2023-08-18 weak fragments (Obstacle course?) but GREAT SLEEP
, 08-18-2023 at 12:42 PM (279 Views)
Colors: Lucid, Semi-lucid, Non-lucid
[comment from waking] in angle brackets
(comment / clarification from dreaming) in parentheses
Abbreviations: DS = dream sign, CH = childhood home, S1/S2 = sons, S/O = someone, S/A = something about, [f] = fragment, b/r = bathroom trip, Wn = waking #n, BT = bedtime, OOB = final out of bed time in morning, DO = Disembodied Observer
Summary of the Night
- BT: ~00:00 , OOB: ~07:30, fitbit score: 82 (6:41 asleep, 1:01 awake, 1:18 deep, 1:22 REM, 90%); supps: GABA, Glycine, Tryptophan, Mag-T, L-Thea, Apegn
- Very active during the day. 3 long walks, 2nd one VERY long. Lots of time in the sunlight. Lots of movement.
- Wakings:
- 02:21 b/r, no recall
- 07:27, recall (weak) <<< --- FIVE HOURS CONTINUOUS SLEEP!!! YYYYEEEESSSS!!!!
W2: Obstacle course [f]
Climbing over a tall wall. Bananas? Big group of people. Plot-focused activities. Vague, forgotten