.

    3. #3
      Member Achievements:
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      Three-Step Task:
      1. Teleport - Advanced
      2. Telekinesis
      3. Interact with dream character

      I may change some of main tasks as I might get an idea, but I'll edit if I change my mind on a task.

      Personal Goals:
      1. Go to Bikini Bottom
      2. Go to The Moon.
      3. Get Squidward to dab (dance)
      4. Smell something. I've tried eating in a lucid dream, but I would like to smell as that is the only 1 of the 5 senses I haven't experienced in a lucid dream.
      5. Play the song, Walking On The Moon - The Police, in the background
      Saizaphod likes this.

    4. #4
      Member Achievements:
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      GOSH! Didn't think all the tasks would seem so difficult all of a sudden XD

      So will choose the three easiest in expert.

      Three step task:
      Element manipulation - 1
      Time control - 2
      Advanced TK - 3

      Personal goals:
      - New
      Kill ferdinand (New DC host)
      Teleport to "Kiria" (Magic-based planet I was aiming to arrive at)

      - Old
      Re-learn dimensional teleportation
      Saizaphod and NyxCC like this.

    5. #5
      [LIKES_FIGHTING] Achievements:
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      'FireFlyMan' in 'Team Sunny'? Oh, the irony!

      Three-Step Task:
      1. Flight
      2. Full Phasing
      3. Element Manipulation

      Personal Goals:
      -Willingly discorporate one or more senses from the body
      -Eat a Marloss Berry
      -Visit Irva, the world of Elona
      -Visit a Dwarf Fortress
      -Create a sapient artificial lifeform
      -Revisit a previously claimed/created location (Mall-Side Studio; Beach Near the City; Green Hill Zone)*
      -Assume the "Spellforged Guardian" form

      -[Previous] Create or claim a place
      -[Previous] Invoke a "lucidity gauge"

      *Open to narrowing this down if this task is too variable
      Last edited by FireFlyMan; 03-16-2018 at 03:00 PM. Reason: One more Personal Goal added
      Saizaphod likes this.

    6. #6
      Member Achievements:
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      264 total
      Hey if the contest ends on Sunday 8:00 on April First

      Then I call April Fools, and the contest never ends
      Last edited by cooleymd; 03-16-2018 at 01:28 PM.
      Saizaphod likes this.
      Sure LUCID DREAMS are all fun and games until someone loses a third eye.

    7. #7
      Member Achievements:
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      Three step
      Element control
      Advanced banishing

      Personal goals
      Visit SAO
      Lose my body
      Meet the old man

      Flame and the void meditate, the real version.

    8. #8
      Member Achievements:
      1000 Hall Points Made Friends on DV Veteran Second Class

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      Three step task
      Super speed
      Place hand through a solid object

      Personal goals

      Play the drums
      Hear amazing music

      So I haveto do the 3 step task in a month and find a rainbow in a week?
      Thanks =D
      Saizaphod likes this.

    9. #9
      Stay lucid Achievements:
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      team sunny!

      basic summoning

      (old) go see a movie in a theatre
      (old) visit a beautiful park
      (old) eat delicious food in a restaurant
      (old) hear music in the whole dream scene
      (old) meet a dreamguide
      (old) meet another me
      (old) summon a fictional character into my livingroom
      (old) visit my neighbours and see who lives above my flat
      (old) visit a jungle
      (old) transform into an alien or humanoid
      (old) wear a superhero suit
      (old) visit another planet
      (old) dance in a club
      (old) fly a plane or ufo
      (old) meet o, own fictional character
      (old) meet l, own fictional character
      (new) do something memorable at my school's lobby
      (new) parkour in italy with ezio
      (new) visit a beach-house
      (new) visit a paradise island
      (new) visit varion, own fictional world
      (new) visit middle-earth
      (new) visit a magical forest
      (new) revisit the white-room from a previous dream
      (new) revisit the black-market from a previous dream
      (new) go to the renessaince and listen to music
      (new) meet kvothe and listen to his music
      (new) meet beerus and whis
      (new) find a persistent dream companion
      (new) have an apocalypse adventure with friend(s)
      (new) fly a battleball again from a previous dream
      (new) meet s, own fictional character
      (new) meet all nejl, own fictional characters
      (new) train with fitness people at a gym
      (new) have a giant battle for earth with humanity against aliens or myriad beings
      Sensei and oneironautics like this.

      Lucid dreaming practice journal - 13th June-18th July
      tbd nope close Lucid! ⏱︎ Lucid time Goals achieved
      w1: ☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - 3min -
      w2: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w3: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w4: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️
      w5: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️

    10. #10
      Member Achievements:
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      Interesting dream goals saizaphod! I was gonna remark on how I dont like having more than one or two goals at once, because it makes it harder for me to remember, but then I saw "revisit" in your new. That seems like redoing something you have done in a dream and should be in the old.

    11. #11
      Stay lucid Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      Interesting dream goals saizaphod! I was gonna remark on how I dont like having more than one or two goals at once, because it makes it harder for me to remember, but then I saw "revisit" in your new. That seems like redoing something you have done in a dream and should be in the old.
      haha yea i decided include all my goals this time. about the revisiting, those were non-lucid dreams before and i wish to go there while lucid

      Complete an OLD Personal Goal - 10 points (something that you have already done in any previous lucid dream, including outside of the competition.)

    12. #12
      Member Achievements:
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      Right, after some preliminary/preparatory work, I have finally determined my 3-step task as well as personal goals to achieve. They are as follows:

      3-Step Task:
      1. Basic Summoning
      2. Element Manipulation
      3. Change Gravity.
      A question for Task 2: If you've seem my non-lucid dreams, does that type of element use count? Like breathing a stream of earth to move something? Or breathing a stream of ice to freeze someone?

      Personal Goals:
      Old – Have Murray assist you in getting Dreamy WB back.
      Old – Have yourself be a dream guide to someone else.
      New – Have one instance where you are assisted by the Dream Competition Emergency Team (D-CET).
      New – Have one member of the D-CET be promoted to an official dream guide.
      New – Introduce an additional DC into the D-CET (Note, this outcome can't be thought of in real life)
      New – Have all 3 members of the Dream Guide Team have a conference, you must be there to prove this is a lucid dream.
      New – Have all three members of the D-CET have a conference, you must be there to prove this is a lucid dream.
      New – Have Dreamy WB own YouTube for messing with Logan's account. (Note, she must actually enforce discipline, not just plan the attack, otherwise that's a repeat of Part I)
      New – On lap travel, have Dreamy WB travel faster than a car.
      New – Have Dreamy WB take you somewhere in an actual car.
      New – Have the Cooper Gang over at your house.

      Now the informal stuff: Yay I'm on team Sunny! Suits my ability/dream-powers type so much. Also, am I dreaming right now? Because I see "KarlaB118" in the team list... There seems to be an extra 1 in there.

      Good luck with the competition everyone! Me and my in-dream family are off to try and score some points.

    13. #13
      Member Achievements:
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      Ah, I gotcha saizaphod. That makes sense.

      7:20 PM here. The comp is close.
      Last edited by Sensei; 03-16-2018 at 11:23 AM.
      NyxCC likes this.

    14. #14
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      Deleted link to DJ entry as it technically occurred before comp started
      Last edited by 13WAR08T; 03-16-2018 at 01:41 PM.

    15. #15
      Member Achievements:
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      3 step tasks:
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object
      Advanced Summoning

    16. #16
      On-and-Off Lucid Dreamer Achievements:
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      Fringe class is where I'm at!
      DJ Entries
      Team Stormy huh? Gotta change my jacket color to fit the occasion...

      Three-Step Tasks:


      Eat/Drink something

      Use an electronic device

      Personal Goals:

      Liberate the Bigheads from the plantation. Maybe I can take them in L's car?...

      Hop onboard a luxury train. See where it takes me.

      Go dimension hopping. I mainly just want to see how many times I can mess with the same person, lol.
      oneironautics likes this.
      Known as Jdoggad.

    17. #17
      [LIKES_FIGHTING] Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by KarlaB18 View Post
      If you've seem my non-lucid dreams, does that type of element use count? Like breathing a stream of earth to move something? Or breathing a stream of ice to freeze someone?.
      The last two competitions I was in expanded "Element Manipulation" to include many forms of energy projection, such as heat rays and ki blasts. Your variations seem legit.
      Last edited by FireFlyMan; 03-17-2018 at 02:15 AM. Reason: oops, kinda sloppy quoting
      KarlaB18 likes this.

    18. #18
      Stay lucid Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by KarlaB18 View Post
      does that type of element use count? Like breathing a stream of earth to move something? Or breathing a stream of ice to freeze someone?
      sounds element manipulation to me.
      KarlaB18 likes this.

      Lucid dreaming practice journal - 13th June-18th July
      tbd nope close Lucid! ⏱︎ Lucid time Goals achieved
      w1: ☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - 3min -
      w2: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w3: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w4: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️
      w5: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️

    19. #19
      Stay lucid Achievements:
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      it starts tonight. hoping everyone awesome lucid dreams!

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    20. #20
      Member Achievements:
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      Team Stormy

      Three-Step Tasks:


      Eat/Drink something


      Personal Goals:
      try to tell if my brother dc is lying or not
      visit the world of mistborn
      helpl the the lord ruler to run from hes death
      Last edited by Mouzaa; 03-16-2018 at 05:17 PM.
      oneironautics likes this.

    21. #21
      Member Achievements:
      Tagger First Class Huge Dream Journal 10000 Hall Points 3 years registered

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      I'm in the team Stormy... most excellent! I wish everyone to have good luck and lots of fun with this competition!

      - Interact with a dream character;
      - Telekinesis;
      - Basic summoning;

      Personal Goals
      - Meet myself and ask a few questions [NEW];
      - Jump/fly atop a skyscraper and create sounds with just air [NEW];
      - Summon a storm, then jump on a lightning and ride on it into space [NEW];
      - Create a fire tornado and control it [OLD];
      Last edited by Snehk; 03-16-2018 at 09:51 PM.

    22. #22
      Member Achievements:
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      Aug 2016
      LD Count
      Good Luck everybody, will start chasing rainbows tonight.

      Three Step Task
      -Ask for advice
      -Use Electronic device
      -Do waking life hobby

      Personal Goals
      -OLD do yoga
      - NEW put on shoes
      - NEW Tell somebody my name
      -NEW look in mirror
      -NEW Board ship from book
      -NEW Look at rocket from book
      Last edited by oneironautics; 03-16-2018 at 08:40 PM.
      NyxCC likes this.

    23. #23
      Stay lucid Achievements:
      Made lots of Friends on DV Populated Wall Created Dream Journal Tagger Second Class Veteran First Class Referrer Bronze Made Friends on DV 5000 Hall Points
      Saizaphod's Avatar
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      Feb 2013
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      Quote Originally Posted by Snehk View Post
      Personal Goals
      - Fly [OLD];
      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      Personal Goals
      -OLD Teleport
      Goals must be different from other tasks in the competition, eg. "telekinesis" is not acceptable. More specific/unique versions may be okay, eg. "use telekinesis on a DC" - ask if you're not sure whether it's too similar to another task.

      Lucid dreaming practice journal - 13th June-18th July
      tbd nope close Lucid! ⏱︎ Lucid time Goals achieved
      w1: ☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - 3min -
      w2: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w3: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - -
      w4: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️
      w5: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ⏱︎ - - comp☀️

    24. #24
      Dream Guide Achievements:
      Populated Wall Referrer Bronze Tagger First Class Made lots of Friends on DV Vivid Dream Journal Veteran First Class 10000 Hall Points 5000 Hall Points
      NyxCC's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2013
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      3 step task

      1. Telekinesis
      2. Basic Summoning
      3. Time Control

      Goals - visit the temple (new)
      Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

    25. #25
      Oneironaut Achievements:
      Made lots of Friends on DV Vivid Dream Journal Tagger First Class Veteran Second Class 5000 Hall Points
      KingCobra's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2016
      LD Count
      DJ Entries
      Team Stormy

      Three Step Tasks
      - Interact with a DC
      - Push hand through solid object
      - Fly

      Personal Goals
      - Physically hurt someone (old)
      - Present something (new)
      "Dream look real, but they're in your mind, so you realize that the physical world is also a construction, which shows that the mind can affect reality in more ways than you can imagine." ~Stephen Laberge

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