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    1. 00:00 Thursday 2014-10-09 LD #68, lots of dreams again, a number of vivid "I'm there" moments

      by , 10-09-2014 at 10:27 AM
      00:00 Thursday 2014-10-09

      02:00 bedtime. EGADS MY BEDTIME IS BROKEN but I had to get some work investigations done.

      Enough of this low recall, vague dream crap: I set strong bedtime intention despite late hour to remember dreams, have vivid dreams, wake up after dreams, and be lucid in dreams. Some awesome early vivid non-lucids, a hard-fought back to sleep victory, more vivid non-lucids, and got a TOTM DILD!

      ~ 08:00

      I rolled over, realized I was awake, started thinking about recall but MAN my bladder is full and I'm lying right on top of it, I have to get up immediately to relieve it, trying to do recall while doing so before losing it. Got some more recall after lying back down to bed.

      +(f) I'm Spock on Star Trek speaking with my clones, tearfully explaining that I'll sacrifice myself so that they may continue on (much more but forgot)

      + lying on the ground in a house, cutie (LW) walks by, I hope she'll get with me, she stops and sits down beside me, but someone else is there and nothing happens

      + we're trying to get the passenger jet airplane out of the building: there's no way it will fit through the door, but it morphs itself and collapses its wings as it moves through the doorway in order to fit, that's a pretty cool I think

      + I'm preparing for battle: I throw knives but mostly full sized swords at the wood wall, almost all of them stick in point first perfectly, I think about how many rotations they'll go through mid-air.

      + summary: flooded kitchen from bathroom above, run upstairs to investigate, Will Smith is naked in the bed, black girl "verifies his ID" by (kissing him?) a tiny Will Smith head in a pot chastises him and does a short rap rhythm.

      I'm back in the kitchen (again?), this time I feel peeling wet plaster falling down on to me from the ceiling. I think I was in the kitchen before and felt drops of water, but now the ceiling is in really bad shape. I run out into the corridor and call to my friends that we must run upstairs to find the leak. Run upstairs, walking down a hallway with white walls, low lighting, I enter a bedroom to the right there is a little closet area and the path into the room sneaks around a corner, I think the guy who used to be in this room has moved out, leaving back in to the corridor I think I'd like to have this room because of the privacy, you can't see into the room directly from the corridor.

      Back in the room again I notice someone lying in the bed: a black man, naked, I'm looking out the window it's fairly dark in the room and outside, I see we're on the 2nd or 3rd floor. The building across the way I see has a long pink thick/wide sturdy strap attached to the window also on the 2nd or 3rd floor, I think strangers use this to climb up into the rooms and squat there at night time. I see the same pink straps on this room's windows, the guy in bed must be also a squatter.

      The guy in bed is Will Smith. He's now standing up next to me, facing a girl. There's a black girl there who will verify his ID, she (kisses him?) and is processing the information. While we're waiting for the result I notice that just beyond here is a bucket with several little tiny beings in it including a 1/4-sized Will Smith head, they are all performing the Men In Black post office beatbox:

      At the end the girl approves Will Smith's ID, he was just standing there the whole time silent. His little mini-head in the bucket then tells him "Would it have KILLED you to start a CONVAAAHHSAASHUUUN!!??" (with the girl).

      Long back to bed. Street noise, snoring wife, moving wife, I down count backwards doing relaxing breaths over and over again, sometimes from 20, sometimes from 10, freqently lose count, have lots of drowsiness to sink into, but my mind keeps staying active. Think about that slogan I saw on FB last night: "Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure." Decide that I'm on a wonderful back-to-sleep adventure that will be rewarded with awesome dreams. It is hard work to fall asleep under these conditions but I will do it, I will keep relaxing until eventually fall asleep. Dreamlets form but fade when I "look at" them, a number of them. Stop trying to look! Remain passive, notice without engaging, do NOT TRY to sleep, you can't force a dream, just keep relaxing.... And I WIN! Eventually sleep, have some vivid dreams, and get lucid and do TOTM.


      + summnary: trying to figure out what's going on with the shelves in this refrigerator, notice a strange tube, get lucid, do pumpkin TOTM (open a pumpkin and describe the contents).

      I'm standing with my face in an open refrigerator. The top shelf is not arranged properly, it's falling off/hanging on only one side (in waking during the day I adjusted the shelve on a kitchen rack of shelves that was mis-aligned and falling off, it's right next to the refrigerator), I try to adjust it to hang it properly and horizontally, but in doing so I think maybe someone put it like this so that the tall milk bottles would be able to stand up straight on the shelve below? I close the door and the fridge is like in two sections, the top not aligned with the bottom. I see on the wall/top section hinge a small tube emerging, and a draft of cold air (and some water dripping?) is blowing out of the tube. Why is that, is it a pressure release? The cold air is coming out, will the fridge lose its cold because of this?

      I'm now standing outside in daytime on a fairly steep sloping path between (widely spaced) houses but still thinking about that odd tube descending out of the refrigerator I was just observing, I've never seen anything like it before. Wait, odd thing I've never seen before? DREAM! Nose pinch confirms. I walk up the hill towards the street, immediately think of TOTM/pumpkin task [I love when goal memory comes easily]. I turn to the left at the sidewalk and go up onto the porch of a house, thinking "It is Halloween, there will be a pumpkin here." Sure enough I find a pale white/green typical jack-o-lanter-sized gourde on the porch. I reach down and imagine that it's top is already cut. I pinch the dry stem at the top with the fingers of my left hand, noticing the sensation of touching it is entirely waking-like. It lifts off easily. Oops! Below it there is another pumpkin top, this one traditional orange. Is this going to be a trick dream pumpkin trolling me with endless series of tops? No, I lift the orange one away and see the interior: no pumpkin goop, it's packed with colorful transparent packages of goodies (cookies?) I'm closely looking to be able to describe very clearly the contents, the package on top is drawn with an illustration that I think looks a lot like Charles Shultz style (peanuts), then the dream fades (either wake up or non-lucid transition, I had 2 more quite vivid non-lucid dreams after that).

      + invited to a friend's place for an event, it's awkward because I don't know anyone there, he's not there apparently, I'm walking from the living room through the kitchen area to the dining room, in the dining room the table is full of platters of cookies (I eat some?), move back to the living room, (on the way I glance into the kitchen, there's nobody there, where's my friend anyway?), some middle-aged guys (white hair and white beards some of them) are sitting on the living room floor drinking beer, some in the middle of the room facing the wall where some other people are sitting (on a couch?). I step into the middle of the living room there's a previously-played monopoly board next to them on the floor, I see it is covered with paper play money, cards, and game pieces, like the game was finished and just left there.

      I'm sitting in a room down a hallway from the friend's apartment (above), a guy comes in and I said I was previously in the other apartment. I'm showing him a game I'm playing on a PC, I see the game on the screen then I'm inside the game, trying to equip weapon/armor from the confusing pop-up controls, there's a fight? Swinging a weapon? I'm back outside and choose "enter this place" (there's a choice of about 3 places to enter: left, middle right) to explore instead of going back to the fight, it's like a kitchen with hundreds of "inspect this" signs on objects everywhere.

      + In sons's room, (the cat?) spills a bottle on his important schoolwork on the floor. I'm looking at the bottle and it's empty, but as I watch I see liquid starts welling out from somewhere under my sons papers, I keep looking and see another bottle lying on its side that has some liquid in it, I tell him to pick his work up before it's ruined.
    2. 00:00 Tuesday 2014-06-03 sub diner:finally a decent long/detailed scene again, some sexy scenes

      by , 06-03-2014 at 11:18 AM
      00:00 Tuesday 2014-06-03

      00:43 bedtime (too late! dangit!) still sick. Watched Game of Thrones S04E01 earlier, always good incubation material there .

      Set intention to wake up and record in the middle of the night, and to notice in my dreams that I'm dreaming


      + riding a streetcar, it's going the wrong way from where I'm going. I see green arrow street signs. The streetcar is heading to the left and I need to go to the right.

      + I'm walking down a street in bright daylight, I'm looking at storefronts to try to choose a place for lunch, I think one of the signs says "bacon", one place is a sub diner. I think this is pretty far from where the people work. I choose the sub diner and enter. There is a picture of a tall hamburger on the wall: burger with onion/tomato/ between 2 buns. Walking through the place, there are some people there, I notice a hot tray station in the dining room with what looks like large semi-spherical slices of onion in a rich red tomato sauce, I think this is the free side dish station. I see some free tables in a corner, there is a guy sitting at one table with a strange looking wide futuristic looking metal typewriter, I think this is a foldable typewriter and he brought it here in a backpack, I hear him plunking out whatever he's working on. The counter is at eye level, I order and I get a dish which looks just like what I saw before: large circular slices of baked onion standing up in a rich red sauce on a plate. I pay with a hamburger, I try to add it to my plate but I'm having trouble fitting it on there, the girl at the counter helps me adjust the plate. I turn to sit but my chosen table is now occupied by cops, they've moved the dirty dishes/water glasses to another table, I find another free table.

      Slow back to sleep, wonder if I'll get back to sleep at all, try long and hard for more recall before this time, I get nothing but the above two. Try to hold on to awareness, realizing I'm holding too tightly, I recognize a "clenched" feeling in my mind, and I work to let that go, and I then fall asleep again.

      11:16 final waking, long period of dozing and waking, accumulating dreams

      + I'm in a car with my younger son (who's current age), he's directing us to a place I don't want to go, we arrive and enter a house full of kids, my son takes back a small plastic toy soldier from a boy who's (vaguely) in a shower and crying, I feel embarrassed by this, there's an attractive girl who's eying my son and brushes her hand against his leg, I in turn brush against her boob, then she's walking with us and I'm talking with her, I'm amazed that she speaks perfectly clear English (ARGH, DREAM SIGN [I reside in a non-Enlish speaking country]), she says she spent time in San Francisco.
      Spoiler for explicit:

      + I'm sitting at a table with other adults, I figure out they're on a baseball team, I'm contributing to the conversation to show I've played the game, I mention "I was born in B", they recruit me to their baseball team, I don't really want to join, I say I've only really played softball, I imagine fast pitch baseball.

      + I'm with a girl in a house in a public room (dining/living),
      Spoiler for explicit:
      the door behind us keeps opening, I keep trying to close it, I suggest we move to a room, "and I will make you <finish>" I say, we come around a corner and find 3 men in an art class with easels, they're singing a song in unison, I join in signing and try to get them/me to harmonize but it remains unison.

      + walking through a house / kitchen, it's very messy I think I'll never get it cleaned up

      + walking purposefully through a dark building/restaurant with the owner in a bad part of town, I'm giving options to the owner on how to improve business/what to do, I joke "make me regional manager" as one of the options.
      Tags: diner, girl, sexy, sing
      non-lucid , side notes