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    1. 00:00 Thursday 2013-12-19 comp #16 night #7

      by , 12-22-2013 at 03:29 PM
      00:00 Thursday 2013-12-19 comp #16 night #7

      01:27 bedtime


      1) We're hiking up a foggy mountain. We want to get over the mountain but the fog is in the way. Someone says it's always foggy like this. We hike up the foggy side, and when we reach the summit the fog clears and we walk down to a beautiful ocean. On the shore of the ocean is a large, transparent, very shark/spiky with many spikes, crystal statue that I know is a sacrifice statue.

      Then I'm in the L's (neighbors) garage with other spike crystal statues. Don't touch them. I glancingly touch one on the side by the wall but that's OK because it's not the main one. There are many statues like this around, one up in a tree.

      F1) picture of some pepole on a porch. English is not a good language to use, So many different languages need to be represented. (Voice incomprehensible in places)

      F2) homeless guy with a stick. The stick was invisible. He'll clean up the yard if he has to. People following him around think he's crazy, but the kids know he's not crazy because they can see the thing he's carrying.

      06:06 BTB
      06:32 still up, wife snoring
      07:24 BTB again after kitchen/cereal snack


      2) star wars jedi game playing on a game tablet, I'm making the game character do many maneuvers to slice the opponent with a light saber. Opponents are trying to jump up and follow the action. I'm not doing very well, a guy is watching me play. I'm sitting at a desk in an office. My workplace is messy. Some young kids walk by behind me, they're looking at my desk, I have a teeny tiny keyboard, he asks what's that for, I say it's a small keyboard, I show him my desk, I have 3 keyboards, a small one, a medium one, and a large one, and I say it's like Goldilock's and the 3 bears. The kid's not interested and just walks by. I was trying to impress some of the girls with him, it didn't work out.

      3 ) walking on a nature path. There was a place where you used to be able to drink using the supplied plastic cups. But to save money they've stopped supplying the plastic cups. I cup my hand under the tap and fill it with water and drink. There's a pond nearby. There were several old women, and there were old cup dispensors around and old used cups.

      4) sitting at tables outside with a group trying to eat some really strange fruit. It's hard to eat, you can't chew it, it's green and stringy and fibrous. People are trying to peel it and erat it and chew it. Some of the fruit looks like pink, translucent kiwis. I look across the table, and see a really nice large gourmet cutting board made from different kinds of wood pressed together. I say "no THAT'S the kind of cutting board I want to have, not like the teeny tiny ones where you chop a carrot and the carrot falls off down to the floor because the cutting board is so small." People around me aren't paying attention to what I say.

      5) aftermath of a party. I remembered that a lot of deserts were left in the refridgerator so I go to the kitchen to get some. In the kitchen on a table I see they have been left out so tthat people will eat them. Tere are a number of large industrial food trays with a fairly large amount of various left-over deserts. 4-5 different trays. I"m looking at them. There's a gelatin-based one, a tiramisu, I'm picking up pieces of these deserts and carrying them around with me. Wife is there at one point.

      6) standing outside at what are like deli counters. There is a group of teen girls there. They're laughing at me. I'm holding a squeeze bottle of some condiment. One of the girls approaches me indicating the bottle and asks, "Ooooh, are those ONIONS!?" and puts her mouth to the opening of the squeeze bottle and I squeeze some of the condiment into her mouth. She gets grossed out by that. They ask me, "is this (something) day? It's not celebrated in California" in English and I answer in a foreign language. They all laugh at this, they're amazed I speak English, I'm amazed that they're speaking English, too., because they're foreign girls.

      woohoo major back to sleep victory with a snoring wife.

      F3) arriving at some location in a car. I get out and see a flat dead roadkill squirrel is somehow attached to the side of the car. It is rolled up. As I look at it it falls off the car to the ground. It unrolls before my eyes and turns into a live cat, moving around.

      09:23 up for breakfast duty
      11:38 BTB nap
      12:11 dreamed about something, no recall
      13:00 no recall. unusual, naps usually give several dreams.