I had some interesting dreams so far. (Currently its 3:08 A M and I couldn’t get back to sleep.)
First I remember dreaming of something with people from high school or college, vaguely. Something with a grocery store even comes to mind but its just teasing me! Not going to fully reveal itself.
Then, I was in a public bathroom stall. (M) was in the bathroom stall next to me. His leg kept coming under the bathroom stall and touching me. I was like, “Please keep your leg inside your bathroom stall.” Then there was only one toilet and we were sharing it. Other people were in the bathroom stall too.
It was full of used toilet paper, up to the top. I was embarrassed because a female I liked was there. I said to him that he should flush all of that before it gets stuck. He flushed it and it was fine.
Then I was waiting tables at a restaurant. My Nana wanted a chicken nugget sandwich.
I was handing them out but biting off the ends first. They weren’t really on the menu. People had to specifically ask for them.
Next thing I remember, I was in my Nana’s kitchen. Aunt (B) may have been trying to type something into a tablet on my chest. I felt like I was becoming a video game character in the kitchen.
At some point there was something about building a Pokémon team. I had an Ice type in the third or fourth slot. I forgot the other types but they were all types with good resistance.
Still, opponent Pokémon in the game were a higher level, so I wanted to level up before any battling. I was imagining a Gyarados doing over half my HP even with a not very effective move (something like that).
Then it was like a mix of Pokémon and Zelda. I chose a starter. Then another character left and I became Link. I was stuck in the water.
I remember clearly hearing one of the songs from Zelda video game. I was like, ‘wait, this isn’t a Zelda game. How did they get this music?’
But my character became Link like I said, struggling in the water. But then my starter (I think a blue one) came to me, trailing a blue line behind it.
The starter pulled me out of the water. I rotated between a mix of characters. I think I was seeing a red one with antennae have to jump over a ravine of water.
Then I was a green one and running. I got to a fork in the path. It was like running through a canyon.
I chose to go to the right but left seemed like the safer way. Sure enough the T Rex things caught up to me. I remember seeing their shadows overtake me as I ran. But some ran right by me.
Then one did get up close to my face. Only instead of eating me, this other spirit entity came to my face.
I tried to draw that as best I could. It was tricky to actually draw. But there was talk or understanding that they wanted to harvest my physical matter and my energy for some project.
It showed a robot hanging in space. They were building it for some purpose and it was almost done. It had hips like Inferno from Beast Wars. All I could see were its legs hanging there, at first.
Then it became Optimal Optimus, kneeling. I felt like the thing had been created but it decided to not do any harm. So the kneeling meant it was surrendering.
Then I re appeared in the video game. I witnessed other characters telling the woman that my green starter and I had been caught by the “antagonist”. She easily revived us and we were okay.
Then it kind of jumped to where my Uncle (C) was looking up some things on the computer. Something about an hour.
Then it showed a live stream called “Just This”. It was a Lucid Dreaming live stream with a woman. She sat on her bed to give the live stream. She gave a list of benefits to Lucid Dreaming. One was “Help Small Children”.
Then there was something about fasting or some kind of powers. I remember I, along with some other people, was being spoken of as one of the “top in the nation” with this power. Maybe something to do with fasting. I started to feel like I didn’t want to be public about it. I drank one of my waters and went to find my other.
I was near this patch of dirt. I started to go pee on it. I woke up really thinking I had peed in my bed. Luckily, I didn’t!!!
If I had wet the bed, I mean all I would do is just clean the bedding and the mattress. So its not the end of the world. I guess it would cost me some sleep. But it could happen to anyone and so I just want to prepare myself not to flip out or be mean to myself about it if it does.
That was it! I woke up from those, and had a decent recall. I must have slept from about 9 to 1 or 2. Since then I haven’t got back to sleep. Maybe I will get back to sleep in an hour or two.
Well I fell back asleep probably around 5 and slept until maybe 7 with little micro awakenings. I dreamed about my Brita filter in the kitchen. And of being at a meeting I hadn’t been to in a while, noticing two people in particular, who I hadn’t seen in a while.
Then I had a Dream Induced Lucid Dream where I was falling backwards onto the floor in my old house’s bedroom. I looked up and saw some shaped on the ceiling. I became lucid as I fell and confirmed it when I landed with no pain. Then I woke up momentarily.
[img of mattress and pillow]
In my next dream there was a mattress and a pillow. I interacted with a guy in the dream. Something about moving a pillow. I was lucid in this dream.
Then there was a younger girl and I guess her mom. I helped the girl with her home work. Then I talked to her Mom. It was a meaningful conversation but I couldn’t remember the details. I remember looking at her eyes though.
(It was closest to the middle one on the bottom row)
They were a greyish color but hard to name the color exactly. Very vivid. Eventually I woke up from that.
I woke up in my old house’s bedroom in a false awakening. Tried to write my dream. South Park was playing really loud on a monitor behind me.
I tried to turn it off. But wasn’t really able to. I think I might have thought it was a dream momentarily but didn’t get lucid.
My computer fell behind my desk. All I wanted to do was write down some brief notes about my dream, before I forgot it. Windows acted funny when I picked it back up. All the windows were different. I worried that dropping it had broken it. I was glad I backed up my computer at the start of the month. (I really did back up my files in waking life)
There was an air conditioner in the window. (I had been thinking of putting in my AC in waking life) so I was like, cool. I guess it never got taken out.
I had a little micro awakening. Then I dreamed of appearing some where my friend was setting up cafeteria tables, for a party. She was like, “Are you here to help?” And I figured I was because I couldn’t explain it otherwise.
I dreamed something about a heavy metal band. I remember the image of the neck of a guitar.
Then I got up. I was kind of sad when I had another insomnia happen. But I had more peace of mind anyway. I got up and did an hour or two of stuff on the computer that I was going to have to do that day. I mean this was when I just knew I wasn’t going to sleep. I try not to give up on sleep prematurely, but sometimes, I can feel I have too much energy to sleep.