• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Lucid Time!

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    Dream Signs

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Random Nonlucid

      by , 11-22-2016 at 08:44 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Don't know what's come over me, just had the impulse to share some dreams agian, even if they aren't that interesting.

      In dream, I am much older, and have a wife and (I wanna say five kids, somewhere between four and seven.) I am supposed to take the kids on vacation in Chicago (specifically stated that the city I'm taking them to is Chicago.) My wife, whoever she is in-dream is on a buisness trip and will be laying over in Chicago on her way back from wherever for a couple days. I am to head out there the same day she lays over, then we all return home as a family.

      I arrive at the hotel. It is my responsibility to check in to the hotel so what when my wife arrives later in the day, she can just go straight to the room and relax. The building I am staying in is this extremely tall and thin orange tower that is built outside the downtown of the city alongside this open park area. The building does look rather unusual because of its bright orange color and isolation from the other, taller buildings.

      The inside appears rather normal, though it has a courtyard like a mall with a confusing collusion of escalators and elevators leading to rooms and shops. There is some complication at the check in desk, apparently the fault of the hotel's employees rather than myself, and my room will not be ready for a couple more hours. I have to inform my kids (much to their dismay) that we will have to go outside. (It is currently a blizzard. Apparently this same blizzard has also delayed my wife's incoming flight.) The hotel employee (I think was a robot by the way.) Tells us we may use the swimming pool in the meantime.

      It is at this point that I remember seeing the kids most clearly. They all looked rather ubiquitous. They all seemed to have the same hair (albeit in different lengths and styles) the same faces and expressions, etc. The funny thing was they would all follow me like ducks in a row, with the tallest child (looking to be 10-12ish) in front and the youngest (maybe 5-7ish) in back, creating a steady slope of reducing height.

      We go up to the pool near the very top of the hotel. It is in a glass enclosure and is also structured like an indoor courtyard with rooms and indoor balconies proceeding up several stories above it. The kids begin playing this game about throwing plates. I am concerned that they will injure themselves and am reluctant to let them play until I discover the plates have rounded edges and are made of plastic like light frisbees.

      Eventually we are able to return to the room and order room service, and the wife character arrives. This part of the dream was largely glanced over and I think the wife and children characters were dropped completely after this point.

      I got a call that I had to make it to some kind of business meeting. I had to traverse the city to an office building on the other side, but the roads were closing due to the weather and people thought the electricity might go off. However there was a subterranean network of hotels, shops and casinos that one could traverse to make it to the other side of the city.

      Navigating the network turns out to be frustrating. It is structured more around providing ample shopping opportunities than it is around providing an actual means of reaching two points in the city, and I frequently have to stop and check maps (that of course due to the fact that this is a dream, change). At some point I start using elevators. By going up elevators I can go to the top of buildings and get an idea of where I am at in the city and at the same time cross over some obstacles by moving to another elevator while above ground. But irritatingly, the elevators connected to the subterranean tunnels only link to the top floors of buildings.

      At some point, I manage to find a station of this (I guess you could call it a mass transit system.) They were kind of like mini elevated rail trains that moved along on this rail, only they hung from it, and the gondolas were small (only allowing 4-6 people in each one) and were sphere shaped, with different colored gondolas arriving in a rainbow succession.

      The dream concludes with me giving up getting to the business meeting. (The meeting is canceled on account.) I am in a starbucks coffee on the top floor of a skyscraper that is essentially an all in one college. All of the dorms, offices and classrooms are built into one tower.

      The Starbucks is run by two aliens (like classical depictions of martian aliens, with skinny bodies, big heads, and big black eyes.) Though one of them is dark gray and the other is green. I think there is also a human employee.

      Something funny happens with the aliens, like the dark gray one only serves earl gray and black tea and the green alien serves you green tea. I think I wind up getting two cups of tea, one from each alien.

      My friends H and A are there and they are talking about the plants in the greenhouse that takes up the other part of the top floor of the tower. They want me to come see the plants with them and then they start arguing if fallout 3 or new vegas is better and I break them up. Manei appears (though I remain nonlucid. ) and takes a sandwich from this refrigerator and sits down with it and puts too much mustard on it and I think it is gross. A goes up to him and punches him in the employee in the face and his head goes into a vat of ice cream. I wind up breaking up that fight too.
    2. Strange lucid while sick

      by , 11-21-2016 at 05:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Been really sick for the past few days and had no dream recall at all, at least until this morning. I slept from about 7:00am until about 11:00. I've been taking a break from lucid dreaming but once this illness runs its course I plan to return to and re-evauluate my chart and meditation method. I think it had potential.

      I dreamed I was outside a small house. (It looked rather like a strange combination of houses, my grandmother's, my great-grandmother's and my cousins.) But I'm going to ignore the details because the house phased between various characteristics of all of them in the time that I spent there. In the dream, I am motivated to, for whatever reason, build a cobblestone path leading up to the front door of the house from the street.

      This proves difficult, I do not have enough stones to make a proper path. The path tapers as it runs up the lawn, going from some respectably large and well placed stones to a couple of very small (maybe softball sized stones) as it reaches the front porch. At some point during the dream, the lawn truncates into a steep incline and I must dig away large amounts of dirt to build a sort of ramp that the path can be laid on. At another point, my path somehow ends up lopsided and looping around into the neighboring houses driveway. But eventually I end up creating a semi-successful pathway, despite that by the time I finish, the entire lawn is a patchwork chunks of grass from all the moving of earth I had to do.

      Eventually I finish and I am satisfied. I become anxiotous realizing that I have just done a serious job changing some stranger's lawn. (as the house was still an unrecognizable conglomeration of familiar places, but as far as I was concerned, still a stranger's.) Chances are when they return home, they will find me and I will be punished. I consider running away, but consider that some neighbor has probably already seen me through their window and could identify me.

      Before I can decide a course of action, a white SUV with golden rims around the wheels and a golden grill on the front pulls up. My maternal grandmother steps out, and the SUV drives off.
      This causes me to become lucid, seeing as she has been dead for about five years and I have pegged her appearances as a dream sign. One unusual trait of her is that her eyes are a milky bluish-white, as a blind person's would.

      She explains that I am one of the few people she is able to visit since her departure from earth. (She has appeared in previous dreams, implying this.) I reply to her, saying that is most likely untrue and that the likelihood is that she is simply an image created by my subconscious and not really the spirit of my deceased grandmother. She gets a powerful temper from this, proceeding to say that she will run me down with a car. Then going into the garage and getting into the same baby-barf-green minivan she owned while still alive.

      I get rather frustrated with her, this seems like an overreaction to say the least. The minivan revs into gear. Fully lucid, but still having faulty confidence, I brace myself for the impact. The van jumps foreward suddenly. I push into it with my arms, crushing the face of the car. I then proceed to punch clean through the hood with one arm. I feel around and grab hold of something. (I think it was a cylinder of the engine) and tear it from the car, throwing it with inhuman force into the sky. (It didn't come back down.) Whatever it was I tore from under the hood of the car, It stopped the car from running. My intention was not to cause the projection of my grandmother harm, and the negative implications that entailed, but simply to disable her means of assault. (so, success.)

      I told the projection that my grandmother was never one to lose control of her temper, and even less likely to resort to such a violent means. I begin telling her so and she changes mindsets, getting out of her crippled vehicle and becoming very apologetic for her behavior. I lose the dream around here.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Spells Fall Comp Nights 17 18 19

      by , 11-03-2016 at 11:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Okay I have been busy with midterms and all my dreams are on a couple of sticky notes on my desk because I haven't found time to write them down until now. I have no idea what dreams belong to what night anymore, so I guess its just going to be like 4.5 points to last nights dreams.

      Lets get the boring one out of the way first.

      I was in a cross between my middle school in what was pretty much the stereotypical 6th grade math exam dream. I probably would have become lucid had the dream not changed to be more like a building at my college. I got up and left the class in the middle, though.

      I went out to lunch with the teacher/professor in the cafeteria that is, like the classroom a weird cross of the student common area and middle school cafeteria. I remember everything I said was dictated by these dialogue prompts and all of the options made me say something that made me seem either unintelligent. I say something about lasagna but it comes out as something about "Cheese and Noodles in the shape of a square." This somehow ends up offending the teacher to the point that she throws a tray in my face.

      It later becomes apparent to me that the person who wrote the game/dream didn't know how to spell 'lasagna' and that's why I wound up saying that.


      I was carving an oversized pumpkin for Halloween in my kitchen. When I cut it open, there are no guts inside. Just lots of already baked and ready to eat pumpkin seeds.


      I am with S. We are driving somewhere in the United States Midwest (He is driving and I am riding passenger. Also, I think we are driving in his old car). I think he is taking me to some kind of convention that I think had something to do with lucid dreaming or spirituality, but we've arrived early.

      We get stuck in this traffic jam on our way to the hotel and we see military and police telling us to please drive into this parking structure. The parking structure has a spiral ramp inside of it that we drive up 15 or 20 stories to the top. We get stopped a couple of times due to traffic backups When we get to the very top there are a large number of people making their way across this bridge to the roof of the hotel where there is a swimming pool. (Dream Sign, ahem)

      People tell us to look. To our left there is a gigantic beetle monster slowly rampaging through the lower buildings in the city. It opens up its wings and suddenly dashes from left to right to the most densely constructed area of the city, flattening all of the lower buildings and brushing past the parking garage, igniting fires, as well as creating a tremendous gust of wind. The beetle then rolls over in the densest part of the city knocking over several skyscrapers.

      People point out two more beetle monsters. These look a bit smaller and have darker shells (instead of a dark bluish gray like the first one these are pure black.) They both dash past the hotel, glancing the facade of the building damaging windows and the outside wall, in a similar manner to the first two, and also begin rolling around in the denser part of the city, grappling with the first beetle. Apparently they are having sex. People start cheering for the beetles.

      Some jet fighters fly over and one of them shoots a nuclear missile killing all three of them. S and I decide fairly apathetically that we should leave because the nuclear fallout might be harmful.


      Marcus is telling me about his plan to colonize mars. I am seeing a visual of this robotic rocket that will land nose-first. I think at some points in this dream I saw the dials and readouts from Kerbal Space Program. When it lands it will eject the nosecone and the engines and the midsection will prop itself up on six spider-like robotic legs and be able to crawl around the surface. Underneath it also has a number of small devices on robotic arms.

      Additional deliveries will land nearby and they will be inflatable habitats for the astronauts that will eventually be living here. However they need to be protected from radiation, so the robot uses a laser to cut mars rocks into interlocking bricks and build them over the inflated habitats.

      He says that delivering food is expensive so he wants to make a farming contraption. His original plan is to build this tower that will land in one peice and have three circular, ring-shaped levels and each one can be farmed. But its too heavy to be launched all the way to mars on a rocket and he doesn't want the complexity of assembling it just to cover the food aspect of the mission.

      He later comes up with this idea to make inflatable domes (man we're using a lot of inflatable habitats here.) When they are deployed the bottoms flood themselves with muddy water that has the seeds already mixed inside. The interior moisture and temperature can be controlled, though it does get some help heating since the inflatable is clear and it acts as a greenhouse. Some of the water is dried up and added to the atmosphere inside the dome. Then the crops start growing and they are ready to harvest by the time the astronauts arrive.

      Marcus=Elon Musk?


      I am with my father, S, C, A, and a few of my father's friends. We are playing some kind of first person shooter game. The map of the shooter is the lake behind my house. The lake is lined with a white marble bowl in an oblong sort of boat shape, with decorations along the side. There is water in the lake, but it is just a badly textured 2D sheet. Your character can go under or above the water with no resistance.

      At either end of the bowl, there is a team base. The bases look like miniature parthenons and you can go inside them there are several rooms. I think the opposing teams base is larger.

      For awhile we are fighting one another. A is the only one on my team. We are losing badly because our base is much smaller than the opposition and it seems to be able to be destroyed. There isn't anything else to hide behind. I somehow enable zero friction skates and begin skating around the bowl. I have some kind of grenade launcher and begin to turn the tide of the battle, my speed and destructive power cannot be matched by the enemy. But at this point the rules of the game and NPC enemies start pouring over the sides of the bowl and we have to fight them instead.

      The game switches back to PVP and I get killed the moment it does. I respawn in the enemy base. Inside there is a master bedroom with a bed with red blankets and a large framed picture above it. Noodle from Gorillaz and Heavy From Team Fortress 2 are in the bed 'doing the deed'. Noodle gets out and puts on normal clothes and heavy puts on a hula skirt and coconut bra.

      My dad enters. He thinks about killing me for the game winning point, but he seems so confident that he instead starts having a hula dancing contest with Heavy and Noodle. It turns out to be a Steven Universe style fusion dance and they all combine together into this huge black pig/boar, with monster truck wheels for feet and an exhaust pipe for a tail.

      It chases me out of the enemy base. I begin using my regular tactic of skating around the arena launching grenades at the monster but I don't seem to be damaging it. Eventually I run out and resort to throwing fire missiles. (Somehow still nonlucid) Then, Machine guns come out of the boar's nose and kill me.

      The dream scene changes to what looks like a scene from Skryim. It is a circular arena with stone arches all around it. Some of them have collapsed but the debris pile make the arena difficult to leave. It feels about the same size as the old one but is circular rather than oblong. The monster truck boar hybrid is still rampaging around.

      Marcus is on a science fiction hovering platform above the arena. He talks about something called a weapon archetype that persistent dream characters and dreamers have. Apparently it is a schema that becomes associated with a character to what type of weapon they are most in tune with using to handle threats (though it can change), and goes on to cite examples of how in the past, dream me has used a pole like weapon but lately it has changed to be my skates.

      Manei is in the arena, fighting the monster. At first she makes attempts to beat it unarmed by tricking it into ramming itself into walls and pillars but it does not work, it just shakes off the impact. The monster gets the upper hand and rams her into rocks with its tusks. She could run away from the fight, through the archways that the monster could not fit but chooses intentionally not to, even though she is getting beat up. She's intentionally trying to bring out a more agressive side of herself and is aware of the fact that death is temporary.

      I want to get in there and help her but am unable to manifest a physical body or stop merely spectating. There is some broken logic that I cannot get lucid because I do not have a body with which to do a nose pinch RC.

      After taking a particularly bad blow opening a wide cut on her forehead her outfit changes to be blue/gray/black, with armored shoulder-pads and a gray sash around the body. (Only making a detailed note of the outfit changes since her outfit is usually consistent.) Apparently reflecting that she has changed her mindset to be more similar to mine since dream me usually wears these colors.

      She attempts to manifest a weapon. She reaches behind her back (I am viewing her from the front in this case) and pulls out a sword handle. She throws it aside, frustrated. She tries again and pulls a black stick about a foot long with gold decorations on it. She puts her palm to one end and draws it and green energy goes around it forming into a bluish green sword blade. Its a long curved sword, like an oversized katana.

      She proceeds to easily defeat the charging boar-monster truck thing by sliding underneath it and cutting open the belly, causing the monster and the truck tires to deflate rather pathetically. She puts the sword into a sheath but it does not disappear. She then makes two more identical shorter swords and sheathes them too. Her wounds disappear and she walks over to show me the sword.

      I get a view of it like when you gather a rare item in Skyrim and you can examine the model. Apparently the blade is made of malachite. It is mostly turquoise but has some light green patterns in it and is very beautiful. Marcus comments that its remarkable someone does so well their first time managing to conjure a weapon. (Even I can't make a weapon like THAT) I am then allowed to hold the large sword, but I sense I am waking up. It handles sluggishly and it seems too heavy for me to wield effectively. I can also feel it vibrating and putting a strange energy into my arm as though the sword itself is rejecting me.

      Perhaps the expected outcome of being handed someone else's weapon schema.

      4 NLDs 1 frag

      Updated 11-03-2016 at 11:38 PM by 53527

    4. Spells Fall Comp Nights 15 16

      by , 10-30-2016 at 01:40 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Night 15

      I was attending Hogwarts. (These HP dreams are gonna keep cropping up as I read through the series.) However we are in my dorm building, just its full of wizard classrooms instead of dorms and everyone is wearing wizard robes. The thing I remember was seeing and briefly talking with Harry, Ron and Hermoine before going to a magical class.

      Fred and George Wesley had enchanted the toilets in people's dorms and classrooms to have teeth and literally bite you in the butt. The teeth look like those fake joke dentures that you wind up. Neville Longbottom got bit by one. There was some sort of bad pun here in that his last name was longbottom and he had been bit in the butt by a magical toilet.

      NLD x2=2
      WBTB x1=2

      I did a WBTB.

      I was helping my dad drop of stuff he'd sold on craigslist at a house in a neighborhood near my own IWL. I see a cat by the side of the road. While I am sitting with the van stopped in the passenger seat with the door open, the cat climbs in and sits on my lap and falls asleep purring. At first it is a big brown spotty tabby but changes to a small white cat with orange spots on its back and tail.

      Night 16

      I'm going to save most of this dream for my private journal, seeing as it was very erotic. The basic premise was a large, waist deep swimming pool inside a spa/resort complex. There is an equal number of male and female dream characters (8-10 of each). They are all about college age. (Unlike the dream from two nights ago that I didn't post that used an unwilling high school student.) Some are naked and those that aren't are wearing very tight and revealing swimsuits.

      This is some kind of sex game, where the people walk in different directions around the pool for a set period of time while music plays. I guess then it's like musical chairs where you stop and get out of the pool to have sex with the person closest to you. I wasn't playing but I happened to walk into the game by accident without understanding what was going on and disrupted the male/female balance.

      I then meet with this other woman who isn't playing the game, but hosting it. She has long wavy blonde hair and planet-sized boobs, sitting on the edge of a hot tub with men on either side of her. She is wearing a light green swimsuit, though the boys to either side are naked and rather 'excited' looking. I remember she didn't have the most pleasant of personalities, she seemed very angry that I had disrupted her game and did not up to her standards of physical attractiveness.

      This big policeman guy wearing an opaque gray visor over his eyes came in. All of the dream characters started running and hiding.

      "Okay, it's time to get lucid now..." I said.

      While everyone else started running on the pool deck trying to get away, I walked toward the officer. He tried to pull his gun out, but with a swipe of my hand, telekinesis sent it flying from his grip and across the room. He then pulled out his tazer and shot it at me. I caught the prongs with my right hand. I saw the electrical shock coming down the wires (though it's not visible on tazers IWL it was in the dream.) When it hit my hand, I flicked the wire up and down and sent the electricity back, zapping the police guy's hand and making him drop the tazer.

      I went up to fight him hand-to-hand. I went to punch him but he caught my punch and slammed me into the pool deck with enough force to smash the tiles. At this point I recognized that he was some kind of terminator/cyborg policeman. He then proceeded to sit on top of me and try to strangle me (this dream is just so wrong when you consider I was still naked.) I kicked him off with my fire jets and it sent him flying.

      I flew up into the air, hovering above the swimming pool. I decided to try and see if I could conjure firebombs like Marcus said I could. I held out my hands and saw what looked like two or three mini fire tornadoes form and start expanding in size on either side. I figured I was just charging them and I had to release them to attack. I then started pulling backwards, seeing the backside of my body as I released the fire missiles and they shot on arching trajectories bombarding the robot policeman from all sides. I lost the dream and woke up.

      NLD x1=1
      DILD x1=10
      Telekenisis x1=5
      Misc dream control x1=5 (If redirecting a tazer back at the user counts as element manipulation, let me know.)
      Fly x1=5
      Gain Invunerablity x1=5 (If being smashed into a tile/concrete floor hard enough to crack it and feeling nearly nothing counts.)
      Element Manipulation x1=10

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 01:51 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Lucids Nights 12 and 13

      by , 10-28-2016 at 01:22 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Night 12

      -If I remember I was with Tony the Tiger and Spellbee2 (portrayed as a full-size gray anthro cat wearing a green hoodie.) I think he carried a red device like a miniature laptop that also functioned as a cell phone. (I guess it was like the pokedex from that one version of his avatar.) We were all lost in the amazon rainforest. I remember the rainforest being very thick and impassable in some places, and in others, there were clearings full of a few short palm trees and tall grass.

      Eventually, after some time skips and days and days of traveling we made our way to the edge of a city. Unfortunately, when we got there, we found out we had to cross a river to get to the city, and the only thing on our side of the river was a brick walkway.

      The city had a guardian, a giant four-legged robot pod that would stride around over the buildings. It had very long legs and could walk through the river, and it carried us across. I then saw a whole bunch of dreamviews members in a big crowd watching someone that I did't recognize climbing up the side of a skyscraper. I think the dream became very focused on lucid dreaming and this might have been the portion where I got lucid, and I'm remembering things out of order.

      -I was driving to Wal-Mart to get the Skyrim Special edition and for some reason taking my dad's van. I was somehow able to drive from the back seat of the van, but I decided while driving that I should climb over to the front seat so I could have better visibility and work the petals. There was some construction and lane changes coming up and while passing some equipment I struck a very old looking red van.

      We pulled over into a parking lot. There was no damage to either of our cars except a wheel had come off of my dad's van. (Front driver side wheel.) I figured we didn't actually hit but the wheel came off and that was what felt like a crash.

      Two people got out of the van. It was a tall middle age guy with long snow white hair slicked back and a shorter woman with curly white hair. The woman wanted to just stay calm since it clearly wasn't a bad accident but the man was ticked and he started yelling about how young drivers cause all the problems. I tried to get him to calm down saying there wasn't any damage to his car and he might as well get back on the road like nothing happened. But he just kept insulting me personally so I kicked him in the crotch. Then the guy wanted to fight me and tried to attack me, but he was bad at fighting and I beat him up. When the police did show up, the man's wife took my side and said she was going to divorce him if he kept acting so easily angered.


      -I was trying to find the northernmost city in the world. It was some city built in Alaska. I wanted to drive there but someone said something about my car freezing. I got this vision of my car being buried in snow and that began to manifest itself as a dream, but I woke up.


      -Whenever/wherever I got lucid, I was in an underground cavern with buildings built into the walls and ceiling, and a sort of paved floor with a fountain like a large plaza. I remember the first thing I did was fly. I flew around the cavern in a big circle, and landed back in my original place.

      I then thought I could get more competition points by doing mind control. I looked at a little DC boy and pointed at him, and told him he would do a roundhouse kick. He obeyed and did one, but he almost kicked someone else by accident. His mom got mad at me and told me not to mind control him anymore. I said I wouldn't, and she walked off.

      I for some reason then thought to do a reality check, I knew I could get points for it. So I did a really long nose pinch. Then Proceeded to stabilize by kneeling over and pounding on the stone floor tiles of the cavern with my fist.


      I was at a modern looking house with a big swimming pool in the back of it, still lucid. Marcus was there.


      I was back at the cavern location, but I remember it feeling brighter. I summoned Manei and I saw a random girl in the crowd twitch, drop what she was doing and turn and come to me. She looked nothing like the dream guide I know, at least on the outside. Apparently she had decided to try taking over another DC instead.

      I asked her if she could now shape-shift to something close to her usual appearance. She seemed reluctant to do so, but when she tried, she made a loud noise like computer static and I saw her become translucent, and her body parts detached and jumped to different positions before reforming sans the right leg, that was just a skin-covered stump. She fell over. Then her right arm became translucent, her fingers, palm of her hand, and elbow detached. Each one transformed into a black dice with white dots that fell to the ground.

      She said she had made a mistake. Marcus said something about how you should never try to take over someone's body and try to shapeshift since normal dream characters' bodies can't shapeshift it will cause problems and destabilize them. Manei said there was a magical focal point 3000 feet to the north that I could use to repair her.

      "Compass Now!"

      I stomped on the ground and splintered the concrete floor of the cavern with cracks radiating in the cardinal directions. About 10 or 15 feet out the cracks turned 90 degrees and formed a circle with the NESW directions represented with their usual letter. I saw north was directly ahead through a door and picked her up.

      I ran through a door and was in the hallway of my high school. It was crowded and I turned on my zero friction skates. I was able to skate along the side of the wall (ignoring standard physics) to avoid the crowd. I then went through a gymnasium. I got to the magical focal point that was inside of a small bathroom on the far side of the gym, and I got to the bathroom just before someone else did.

      When I got in there I flushed the toilet and a purple beam of light shot out of it. I saw a white eyeball in the light. It was Ateria, the spirit guardian of one of my original characters in the dream. Manei said that I was fast enough for her to return to her form but not fast enough for the dream to not destabilize. I saw things get dark. She told me to come back soon and I lost the dream.

      Night 12:

      NLD x3=1
      DILD x1=10
      RC x1=1
      DC interact x1=2
      Fly =5
      Mind Control =5
      (Okay I'm putting the summon down as DC changing for 10. Figures Manei would find a way to make scoring murky.) =5+5 for DG 'summon'
      Unspecified Dream Control (compass creation) =5
      Super Speed =5

      Night 13

      I recall being lucid. I was in what looked like the doctors room you wake up in in the beginning of Fallout New Vegas. Manei came in carrying beers and she said that she wanted me to kill her father because he dressed up like a cowboy and she didn't like cowboys. I replied pretty annoyed saying (exact words I believe) "Im not killing someone for such a stupid reason." But I was thinking through what she was requesting. I've interacted with her mother at least one time that I can recall, but it was long long ago, and I think she also has twin younger brothers, but this is the first time I've heard of her father.

      I didn't like the implication of killing someone supposedly related to my dream guide even though I was thinking deeply about lucidity and recognized that as a dream guide, she is just an aspect of me and therefore shouldn't technically have a family at all, but the dream can still symbolize it as such.

      Apparently it wound up being one of her dream guide tests of character and I passed. Also the beers wound up being filled with water and she wasn't actually drunk. I also remember seeing her father (wearing the cowboy outfit nonetheless) come into the room. I don't remember too much of what he looked like outside of he was a huge man, but friendly.

      I honestly don't see how these make any sense anymore. Since she is really just an aspect of me, I'm telling myself. No more dream guide tests. Ever. Unless I ask for more.

      DILD x1=10
      DC interact x1=2
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Spells Fall Comp Nights 7 8 9 10 11

      by , 10-25-2016 at 04:43 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Night 7:

      I was with family and friends, supposedly vacationing somewhere in southern China. (Though we drove there from the states by car...?) We were checking into a hotel, a ~5 story white concrete building looking over a sandy beach cove near the ocean with no other buildings nearby. In the distance I can see a large city with heavy industrial buildings and office high rises though, and further inland, I see large mountains. I am looking at the beach (ahem... dream sign... ahem.) and thinking about how I might not want to swim in the water with those polluting factories nearby.

      Somehow, during the process of unloading the luggage, my maternal aunt manages to dislocate/break her hip. Family members begin to panic and I go inside the hotel to call for a doctor. The lobby is cramped inside, all white, with potted palm trees in red clay pots everywhere. Weirdly, there is a doctor on standby with a medical bed and all the equipment you would expect in a side room of the lobby. Though, the language barrier proves tricky because everybody only speaks Chinese. (Actually, I don't remember any non family member dream characters speaking at all.)

      Eventually we did manage to get the doctor to help her.

      Night 8:

      I remember this full dream in excruciating detail but its very dull, so here is the cliffnotes version: Temporal dissonance to my first week of college. I am in a location that is somewhat reminiscent of my elementary school cafeteria but larger and roofless, along with many other students. They are talking about playing tag, but we aren't allowed to run. So we play tag walking around.

      A boy who looked like sort of a fusion of Jack and Jonathan (Jackathan?, He had the black hair and eyes of Jonathan, but Jack's face and expressions, and a mix of their two body types. He even seemed like a mixture of their two personalities.) Was playing with us. Wether he was walking or jogging around to tag us was questionable. But what goes around comes around and from going too fast he slipped on something and fell into a girls boobs. * (What is this, an anime?) Playing to the cliche he completely lost his composure and ran off to us.

      The game of tag ended and he told everyone to sit back down at the table. He said he needed help figuring out how to apologize to the girl, and even go beyond that he realized he had a crush on her and wanted to get to know her. Everyone at the table started coaching him and giving him advice and after awhile he managed to work up the nerve to go talk to her, and somehow managed to successfully ask her out on a date.

      I'm then led by Jackathan on a tour of this swimming pool complex. There are swimming pools of all shapes, sizes and depths, and presumably different water temperatures. I think there is even one with a water slide. He spends several minutes explaining each pool and its intended purpose, but I want to get away from the character and go back to my dorm room.

      Night 9:

      With the exact cast of Night 7's dream, checking into another hotel, this time one presumably closer to home. This hotel is low to the ground and has a log cabin/wilderness vibe to it, despite being in a commercial district.

      My father is having trouble with luggage, as he often does in real life, he packed far too much for what was needed on the trip. He asks that I check us into the room. I tell him I don't know what to do, he says to figure it out on my own since I'm an adult now. I go up into the lobby where there is a long line of people checking into rooms. I wait my turn and when I do, there is a problem with my credit card, and I have to get out of line to go get my father to ask him for cash so that I can pay that way. He is upset that I wasn't able to check in for us on my own.

      I go down the elevator to the first floor/basement of the hotel. It is like a parking garage and there is some sort of Harry Potter themed convention here. I see people wearing costumes. I am then greeted by an aged up version of a girl from my fifth grade class who I know she had a crush on me, but I didn't reciprocate the feelings. She proceeded to remove her top, though I ignored not finding her very attractive, even aged up.

      Meanwhile one of her friends was attempting to convince me to eat these (they kind of looked like chocolate rice crispy treats, supposedly a recreation of some magical food from Harry Potter.)

      Also a dream fragment: Something about a multi-layered city made entirely of metal. Up top the buildings were stylized very art deco, while lower down were more utilitarian and minimalistic.

      Night 10: No recall.

      Night 11: I was at a gas station waiting for my dad to register for some kind of trailer licence. He had to register his old van, and the trailer we use to move our canoe. When he got the bill, he was upset that it was costing him $1305 rather than $805 or $905 like he had calculated. There were a bunch of pictures on the registration of the trailer, it was printed on like a piece of computer paper.

      Manei came into the store wearing a black swimsuit and threw water balloons at me. I just ignored it since we were going to a beach anyway and I didn't care if I was wet. But a security guy at the gas station made her leave for attacking customers. **

      Mom: Did you know that girl?

      Me: Yeah. It's just my dream guide.

      I carried on nonlucid.

      * I want someone who knows a lot of anime to make a compliation of every time in an anime that a guy's face falls into a girls boobs, and set it to the finale of the 1812 overture, and put it on youtube.

      ** Brownie points to Manei, thanks for trying to get me lucid even when I'm in a terrible mental place to LD right now. (At least that's what I assume she was trying to do.)

      So Night 7 1 nld
      Night 8 1 nld
      Night 9 1 nld, 1 frag
      Night 10 null
      Night 11 1 nld

      Updated 10-25-2016 at 04:47 PM by 53527

    7. Spell's Fall Comp Nights 5-6

      by , 10-21-2016 at 01:30 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Night 5

      had a fairly lengthy but bland dream. I was in my 8th grade history class and everyone was naked, except me. Class seemed to be going on normally, though. The teacher was giving a lecture, and we were all taking notes. He kept telling me to stop being distracted by everyone being naked with a very serious tone in his voice.

      Marcus came in (also naked) and said something about the dream failing to allow anyone to wear clothes. He then walked over to the teachers desk and made a valiant effort to craft undergarments out of computer paper and scotch tape.


      I think this was actually from the 3rd or 4th night of the comp and I just forgot to document it. There was a dream where I false-awoke. In the dream, I had a very long beard, reaching about halfway down my body. I tried to shave it but it perpetually regrew in new and strange ways. The dream went on for a few minutes.

      Night 6

      I am attending Hogwarts. (I knew a HP dream would show up eventually, since I've been reading through the books.) However it was disguised as my middle school. I remember they were having a beginning of the year celebration. Apparently I had been sorted into house Hufflepuff and, for whatever reason, we had to sleep outside on the lawn. They gave us yellow and black stripey scarfs that were really big and could be used as blankets.

      There were some people running around the running track. (In-Dream, it was across the road from the middle school, instead of next to it, and I think there were quidditch goals set up at either, too.) People wanted me to run a race but the other people already had a head start. I started running anyway and (shame I wasn't lucid for comp points) went super fast. So fast I remember I would have a hard time turning tight enough around the bends in the track.

      It was getting to be nighttime and Dubledore came outside (He looked like a combo of dumbledore and my old Middle School principal.) He magically created a small carnival with a mini Ferris wheel taking up about half the field for us to celebrate. He also inadvertently created a forest of large oak trees filling the other half of the carnival. He said he might as well leave them there since they were not hurting anything and they were magically linked to the carnival so he'd have to clean up both of them anyway when the field needed to be used once more.

      I sat down under one of the oak trees and did a moon RC. I looked at the moon (it was full.) and looked down at the grass. When I looked back it was crescent shaped and the stars were brighter and more vivid.
      I became lucid, but I didn't think of my goals so I obviously wasn't too lucid. I just decided to fly around. (I think I was trying to impress some girl that I had met in an earlier dream by flying, but either I just saw her out of the corner of my eye or she didn't even notice.) In fact, nobody noticed at all when I took off. (I presume because this was a gathering at a magical school.) It took some forceful voice commands to get above altitude, and I remember seeing the spot where I took off, leaving a spinning orange/blue fire circle that expanded outward and faded as I flew away. I took off and hovered above the central area of the fair, examined my fire jets. The effect wasn't too flashy this time around. The whole dream was foggy.

      Due to forgotten lucid goals and generally not putting enough effort into this recently, I flipped upside down and hovered on a jet from one hand, and spun around like a top for no reason whatsoever. My phone buzzed in my pocket and then fell out because I was upside down. I had to dive and catch it right before it fell to the ground. I really scared this older woman who looked sort of like my maternal grandmother but with darker skin and a whole lot fatter when I flew down right in front of her face. I caught my phone in one hand and propelled myself back up to my original altitude with the other.

      I answered it. On the other end was who I presume was Marcus and he told me in a rather irritated tone of voice to stop calling my fire jets 'fire jets' that they are actually fire rockets because they can work in outer space. He then said that theoretically I should have the ability to shoot fireballs that home in on targets and explode when they hit, if I practiced more. I lost the dream abruptly.


      I revisited the scene. I was at the track with the oak trees and the carnival, but nobody else besides us were there now. Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe was there and we were laying on the grass stargazing together. The stars were even more vivid and bright this time.

      Night 5:

      NLD x2=2

      Night 6:

      Frag x1= .5
      NLD x1= 1
      DILD x1 =10
      Fly x1 =5
      Element Manipulation x1 =10
      Use electronic device x1 =5
    8. Spell's Fall Comp Nights 1-4

      by , 10-19-2016 at 01:20 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Okay so "Night 1" is from 8:00pm on the 14th to 7:59pm on the 15th.
      "Night 2" is from 8:00pm on the 15th to 7:59pm on the 16h.
      "Night 3" is from 8:00pm on the 16th to 7:59pm on the 17h.
      and "Night 4" is from 8:00pm on the 17th to 7:59pm on the 18h.

      Okay I just had to figure that out, since I slept a good portion of the day away.

      Nights 1 and 2 nothing happened. I was on holiday with family and way too busy and tired to even recall any dreams.

      Night 3 was better. Here are the nonlucid(s):

      I was sitting in a bar. When I stepped outside I was in a huge room with a checkerboard floor, white columns and walls and a black ceiling and approached by one of my original characters. (David). Only he looked large/stock, fat and more intimidating. He said he wanted to fight me. He said he was so confident that he would win that he would let me have 100 free hits on him before he fought back. (Exceptionally weird since one of the first traits I designed David around was to be nonviolent.)

      I started fighting him with no motivation or actual provocation. He started counting down the hits I made. Punching him was just like punching and kicking a big pillow or a punching bag. I lost the dream out of frustration. I still was allowed 83 more hits on him when I t ended.

      I remember Manei was the sole character of a dream set in Republic City from The Legend of Korra. I think the dream was even "animated" similarly, it looked similar to the show. She was in a disguise of a trench-coat, hat, and one of those joke shop glasses+joke nose+mustache things and pretending to read a newspaper. (Your disguise is just dripping with originality.) She waited for some people to walk buy, then threw off her disguise to reveal a red swimsuit underneath, and jumped into an open storm drain.

      She swam underwater for quite some time, navigating various water pipes under the city. She didn't seem to need air, even when she finally surfaced in an underground pool about a minute later she didn't seem out of breath at all. There was a meeting forming of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pearl from Steven Universe, and Batman. (Okay... Interesting choice of characters...) They all met at a round rusty metal table and started discussing plans for something.


      I was Jumping like a frog on large Lilly pads in a swamp (Dagobah Feeling), apparently as a part of some kind of physical training. Manei approached me and told me I was misusing my physical body and if I wanted to do whatever it was I was trying to do or train myself for (semi lucidity is the best), I should just transmute myself into an actual frog.

      She then showed me what she said was called a dream frog. It looked like a normal bull frog but it had a red button on its back that you would press. Apparently it was a very powerful dreaming artifact that allowed me to hop back to lucid dreams that I had already had and change what happened in them.

      I think the dream frog wiggled out of her hand and hopped away in the swamp. I tried to go after it but it disappeared.


      We were back in Republic City from Legend of Korra and we had to fight agianst Mako, Bolin and Korra who were trying to stop us from getting into this building. (Presumably a town hall, it looked nothing like the town hall from the show, it was much smaller and looked more like a miniature version of the US capital building. It was also built by the coast.) The battle took place at sunset with the sun setting over the water.

      Manei had a truly brilliant combat strategy. She charged in and got their attention then proceeded to chicken out and hide behind a parked tank as boulders and fire missiles shot over us. I remember poking out of cover and nearly getting pelted with attacks myself. I tried to encourage her to run out of cover on separate sides and maybe we could split their line of fire and flank them, but she had completely lost it.

      I jumped up and started flying above the battle. Bolin and Korra worked together and threw a barrage of giant boulders at me. I kicked one of them and my skate blade popped out and sliced it in half (cool.) I flew over and landed, standing on one foot, on a flagpole atop the building. Mako shot lightning up the metal flagpole and killed me. For some reason when he killed me the scene became animated much more simplistically and I saw myself in third person. I turned into a giant cooked turkey and fell on the ground.

      Its interesting to me how naturally the Zero-friction sakes have worked their way into dreams. I don't post every dream I have anymore so you guys don't get the full picture, but they made their first true appearance in the last comp, and since then they've come up 10+ times, mostly in semi lucids. Something tells me if I was to try to summon them in a lucid dream, I'd have no difficulty whatsoever.

      I feel dirty classing these as four separate NLDs since they share plot threads, but since there was some semi-lucidity in there, and because I'm down two days completely due to circumstances outside my control, I'll call it for four points...


      On the actual 'Night 4' I only had a nonlucid dream.

      I was going to work with my mom. For some reason she worked in this big castle built out of Minecraft blocks built by the side of a realistic lake. Apparently she was studying how to make Minecraft educational to college students. (My mom works at a college IWL). I remember there was a door that was supposed to operate with redstone and pistons but it wasn't working and my mom wanted to call the groundskeepers and have them fix the door.

      The dream changed plots to a story about a 44 year old man (age specifically given) who wanted to be 'young and hip' and decided to quit his desk job and become a DJ. He was in a recording studio recording a song called 'Bang, Bang, Cowboy'. It was like a hip hop/dance song that used some country instruments. I know that sounds musically impossible, but somehow in the context of the dream, it sounded really good.

      I must say as far as Dream Music goes, this was probably the second best song to 'Robot Disassembly'. I even remember the dance move you would do to it where you would point at your dance partner with two fingers and then on each utterance of the word 'Bang' in the song flick your hand up as though you had shot them, alternating hands each time. A rather unusual implication for a dance, but apparently it caught on as a trend.

      Then it showed another scene of the guy trying to come up with more songs and he couldn't. The country singer walked into the recording studio not wearing a shirt, having a comically oversized cowboy hat on and a huge case of beer. She started chugging all the beers and the DJ guy started dancing to the cowboy song and other people came in and danced with them and drank beer. Then they got in trouble for ruining all the recording equipment.

      But later in the day I napped for two cycles. (I know this because I fell asleep at 12:30, awoke from a dream at about 2, then slept again and woke up at about 3:45)

      In the first lucid I false awoke and rather groggily walked into my parent's bathroom. In it I saw the cabinets under the sink were missing and there was a gigantic cluster of amethyst crystals on display. I for some reason recognized this as a dream sign and did a nose pinch reality check. This caused me to become lucid. I lost the dream and woke up.


      The second dream I was preparing to go to work with my mom. I remember off in the east there were these huge black mushroom shaped buildings with a purple energy conduit running around the edge of the 'cap' of the mushroom. There were white glowing windows, along with what looked like bits of technology, exterior pipes and conduits and power boxes.

      There were also these very tall (clouds wrapping around 1/4 of the way up, so probably many miles tall) buildings that shared a similar color palate. They had these huge sideways facing cylinders with purple energy conduits along the edges built into their superstructures.

      I became lucid rather randomly. It wasn't because of the buildings. I just remember saying to myself "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" and proceeding to launch myself into the air with enough force to crack the cement driveway. I launched up into the cloud but a moment later a dull, but strong pain in my knees and thighs registered and the dream pretty quickly disintegrated.

      DILD x2 = 15
      RC =1
      WBTB =2
      Fly/Super Strength/Super Speed (I launched myself, it was really like a big jump.) = 5

      Totes: 24
      side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    9. DreamCafe11's Dolls, Power Ranger Bikini, Half-City and Giant Bananas

      by , 10-13-2016 at 03:57 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Somethin to do with Crimson Skies.


      I had a false awakening. Smoky Quartz from Steven Universe walked into my room wearing lingerie and apparently 'in the mood'.


      I met DreamCafe11 in a semi-lucid dream, only I think she was very young. She was in the wood shop of my middle school at night making these wooden dolls of all my persistent dream characters. They looked sort of like those wooden figurine men you use for anatomy reference when drawing but she was sculpting specialized wood pieces to make hair and stuff and painted them to look like us.

      She then started making the Jade and Manei dolls kiss and she thought I'd be upset that she did it but I didn't care. I remember looking at the Marcus doll. (It had little glasses made out of wire and clear plastic that I enjoyed taking on and off.) I was telling her she was really good at making things. The glasses became full sized and I realized I had to give Marcus his glasses back because he couldn't see without them.

      Eye (fully grown) appeared and he put this reddish purple magic sand that came out of his sleeve on the dolls that made them into voodoo dolls that could control me and my dream characters. When he did this really dark scary music started playing for a few seconds. We were at my aunt's old house now. Eye ran into the basement.

      I got really scared and angry to the point of freaking out. I stepped on the dolls and broke them all. (So apparently a lapse in dream logic that stomping on the dolls didn't cause their actual versions to be brutally crushed by an unseen giant boot.) Cafe came back and she started crying because I ruined her hard work and she was hitting my leg.
      I started trying to make sense of my reality and getting more lucid but I forgot what happened after that. I think I might have woken up.

      I remember I was driving to college, but using a car that belonged to one of my teachers from elementary school. ID he had like a sky blue 1950's car that was really long and had big fins on the back of it. It was very hard to steer. I remember at some point I wound up driving off the road.

      It was like a video game. I was on a freeway that was high above this wasteland. (It looked a lot like something from fallout.) I couldn't stop the car and there were these red propane tanks in the road that I would crash into visibly damaging the car and causing a life bar in the bottom right corner of the 'screen' to decrease. I finally managed to stop the car, it was very nearly destroyed and there was only a small amount of life left.

      I came back onto the normal road. But traffic was stopped in both directions and somebody was riding a motorcycle up and down the road in a pink bikini and a pink power rangers mask. I met with this DC who had black hair and a big beard who was filming her on his phone. He said that he had a thing for people who rode motorcycles and dressed like power rangers, but he was really embarrassed about it. Apparently he would stop people he found attractive and pay them whatever it took to get them to wear his outfits and ride up and down the stretch of road outside his house on a motorcycle.

      I told him I wouldn't tell anyone if he helped me pay to fix my teachers car and he said he would.


      I was going on a run in evening/twilight time, passing the entrance to my neighborhood as I usually do about 1/3rd of the way through my route. I was thinking about how I wanted to make a movie about a lucid dream and I would film myself on a greenscreen and then put that against films of the background I wanted, and then use after effects to add my flying jets. I said I would need to have four layers in my after effects file to do it.

      Then I looked up and saw that in the direction of the downtown area of the town I live in there were three or four skyscrapers that were not there IWL. This made me RC.
      I got up onto the railing of the boardwalk trail that runs through the woods by my neighborhood and took off flying. I remember looking down as I took off to see if my flying jets were there, since sometimes they fail to appear and I just sort of hover, but they were there all right. I was thinking about how each time they seem to have different properties and this time they threw out these sparks like fireworks.

      I flew up over my neighborhood towards the direction of downtown. There were all of these concrete mid-rise buildings that were not there IWL. I flew by some of them and an old lady waved to me when I did. I then flew over a river that was mirror still and saw my reflection. But from the altitude that I was at I just looked like a little point of light moving across the sky.

      I wanted to go faster to get to the big city, but went really really high in the air by mistake. I looked down and saw the city was like a half-circle shape. Right in the middle where all of the biggest buildings were it just cut off and became a forest with no roads. I flew back down to the tallest building, a circular glass tower. I wanted to know what it was and I saw white hologram letters appear that said "kata towers". I looked around at all the buildings and they all had something that said 'kata' in the name.

      I started examining the buildings and noticed that some of them were only complete on the near side, and from the abrupt forest transition they were just like building frames and props with cutaways of incomplete interiors.

      Manei jumped off a building with a helicopter pad and grabbed my foot. This caused me to crash in the forest just beyond the cutoff of the city and when we hit the ground we slid across it and made a big trench in the dirt but didn't get hurt. She asked why I didn't hear her because she was yelling and yelling for my attention but I was too busy flying to listen. I told her I wasn't interested in having her in appear in every single dream and sometimes I just like to do things on my own.

      I saw in the back of the building had a giant bunch of bananas (~15 stories tall) built into the frame. I think I noticed other oversized groceries such as a giant bag of lays potato chips and oversized frozen pizzas still in the boxes.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Unable to say anything but 'Mountain', Soul Eater Movie, Jet Fighter Chase (LD #310)

      by , 10-06-2016 at 01:22 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Meditation is helping me to have better lucid dreams from what I can tell, at the very least longer and with more recall. It's not removing the weird factor of my dreams, but I think they're better with that left in.

      I saw an alternate world map at some point. I might have to draw it I don't remember everything from it but here were the basics.

      -There was a huge circular impact crater ocean filling up most of the southeastern united states and the Caribbean. The US was divided along the middle. Apparently the civil war never ended. There was only one island in the middle of the crater labeled 'puerto rico'

      -There was another landmass to the southwest of Australia, about the same size but a little bit more long and skinny. It was its own country and became important in the upcoming dreams. I forgot what it was called so I'll just call it Bobland.

      -All of the korean peninsula was labeled 'North Korea'. The Japanese Archipelago was labeled 'Regular Korea'.

      -Russia was divided up into three countries labeled 'Soul Eater' (to the west) 'Potato' (in the middle) and 'Amethyst' (in the east.) The country of Potato was colored brown on the map and shaped like a potato. It was known to be an agricultural breadbasket for this alternate world.

      -There were six or seven islands running between the tip of brazil and west Africa. Each one was its own country.


      I got to go for a walk on a nature trail in Bobland. Apparently most of the flora and fauna were similar to those in north America but there were some animals from other continents that had gone extinct everywhere else but here. Bobland was a very environmental nation. They only had one major city in the entire nation, on the southern edge in a big bay. Supposedly the city was still polluted due to being very industrial but all of the pollution was contained in a small quarter of the country. This industrial powerhouse gave them the power to preserve the rest of the country.

      I remember seeing on my nature walk they had two of these houses, they looked oriental, but they were up on stilts above clearings in the woods, and you had to climb high ladders to get into them. They were meant as lookouts for the park rangers There were also these animals called [something] kissers. They looked like little cat-sized kangaroos with anteater snouts and were red and white. They were really smart and used simple tools and if they came up to you and kissed you it was supposed to be good luck. I remember three or four of them followed on my hike on the nature trail and before I went back to my car to drive to the airport and fly back home they all kissed me with their little snouts.


      I was doing work for this political campaigner guy who was apparently secretly responsible for deciding who won the election; Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Apparently everything these people did and every speech they made etc was all a very elaborate setup to do psychological experiments on the people of the united states.

      He had this big hill in the backyard of his mansion that felt like it was my house in my neighborhood but it was bigger and made out of dark red bricks and had a black roof and all of these archways incorporated into the architecture. In his backyard he had this hill, well it wasn't really a 'hill'. It was like a stone wall on one side and on the other a grassy slope at an absurd incline (70-80 degree incline) but was flat a little bit on top. He planted two different types of grass on the hill to make the lighter color of grass with a five-pointed star on it. Apparently even though this whole experiment thing and his job were supposed to be a closely secret, he liked to advertise that he was an important part of the american government by having this huge beautiful landscape billboard thing in his backyard. *confused jackie chan face goes here*

      And I had to mow it. Gravity distorted in a way that when you walked up/down the hill, it was like walking on flat ground. But mowing it was hard work due to the sheer size of it (3-5 stories high and about as wide). Also I had to mow it in a very particular way as to only mow all of the grass inside of the star first, then move on to mow all the grass outside. When I had finished, (Dream time took care of most of the mowing) I went to put the mower back, and looked back to where the hill just was and this caused me to become
      semi lucid. For some reason I was thinking that I had to find a mountain first. (Maybe related to the disappearing hill, IDK) Internal logic and low level lucidity dictated that the easiest way to get to a mountain would be to fly to another planet with one. For whatever reason, I felt as though if I tried to find a mountain on earth, I felt like the dream would destabilize.

      I flew up into the air on yer standard issue flying jets, effortlessly and started flying through the clouds. I got some great sensations of flying, wind in my hair, cool, wet clouds, and good visuals. Then I saw two Jet Fighters and one of them said in a bull horn like police to stop flying because I was supposed to go mow that guy's lawn again. But I disregarded them because I knew it was a dream and they shot a missile at me. I remember I caught it and when I did I was surprised at how small and simplistic it was. It was about the size of a baseball bat and seemed to be made out of plastic. I threw it back and blew up one of the planes.

      I saw a huge white door (like the door of a house or a room) in the side of a cloud with a golden handle. I thought that it was a door to heaven and I said out loud to myself that I thought the dream was going to start having religious symbolism in it. I remember I had to flip around and fly the other way to get away from the fighter jets. When I came out the other end, I was in an office on a dock in an industrial shipyard. I jumped out the window and looked around. I recognized that this was the main city of Bobland. There was a huge harbor with lots of large industrial buildings, and big cranes loading up freight ships. In the distance, across the bay, I could see a very modern-looking skyline. I remember the industrial complex was between the mountains and the sea and built up onto the mountains with various mines and the likes on them. There were shipping docks and cranes up there and flying container ships with big wings sticking out of the bottom. Past that the industrial gave way to a few lower-class homes and eventually untamed wilderness and very tall snowcapped mountains.

      I was still obsessed with getting to a mountain. So I jumped out the window of the office and started running with super speed at an angle across the bay straight to the biggest mountain. The jet fighters from before showed up, only I think there were more of them. I somehow knew they had tracked me but I didn't want to waste my time in the lucid fighting them. I jumped into flying because it was faster than running and went supersonic, still flying just a few feet above the water. The thing that I remember was they shot machine guns at me and one the bullets went through my right forearm. It just made like a half-inch wide hole and the inside of my arm was just made of like pink Bologna and there was no blood, but it still hurt a little. I remember thinking to myself that these guys shouldn't be chasing me to the other side of the planet.

      Then what I assumed were the Bobland jets came. And there were A LOT of them. (Like 50sh) The country had these very futuristic jets with forward swept wings that had big turbines in them, and they shot blue laser beams rather than bullets. Supposedly they had been attacked by aliens in the past and fought them off but taken their technology to make their military very strong. (I remember an alien invasion was actually very important to the overarching plot of last nights dreams, probably explaining the alternate earth.) They were trying to shoot down the american jets but they could hit me too because of the way the chase was going, so I turned directions and went straight up. I was flying up twoards one of the flying cargo ships that had little turrets on the bottom started shooting with machine guns to try to kill the american planes. I said something like "Gosh, I just cant get out of the way." I tried to get out of the way and the american planes shot missiles at the flying cargo ship. (Though I think they were meant for me.) When they hit all of the cargo containers started falling off. I flew through them but they destroyed the american planes as they fell.

      I kept flying to the mountain. I didnt seem to be flying very fast or even able to get very high. It sort of felt like I was tired from flying. I don't know if it was because of all that action and maneuvering in the air or the fact that I was becoming aware that the dream was ending soon or what. But I eventually had to drop out of flying and start running with super speed to get to the mountain. I ran through a big quarry area that looked rather interesting but I ignored it. I ran down a long dirt road that led up the mountainside.

      I stopped about halfway up when I saw piglets running in the road. I remember they had two sets of front legs but the back set was too short to touch the ground. Both sets of front legs were bright red and lacked fuzz. When I stopped all the pigs started running away from me. They were apparently a product of genetic engineering and radiation poisoning. It was funny how they moved as squealed and ran away from me and I was thinking they were kind of cute. I wondered why they were here and could never think of any other time that I had dreamed of pigs.

      Manei jumped out from behind a dead tree and killed one with some kind of small axe or mace. I asked her why she did it. She held out a sandwich in a bag from a Subway and, sounding very angry, complained to me that they refused to give her both "Pig Meat" and "Fish Meat" on her sandwich and would only let her have one or the other. I told her that in waking life, we call 'pig meat' pork, and 'fish meat' is just fish. This incident with the sandwich was somehow supposed to be a more mundane everyday allegory for the epic adventure I had just had, but even now I have no idea how. I wanted to ask her about meditation but when I tried to speak, the only word that would come out of my mouth was 'mountain'. The dream went to black and I woke up.


      (After a short awakening)

      I was in a movie theatre with Maka and Soul from soul eater. (Only they looked like real people, not anime characters.) We sat down to watch a movie but Asura (from Soul Eater) gave a short speech first. Then this big judge guy with a powdered wig talked for a little bit.

      Then the movie started. It was some kind of 2D animated science fiction movie that reminded me of Titan AE. The main character was a high school girl who went to a space high school with aliens. There was a human boy that she liked but the boy didn't seem to like her back . Soul complained that the movie was boring because it spent all the time developing the girl's crush on a boy rather than showing the cool science fiction stuff. Someone in the front row threw an orange cat (yes, a living cat, like one that you would keep as a pet.) at the screen and stopped the movie. The cat then attacked the judge guy and pulled his wig off.

      Updated 10-06-2016 at 01:25 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Galaxy God (LD # I don't know anymore.)

      by , 09-28-2016 at 02:04 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I've been experimenting with a written Dream Journal, but I had to drive to college in a hurry, and left the journal at home, so I wasn't able to write these down like I normally would. Figured since I haven't done a DV DJ in forever and I had a lucid last night, I'd drop this here.

      My cat was perpetually throwing up. No real reason to go into further detail about that dream.

      I was playing SC4. (Oh, hello video game I haven't played in months.) I was in my main region mentally planning some new cities. I wanted to make a row of three or four really big cities. I saw a triangle shaped city tile and decided to click on it. The game loaded for a long time and took me to a screen of a desert with a volcano in the background. A space shuttle with the orange fuel tank and SRBS flew by. (I think it actually had four SRBS, two on each side. I think it blew up and now I was now playing Kerbal Space Program. I clicked on one of the kerbals and made him go EVA from the cockpit.

      I was on my college campus, with my dad's sister and respective cousins. They were being generally obnoxious and complaining that they were bored. (Even my ~50year old aunt was complaining) I was supposed to drive them back to my house. I walked them across campus back to the car but the campus gave way to a collection of stores and office buildings. I thought I had gotten lost so I retraced my steps. (Family who had to follow me were not very pleased with this fact.)

      I walked back to the familiar part of campus and tried walking to the parking lot another way but it again gave way to stores and office buildings (and a video arcade) My annoyed cousins and aunt were at their breaking point and started yelling at me for my incompetence but I ignored them and I stopped and thought about the situation.
      I was pretty quick to come to the conclusion that I was dreaming.

      I took off flying, (generally family member DCs when they get like this are beyond salvaging.) I flew down the avenue and pulled up high into the sky. I saw a huge futuristic city off in the distance and decided to investigate. There were huge dark blue angular glass buildings at least a mile or two tall and flying cars, all surrounded by a more normal looking city. I decided I wanted to investigate the inside of the huge building so I would do the logical thing and land on the roof.

      I re-affirmed to myself that this was a dream and that everything that happened was just something that I was thinking of. I had some difficulty landing, flying was troublesome and I kept shooting off to the side, but I was eventually able to get myself to hover the roof of one of the buildings and kill my flying jets to fall the last few hundred feet.

      I fell through the roof and started falling through all the floors of the building. Curiously the whole building was like an empty glass shell with nothing on the inside. I kept falling and colors and shapes started to distort. I felt like I was sliding down a metal tube that went in all different direction. I didn't really care, it seemed like the dream was going to do something interesting so I just let it happen. I popped out the other end and I was in outer space. A huge golden spiral galaxy in front of me.

      Galaxy: (with a big booming voice like god) I have attained the highest spiritual status and the largest physical form. I am a galaxy! But you may call me... uhh...

      Me: Your name could be... bob?

      Bob: I AM BOB! Now tell me, why is your hair so long?

      Me: I don't know... I just kind of think it looks cooler that way...

      Bob: What would you do... If I were to cut it short?

      Me: My dream body is just a construct of my consciousness, allowing to have me a human experience in the dreamworld. Such damage could very easily be undone.

      Bob: F*CK!
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    12. Spell's Comp Night 14: 3 Lucids; Stage Flight, Halo Battle, Bank Robbery

      by , 08-12-2016 at 03:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Now this is the kind of night I wish I'd be pulling off for the entire comp.

      I was talking to Manei and I said to her: "I like taking long hot showers and crying for no reason. It helps me get all my boogers out."


      I don't remember the first dream too well. I was with my cousins and we were going to see some movie. Then I remembered that the movie was in fact some play that I was supposed to have a part in. The movie theatre morphed into this huge coliseum with five stage curtains on a scaffold forming a pentagon in the middle. I don't remember if it was because there were five iterations of the same play being put on at once or because it was all one big play that made use of this unique stage. It also had something to do with my high school graduation.

      I remember leaving my family behind and going backstage to make preparations. I had no memory of being in this play or what part I was supposed to play. The director got really mad at me. He said that the play was a Porn-Parody of Harry Potter and made a penis joke about a "wand". I remember there was this big blue prop sign with white letters that said "Lucid Dream".
      I became lucid. Not long after I did, all of the dream characters except the play director vanished.

      I remember becoming lucid and thinking of my dream-goal to do do some kind of acrobatic/gymnastic maneuver. I was thinking about the olympic gymnastics and how very badly I wanted to mimic that in a LD. I also thought about how I might destabilize the dream if I do a flip or something because it would be like dream spinning. In more stable dreams it hasn't been a problem, and I've done it before. (Hence why it's a 10-point goal).

      I said I wanted to start easy. I saw this huge paper mache prop tree and ran up the side and did a parkour backflip. It didn't destabilize the dream very much. I then forgot about the goal and started flying and running through the branches of the prop tree. The play director ran and got a clipboard. He said he was inspired to write a new play about Peter Pan because I was flying. Then this really fat guy in a blue track suit came in. He said he wanted to enter me in a lucid dreamers equivalent to the olympics for agility flying since I had a natural talent for it. I told him I would like it, but I wanted to do proper training and not rely solely on natural talent.

      (Adds Lucid Dream Olympics to list of dream goals for after comp.)

      I remember I was playing Halo 4 (At least I think it was Halo 4. It felt like it.) I remember I had signed into the match by accident and it was 3v1. I thought to myself "huh boy, a 3v1, and I haven't played in awhile." I remember thinking that I should just quit, but that would be bad sport and I should at the very least try and fight them even if they stomp me. Also the place we were fighting in was the front yard of my house.

      It was at this point their personalities became apparent. The guy in red armor with the star on his shoulder had Steven's voice from Steven Universe and was the leader. There was a guy in white armor who was an idiot and a guy in pink armor who was a coward. They tried attacking me. I remember having three weapons avaliable to me (when in Halo, the most you can normally have is two.) I had a shotgun, assault rifle and the 3 round burst rifle from halo 3)

      It's not like I was playing to my fullest. In some weird way, (even though there the video game context was ignored) Controlling my character felt lethargic. Sometimes I would think to move a certain direction but wouldn't actually start moving half a second later. Aming was difficult too. More than once, I shot in a different direction than I was looking.

      I remember the white armor guy and the pink armor guy were pretty terrible and I was able to kill them pretty easily. For the most part they would just stand in one shot and try to shoot at me (and miss) The Steven guy was a bit tougher, he actually fought back and used cover. I know he killed me at least once. At one point the white and pink armored guys came after me driving a minivan they had stolen from the neighbors garage and I blew it up by throwing a grenade underneath it.

      When the score was about 10-1 the Steven guy said he was going to use a hack to transport us outside of the map. He did and we were now on a freight train that was moving. I killed the white and pink armor guys again and apparently when using the hack, they forgot to set the spawn points outside of the map boundaries too, so this was my opportunity to lose these guys.

      The train began going around this large lake (actually I think it was a bay) following a curved path. Because of the way the tracks curved I could see the Steven Guy way down at the end of the train across the lake. There was a (googles Halo vechiles) Banshee on one of the last train cars. He got into it and flew across the lake towards the front of the train where I was. I started shooting at him but kept missing. He shot a missile at me and blew apart the train car. I very nearly fell off but I grabbed this bar on the end of the train car and held onto the side. I swing around to the backside hiding from him.

      Dangit I'm lucid! Can't I just use VATS?

      I swing around once. I tried to stop time and target him, but nothing happened. (Well I got hit with a few spare lasers) I tried a second time and it worked. I focused in on him and got a HUD just like VATS. I set all my shots to target him (Think I had about 5 shots) I even got the 3rd person movie style of me shooting them and blowing the guy out of the sky.

      After that the train stopped, presumably because the match had ended. I think my armor dissolved and gave way to my regular dream self. I still had the gun but I threw it down in the sand and sad "gah! I hate using guns!" I saw one of the little ATV things from Halo and decided to hop on as an easy means of transportation. I got stopped by this fisherman guy who said that the ATV was his and it was a present from his mom and had been stolen from him by the Halo team that I had fought. I said he could have it back and he was very thankful.

      I somehow found myself in a parking garage looking through the back of my dad's old van and I found a fluffy white blanket. I was talking to my dad about something and said that I had to return the blanket. I went back to the fisherman's house and gave him the blanket too. When I did he hugged it and started crying. He asked what he could ever do to repay me and I said that it was nothing and I was just trying to be a more positive influence on my dreams.

      The dream phased from the beach where the train and the fisherman had been to the family beach resort. I wanted to go back and talk to my dream dad but I wanted to move in a way that wasn't flying. I remembered how in old lucid dreams I would move my feet like I was ice skating and gain super speed across the ground. I tried it but nothing happened. (Maybe because I was in sand... )

      What if I tried actual ice skates? I looked down at my boots. I felt like I could feel a button where my big toe was and wiggled my toe in to press it. (I also noticed, when I focused on the sensation of my feet that I was wearing no socks and had a lot of sand in my boots.) But when I pressed the button, an ice skate blade popped out of the bottom of my boot. I was a little bit awkward at first because I couldn't get the one in the other boot to come out because there was no button. Eventually intuition made me realize that I had to press the button in the right boot twice.

      I started skating down the boardwalk at high speeds. I remember thinking that I should use these more often and call them the "zero-friction skates".

      I arrived in this collection of oriental style buildings and a boardwalk. I find the fisherman character again sitting and eating a basket of fish and chips at an outdoor eating area next to a buffet bar. He thanks me again for returning his things to him. I think he was actually in tears this time. I thought it was funny. This guy really looked like the tough sailor type, even though he wasn't very big he looked tough, but here he was, balling his eyes out for me. He said he didn't like french fries because they were potatoes and the association with the phrase couch potato and laziness, so I ate some for a realistic taste, but no salt, and I couldn't find any, and didn't think to reach into hyperspace and grab some.

      He asked me how strong I must be to return two of his most important stolen belongings and beat up a gang of supersoliders that were apparently local bullies. He said he wanted to arm wrestle. I remember I accepted but it was this weird form of arm wrestling where we were standing and we tried to pull away from one another with our arms bent and whoever's arm went straight first would lose. The fisherman struggled and struggled, eventually cheating at his own game to try and bend my arm straight. I told him that "I'm the Dreamer." He didn't really understand that so I explained briefly that it was my lucid dream.

      I then remember making a point that my strength doesn't come from musculature because in the dream realm, that's meaningless. What's more important is your level of confidence. I decided to test something by using spear finger on a tree. (There was a large tree growing up out of the boardwalk several feet from our table.) I expected my strike to reduce the trunk to wood chips, but I don't think I was fully confident. (I was in the same mindset when I'm doing board breaking in martial arts classes.) I still drove my hand about halfway through the tree making a sizable hole and coming out with a fistful of wood shavings. The Sailor guy had a fish stick in his mouth and it fell out when he saw me do that. Priceless.

      I then saw the sky getting dark and decided I would do some flying. I said goodbye to him and activated fire jets out of my hands. In the reduced lighting the blue and reddish-orange contrast of my flying flames was exceptionally apparent, the colors really popped against the DW. There was even a "fwoom" sound as they came on. Sometimes my flying jets are very small and compact (or nonexistent), but this time they were like big bright colorful blooms of fire. I didn't take off right away and I was worried I'd set the boardwalk on fire. I took off and did a spiral around this pagoda building as the dream faded out.


      I went into something about driving with my dad, in the van again, going camping. I think it was actually a false awakening, explained that I had been asleep in the car this entire time and just woken up now as we were arriving. (We're actually going camping the day after the comp ends, no wonder I didn't catch this.) He said something about father son bonding.

      I woke up. I seriously thought about just getting out of bed and starting my day. (I did get up to go pee though.) I've had foul luck with reentry and mostly mucky WILDs. But I realized I was tired enough that I just might be able to pull of another short lucid and started doing counts.

      I was with my dream-mom. I remember telling her that this was a lucid dream and it can be utilized as a playground to do anything, even things that are not necessarily acceptable. She said she wanted to rob a bank. I remember also there was a plot about me being some kind of secret agent and I walked into a bank when there were robbers in it and everyone else was running away. The dream got scrambled pretty quickly where I was someone else and I saw my mom running out of the bank pushing a baby me in a stroller.

      I went into the back of the bank. I think I was with Manei now and we were planning how we would do this. Marcus had given us this little baseball sized shaped charge that we could supposedly use to destroy the vault door in the back of the bank. We walked in, climbed over the counter and went into the vault. I remember I tried figuring out how to make the bomb detonate. There was a really long red string wrapped around the bomb with a little pink plastic toad on the end of it.

      I then decided we would hack the computer instead. I remember trying to log in on the user account of somebody from the bank but I didn't know any passwords. Then I went to another computer terminal and saw that without logging in I could just enter the password to the vault directly. We tried a couple different passwords. The only two I remember us trying were "HoneyMoney" and "BigBenjamin31". I think Marcus was talking to us over radio giving us more password suggestions, but I ignored him since none of them worked.

      Me: "Alright. If I was in the prim and proper adult culture of banking, and I wanted to pick a password that nobody could guess, you wanna know what it would be?


      GLADOS sounding computer: "Password Accepted. Opening Vault."

      A woman came out of the bathroom and saw the two of us. She said she had been woken up by the Glados voice and had fallen asleep on the toilet. She was a little bit suspicious that we weren't supposed to be here even though the bank was closed, we were dressed like ninjas, and the dream guide behind me was stuffing money into a bag (Humorously stupid and oblivious dream character.) She somehow became convinced that we were a husband and wife pair and Manei was username "HoneyMoney" in the bank's employee registry.

      I woke up.

      Scoring: Since I've never had multiple lucid dreams to score I'm not sure how to do it. I think you can count dream control twice if you have it in multiple dreams. (But not necessarily a chain, like what happened last night.)

      Frag 0.5pt*1=0.5
      NLD (counting the nonlucid portion for each DILD since it was substantial.) 1pt*2=2
      DILD 10pt for first +5pt subsequent*2=15
      WILD 10pt for first=10
      WBTB 2pt*1=2
      Old Personal Goal (Gymnastic Maneuver)=10pt
      Basic Flying=5pt*2 different dreams=10pt
      Time control=(I'm counting my use of VATS as this.)=10pt
      Use an ordinary object to preform dream control (I guess it isn't 100% normal to have ice skate blades that pop out of your shoes, but I'm taking it and running.)=5pt
      Super Speed (From the skate blades)=5pts
      Eat Something (A few Potato Planks)=5pts
      DC Interact 2pt*all 3 dreams=6pts
      Super Strength=5pt
      Elemental Control=(Them big blooms of fire in the second dream should count. Such pretty colors (◕‿◕)) =10pt
      Use electronic Device=(Bank computer system)5pt

      Total: 100.5!

      Updated 08-12-2016 at 03:38 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    13. Spell's Comp night 13: Unstable WILD

      by , 08-11-2016 at 12:38 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I did another one of my accidental WILDs. (Not expecting it to happen either. In the WILD, I false awakened on my bed. The thing that tipped me off that I was dreaming was the fact that it was sunny out (in fact, I think it was snowy). I did stabilization by touching blankets on my bed, but I was thinking about waking up and the dream was really not that stable at all. I went downstairs and got ready to go outside for dream control when I woke up.

      I could feel myself back in bed. But I didn't open my eyes, or move, or anything. Reentry was easy and happened very quickly.

      I was in a basketball court, but it also felt like I was in my kitchen. I think the fridge and stove from my kitchen were in the corner and there was a window where there's a window in waking life. I took off and flew around. At one point I thought it would be funny to try and fly through a basketball hoop but I figured I'd probably get stuck. I looked down and saw my flying jets weren't visbile. Weird because I was hearing the 'flamethrower' sound that is usually attributed to them.

      I had a second awakening where I returned to being in bed. Reentry was just as easy and happened just as fast.

      I was still in the basketball court. I figured this time I had to think quickly to get points for the contest and thought of my dreamcatcher shield goal. I thought of making one and I actually got one to appear on my right arm, just like I had imagined it to look. (It was kind of small.) For some reason I was disappointed that it didn't make a cool sound effect when it appeared. I thought about testing it out but I would need someone to try attacking me.

      I woke up bigtime after that. I couldn't get back to sleep for a long while but I guess eventually I did because I remember this:

      I was asleep in the back of my grandmother's car. There was a 6" rat walking around on my body and there were a lot of flies and wasps in the car. I woke up when the rat started crawling on my face.

      Chain 2pt*2=4
      Basic Flight: 5pt=5
      Basic Summon=5pt=5
      Old Personal Goal: 10pt=10
      Frag 0.5pt*1=.5

      Totes: 34.5

      I feel kindof dirty taking points for such a bad attempt at a personal goal, but I've been kinda hard on scoring myself up until now...

      Updated 08-11-2016 at 02:19 PM by 53527

      lucid , dream fragment
    14. Spell's Comp Night 12: Turn on the lucid generators!

      by , 08-10-2016 at 12:57 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Weird how this happened. I guess it was a WILD, but I'm not sure where the stream of waking thoughts ends and the lucid begins. I don't think it would affect scores too much, so I'll do my best.

      I was doing counts after waking up in the night. I don't even think I was very high, but I ended up making a jump by accident and went from 14 lucid dreams *deep breath* 44 lucid dreams *deep breath* 444 lucid dreams *deep breath* 445-wait, how did I get this high? I've had this kind of thing happen before when I count lucid dreams and usually its a sign that I'm about to drift off. I gave up on counting for a daydream-ish stream of thought.

      I was supposed to be inside my own brain, but I was inside what looked like an office building with people sitting at computers controlling me. I think I thought of the movie inside out. I snuck away and took an elevator down to the lower levels. (The lower levels actually looked like they were made of brain material rather than an office building) I remember there being a gray door to the room with the 'lucid dream generators'.

      There were these two guard bots that said that I had clearance to go in but wasn't allowed to touch anything. I went in. There was a large open room with four Tesla coil like apparatuses that I assumed were lucid dream generators. The entire back wall was a huge flat-screen TV with a blue screen crash on it. I tried to read it but it was blurry.

      "I'm sure nobody will even notice if I turn a few of these generators on..."

      I turned all four of them on and that triggered security robots to come in. I hid behind one of the generators but they were shooting lasers at me and I got shot in the chest several times. I was in third person view of myself and was able to convince me that the lasers did no damage to me since they were a part of my mind... or something. It didn't really work. My third-person dream self was acting wounded. I then thought of having an EMP device that disabled all the robots. It appeared in the form of a baseball-sized a white metal sphere with several buttons and panels on it.

      I threw it down and it created this purple electricity arc between all the lucid generators that shorted all the robots. I went out of the room and saw there were many more gray doors labeled 'lucid generators' and figured I would turn them all on. But the hallway vanished into a reddish soup lacking clarity. I saw a purple and blue cat (kind of Cheshire cat vibe) float by and thought of berry blast pop-tarts. I then saw Steven from SU with a pop tart. I then saw my character Raiah driving a U-haul truck.

      For some reason this was the moment that I properly recognized myself as entering the dream. I began getting sensations in my body as I climbed into the back center seat of the truck, feeling the texture of the seats and my foot on the step, thinking this is it, now I've actually gotten lucid and I'm in a dream. We were in the parking lot of a school. I don't know how I knew that, I just did.

      I got into the back of the truck and sat on the hump seat in the middle. Fairly easy to pull in Manei from the soup on the right hand side back seat as I did. She started driving. I don't know where we were driving or why. I had my heart set on a beach location or some kind of adventure. She said she didn't like Raiah because she was a character I made up in waking life. I told her to please drop that nonsense, that I didn't intentionally bring her into the dream and was just kind of going with the flow.

      She wanted me to hold her hand. I could tell she was uncomfortable. She said something about the back of the truck being bad for tall people and the driver being part robot. I got annoyed and so I looked over into the front passenger seat and forcibly manifested another original character of mine. Several highly distorted swirls of mist in various colors and she manifested right before my eyes.

      "There now the two can keep each other company and they won't bother us." I said to her. She seemed more comfortable now and wanted to hold hands. I felt her hand for some dream stabilization and looked down at it.

      "Her fingers look like sausages. I should try and eat them and see what happens- what? Sausages? That was a weird thought."

      I remember being reminded of stabilization. I did a nose pinch for a long time and pondered the dreaming state. I experimented with pinching and un-pinching my nose. It felt like my nose was a lot smaller.

      "Man, dream-me has a small nose..."

      It was a this point I realized we were driving down the median of an avenue. Raiah had been replaced with my friend J who was talking on the phone with his mom. His mom then appeared in the rear left seat and tried to give him a brown paper bag lunch, but he refused it. Six or seven cars crashed around us in a circle and we couldn't move. Some police started coming. My other character was then replaced with Aang. He said he would be happy to get us out of this one.

      "U-haul, Yip Yip." The truck started flying with a jolt and I woke up.

      I tried for reentry but no luck.

      WILD: 10pt*1=10
      Advanced Summon: 15pt*1=15
      Interact with DC: 2pt*1=2
      RC/Stabilize: 1pt*1=1

      Night Total:23
    15. Spell's Comp Night 11: Not Agian!

      by , 08-09-2016 at 08:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with Legos. There was a building challenge where you had to buy five or ten of the same set and build something cool with it.


      I was in the park in my neighborhood. It was cloudy/overcast. There was no grass, the ground had just been replaced with hard, dry topsoil, and all the trees were there but they were dead husks of what they were originally. I remember seeing my dream self there. Somebody was talking about tattooing an arrow onto the forehead of my dream-self. I shooed them away and said "That's mine".

      Something weird was going on here. I was my waking life self, but my dream self was in the dream too. I remember I was periodically phasing into my dream-self's body and becoming more lucid, then returning to my own body. When I was in my own body, my dream-self would still be present, but he was like a robot. He had a very blank expression and would just follow me around and obey basic commands, and moved with a very robotic demeanor.

      But when I phased into my dream-self, my waking self would completely disappear. I remember thinking to myself that my phasing in and out of my dream-self was indicative of my level of lucidity. I remember thinking how normally I do 100 counts in meditation, but yesterday, I stopped around 50. I thought to myself "Huh, half the meditation, half the lucidity..." (Without realizing that at that level, if I would have just been able to realize what was actually going on, I could have broken through to full lucidity with basically no effort...)


      Something to do with these seven girls from my college. They had this ritual of, every Thursday, spending their paychecks on beer. They would go to a subway station and play this Jeopardy-type trivia game. There was also some reason that we were in a subway station, it was somehow related to simcity 4 and I was building too many subways in the city that nobody would use. (This is actually a bad habit of mine when I play any simcity game is to go a little... overboard with my mass transportation.)

      Each time they got a question right they would chug a can of beer. This meant that the game was balanced, so if someone was doing well at answering questions, they would get more drunk and start to fall behind, and the game essentially ended with everyone wasted, and for whatever reason, I was the host of this competition.

      Anyways I asked some $100 question about renewable energy in Europe and everyone got it right, so they all drank beers. Immediately after the first beer, all seven of them were drunk and it broke down into a "who could stomach the most beer before throwing up" contest.

      There was also something to do with the seven sins and each of the girls was representing one of them. I'm not sure if this was some kind of symbol or just a part of the characters they put on when they played this game.

      I did a WBTB after waking up from this dream and went to the bathroom.


      I remember going online and finding a comic strip that I had started drawing in 2009, and worked on again in 2012. Someone told me that I should finish it and publish it to make money (reason being that I had to pay a toll to drive a crappy tugboat that I also lived on through the panama canal...?)

      I remember looking through the old comic that was in a big thick hardcover book. The cover was plain red but the first page was left blank. After that was a really detailed waist-up drawing of an anthropomorphic moose woman with a quilted scarf around her neck. There was no diaolouge bubbles in the comic (I think there might have been some notes scrawled in the margins on what the story was about, but I didn't read em) I was able to figure out parts of the story just by reading it.

      The moose woman seemed to be in progress of infiltrating an island fortification protected by these large cube shaped robot sentinels with disproportionately small legs and numerous searchlights in order to steal some kind of teapot. The robot sentinels were painted bright yellow with red polka dots on the cube parts but were gray and mechanical in the searchlight mechanisms. The teapot was kept deep underground in a vault. When the moose woman reached the teapot she was caught by a character who looked like Marcus. There were several secret service guys around her pointing strange weapons (Looked like laser pistols from the fallout series). It seemed to be a dialogue scene but since there were no speech balloons I couldn't figure out what the characters were talking about.

      The comic seemingly cut off. It changed to a more simplistic cartoonly style. It was something Steven Universe related and I was wondering how I could have been ripping off of Steven Universe in a comic strip that I supposedly drew before the show ever came out. I then came to the conclusion that somehow the person who made SU stole from me. I turned the pages. There was what looked like a page from the Avatar Comics spliced in there, and a few pages of weird hybrid images that seemed to be depicting a crossover between avatar and SU. It seemed to be a diaolouge-heavy scene but there were no word ballons.

      There were several pages of sketches and 'storyboards' of comics, and . I skipped over them wanting to get back to the beautiful, full color comics from before, even if there were no word bubbles I was enjoying looking at the pictures and trying to figure out what on earth the story was about. I think I found a few more pages of completed comic art but forgot what the subject matter was. I flipped back to the earlier pages promising to make more of an effort to decipher what happened in them, but when I turned back to the pages they were reduced to an incomprehensible mess of scribbles and sketches.

      I said something to the guy running the lock about my tugboat. He said that the boat was hardly worth a penny in the condition it was in. I said that I wanted to clean up the boat and repair it to make it worth more. I remember getting this rush of motivation to clean it up. I began looking through the rooms of the boat (that had been sort of a makeshift house of mine) and finding piles of junk in them. The guy charging me to use the lock sat down with a calculator and started calculating how much the junk items I sold him would be worth.

      The first thing I threw out were two tricycles meant for very small kids. One was princess themed and the other was slightly larger and teenage mutant ninja turtle themed. I then threw away a broken umbrella, a box of old newspapers, etc. I cleaned out the main living room on the boat and then washed the metal walls with dish soap and repainted them. I remember there being some moral about taking good care of where you live, because chances are it will take care of you.

      Dream carried on with my life in the room on the tugboat. I lived there, but it was also where I worked. Now I had a nicer place to live not full of junk that I had collected.


      I was on my college campus. I remember the campus had experienced something strange, that tectonic activity had apparently acted on a particular mineral below the ground of the campus. The mineral caused there to be pockets of negative gravity. They weren't dangerous because if you stepped inside of one, you'd float up for a bit, but hit the top of the negative gravity bubble then be moved off to the side by wind currents or imperfections in the field and be moved to the border of the field where normal gravity would slightly rule out the negative gravity and force you downwards slowly. In other-words the

      These were fun to play in. People made up games where they would throw rocks into the negative gravity wells and they would shoot upwards and they would try to get their rock the highest just by throwing it forward.

      A female and male scientist pair were sitting there with a computer and some scanning equipment (their scanning equipment looked like several electric guitar amps wired to a fancy laptop) and they showed me computer visualizations of the gravity bubbles. They were just that, bubbles, sphere shapes. But they talked about how the gravity bubbles would increase exponentially because as they spread, they would activate more of the mineral and align the crystals to expand and join the bubbles until they formed a massive bubble hundreds of miles wide.

      I remember going inside of one of the buildings. Parts of the building had gravity bubbles inside of them. Campus workers had built plywood ramps that slowly inverted students and staff to walk on the wall and ceiling as they passed in and out of bubbles. I had to go to the advising office to talk about something. Everything in the office had been moved from the floor to the ceiling. I had had a boring conversation with the advisor (don't remember it.)

      I went back outside to meet my friends S and C. They asked me if I wanted to play with them in the gravity bubbles. I would have said yes but my Taekwondo Instructor appeared and said explained a plot about a guy who was an executive of this corporation who wanted to mine the gravity mineral and use it to power something for his corporation. He was supposed to be banned from it but there was a loophole in the law and if he could make it across campus and turn in a certain form before a certain time that day he couldn't get the permit to open his mine.

      I remember we began chasing after him. Then the scientists approached me again and informed us that we shouldn't try to get across campus because the gravity bubbles were cascading out of control faster than they had originally anticipated. We went after the guy anyway.

      We eventually tracked him down to this part of campy that does not exist in waking life. It looked like we were somewhere in Venice or this Italian city. There were these large white brick houses with red roofing tiles and vines growing up the side, and this big archway structure. We saw the corporate guy who looked like Amit from Infected Mushroom. He had his son with him and his son had a bodyguard. We tried to confront him but apparently the guy, his son, and his bodyguard knew martial arts too. He tried to warn us to back off and he did all these flips and kicks and stuff but we didn't back down and we started fighting everyone.

      I got stuck fighting the son's bodyguard. He was a big guy, suprisingly agile for someone of his size and he seemed to be getting the upper hand (dag nabbit if I was lucid this would be a different story). I kept stepping back and avoiding his strikes. I remember stepping back into a wall and walking up the side of the wall. (Not congruent with how the gravity bubbles were explained to work earlier.)


      I don't recall how but we managed to turn the tide of the fight. We tied up the son and his bodyguard with vines but the businessman got away and signed the deal to mine the mineral. Somehow, even though this had only happened over the span of a couple minutes there was already a huge mining complex with chutes, hoppers, a large tower, and a railway linkup constructed where the dorms should have been on my college campus. The man was standing on a stage talking about how he was going to use the gravity-defying mineral to create flying cars.

      Then the scientists came and said that the gravity bubble had collapsed (despite the fact that we were not all floating) but it was now pulling all of the world's oceans towards this one spot. I could see a big tsunami (about 50 feet tall) coming through the trees. I climbed to the top of a building. The dream blurred out there.


      I remember false awakening and signing on to dreamviews. I wrote up the first three dreams of this entry, with time skipping most of the actual writing and it being me just remembering key details of them hoping and refresing them in my mind, probably the reason I come to you all with four nonlucid/semilucid dreams, and posted them as a dream journal entry.

      DreamCafe had commented on my entry almost the moment I put it up. It was a link to my art thread where she had posted a picture. The picture was of her and all three of her regular guides sitting on the end of a bed. From left to right was Dawn, who was reading a newspaper, Cafe herself holding a cake with a birthday candle, Eye, in boxer shorts and sleep deprived looking, and Kiro with a cone party hat and a big present. There was a heart-shaped foil balloon tied to the bed post by Kiro that said "happy birthday".

      I remember the picture was also done in a style that resembled her art. The color pallate was interesting too. The background was grayish/purplish, and each of the guides were outlined in a dark shade of their respective color. The foil balloon was the only thing that looked different since it had full colors and looked realistic rather than drawn. It looked like it had been cut out of a photograph and photo-shopped into her drawing.

      The internal logic behind it being a birthday was that it was the anniversary of the day she had first managed to lucid dream.

      I remember downloading the drawing and opening it myself in Photoshop. I wanted to see what was on the newspaper. The headline said something about a famous white racing horses head that had been replaced with a bird's head. I thought it was funny. I tried to zoom in further to read the actual text but it became too pixelated. I could read the headline on the back of the first page that read "Scientists have confirmed that energy from renewable sources is the same color as regular energy." This had something to do with the question that I asked to the drunk girls in the second dream.

      1,000 words short of that other really dream journal. (Maybe I should give up on LUCID dreaming and try to see how many non-lucid dreams and fragments I can recall in a single night.)

      LD 1pt*5=5
      Frag 0.5pt*1=0.5
      WBTB 2pt*1=2

      Total: 7.5
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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