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    2016-04-25 lot of dreams, vivid & present!

    by , 04-25-2016 at 10:27 AM (350 Views)
    + on the prowl to steal energy from another city, see lights in the distance this means they have energy. Climbing hill with partner, hiding in tall grass, another guy comes buy, his name is "Flinn," too, "He's a better 'Flinn' than you are!" I tell my partner (named Flinn).

    + climbing hills of grass. Sneak into a house. Pour out bits of jam from a jar to distract the cats to keep them from sounding the alarm. Come upon the owner, an old/short woman, she attacks me with scissors and/or a knife, I grab and hold her arms.

    + getting off a (train?), did I leave my documents there? The people we're with, they took and ruined the binoculars, which are broken into two pieces on the ground, I decide not to pick them up and try to fix them.

    + riding a public mini-bus, people get off at the stop, I don't get off because I think the bus is going closer to my destination (the mall), but instead the bus drives a different way, I ask if I can get off now, the driver mumbles about this ruining the schedule. I end up walking into a stage area for a concert but my instrument is not there, I think I could perhaps call and have a family member bring it to me. My (sister?) says it's OK that I do not play for (part of?) the concert

    + golf course: in order to prevent bad shots, the course is instituting a rule that all players my practice on the driving range periodically. I wonder about when it's OK to go pick up the balls by the net. I go do this, and find a bunch of crude "fake" golf balls made from clay.

    + goober fish: there is a bathtub (2 bathtubs at right angles?) of two "goober fish": basically square sponges with large holes in the middle with teeth on the middle part. I think you can pick one up by sticking a stick in the middle hole and they'll bite on it. Indeed one fish bites and in trying to shake it off the stick back into the tub. It falls in to the 2nd tub and gets stuck in a side drain? I get in the tub in order to get the fish unstuck and put it back. I think it's sad that it's not with its friend fish, it'll get lonely.

    + girl in the room. There's a girl on a bed in her room.
    Spoiler for racy/sexy content:
    lunagoddess likes this.

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    1. lunagoddess's Avatar
      I found these dreams interesting. I think it's funny that you tell your partner he's not a good Flinn, scary that you got attacked by an old lady, sweet you were concerned about the lonely fish, and funny that all the dream journal entries I've read of yours involve sexual content lol.
    2. FryingMan's Avatar
      Yep, dreams are fascinating. A theater of the absurd, hilarious, bizarre, beautiful, frightening, touching, emotional, and oh yes, the sexy . We live through so many experiences every night, it's a shame that most people don't remember them.

      Nothing sexual last night, darn . Well unless you count the one where I'm peeing in the communal bathroom in my old college house (lots of roommates) and girls keep walking in on my and I keep rotating my stance to hide my thang, they giggle at me doing this.