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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Violence in Dreams and notes on the subject matter (LD #220)

      by , 07-05-2015 at 03:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I put lucid dreaming on the back burner these past few days. A combination of mucky recall and distraction of other things have kind of dragged me down. It's basically more of what was in that backlog entry. A bunch of nonlucid and semi-lucid bits.

      I recall being in a star wars movie. I was on the city planet. I remember saying to myself that I thought this planet was kind of uncreative. It was just like new york city but with a more futuristic look.

      I rode a floating train and somehow found myself in a cave where Jedi and Sith were fighting one another. I recall not belonging to one side or the other but Darth Vader attacked me. He knocked me down to the ground but suddenly became very conflicted about what side he thought that he really belonged to.

      I then remember Yoda and *sigh* Jar Jar Binks were fighting.


      I recall learning that there were 27 Bionicle movies by looking on a box at my friend S's house. (My friend S collects Bionicles.)


      I remember going into the avatar state while I was semi-lucid. I was in some kind of gym class.


      I at my college. It was the beginning of the year and they were having a festival showcasing all of the different frats and clubs that you could join. I remember these one people started something called the 'Be happy' club. It was clearly a bunch of 8-year olds and their parents and I have no idea what they were doing on a college campus.

      I didn't even go over to them, because I wasn't interested. But one of them walked over to me, one of the parent women and gave me a pamphlet. It turns out they were actually this odd religious group that worshiped a god called happysan.

      The more I stayed near them, the more I started to get a really creepy vibe. I started to walk the other way. I saw that the fair had for the most part disappeared and that I was now on the bike path at the edge of my town that leads to the sate park. I vaguely recognized the area but there was a large lake that was in place of the field in waking life. The path continued across a land bridge. A few of the booths including the 'be happy club' stayed around as well.

      I started walking back in the direction that would take me home. I randomly became
      lucid. Manei appeared out of the crowd of people. She asked me to give her a piggy back ride. I told her she could for a minute. She got on my shoulders. It probably looked a bit ridiculous since she is much taller than me.

      Me:"Next time, you're gonna carry me!"

      Manei:"Now, Fly!"

      Me:"This is probably a bad idea..."

      I got about three inches off the ground, then realized how off my center of mass was and flew backwards into a big tree. We just laughed off what was actually one of my softer crashes. Manei told me that another test was coming and left.

      I started flying around on my own. I was noting how the dream didn't seem to put any ceiling on how high I could fly. I remember experimenting with putting my hands in front of me like superman but this made me fly slower. Probably because I can go fastest if I put my hands behind me because I can project flames out of my hands and feet. I don't see them most of the times, but I can see them flickering out of my peripheral.

      I then tried flying through the trees. I remember putting my arms out to my side and flying forward. I could then push myself from side to side to avoid the trees. I also recall seeing my friend A on the walking path. I waived 'hi' to him.

      I somehow found myself in a small indoor pool area. There was a dc with short light brown hair and a black girl swimming in the pool. The boy asked me if I liked the show FairlyOddparents. I told him (honest answer here) that I thought it was obnoxious because the characters were always shouting and it seemed to repeat the same formula over and over.

      Well apparently that wasn't the answer that he wanted to hear because he got mad, got out of the pool and came after me. I started to fly away, but he grabbed my leg. I spun around with my arms, boosting with fire to spin him off, but he did a flip and landed with my rotation.

      I got down and we started fighting. I couldn't believe that there was a DC able to match me in combat. He didn't look to be all that in-shape. In fact he was a bit of a chunker. I almost managed to land a blow when I preformed a sweeping kick while my foot was on fire. I singed the hairs on his chinny chin chin and he staggered back into the pool.

      He got back out and got me on the defensive. I thought about using my hidden blades but then I remembered that I was trying to be less violent in dreams. Instead I pinned him against the wall and put my fingers on the inside of his eyes. (Threatening to poke his eyes out)

      Me:"Just drop it, Okay!"

      DC:"Okay, okay!"

      The dc seemed bitter about it, but he let it go. I lost the dream and woke up.

      Spoiler for Notes:
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Lucid Flux (Backlog)

      by , 06-25-2015 at 01:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had signed up to play this online Lego game where your character, a Lego person was able to move around the world, build buildings, vehicles, etc in a big megaserver. (Kind of Roblox type thing, but with real Legos)

      I looked through the missions that you could play for the day and most of them looked pretty boring. All of the missions were displayed on this title screen in little landscape portraits. Playing a mission gave you more Legos. There was also some steam workshop type setup to make your own levels, and most of the levels advertised were player-made. There was one mission that looked suited to my talents. It involved getting to a nav point 12 kilometers away from the starting point while avoiding getting killed enemies.

      I dropped in in a Lego mech-suit that I had built. It looked something like the mech suits from the James Cameron avatar. (Yes, I have to clarify which avatar I am talking about, even when it comes to the mech suits since Legend of Korra has mech suits now...) Not a perfect replica by any means but it gave me that sort of vibe.

      I remember a voice in the game telling me that I had to connect the oxygen supply so that my character could breathe. I connected one of those bendy lego tubes from my cockpit to one of the oxygen tanks on the front of the mecha-suit.

      The planet I was on looked like Laythe from Kerbal Space Program. Minimal texture quality and detail. The navigation marker showing me the point that I had to get to
      (I think I was rescuing someone, actually) It looked like a KSP target marker as well. I was also getting a Spore vibe for some reason.

      I remember beginning to walk to the maker. I began to be attacked by these red and white fighter ships, also made of Legos. My mech suit had a large machine gun that shot lego studs. When they hit the fighters, they disintegrated into piles of legos in the most satisfying way you could imagine.

      The fighters came few and far between at first, but the difficulty quickly amped up to obscene levels as squadron upon squadron of fighter swooped in.
      At one point I remember calling out that some of the fighters were actually Lego Star Wars Republic Gunships. (I used to have that set until my cat knocked it off the top shelf of my room. Now its just spare parts in a plastic Tupperware bin, along with most of the other Lego Star Wars sets I played with as a kid.)

      I had no way to know that my mech was getting destroyed, and it was. I blew up and failed the mission and got taken back to the mission select screen. I saw that I was not allowed to attempt that level agian for another 24 hours. Dang it! One of those type of games.

      Dang video game dreams...


      In another dream, I was on a paranormal investigation team with some of my friends and my parents. I was annoyed that my parents were there because I was afraid they wouldn't let us do dangerous stuff like go into creepy abandoned houses. (Because all the fun of being a paranormal investigator is to go into creepy places and camp out there.)

      The place we were investigating was lame too. Just a house in a real life cul-de-sac near the entrance to my subdivision. Nothing about the house seemed out of the ordinary. The people who lived there kept it surprisingly clean, but they complained of noises coming from the basement.

      When we went to investigate their house disappeared leaving only a concrete foundation with a rusted iron trapdoor. I became partially lucid and got a bad vibe from the door and told nobody to open it. My parents
      (of all people) were the ones most enthusiastic to open it. What an expectation reversal we have there! I took some encouraging but we decided to open it.

      I don't recall what happened after that. One odd detail about the dream was that the sky was a hazy yellow and the plants were lush and green.

      I recall the night that this dream took place coming to a close with some odd dream music. A repetitive beat of a bass drum and a very low-pitch synth beat that almost seemed to vibrate my whole body every time it played. Simple, but it was catchy.

      This occured in some odd state between waking and dream world. I knew I was dreaming, but I wanted to hang onto the dream music for as long as possible.


      I remember watching the moon crash into the earth from the deck on the back of my house. It was a clear summers' day with only a few scattered clouds.

      The moon was crashing thousands of miles south and I could just see about half the disc over the horizon before I felt an impact shockwave. First in the ground, then in the air. All of the clouds formed a wall that passed across the sky heading away from the impacting moon, and sweeping up all the clouds as it went.

      I realized that a disaster of such astronomical proportions means that I must be dreaming. I then found myself in the front yard rather than the back. Manei was there. One of us said that the moon hitting the earth wasn't as bad as we thought and that it was like when the dinosaurs died out. All that was going to happen was dust was going to block the sun making it cold and stopping crops from growing.

      After becoming lucid, the careening moon disappeared and we forgot all about the catastrophe. The dream shifted some.

      I found myself flying halfway across the neighborhood until I found that this girl from my neighborhood who used to bully me as a kid.

      I stopped and hovered above her party long enough for everyone to notice the flying person. I then reached behind myself because I thought there was a pie there, and sure enough, there was. I threw it in her face. Oh so satisfying. I threw snowballs at some of the other party-goers.

      Dreams are good for revenge and blowing off steam...


      I vaguely recall being semi-lucid at my taekwnondo studio. I was attempting to learn to do flips without destabilizing the dream. I remember in one I landed on my back but it didn't really hurt. My Taekwondo master was there and was helping to coach me on my technique.


      I remember I was playing tennis at the court at my high school with the girl that I used to crush on in high school. Funny that the dream chose tennis because
      I'm not very good at it, and from what I can gather, neither was she. But for some reason, in the dream, she was like a tennis champion or something, and she was kicking my butt.

      I became semi-lucid and then kicked her but in tennis. I then remember flying a loop around the tennis court and then rocketing off south. I wanted to fly to the beach resort my family goes to in puerto rico. I remember breaking the sound barrier and flying above the clouds. I could see the curvature of the planet moving under me.

      I stopped and sure enough I was right where I wanted to be. But when I flew down I noticed that all of puerto rico was completely undeveloped. No cities, no roads, no people. I don't care. I landed atop one of the mountians.

      I lost my lucidity and got into this game about figuring out what tree in the rainforest was the oldest. All of the trees looked identical but were scaled to different sizes with bigger trees obviously being older. I recall some kind of hologram would come up when I walked near a tree showing its exact age.

      The dream somehow shifted to my parents bedroom in my house that had been converted into this castle theme. The walls were made out of gray stone bricks, there were torches instead of lamps and there were coat-of-arms banners hanging above the bed. A female DC said that she was a re-decorater that my parents had hired. She told me to come with her and she would give me a tour of the new expansions on our house.

      She began walking me around through hallways and big cavernous castle halls. I figured there was no way these would fit in the space that was formerly my parents' bedroom. She seemed to like pointing out all of the paintings that were hanging about. I kind of got a Minecraft vibe because I knew that there were paintings in Minecraft. I also felt that the torches and stone bricks made it feel like that. I surely had to be suspended above the lake behind my house. When I began thinking about the implications of how I had transitioned into here, the dream changed yet again.

      I was on a paved bike trail. The scene was exceptionally vivid. On my left was a railroad track. Beyond that was a forest of exceptionally tall and thin deciduous trees with leaves. A strong wind blew, revealing the silvery undersides of the leaves. On my right was a strip of land filled with weeds and wildflowers stretching about fifty feet until it hit a chain-link fence. Beyond the chain-link fence was a trailer park. The sky was dark and cloudy and I think I heard thunder roll. More wind blew and I saw how vivid the field of weeds and shrubs was.


      I was being chased by a group of soldiers. The dream began on the road outside my neighborhood. There were no cars on it, and I was standing in the middle of the road. They had two tanks and a huge platoon of men.

      Somebody told me that my voice had power that I needed to use to defend myself from them, and I became semi-lucid. (Soooo much semi lucidity its making my brain hurt... I can't belive I am saying this, but whatever happened to good old nonlucidity?!)

      The next thing I knew I was being chased through a baseball diamond. Soliders kept popping up. I kept yelling 'baseball' every time one appeared and he would turn into a baseball in a poof of smoke like a magic trick.

      I remember on the bleachers around the diamond there were all of these pieces of plywood laid out like a track and some of the soldiers were riding around on ATVs trying to shoot me.

      The dream came to a climax in my house where the commander of the army, this fat Mexican guy wearing a general outfit had me cornered. He was like the boss and he was harder to kill than the other soldiers. I looked at the knife block in my kitchen and levitated all the knives out and surrounded myself. It seemed like there were hundreds and hundreds of knives.

      I then yelled 'Knife Storm' and all of the levatating knives short toward him and stabbed him.

      I then became fully lucid and realized that I might be becoming just a tad too violent in my dreams. I didn't beat myself up too much for it since I wasn't properly lucid but I promised myself I would try to seek peaceful resolutions more often.


      I was playing a game where I was attempting to WILD. I remember thinking that I was not good at WILD and would probably fail t the game. I had to do it by holding my mental state in a very particular way to fill up a circular meter. I got about 3/4 of the way every time and it would go back down. While I was doing this I was presented with the weirdest hypnogogic imagery of multicolored tablet shapes against a white background that would fade in and out of existence.


      I was with some friends exploring an uninhabited tropical island. The island had mountains around the sides with a crater in the middle as if it were a volcano. Inside of the crater there were no plants, just pools of water. The pools turned out to be hot springs.

      I owned the island, but somebody else 'stole it' from me and built a resort and reaped all of the profits for themselves. I was upset that the resort destroyed the natural beauty of my island and charged people to use the hot springs. They built some kind of pool or water-park complex fed from the springs. It also felt like we were in the park near my subdivision.

      Next thing I knew my entire family was there, and in what I have realized is typical dream fashion they were all just super-annoying spoofs of all of my family members. They kept wanting to put sunscreen on me even though we were indoors.

      I remember there were also lifeguards that had a bunch of rules. We were not allowed to jump in the pools or splash one another. They also had these hoses that you could use to spray other people but when I went to spray some kids that were about 10, a lifeguard told me to stop. (Why do you have the hoses for spraying people then?!?! )

      I became semi-lucid yet again. A lifeguard told me to put on a swimsuit.

      "Oh, great. I'm naked..."

      I manifested a swimsuit. I actually probably would have gotten properly lucid if I hadn't gotten distracted looking at this one girl. Now with me, no matter how hot a girl is, I don't go all googly-eyes over them. (In waking life or the dream world) But something about her just drew me in. The funny thing is I don't even remember what she looked like. Green eyes, black hair and a black swimsuit are all I really can remember.

      It was at this point that I realized that a good percentage of people at the hot spring were naked. I wished this girl was one of them...

      The dream repeated, back to the part where we first discovered the island. The only people there were my friends S and C. S was his furry self and C looked totally normal. S told me that he was the one who changed the dream so that now I could get a sun tan in peace. I thanked him for that.
    3. Weird boarding school, Getting a Lucid Dreaming Liscence, Sexy female Hitler.

      by , 06-20-2015 at 04:40 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was walking in a beautiful woodland area. There were steep slopes and gullies covered by tall trees forming a canopy high above. There was a river down below and I walked across a rope bridge.

      I was going to school at some really fancy ivy leauge boarding school. The teacher asked quite bluntly that the ugliest kid in class please come up to the front so that she could do a demonstration for her psychology class. It turned out to be this kid from the back row who got bullied a lot. And in all honesty, he wasn't that ugly. His hair was patchy and missing in places, but other than that he looked pretty normal. She then got this big bully kid to stand next to him but I can't remember his purpose.

      The teacher asked him to please take off all of his clothes. The ugly boy flexed and like in a cartoon his shirt ripped off and he was really buff underneath and the bully got really scared and ran out of the door of the classroom.


      For some reason the scenario repeated in the schools auditorium. There were several bullies around the boy now but they were actors and just pretending to be bullies and they knew he was really buff under his clothes. What was going on here had something to do with how the audience reacted to how ugly the boy was.

      I had this really weird view of the happening from above. I think I was working on the backstage crew or something. The teacher told me to observe how the audience reacted for my studies.

      I was walking around the pond in my subdivision alone.
      I became lucid when I realized I was walking around the path in the opposite direction of the way that I usually walk. It was a clear, sunny, summer day. Jonathan, of all people approached me, even though I thought he left my dreams.

      He gave me something. It was a blank lucid dreaming license. He said that he had stolen it from me back when we were enemies and now had realized that I should probably have it back. He told me that I had to go fill it out and get it stamped by [somebody] at an office somewhere.

      I asked him if he would like to come along with us. He laughed and got really nervous. He had one of those big sweat drops on him like in an anime. (Kind of weird because Jonathan himself looked realistic, the sweat drop just looked like a crappy drawing.)

      "Haha! If Manei caught me back around here she would never let me hear the end of it... I'd better get going."

      He left. The next thing I remember Marcus and Manei showed up on this big four legged robot walker device. One of the legs came down and I stood on it. It picked me up and put me on the platform on top. Then a little laser shot out from the platform. It ended in the air making a white energy ball. Then the laser went in a circle drawing with the white energy. When the circle was complete it became a portal and we walked through.

      The place we entered looked like outer space. The sky was bright blue/purple with bright stars everywhere. There were little asteroids everywhere but they seemed to be fixed to their locations and didn't move when we stepped on them. I noticed that we didn't feel any forces standing on the walker. Even if we jumped across a gap or changed directions, I couldn't feel our velocity changing.

      "Notice how we don't feel anything. That's because this platform utilizes a differential gravity compensation algorithm."

      We came across this one asteroid that had a small one-story house on it. There were a bunch of people having a barbecue in the backyard. Among them were my parents who the two DCs accompanying me invited along. I told them not to invite my parents because they always just become annoying in dreams. But it was too late.

      We eventually arrived at another asteroid with this big library-looking building on it. Supposedly this was like the secretary of state for the dream world. We got off and went inside. In the front they had a waiting area kind of just like a secretary of state office with all of these people waiting in line, only it looked to be a whole lot older. All of the desks were wooden and there were rows of metal filing cabinets behind them. Everybody in our group got in the back of the line.

      So I guess this is where the dream decided to do all of the jokes that it could possibly think of. I remember seeing Sharkboy and Lavagirl waiting in line. There was also Neo from the matrix with a spoon in his hand. I remember Cobb from Inception was standing in line with a broken shared dreaming machine. There was also the ugly kid from the earlier dream only he was really fat now. I think I remember GizEdwards being in the line holding a broken Remee.

      Though the weirdest thing I saw waiting in the line was DawnEye11. Her head was sticking out of the companion cube from portal that was on one of those metal carts like from Home Depot. Eye and Dawn were pushing the cart. Dawn was wearing a red dress and had wavy hair and was texting somebody on an old looking cell phone. Eye looked normal. I don't know what that was about... and I don't think I want to.

      I remember I tried to get her attention but Eye told me to leave her alone because they couldn't find her body so they had to substitute it with something else.

      By far the longest stretch of time that I have wasted in a lucid dream was right here. Maybe that's why I remember everyone that was in line. We stood there without talking easily for ten minutes without even talking, much less doing anything. Eventually Manei and I got bored and decided to check out the back half of the building. The others said they would hold the spot in line while we looked around.

      The back half of the building was like a very old library with tall wooden bookshelves and the likes. I started flying around the bookshelves. Again, there was sort of a long stretch of time where the dream was stable and nothing really happened. At the very least, I could practice maneuvering and what not. I remember figuring I could reverse direction very quickly by stopping my flames, doing a half of a front flip and simply orienting myself backwards then starting the flames in the opposite direction. The dream took surprisingly well to all of the spinning and tricks that I did in the air.

      At one point I noticed a side room. There was this side room that was a dance studio. There were a bunch of girls in tight clothes practicing some kind of dance. When they saw me, they asked how I could fly. I told them it was a lucid dream and that I could do anything. They all vanished from the scene at the same time.

      I landed eventually realizing the dream was going nowhere. Manei and Marcus were reading together out of some book. I landed next to them.

      "This dream plot is so stupid, can't we change it."

      "We can now, your parents fixed your lucid dreaming license. Here!"

      MEMBER INFORMATION-ld-liscence.jpg

      "Wait... they were actually useful?"

      "Yes, that's why we brought them along."

      I remember trying twice to dream spin. The first time was the standard dream spinning around in your spot. The second time I did a triple front flip hoping that would blur up the scene enough to change it. But no, we were still in the library and not one thing had changed.

      I remember thinking of the dream where Manei explained how dreams were more stable now and dream spinning was harder. Sure that's really useful for doing mid-air flips without the environment changing, but I still had to ask how I could get dream spinning to work.

      "Perhps it is because you only impart rotational velocity along a single axis. If you were to make use of all vertices, you would be successful."

      I have only some idea what that meant. I then tried one more time and this time the dream actually changed.
      I was inserted into the body of a large muscular black man who was a commando attempting to infiltrate Nazi Germany and kill Hitler.

      I crawled out of an air duct into the room of an old brick building and got in a fight with a couple of enemy soldiers. None of us had guns, so we fought with knives and punching and kicking. I beat most of them up but the last guy I fought took me to the ground. I killed him too. It was difficult adapting to this body, but I had managed.

      I made my way outside onto the street. I was in what looked like a war-torn city. Half the buildings were piles of rubble. In front of me was a large symmetrical brick building that looked relatively untouched. It looked like a government building of some sort. There was a large staircase leading up to the front. On the saircase was row upon row of Nazi soliders. Standing at the top were two tanks, but they walked on two legs rather than tracks.

      In between them was a very attractive woman but with Hitlers' mustache, and she had a rather revealing variant of the uniform with two golden pistols on her belt.

      I was still semi-lucid to the point where I could think 'Why on earth am I dreaming of this?!" I think that when I stepped into the street I was spotted by one of them and got shot and died.

      My soul went OOB though and I was flying around. I flew into the building they were standing in front of and saw that inside they were developing new versions of the walking tanks I had seen outside. Marcus' walker from earlier in the dream was also in there, only it only had three legs now, rather than four. I thought that I should report this information back to HQ but I wondered how I would do that now that I was just a soul.

      Updated 06-20-2015 at 08:37 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. #212: Waterbending and lots of nonlucid stuff

      by , 05-31-2015 at 01:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with being late for my summer class. For some reason I was running up all these flights of stairs trying to get to class in time and worrying about some homework that I should have done. I think I was in some kind of hotel or dorm environment.

      I was flying some kind of space fighter ship on patrol low above the moon. This big ring shaped ship that belonged to my friend S came out of nowhere and started missiles firing at me. He hit me twice and my ship was almost completely crippled. I turned around and rocketed toward him and hit him causing the ring to break and the whole ship to disintegrate.

      What we were doing turned out to be a game sort of like Kerbal Space Program. He showed me this base he had built on the moon where the ring ships were built.

      Something to do with the Teen Titans. Only they didn't look animated, they all looked like real people. Cyborg had some kind of malfunction that caused parts of his robot body to go haywire and automatically attack the other titans. I remember his arms and legs detached and came after everyone.

      We had to dispose of his computer chip or something to return him to normal. This meant that I had to fly this big plane over the ocean and drop the chip from a certain height onto a certain spot on the ocean.

      The ring shaped ship showed up again and shot the plane's engines.

      The scene repeated several times.

      I was back in my own neighborhood so this might have led into the lucid part of the dream. There was something to do with my next door neighbor having two driveways. Starfire showed up and asked me if that was normal. I think that's what caused me to become lucid but I don't remember.

      I actually remember getting lucid twice last night, but I forgot what occurred while I was in one of the lucid dreams.

      I do remember the other lucid involved me practacing waterbending on the lake behind my house. I was experimenting with different moves seeing what would work.

      I remember using the push-and-pull move. (Thinking that it is a very basic move, also the first one that they ever did on the show.) But I was able to push-pull the whole entire lake making a big wave go from one side to the other. I sloshed it back and fourth faster and faster until the water filled up all of one side.

      I then remember making the water into like a stream or a whip. The whip was disappointingly small and thin, but I seemed to have a good level of control over it.

      I then tired making like a ghyser or a spray erupt out of the water but it didn't work. The water just bubbled up a little bit.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. #211: Flying through a Window

      by , 05-30-2015 at 01:19 PM (Lucid Time!)
      There was actually some long elaborate dream linked into this that I do not recall. I only remember what I was fighting with this guy with short black hair who was the president of a university campus, when something tipped me off that I was dreaming and I became lucid.

      He sent guards after me but I flew around inside of this big modern glass building and flew threw a window at one point. I remember there being the strangest sensation of the glass breaking on me. Because it was a university, there were a bunch of students who looked in amazement when I was flying.

      Eventually I did talk with the guy and we worked out whatever argument we were having.

      My dream recall has been terrible. My sleep has felt weird lately, like I am sleeping like a rock without the regular awakenings and dreams are very hard to recall, and I wake up feeling very tired, though this wears off very quickly about half an hour after I get out of bed.

      other bits and bobs, I can't remember what date these go to.

      Something to do with being in this race to get from one side of the USA to the other across an interstate highway. I was driving a white moped but it kept breaking down. Luckily there were auto repair shops like every 500 feet along the side of the road...

      Alien astronomy. I am in what feels like my backyard, though really I am on another planet. I believe Marcus is there he has this really big old steampunk style telescope set up and he is turning all of these gears and cranks to look at different planets in the sky.

      I remember the sky was already weird. There were several moons big enough to see with the naked eye. The biggest one was this white ice moon. There was also a green gas giant with rings but it was small; only about half the size of the moon in the sky. We did look at it through the telescope though and get a clear view of the storms on the surface as well as the rings.

      There is a dim red star in the distance that on this planet was called the 'nightsun'. It was a sun that orbited around at night to ensure it there was always a small amount of light.

      Rave party. On the beach. (The location actually felt really farmiliar, perhaps from another dream.) Weird distorted electronic rock music. Weird dream food. I think there were more weird planets in the sky.

      Raiah was the DJ. I got to enjoy the party for only a minute or two before the dream changed. Manei appeared but she was a character in a dating sim and was talking to me in a little diolouge box. Then Raiah became a character in a dating sim. Then I became female and was the third character.
      I became semi lucid.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Browsing the Fourms in dreams yeilds weird stuff...

      by , 05-25-2015 at 02:07 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was looking at this thread that had been posted on Dreamviews. The OP said something about posting pictures of the planets, and that we could have nudity if we wanted to. I scrolled down and saw that everyone was drawing pictures of different girls in different skimpy outfits.

      I got to (Post number 8 I think it was). It was by DawnEye11. She said something about Manei and myself and posted a drawing of a very tall, thin boy with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a long white coat. It looked sort of like my cousins' anime style though. He had a round stomach though and sort of looked like he was fat. She posted about how the thought that the round stomach made him cuter. I wanted to reply asking her how that was supposed to be a picture of me and Manei but there were a bunch more posts, so I wound up PMing her instead.

      I scrolled down to the end of the thread. I forgot who had made this last post but it was an AMV. There was something in the description that was referencing Manei's tribe and I clicked on the video.

      The music was weird enough as it was. There were a bunch of muscular looking guys with short hair and two long braids going down either side from behind the ears. They were wearing blue sparkly shorts and making a beat on these weird drums that sort of sounded like lava bubbling or something. They kept chanting 'Ranuranurah' at regular intervals. The girls came out and looked sort of like las vegas showgirls with big feathers on their butts. They started dancing by shaking their hips. (Keep in mind this was all animated.)

      Then a character who looked like me but had really big eyes appeared and shouted "Lava Solo!" and it cut to this lava monster sitting in a lava cave using two pieces of stone floating on the lava as turntables to make the bubbling sound that the drummers were. The lava monster looked CG. His head came off and his eyes got really big and flew towards the screen. This suprised me (Kind of like a jump scare) and
      I woke up.

      Dream music is so weird.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. I feel like I should post these Dreams :P

      by , 05-24-2015 at 03:51 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I can't recall what dream goes with what night since I haven't felt the need to post. A combination of lousy dream recall and the fact that my DJ is becoming ridiculously big has to do with that.

      I recall a quite elaborate NLD where I was touring rural china on a bus. There were all sorts of absurd things on the bus such as people with chickens and goats. Though I got off at the wrong stop and got left behind in some random village, where I found an exact duplicate of my own house from home.

      I went inside, but I was followed by twin criminals/bandit boys who I fought with martial arts. I remember I was trying to call the police since they were stronger than me and I couldn't fight them off.

      Now these next two dreams were both 'Lucid' in the fact that I knew that I was dreaming. But I still didn't feel like I was all there. Kind of like lucid dreams that I sleepwalked through. Something feels off about the way these LDs were, so I'm not counting them as proper LDs.

      The first dream involved conflict with some sort of monster. If I recall correctly he was called my someone a 'Lucid Demon' He was all black made of armor plates and spikes and had two long flail like weapons and chains. He kind of had cartoony proportions with huge shoulder plates, a broad, bulky chest, and a tiny head, but was made of real-looking material.

      I was fighting him in third person perspective. It was a really intense and destructive battle and we were punching each other through houses and I was using my fire to its full extent hurling huge swirling red and blue fireballs at him. (Shame I couldn't be more lucid than I was for that kind of control.) I think I beat him eventually.

      I got more lucid, but I still wasn't perfectly lucid or completely there. I was now in my parents' bedroom. The walls were painted orange though. Manei walked in and tried to feed me some kind of chocolate truffle she had on a plate. I told her she should eat it instead, she deserved it more. I also said something sarcastic about not eating enough chocolate in WL. She ate it then started trying to tickle me. I told her to stop bothering me because I thought the lucid demon might come back to life and attack her.

      ^You see this really irritates me that this can happen to me sometimes where I am interacting with my dream guide and mentioning waking life, but I am not properly lucid.

      -Another Day-

      The other lucid involved me flying around on a magic quilt in my neighborhood. (The Quilt is actually one very specific one that I have in my closet right now.) I was flying around my own subdivision where the woods trail is.

      I came across these two douchebags. (Literally they looked just like douchebag type of characters, with shutter shades, baggy pants not pulled up all of the way, a shirt that said 'YOLO', you name it, they had it. So I have every right to call them that.)

      I became lucid and the magic quilt lost its power and fell on the ground. I caught myself in the air and started flying on my fire jets and impressing the DCs. I could tell they were looking for a way to insult me, but it's kind of hard to insult someone who is flying around on a column of flame.


      I was trying to get the characters to become good people by talking to them while we walked together on the woods path. But these little white dogs appeared and started barking at me when I tried to talk. I tried talking and telling them to be quiet to them (knowing to some extent that it was a dream and that I should be able to talk to animals.) But they kept barking and started trying to bite me. I tried to swipe them away by moving my hand over the spot in my field of vision where they were, but they didn't go away. I woke up from frustration.

      Updated 05-24-2015 at 01:58 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    8. Nonlucid Bits&Bobs

      by , 05-20-2015 at 04:23 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in my old high school locker room. My college roommate was there as well and was naked. I was not naked but I was in my underwear and I was trying to get a large number of legos to fit inside one of the lockers, but they kept falling out all over the floor.

      I was leaving my old high school. (Same dream, quite possibly). In the parking lot, I ran into the skinless giant from Attack on Titan (that I haven't watched by the way, though I assume he is normally a bad guy.) He was friendly here, though and asked me for a fist bump. He got down on his knees and put his fist near me. It was about the size of a small house. I gave him one, and he walked off happy.

      I remember moving some kind of tracking device attached around my left leg while sitting on the patio by the lake in my backyard. I peeled it off of my skin and saw that it was sticking a needle in. Pulling out the needle was painful and it was attached to some tube running up the inside of my leg. I threw the device in the water and called a doctor to get the tube out. I remember very clearly throwing the device in the water and seeing the little cloud of blood in the water. The spot on my leg where the needle went in was a pretty big cut but it wasn't bleeding at all.

      I was on a space mission. Scientists had discovered a new planet in orbit around our sun and named it 'Japan'. It was a little bit smaller than earth, but shared our orbit and had oceans and plant life, but we didn't know if there were animals or people. They sent me and one other person, I think on a hyperdrive-capable spacecraft to the planet. When we got there, we discovered that the only people there were Black Star and Death the Kid.
      (Okay, I think the dream is being a little bit insensitive calling the planet Japan and populating it with anime characters, blame my subc.)

      I was playing a lucid dreaming themed video game, as myself. I was able to fly around with fire jets through some kind of jungle area. There were big clear areas surrounded by stone walls that were broken in places, and there were clouds of fog everywhere. This later transitioned to my own neighborhood. The graphics of the game world looked current-gen (more or less realistic) but my character looked like a 2D sprite. The fire jets also looked really clear. The game had a speedometer saying how fast I was going. It maxed out at 40m/s (or about 18 miles per hour, way to go game, there are real people that can RUN faster than I can FLY 90mph nevermind I'm terrible at math.)

      Updated 05-20-2015 at 12:17 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The Not-That-Amazing Race (#208)

      by , 05-15-2015 at 12:21 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something having to do with my old middle school.

      There was also something to do with this chinese girl who was about 10 and learning martial arts. She already had a black belt and was looking into developing her own move-sets and techniques.

      The first thing I remember was that I was in my neighborhood when a three adult DCs approached me and told me about some kind of trial to join their order that I was not allowed to refuse.
      They also told me that I was dreaming.

      They tesseracted me to a different plane of existence. I still felt like I was where my neighborhood was, vaguely. But it was just a forest. In place of the main road that circles my neighborhood was just a dirt path. It was a racetrack. Also, it was wintertime, so there were no leaves on the trees and there was a lot of snow on the ground.

      The three DCs it seemed would always approach me in a triangular formation. There was a singular woman in the middle with long red hair, who looked to be about 50. The two DCs on the side were both men.

      DC #1:"The rules of the trial are simple. It is a three lap race. Cross the finish line before these two racers by any means necessary."

      They gestured to two race cars (one red, one blue) about to start in a parking lot.

      Le me: "Wait... don't I get a car?"

      DC #2 "Aww, wittle baby thinks he needs a car."

      DC #3 "No, you don't get a car. We'll give you a five second head start if it makes you feel better."

      They continued to taunt me for a few seconds longer. I couldn't help but give a crank-up middle finger to the DCs. DC #2 and #3 looked really confused.

      DC #1 "Go, the cars are gonna start!"

      I started off running. I then started boost running with my fire jets. I could hear the cars catching up behind me. I tried resetting my fire jets, but they always came up tiny. I was still moving at about thirty miles an hour, but as you all know, for a race car, that isn't a lot.

      I thought I could start flying, but this was the exact same way that I flew, and chances are, I wouldn't go much faster than this. By keeping my feet in the ground, I didn't have to worry about three-dimensional movement.

      We rounded the first turn.

      The dream lost clarity and I was on a bike. I was back in my own neighborhood. I then saw the bike was heading straight for a brick archway that went across the road, with a smaller portal for a sidewalk on each side. The bike suddenly felt very tall, and I felt like I was going hit the top of the arch. I put my arms out and managed to stop an embarrassing face-plant into the wall.

      I got up and ran under the archway (I didn't have to duck to fit, that's how tall my bike had become.) I was about to start up my fire jets again when this fat guy came out of nowhere and I ran into his stomach.

      I apologized and kept going. I then nearly ran into a little girl riding a pink bicycle and had to stop running again. I felt like I was inside my middle school now.

      It was at this point that I just sat down and told myself there was no point in trying to race these guys. The dream was just going to frustrate me to no end. I gave up.

      I was somehow teleported back to an observing spot near the finish line. The three DCs were there.


      Something to do with Bruce Banner turning into the hulk and trying to get into the race late.


      I was watching the cars go round on their first lap from the same spot. Then it hit me. (Sort of like that brick wall hit me back in the race.)

      Me: "So, wait a second, I have to win this race by any means necessary? Anything goes?"

      DC #1 "Yeah... do whatever you have to."

      Me: "Maybe I have a shot after all."

      I jumped into the air and landed in the middle of the dirt racetrack, on the final curve before the finish line. I could hear the two cars coming about for their final lap. The red car came around first.

      I used earthbending to cause a large brown boulder to come up under it. It flew off the track. Before it could hit the ground, I made a gray rock column smack it higher and farther away. The car exploded in mid-air a few seconds after being hit by the pillar.

      The other car came around. I tried to earthbend another boulder but the driver evaded in time. She got closer and I tried to do another boulder but she dodged that one too and went past me. I changed strategies. I manifested a black metal bow and three arrows.

      I could see three tires as the car turned into the final stretch. I thought of the Lars Anderson archery video and fired all three of them in quick succession, trying to take out all three tires. I missed the front one, but the two back ones were out. The driver swerved off and swung round. Her car (initially a blue race car) was now a black Hummer.

      I guess she picked up on the whole no-rules thing because she was coming at me, trying to run me over. I jumped into the air and pushed off the radiator on the front of the car. It still sent be backwards. I did a flip and a twirl to see that I was headed for a chain-link fence. I tried to picture myself coming down and landing on it.

      I saw a blue monochrome virtual-reality cutaway view of the car, fence and my own body in flight, along with all of these calculations being made. It said that my momentum backwards would cause me to fall off and that I had to magnetize my shoes.

      I landed on top of the fence. I then manifested another bow and shot a single arrow into the hood of the car, stopping the engine. The driver got out. I was surprised to see that it was an old woman wearing a yellow dress. (Kind of a generic grandma image.) She took a fighting stance and did a kung-fu leap into the air.

      "Great, looks like it's time for this tonight's' random high-octane martial arts fight sequence..."

      I jumped down off the fence. Somehow or other we were in a ~50' Square area completely surrounded by chain-link fence with nothing but grass in the middle.

      Grandma:"You know who you're dealing with, little boy?"

      Me:"You're one to talk, Grandma!"

      Grandma:"I've baked cookies bigger than you!"

      Me:"Hey, that is clearly racist against cookies everywhere!" (man, my dialogue was all over the place last night...)

      The first couple times that we moved in on one another, any attack was either blocked or avoided and we quickly backed off, trying to judge each others' fighting styles. The fourth time though we actually moved into a long sequence, where it turned out we were roughly equals. It was just a long sequence that I thought about trying to remember. (That's how I know I was fully lucid here, because I was planning what I was going to take back with me.)

      It ended with me doing this strange move that defied the laws of physics where I somehow flipped her using my legs and sent her flying upside-down into the fence. As I was doing this move she asked me

      "What!? What master taught you thiiisss?!?!"

      After she hit the fence and fell down.

      "I don't know, I just kind of... made it up..."

      I got the dream ending feeling, and the dream started going dark. The three DCs from before approached me.

      DC #3:"Should we tell him?"


      DC #1:"You passed our test!"

      A visual of somebody's eye color changing from green to a dull blue.

      Me: "Great, now could you please tell me-"

      -wakes up-

      "...what you were testing me on?"
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Double WBTB (#196,197) I'm back and I'm lookin for Jack!

      by , 04-23-2015 at 02:10 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I wish I had more hands so I could give this dry spell more than two middle fingers at a time.

      The dream started off with me in my backyard doing random things and became lucid. I might have actually become lucid because I saw a small Chinese girl wearing a school uniform and walking across the surface lake behind my house. I also remember observing the dream sign of everything being foggy/overcast and all of the plants were very green/lush.

      I saw her getting closer and for some reason thought that they were a threat. There was a big boulder of pink granite with white quartz crystals growing out of it in the garden in my yard. I thought I could earthbend it at them. I could not.

      They came closer and asked me what I was doing. I thought of three questions for her. I asked her the first two questions but I cannot remember what I was asking her or what she answered with.

      I remember the third question was pertaining to finding Jack.

      "So I'm trying to find Jack? Do you know where he is?"

      "Jack?! He's really hot! We should get naked!"

      "Nah, let's save that one for when we're doing the Task of the Month." (What?)

      I told them I wasn't interested, but they were free to do what they wanted. They started to take off her schoolgirl uniform when I noticed they had a little hanging surprise in their skirt. I pointed it out to her and they got really embarrassed and changed their mind about getting naked.


      For one reason or another she got very mad started attacking me she tried to kick me but I blocked. They tried to move in and attack, but I flipped her over. I saw that they had changed into a little boy wearing a martial arts uniform and a black belt.

      They continued attacking and getting more and more angry. I remember them using this weird spinning kick in the air and I grabbed the person's leg and pushed them back into the wall of my house. They tried one more time running straight at me then jumped in the air and did a flip trying to kick me from directly on top. I stepped out of the way and pushed them causing them to fall over.

      (Word of advice, It doesn't matter how good of a martial artist you are, you're probably not going to beat a lucid dreamer.)

      In the end, the DC was laying on the ground, appearing as a different boy now. They asked me why I wasn't hitting them back. I told them it was because they were a little kid (12-13ish) and I got a bad feeling from hurting children. I think I started helping them up when the dream ended.


      I was on Skype. My profile picture was set to the picture that DawnEye11 drew of me and Manei. My friend messaged me asking me who Manei was. (Funny I thought he already knew.) I told him to just forget it and I would change the picture.

      I started looking through pictures I could use. I remember finding this one similar to my avatar picture but the left arm was robotic and made of a bluish shiny metal. The character had this really creepy smile and the lighting looked off. I thought it looked cool but couldn't remember when I drew it. When I tried to set it as my profile picture some kind of error came up.


      False awakening. I am a young kid (10ish). It is Christmas morning. I run downstairs to see what I got. I remember getting a giant Lego Star Wars Clone Trooper figurine that was about two feet tall. My cousin asked me if she was getting a [some gibberish item] from me. I told her I didn't know.


      I am in the soccer field outside my old middle school. There is a bunch of playground equipment in the field. I decided I wanted to go on the swings because I always enjoyed going on the swings as a kid. I saw an empty swing-set with big yellow swings on the edge of the playground.

      I also made some comment about the children playing while walking over there.

      The swings suddenly filled up with people, but there was still one empty one on the end. I got on and started swinging. Another kid asked me why I was on the swings and thought that I might be too old for it. I told him how I always liked to jump off the swing and pretend that I was flying, ever since I was little.

      I then jumped off the swing but to my surprise I just floated there above the playground.
      Lucidity hit me like a truck. I remembered my goal was to find Jack. I figured I could find him by air a lot faster. I took control of my flying, fire jets on. I was only projecting them out of my feet though. I flew a circle around the playground, gaining some altitude and speed.

      "Woah! Look at that!"

      "He's flying!"

      "How is he doing that?"

      I remember this big tree that is actually outside my middle school IWL. I flew through some of the branches. I figured I could fly to my house and manifest him there. I remember thinking to myself that I have never flown to a destination before. (Don't know what kind of broken logic that is, I flew to the moon last week.)

      When I pulled above the hill to see my neighborhood I saw that it had been replaced with a trailer park and a couple of these weird round glass towers with all of these levels covered in different plant species. Beyond that was a mountain.

      I picked up speed and flew up the side of the mountain. The plants began to morph into tropical plants and the sky went from orange to blue. I saw the left side of my vision change to a beach. I thought that this might be a good place to go.

      I did a roll to the left and went in lower over the water. I thought I recognized the shape of the beach as being similar to that around the beach resort my family goes to every year. I expected it to show up, but when I got closer I saw that there was just a wooden house there. Nope. I went really low over the water and started running/sliding across the surface.

      I jumped back into the air and did a flip and started flying again. This destabilized the dream a bit too much. I remember looking at the sun and saying stabilize the dream. I remember seeing some seagulls coming from that direction too. They flew alongside me. I for some reason had the irrational fear that they would poop on me though.

      I saw that I was now flying over an archipelago of tropical islands. I had like eagle vision and it zoomed in and I could see Manei on the end of a peninsula off one of the islands about a mile away. I broke away from the seagulls and pulled in low over the island. I landed and started sliding across the road, still using fire to propel me.

      There was a small concrete bridge and I saw a person driving a jeep coming right at me. The beeped and started to swerve off the road. I pushed flames to the side and avoided him.

      "Sorry! Sorry..."

      I was getting close now, I could see Manei standing there wearing a long blue cloak. Someone else was with her. But as I started to get closer they started walking down the side of the peninsula. I remember getting to where she was standing and looking down. I could see her and two other DCs making their way down the rocks into the ocean. There was also a grove of these bamboo like trees in the water nearby.

      I started to follow her, but I lost her somehow and almost fell into the water. The water with all the bamboo trees looked mucky like a swamp. I didn't want to go in it, and I stopped myself above the surface and started hovering. I wanted to fly back up to see if I could find Manei again.

      I tried to fly up but for some reason went backwards into the bamboo trees forest. Nuts! Not buggy flying again. I floated gently forward back to the peninsula. I stuck my hands in some sand and looked at the sun agian.

      "Stabilize dream."

      I picked up some clarity and tried to fly up, but I just ended up shooting backwards into the bamboo tree forest agian. The back of my head hit a tree. The tree (though it was only about three inches thick) broke and it hurt the back of my head really bad.

      Spoiler for Profane:

      I was now thoroughly lost in the bamboo tree forest. It felt like the forest was swallowing me up. I started to hear some frogs peeping. I grabbed onto a tree and I knew the dream was ending. I grabbed onto one of the bamboo trees and told myself it was time to DEILD.

      I saw my vision go to a bunch of concentric blurry colored boxes. A computer loading bar appeared in white. It said DEILD was loading. It was filling up really slowly, and when it got about 1/3rd of the way I woke up.

      Updated 05-16-2015 at 01:44 AM by 53527

      lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    11. Naptime Semi-Lucid Bits

      by , 04-18-2015 at 12:26 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Took a snooze on the floor of my bedroom today. (For some odd reason.) Remembered some dreamlets and other tidbits from the nap.

      -I was getting some dream music. At first a very odd electronic sounding piece with strange distorted synth sounds. I woke up or lost the dream. I then started getting classical music, I think piano and string instruments mostly. It sounded very unusual though, and some kind of horn kicked in halfway through.

      I either woke up or simply FA'd. I decided to go back. I began hearing a singers' voice this time. A male singer, singing away to a happy tune. What he said was either distorted Spanish or just dreamspeak.

      -Manei asked me to look at her belly button. She said that she was afraid of getting this condition where you would grow a pair of lips around your belly button. She was showing me pictures of another girl who got it. I looked. Nope. Nothing there. But seriously, WTF Manei?!

      I really need to do like a 'The best of Manei' kind of thing on one of the fourms.

      -I remember meeting two characters from my comic, Raiah and Maxwell. The two were sitting on the couch playing video games. (Very in-character...) (Raiah is actually one that I have been trying to make into a DC). Maxwell is her brother. Upon seeing maxwell I was upset that his hair was not spiky. (Since his hair is spiky in the comics, it's actually made fun of on several occasions since things can get stuck on the spikes.)

      I remember getting excited since this was one of the first times that I had seen either of them in a dream. Maxwell smilled at me and for some reason he only had four really big teeth, two on the bottom and two on top. (What is up with all the body malfunctions?!)

      Updated 04-18-2015 at 01:17 AM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    12. Relax (#195)

      by , 04-15-2015 at 01:41 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Two nights ago:

      I was at my old high school, in the gym. I don't think it was gym class though, nobody was else there. I've made my high school a dream sign and RC'd in the dream. But for some reason the nose pinch RC didn't work, and I didn't become fully lucid.

      Last night:

      I had a false awakening. I was laying down under a blanket. I could feel Manei's ora (or that presence she gives off) in the room; she was laying right beside me. And I was instantly mega-lucid, and thinking really clear.

      I was in a room where everything was made of cut polished stone. The room had the layout of a room in my dad's parents (the ones who are still alive) house, and the general feel of it. There was no glass in the window. Just a white curtain blowing gently in the breeze.

      There was a really old TV with a wooden case was sitting where their flat screen TV is IWL. It was on but it was just showing static. Every once in awhile I would see the face of a bald man with a fat neck flash onto the screen. The volume was turned down low and I could barely hear the white noise.

      The sofa had been replaced with some thick mats on the floor and there were vines growing all across the walls. Outside the sky was orange and there was a big purple and blue ringed Jupiter planet taking up a good portion of the sky.

      I got up, and thought of my dream goals. I was trying not to wake up Manei as well, but I guess I didn't do a very good job.

      "Where you going?"

      "To go find Jack and make friends with him. You wanna come?"

      "No. You no go either. Just like TV, you always on. Work hard is good, yes, but need to relax sometime."

      I lay back down with her. She put her arm around me and started to go back to sleep.

      "Great... no getting away now..."

      I stayed with her for a few minutes. I was still feeling restless though, and I really wanted to go and get something done. I started doing affirmations and trying to keep the dream stable. I then remember staring at the ringed gas planet in the sky. I was trying to make out details in a storm, and noticed that I could see it slowly spinning.

      "Relax. Too much tension. I feel it."

      I started to relax. I was still thinking a lot about my reality, but I started to relax and just enjoy the moment. I was startled back to 'reality' when My grandmother came home. I heard her open the door, set her purse and keys on the counter and walk into the living room. It was only now that I noticed that the kitchen (connected to the living room) was completely normal.

      She walked in and got really confused.

      "*duck quack*! who are you people!?"

      The two of us got up. I started laughing at the duck quack sound. Manei thought it was funny too. My grandmother started yelling for help, that there were strange people in her house.


      There was some other alternate part of this dream where she was hugging me and the two of us were spinning around. The environment kept shifting. (Double dream spinning...?)
    13. Random Dreamlets

      by , 04-10-2015 at 02:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Well, I wound up falling asleep around 5:00pm last night. I woke back up at 8:00pm, then went back to bed at 2:00am and woke up at 7:00am.

      I was really hoping something like that wouldn't happen. I'm kinda on a mission right now...

      Something to do with being my female self in a swimming pool. There were two other girls in there. One of whom had her head on backwards and a scar going around her neck. I remembered her from another dream where she had been decapitated. Supposedly the only way for someone to re-attach the nerves to her head was to attach her head backwards.

      I remember something about being in the student center building on my college campus.

      Something to do with a giant blue robot.

      DawnEye11 made this animated video explaining how Dawn protected her from this abusive man.

      I was a part of this criminal group that was designing spacecraft to attack the earth. (Because, you know... that's what your normal criminal groups do... hire random people to design their space fleet.) I was in this large warehouse like room. They had captured these wealthy businessmen and tied them to pillars. They were trying to get information out of them by throwing these little ninja stars into them.

      Something to do with getting inducted into this group on Dreamviews. Spellbee2 was involved. They did this weird thing where they made trading cards for everybody. My card had this lizard wearing a hat and smoking from a pipe wearing a robe. It had some kind of special power. I wrote a PM to... I think Sageous saying that the card didn't make sense and I didn't understand how it was supposed to represent me.

      Updated 04-10-2015 at 04:09 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Battleships, Pools and my Taekwondo Master LD#191

      by , 04-08-2015 at 01:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Some kind of video game or simulation that involved building a battleship and fighting the opponent. People had built really humorous ships in order to win. Somebody built a ship that would always flip over sideways and had a big gun on the opposite side so that gun would land on top when the ship flipped over.

      Somebody else made a ship that was basically a small tugboat with one giant gun battery on it.

      I felt like I was watching a Let's Play or something. (Funny because I think that LPs are a waste of time.) The guy was talking about how you got money to upgrade your ship in the game. But when he won the battle he won a lot of money ($50,000) but you had to pay to repair your ship so he only ended up profiting $1000.

      He got really mad and quit the game.


      I had some kind of reality editing or manipulation tool that allowed me to build things. I constructed a pool in the front yard of my house. However, I was not in the front yard of my own house, but rather a different house unfamiliar to me IWL. I don't really know where it was, but it was built on a hillside.

      Because of that, I ended up making three pools, and I placed a pump and waterfall system that would fall through all three pools. I had also added my own room underneath the uppermost pool, because I didn't have a place to stay at this house.

      I was really excited when I was finished and ran to get the owners of the house. I turned on the pump that would start the waterfall but it didn't seem to be working. The water was bubbling up into the top pool filling it to a few inches, but then it would sink back down into the drain.


      I was in the room I had constructed beneath the top pool. I heard someone knock on the window. I peeked through the blinds and saw a tall asian boy. I figured I would let him in.

      When I opened the door I saw he had a .50 cal sniper rifle aimed at me. He jabbed it into my stomach. This guy was p*ssed off.

      "Are you Estevan [Gibberishlastname], Graduate from Minnesota Institute of Technology?!?!"

      I was strangely calm given the circumstance, but I still put my hands up. Blame semi lucidity. The same semi-lucidity I had while building the pool with reality altering powers.

      "What? No. You got the wrong guy."

      "Oh..." *puts giant gun down* "sorry. You look like him."


      I was at the cafe in my college, still with that same character. He looked a little different now. His hair, that had been sort of a mop head/bowl cut before was now buzzed short. His skin tone seemed a little darker too. He was also wearing one of the shirts from my Taekwnondo studio.

      He was telling me something about how he liked big guns and dating girls. He started losing himself talking about this girl that he had a crush on. His English, that wasn't very good to begin with broke down into either Korean or simply dreamspeak.

      My reason to believe it was Korean was the fact that my Taekwondo master showed up and started talking to him in the incomprehensable language. He told me that English was not his first language. I told him I knew that, and I could help him practice by talking to him.


      False awoke in my college dorm. I RC'd and became lucid.

      I can't even remember the lucid dream, or that much of it. I felt like it went on for a long time.

      I remember leaving the dorm and doing a successful nose-pinch reality check. I just remember, in general, being really lucid.

      I do remember trying to get out of the dorm building a couple times. I tried phasing through walls. I remember going partially through. Passing though the wall felt like passing through a thick liquid, but then it became solid and I couldn't continue pushing through. I stepped back and there was an imprint of my body in the wall.

      I then decided to try phasing through the window. A similar thing happened. I started to push against the glass and it felt liquid. When I was about halfway through the glass turned solid. When I backed away from the window, there was a 3D imprint of my body there too.

      I remember thinking of Blobularwindmil's dare. I still need to do it and I've been really sloppy with getting goals done ever since I destroyed the lucid barrier. I remember thinking that I already did it, but what I had done was really lame. I had a memory of drawing a long tablet shape on a paper and making it into a Popsicle stick. I'm not sure if that was a false memory or not.

      I made my way downstairs to simply exit through the door. The RA was sitting at a table by the door with some other DCs. She said that she wanted to talk with me for a moment. I sat down at the table with her and her friends.

      "Why does the boy with the [something] who's eyes do not mach come to into our world and [gibberish] when he is confined. No matter how hard we hold him down, he can still [gibberish]"

      I'm bad at quoting DCs.


      I had a false awakening where I woke up and started to put my dreams in on Dreamviews. I remember my laptop had been replaced by this really old computer, it looked like it was from the 90's.

      I saw that I had a bunch of PMs from DawnEye11. They were really sad messages saying that I had left Dreamviews without saying goodbye.

      Updated 04-08-2015 at 03:47 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    15. Point Blank Demon Nuke, Morgan Freeman, Lucid (#190)

      by , 04-02-2015 at 01:27 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Well the past few days I have had no recall whatsoever, and didn't feel like doing check in entries for one reason or another. It's nice to get going again with a short lucid.

      The first dream (nonlucid) had to do with some kind of demonic nuclear device going off very near to me. I was able to generate some kind of invisible lead shield as the blast passed over me. When it cleared (not caring about radiation) I began looking for other survivors.

      I found my friend A who was in his alien persona. He was hurt pretty bad and I had to bandage his wound with my shirt. He was bleeding blue glowing blood.

      The nuke went off outside the library on my college campus. I remember seeing the flames having skulls and hands reaching out to grab me inside of them.

      The dream repeated at least once.


      I can't remember what I dreamed of prior, but I was driving around in the car quite a lot. I became lucid when I pulled over into this gas station/grocery store type thing to ask for directions. I saw Morgan Freeman in there and that made me reality check and become lucid.

      I then realized that I was still shirtless from the last dream. I think one of the DCs in the store pointed that out to me. There was a large mirror leaned against the wall. It was not a pretty sight. For some reason I had a huge round hairy stomach. I thought it was kind of funny and held it and jiggled it around to see how it felt.

      I then decided it was better to change back into my normal self. I closed my eyes and opened them telling myself I would be back to normal. I had the body of a chubbier female now. Oops. That's my transgendered side talking again. I played around with that body for a few moments as well.

      I decided to try one more time. I focused on changing into either my dream self or my waking life self. What I got was an anime version of dawn, only shorter, with my normal body proportions. Okay, I'll take what I can get.

      I then had another question. What would happen if I were to do a flip in a dream. I sort of knew that It would probably just end up destabilizing the dream. So I tried one. Yep super destabilized. For some reason, I felt like I was injured or weakened after doing that. I couldn't get up.

      I tried to re-stabilize the dream. I remember reaching with my right hand onto one of the shelves in the store and feeling for whatever item was there that I could use to stabilize. I couldn't see it, the whole dream had gone white, but I could tell it was a clay pot with soil in it, but no plant.

      I lost the dream and FA'd. The following dream was more like hypnoponic imagery though, just some flashes of my Taekwondo class.
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