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    by , 09-01-2015 at 09:08 AM (554 Views)
    alcohol (against my will) before bed, and chocolate,
    bedtime OK but late-ish

    + I'm looking at a colorful bird that's running around in a creek area under trees (a friend is trying to catch it?), it's going back and forth. Then I see it is a colorful pig/bird, a pig with feathers and birdish features, standing right next to me. I "know" the pig/bird thing can be dangerous and aggressive so I stay quiet.

    + boy who fell on the knife. It was a stick with a metal knife and a white ceramic blade attached as a crude spear. I'm concerned and go to see if he's bleeding. I'm holding the broken white ceramic knife which has a jagged tip (it broke off in his body?), he thinks I'm coming to stab him but I just want to see if he's bleeding and if the knife tip matches his wound

    + soldiers in big weird hazmat suits are walking through our area looking for (criminals/terrorists?) There are 3 big weird suits. A trainer not in a suit is covering them, they need cover otherwise an enemy could sneak up on them and shoot them at close range. Should I put my hands up as they walk by me?

    + at the childhood park basketball level [dream sign], a number of scenes and returns:
    I find myself on the basketball level of childhood park, there is a low fence in front of me, I'm at the far and by the drinking fountain/sloped hill, for some reason I decide to run, jump headfirst over the fence and bellyflop onto the asphalt. I do this and hit fairly hard and feel like I get some scrapes. Then I see a (boar?) running at me and I turn to the left and run with strong legs (I have been training) up the hill quickly. Back on the ground a wild dog/wolf is running at me and I think about timing the sword blow to hit its head (will its skull be too hard for the sword?)

    The evil guys are plotting to kill people. The girls come and say they've brought the flowers. I walk among the flowers it's like a florist shop.

    I'm playing basketball at the best (most level ground) shooting hoop (just shooting). I have my red, white, and blue basketball [true]. A friend takes a shot from far away and misses entirely. I give him a two-handed bounce pass that ends up going a bit to the right, but he catches it and passes it right back to me, he doesn't want my help. I think he's not doing it right, that far away you need to take a step to add momentum to your shot. I try the shot and I think I"m cheating by taking one too many steps so I'm too close. I throw up my shot and it also misses (it hangs in the air?)

    A building on the sloping hill behind the basket sucks up the basketballs? A truck with a long thing (missile?) backs up to the basket, blocking it, I complain and the driver or someone else explains. I command/TK that my basketball comes back to me, hold up my hand to receive it. Two orange basketballs come but they don't land properly in my hand. I say, "No! Deliver my red white and blue basketball, and right to my hands!"

    I walk to the entry (sloping road) side of the basketball level, my son is rolling a jet-ski slyly, it's one of his pranks he's stealing it?, he goes up on an elevated level and starts it up, it sounds like a motorcycle?, people are watching and grinning?

    There is a high cube-shaped room in the air in the bike-rack corner, it's almost directly over me. A round hatch opens and a I see an object coming out. It is a huge heavy weight that falls right down and completely flattens the guy next to me. I run away, and I think someone is projectile vomiting behind me because of the squished guy. I hide[dream sign] in a high enclosed nest by the exit road corner of the level, one of the plotting guys is driving below me in a car, I think my hiding place is not sufficient[dream sign].

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    Updated 09-01-2015 at 09:35 AM by 65364



    1. Sensei's Avatar
      Yikes. Some kinda violent dreams. I am usually only violent when lucid. might be something to add. A sense of danger in dreams that is not around in waking.

      I can't believe that that guy was crushed flat! I know you were scared, but it would have been interesting to see what it looked like. Might just be my roots showing, but when i think of crushed flat my mind thinks of wizard of oz. You just missed a chance at ruby slippers my man!
    2. FryingMan's Avatar
      Good point about noticing danger more.

      Yeah totally flat. It didn't even bounce. It just went WOMP like there was nothing underneath. And that thing was right over my head so I got out of Dodge, fast. The "treehouse" sort of "pooped" out that weight thing I felt like.
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