• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Congrats! You know, quite often in my lucids, a DC version of a friend or family member will engage me too much, causing me to lose lucidity. It's a trap! We must not let them ruin the fun!!
    2. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi JadeGreen!

      Haha yeah dream logic always cracks me up! And you are always so confident about it in the dream, then afterwards reality settles back in and you are left saying "I did what?".

      Can I please recognize a dream sign! I should be logical enough to realize that if I am making fingernail rope then I need to perform a reality check!

      Lol I just want to be lucid really bad
    3. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      like (enter dream logic) fingernail rope!
      Hahaha! Yeah dreams can get pretty silly sometimes.
    4. bossman3232's Avatar
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      That second dream sounds like Minecraft.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
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      I think you are doing great!
      Ever since I registered here, I am trying to write down at least something in my DJ as well as post it here when I have time.
      It's been like two weeks and I have lots of pages, and as I can see so do you. Imagine your dream recall if you really manage to be committed to remembering and noting these things after a year or so! I am also sure that we will eventually learn to WILD and once we learn it will probably be like getting back to riding a bike, this is my impression from posts around here.

      Apart for that, I have regressed a bit from failing to WILD to failing to try to WILD, quite tired and not on bed schedule again. But anyways keep it going!
    6. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      One thing I forgot to mention. My dog has been sprayed by a skunk before and I know that it smells HORRIBLE! So, when the first skunk sprayed me I thought "Man a really don't want to smell this" and I just... turned off my sense of smell

      Supper Convenient! Go Dreams!
    7. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Oh Awesome! Thanks for the response!

      When you say "I ignore this and keep on relaxing, visualizing as I do."

      Would you mind expanding a bit on what you mean? When you say visualizing are you more observing hypnagogia, or is it more like a day dream that you have complete control of that you are trying to enter with your dream body?

      "I put all my focus on my "new" set of hands and touch the scene which turns solid after a while."

      Oh wow, this is so cool! So are you completely aware at this time that it is a dream? I mean, usually when I am at this point I am more like a DC in my own dream if that makes sense. I usually have a set of motivations or feeling that I don't really understand and it is very difficult to try and break from them to try and touch things of my own volition. Does that make any sense? Do you experience that, and if so how do you gain more control?

      Sorry to bombard you with questions Matte lol
    8. Matte87's Avatar
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      Ah good! Well, whenever I DEILD and lie completely still I get small twitches in my hands, arms and face. I ignore this and keep on relaxing, visualizing as I do. The twitches grow into spasms and my arms are being pulled up towards my chest. They then twist in weird angles and by then the scene I've been visualizing has become more solid. I put all my focus on my "new" set of hands and touch the scene which turns solid after a while.

      I guess I'm lucky but I'm never in that state for more than a minute or so, after that I either fall asleep and fail my attempt, get a FA or enter the dream successfully
    9. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi NyxCC!

      Thanks for the response

      Haha that is so true! I love this; "oh, I don't care if I fall asleep, I am just relaxing here. There is no need to accomplish anything."

      I have always been fascinated by the power our frame of mind can have. Isn't it amazing that if you are able to become aware of whatever is stressing you, and see how it is affecting your behavior (making you hectic or whatever) how powerful it is to change your frame of mind. To go from being stressed to, I am just relaxing here seems to change everything!

      Thanks for the post It really made me laugh.
    10. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Trying go to bed on time is very familiar to me! Since I was a teenager I have trouble falling asleep on time. One thing that I notice that helps is actually not to try to fall asleep. What I mean by this, instead of going to bed thinking I need to fall asleep and become hectic about it, I just think, oh, I don' t care if I fall asleep, I am just relaxing here. There is no need to accomplish anything, I tell myself, I am completely happy here, right now, simply relaxing. I gently pay attention to my breath, not attempting anything, not counting, just relaxing, and then I just drift away, because I wasn't trying to force myself to it.
    11. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi Matte87!

      Thank you for the response :-)

      Yes, for this experience I was trying a WBTB WILD.

      After doing some more research I completely agree with you about the hypnagogia! My fears of it were based upon childhood memories. When I was a kid I didn't know what was going on and it always made me feel very weird, I didn't like it at all.

      I am now working to get past those fears and do just like what you said: "try to see it on the bright side, be curious about the sensations and marvel at what the mind can come up with." It is pretty amazing what the mind can come up with!

      Hey while I have you here would you mind telling me about what your "transition" experience is like? How long do the hypnagogic sensations last? Do they last right up until you actually make a transition into a dream?

      Again thanks for the response Matte!
    12. Matte87's Avatar
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      Are you trying to WILD when going to bed for the night? You have to WILD during a nap or a WBTB in case you didn't know

      As for the hypnagogia, why would you fear something completely harmless? You've probably read about it and know that everything you experience is only happening in your mind. Your body is lying perfectly still and nothing can hurt you. I get some very weird seizures in my arms whenever I DEILD and since I've had epilepsy it's quite scary. I try to see it on the bright side, be curious about the sensations and marvel at what the mind can come up with. I then ignore the sensations and start visualizing and after a while I'm in the dream.

      Good luck on your next attempt!
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