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    Harry Potter Lucid

    by , 08-23-2013 at 08:36 PM (830 Views)
    kind of strange haven't even tried remembering dreams or journaling for over a year now and i had a random long lucid.


    I became lucid. I was lucid earlier but don't remember it this time i was becoming lucid again standing at a window and looking at me reflection. Someone was beside me. I wanted to Find Jamie. Don't know why. The guy beside me suggested to go through the window as a portal. so i tried that with minimal resistance, went through the glass and i look to my right and see a guide pulling another dreamer out of the next window. over dreamers in the other windows are trying to push through.

    I seem to teleport Harry Potter style, and I am with the guy climbing a mountain with an obstacle course as the way up. there's stairs and ropes. I am climbing super fast. my body feels really worked out. It's night time out with thunder flashing, everything is like a video game and I am thinking "holy Fuvck, I read dreams like this on Raven Night's journal all the time. There is no way she is making her dreams up... she really dreams this stuff and I am dreaming it right now!!!."

    Before the top of the mountain I start to fade out. I try Time dilation, but all i can see is my hand drawn in pencil on a piece of paper and count thousands of numbers between each of my digits on my finger. I pull my head up expecting to be woken up, but to my surprise, the dream is back and vivid as ever.

    At the top of the mountain is a fortress with a guard who seems to know me. he is sitting at a large table with the end blocking the door. I am annoyed by this because i am in a rush. So I angrily rip the cornoer of the table off and twist the wooden ends till it snap. The guard is like "hey". but i go in before he can do anything.

    I am going down flights of stairs and pass hermoine. just say ,"hey,". pass craco malfoy who looks like the guy from Lost.

    go into HP's room. and i am talknig to him about how i am lucid. A figure that looks like Reagan passes by, and i tell HP that that woman has been causing me problems lately. The Reagan figure grunts and screams. i realise it's the harry potter creature that turns into your fears. I am about to vocalise my lucid goal of finding Jamie when I wake up.... Damn.
    Raven Knight likes this.

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    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      epic!!! ty for journalling. every 23rd is Eris Day. the wheel of fortune turns yet again
      Man of Shred likes this.