• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Lucid Time!

    Color Code

    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

    Spoiler for Waking Life Dream Characters:

    Dream Signs

    Spoiler for Warning Long List:




    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Wave (#290)

      by , 05-01-2016 at 05:20 PM (Lucid Time!)

      The dream started off with some star wars related stuff. I don't remember the story exactly but it seemed to be an alternate version of episode III. The major difference was that Anikin and Padme already had a kid. (Just one, not twins). Obi-Wan had uncovered Anikin's affair and they were fighting. The kid was scared by the adults arguing and ran away.

      The environment they were in was close to that city planet. Only there was a harbor/bay with an ocean in it. The Padme character said something about how everything good in their life might as well be in the bottom of that ocean. And they continued fighting.

      I materialized on the ocean. It was overflowing into the city. Supposedly the ocean was acidic due to pollution and it caused people to dissolve when the ocean began overflowing. Dream showed some rather disturbing imagery of that. I was standing on the surface and became
      lucid. I saw a big wave coming. Everything else started to go black, save for the water, despite the fact that it had been twilight a few moments ago.

      I saw the tsunami coming. I actually almost willed it into the dream. It was about average height for a tsunami dream. (Maybe 30 feet) I've had them as small as 8-10 feet and as high as a hundred or more.

      "Stop, you've plagued my dreams with fear long enough. What do you represent?"

      (Yes, I was expecting the wave to respond. But it didn't. It just kept coming towards me.)

      "Very well, if you don't represent any real fear of mine, then I should be able to do this."

      I stepped back into a fighting stance. The wave was almost upon me. I did like a karate chopping motion and split the wave to either side. The wave stopped. The entire wave began splitting down either side and quite literally exploding into a cloud of mist. The whole dream was filled with falling water, like rain from the huge wave exploding. Since it was supposed to be acidic I was worried, but I didn't allow it to hurt me.

      I was half expecting another wave to come that would be much bigger than the first. That's what happened last time I tried to confront this nightmare. But no second bigger tsunami came. I even tried to imagine what it would look like, encourage it. The giant wave from the planet in Interstellar came to mind. Just so I could show that wave who was boss once and for all. Nothing else happened and I lost the dream and woke up.

      I feel as though I'm not done here...

      Updated 05-03-2016 at 03:10 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Machinegun FAs

      by , 04-30-2016 at 01:01 PM (Lucid Time!)

      After four days of false awakenings followed by really crappy frags I finally get myself back on track.

      I remember the early dreams had something to do with me being on this sand dune. It was absolutely huge. I was hanging out with this new friend that I had made. I think his name was josh. He reminded me a lot of my waking life friend A. Me and him decided to build a sand castle, but for some reason the sand dune was hard like it were made of sandstone.

      I could swear there was a lot more to this dream than us starting to build a sand castle. It also overlapped with some other dreams about how I met the guy.


      There was also a dream about this fairy character. I remember it was actually a 'he' despite having a very female looking body and had two options of what to do in life, to either become a demon or become this love fairy that was an embodiment of dualities. I carried out some quest and helped it to become the better of the two options. (Duality) Upon completing the quest, he became gigantic and walked off into a forest of pine trees while reminding me of some of my dream goals.


      I became lucid after being reminded that I had dream goals. I know there was more lucid stuff before this. I feel like it was a whole segment that ended in a FA, but me holding onto my lucidity somehow, then leading into what happened here. I just forgotten it. It makes logical sense that it was an FA.

      I remember I was going for a bike ride with my mom and dad. We had just left the house and there were two suns. I'm pretty sure I was already lucid, but this was helping. The larger of the two was due east while there was a smaller, normal sized one in the north. The larger of the two suns had debris around it in a ring. I looked at them. Small planets and asteroids, but I swear I saw a haunted pirate ship floating in the sky.

      We were riding for a bit when we came to this drainage pit. The pit was different than it is in waking life. There was no wooden fence around it. (There is IWL) and it was on the opposite side of the trail. I nearly rode my bike into the bottom of the pit, despite trying to steer away from it. I had to hop off and walk my bike back up, but the pit had a sort of gravity to it that would probably pull some hapless nonlucid dreamer into a slow struggle against swamp muck and their own bike.

      After I got out of the pit, I did a nose pinch for several seconds to reaffirm my lucidity. I then decided to ride my bike in the road, since it's something I've always wanted to do. But I needed a speed boost since the cars go much faster than I do. I used my flying flames to boost my bike to go faster. Riding in the road was fun, except for the cars intentionally trying to ram me and the dream essentially becoming lucid frogger for a second. At one point, I jumped off my bike and onto the hood of a car and rode it down the street.

      I saw there was this big conference setup outside, between the middle schools. All of these middle aged and elderly people were in attendance.

      "So as you all know the redistribution of legos is very important to the school's budget." One of the DCs spoke. He then went onto introduce the new head of security. I remembered Justme13's challenge and thought he might make a good opponent. I decided to get the attention of everyone and see if I could get him to attack me. I flew into the air and hovered above the conference.

      "As you can see, your education has nothing to do with legos, it has to do with your lucidi-tea."

      A giant orange and yellow teapot appeared to the left of the conference when I said that. I thought it would aggravate them into attacking me. It didn't, they all just cheered that I was flying. I got annoyed and figured if I wasn't going to get a skilled opponent, I should work on getting to a new and better environment at least. (I think I was thinking of the discussion I had on spellbee's thread about dreamscapes.)

      I decided I would fly away from the town to an environment that might not be that interesting, but at least it wouldn't be a middle school. I got up in the air and started flying. I flew past the football feild by the high school and the thing that I remember was that the dream wold was getting more simple. All of the sudden, it ended. It had an edge. Like the void in minecraft. I zoomed out and saw that the whole town was like a SimCity Tile floating in a void, with the greatest concentration of detail near the center. I decided I would fly up but I died and a message appeared like in Minecraft.

      "JadeGreen fell out of the world"

      I FA'd on the floor of the front room of my house.
      Nose pinched and was still dreaming. I decided I would dream spin to a beach location. I stood on my spot and started spinning. I didn't change the scene, just destabilized the dream.

      I FA'd agian into my bedroom. I did a nose pinch RC and became lucid. I started to get out of bed and noted that there were piles of legos

      I FA'd a third time I think this time the room was painted blue with stars like when I was younger.
      I did a nose pinch RC and became lucid.

      I FA'd a fourth time into my bedroom. There was a huge palm tree in a pot at the foot of my bed. I just knew it was still a dream, and red and white mushrooms growing out of the pot. I shouted 'STOP'.

      I woke up for real.

      Updated 05-03-2016 at 03:06 PM by 53527

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    3. Spell's Comp Day 14: A pretty WILD final comp night.

      by , 04-24-2016 at 02:35 PM (Lucid Time!)

      Dream: I was playing dodgeball soccer in high school gym class. If you were on your own side of the gym, you were allowed to throw the ball and get people out. You could also throw for the soccer net at either end and score that way. If any ball went into the soccer net the other team instantly won.

      You could cross the center line, and if you were on the other side, nobody could get you out by throwing the ball at you. Then the game became like soccer. You had to kick the ball into the goal.

      I just remember that I went across the line and tried to kick the ball into the goal a couple times, but it kept rolling away/losing control. At some point I wound up bunny-hopping my way around the gym holding the ball between my ankles. I actually managed to score that time.


      I remember I lived in a minecraft cave base with someone. (Or actually I think it was three or four people.) But we were perpetually getting overrun by big groups of monsters. Not minecraft monsters, just big hordes of random monster beings. (I guess if I had to describe them they were like gray humanoids exaggerated in various ways, like some were overly tall and skinny. Others were large, fat and extremely strong and tough.)

      I remember we were fighting them and trying to block off the entrances that they were coming in from, but they kept coming through in new ways. I remember at one point, my friends died, and I tried to flee the underground and get back to the surface. I was running out of the main room of the cave base and there were a big group of them right behind me. One of them said to send in eggman's robots.

      I went around the corner and there were two pairs of robots, a smaller pair in front and a larger pair in back. They looked a little bit like star wars battle droids and super battle droids respectively only they were painted black and red.

      I wasn't lucid, but I knew that I could use earthbending or that that was important somehow. God dangit, so close! (I guess it was pretty easy to visualize earthbending in Minecraft nonetheless) and I threw stone blocks at the robots. I think I managed to get past them but some of the monsters grabbed me from behind and I lost the dream.


      It was at this point I woke up for an ever so brief amount of time. I don't think I opened my eyes even. I remember thinking that I wanted to go back into the dream and start over. I could still feel the connection to the dreamworld so I let myself slide back in sideways. Literally it felt like I was moving to the right and the dreamworld was forming around me. I don't think I got excited about the fact that I was WILDing since I didn't realize what was happening.

      I arrived on a beach setting. At the same time it was very vivid but kind of dark, as a proto-dream should be. On my left were a bunch of palm trees and a beach cottage. (It looked like one of those old Hawaiian houses or something.) And on my right was the ocean. I remember the sensations started coming in. The sound of the waves, and the wind from the sea. I could swear I was right on the edge of being awake because I could feel my dream body and my waking body.

      I thought of Manei (I was thinking about her before I drifted off to sleep last night) and she began to manifest. She manifested feet first, up to her head, as she manifested the missing parts of her were a black outline. I could also swear there was like a computer loading bar in the corner of my vision... She was laying on her back in a beach chair when I was finished. But she wasn't awake/alive at first, but she started to come to her senses.

      Just as I was about to say something, I lost the dream and woke up almost instantly. I really tried to go back, but couldn't. Too awake...

      NLD (x2=2)
      WILD (x1=10)
      Advanced Summoning (x1=15, Dream guide)

      Night Total: 27

      Comments scores brb

      10 different people/different entries. =3 points.

      Thanks Spock and DreamCafe11 in particular.

      Updated 05-03-2016 at 03:08 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Spell's Comp Day 13: Triple DILD and some truly weird and violent plotlines.

      by , 04-23-2016 at 02:03 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Edit: Rememered a fragment. Something to do with launching a Soyuz spacecraft.

      Dream 1:

      I remembered I was attending my new summer class. (Over the summer, I have to take a remedial class because advising is a dick and they've managed to get out of giving me an appointment that's a whole 'nother story.) Anyways, I remember that we were inside of this big dome that had a model of the solar system in it, hanging from chains. The class met inside of the sun.

      I remember going inside of the sun, there was a reasonable sized room in there. The whole room was made out of white painted particle board. Since it was hanging, it would sort of wobble. I remember feeling like the room was not structurally sound, particularly since it hung over this absolutely huge foyer like room, and it seemed to wobble around (I think it was hanging from chains.)

      Anyways I was the only one up there and I was waiting for the other students, when someone told me that I was in fact in Jupiter and not the sun. (None of the planets were painted yet.) So I had to climb over through venus. But the chain broke loose and I was left hanging with my computer in one hand and a rotten white painted 2x4 in the other. Someone said they would call the fire department.


      I swear this trouble dragged on for quite a long time, jumping from different a Eventually I was riding my bike in (I think London or Paris, it felt like Europe) and I finally dropped my computer onto the brick street and broke it. Then a bus came barreling towards me honking the horn.
      I suddenly snapped into lucidity and jumped over it. I think I started flying and all these people made a big circle around me and saw me slowly hover down back into the street.

      Dream 2:

      I was watching the season finale of Survivorman where he was going to Kayak down this river to this abandoned city that had been flooded by global warming. He did. Edward Elric was with him.

      I remember a huge block of cement fell on him from one of the buildings. He looked up and said 'That's a big rock'. Then it fell on him and severely injured him. I remember he got injured on his leg too. Ed had to use alchemy to heal him.

      Fast forward to to the third day of the survival. I remember they had left the abandoned city because it was too dangerous with all the falling bits of buildings. They got attacked by this witch character that haunted the forest.
      Then I manifested into the dream and became lucid. I ran at the witch and kicked her in the face. At that same moment she manifested a baseball bat with her magic and hit me in the face.

      Ed screamed: "Cross counter!"

      I think I false awakened, but I forgot what I false awakened into...

      ... Actual awakening, WeeBTB.

      Dream 3:

      I was in my color theory class. I went to the restroom (that was connected to the classroom, weirdly enough.) I remember the restroom had a staircase in it, that was weird. It slowly changed to a gym.

      A girl from my old high school was there. I remember there were three treadmills and she was changing the plugs around so that all of them could run at the same time. Each one had a plug in the side that she ran out to an additional treadmill essentially creating a chain. I remember she set mine on a super low speed and that annoyed me for some reason.

      We both wound up walking outside. It was nighttime and the college building was alone on a hillside. I remember a ways down the hill there was a road, then a row of thick trees and then a river. I remember I told her not to go into the woods down past the road because there was this restless spirit that lived down there. She did it anyway. I think I saw the spirit take her. When it did, I said something like.

      "She was never very bright, but her heart was in the right place."

      I then went back up to the building and became
      lucid. I remember there was this cult in there that was hypnotizing people, and I wanted to free them. It was down in the basement and it was dark, and I was afraid that the dream would lose stability. I remember I was able to crack my neck and glow in the dark. (Internal logic, I turned myself into a human glow stick.)

      I went down into the basement and saw the cult. There were about 20 people. (Some of them students from my college) sitting around a pentagram. They all had headphones on. There were also three or four other people there, I think they were.

      I unplugged the headphones and all the people snapped out of their hypnosis. I told them to run. They all obeyed and ran upstairs. The hooded cultists started to come after me. The leader of this cult (old, short, balding guy) had this huge trident/lance type weapon. He said he was going to smite me in the name of his god [his god had some name I don't remember]. I blocked the lance and punched the guy. For some reason when I punched him he became naked. (I did not need to see that old saggy cult leader naked.) He flew into the air and landed in the corner of the room.

      This other guy came after me and said he was going to punch my lights out. He was much bigger than me, but I tripped him and pushed him into this big banquet table with food for them on it. He asked me why I didn't just accept the fact that there was always bad guys in my dreams and why I would always fight them. I told him that there was no point in not trying to make my dreams a better place, I get lucid, might as well do it. He asked me something about my use of violence and I told him it was because people like him always attacked me first. He didn't like my rhetoric so I threw a cake in his face.

      I then remember this girl came out, apparently the daughter of the leader of the cult. I remember she had this very weird outfit on, like the lower half was just like a bikini bottom but the upper half (upper body, arms and head) were like an iron man suit painted black. Six machine guns came out of it (three on each shoulder.)

      She shot at me, but I made a force bubble and reflected all the bullets, but I could feel the shield would not hold for long. I jumped clear and ran along the wall to get close. When I got close, I was able to tear two of the machine guns off of one of the shoulders (Think it was her left). I remember on the back they had a handle like a handgun, but a giant minigun barrel on front. I kept fighting the hooded cult members that were just projections in empty robes, and fighting them with machine guns was hard because it would just make holes in the robes.

      This other girl showed up wearing a huge green hoop skirt that I think transformed from a more mundane outfit. Beneath the hoop skirt was also the bell of a rocket engine so she could fly, and she had missile silos for breasts. The two began fighting with each other, while trying to escape deeper under the building. I remember there were these metal sharks that would swim around in the air that they were also fighting.

      I think I might have gotten distracted and died in the chaos. I was simply observing as a ghost/spirit. When I did, I saw the ghost of the cult leader. He went to a museum hall and used his necromancy to resurrect a T-Rex skeleton, as punishment for his daughter wearing such a ridiculous outfit... I... Uhh... where is this ridiculous plotline going?


      Just as the chaos was reaching a climax, I false awakened in the back of my friend S's old car. He was driving down a highway in (I think Shanghai) with the top down. I told him that I just had a really weird lucid dream. He said that It was 2:15pm and I had only been asleep since 2:05...

      Fragment +0.5
      3 NLDs. (Since the non-lucid portion of each dream was fairly substantial, +3)
      WeeBTB (+2)
      3 DILDs. (Even if they were all short, technically triple lucid +20)
      Fly (+5)
      Mlsc Dream Control (+5) Making myself glow in the dark. That was weird.
      DC Interaction (+2) Talking with the big guy counts.
      I'll count the forcefield as invulnerability, even if it didn't last long. (+5)

      Night Total: 42.5.

      Updated 04-23-2016 at 07:17 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Spell's Comp Days 9-12: Exams

      by , 04-22-2016 at 03:03 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Okay I blame exams week and the release of KSP 1.1 for all this.

      Night 9:

      -Fragment. I FA'd and I had pooped in the bed.

      -Something to do with going to the library. I remember they had this big rack of these little tiny books about the size of 3x5 cards and only a few pages long. Each one of them had a blue cover and yellow text that read "stories of lucid dreaming". I opened up a few of them. I don't remember what they were about.

      I ended up checking out one of these 'stories of lucid dreaming books'. I took it home. The story was written by a little kid and when I read it it talked about how he dreamed that lego star wars battle droids were attacking him. I got bored with the story pretty quickly, and decided to make tea and play KSP, but when I opened the cupboard, millions of lego star wars battle droids poured out.

      The dream ended with me trying to get all of them out of a coffee mug so I could make my tea.

      Frag: +.5
      Dream +1

      Night 10:


      Night 11:

      I tried a WeeBTB. (I think it was actually a double WeeBTB Didn't work though.)

      WBTB: +2

      Night 12:

      I tried another WeeBTB. Didn't get me a lucid tho.

      Fragment: I do remember dreaming something to do with staying at/living at a hotel. Someone was saying it was best to have a room on the lower floors and on the interior with no windows, because it meant I was safe from natural disasters.

      WBTB: +2
      Frag +.5

      Updated 04-22-2016 at 03:08 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Spell's Comp Day 8: Slackin'

      by , 04-18-2016 at 03:25 PM (Lucid Time!)

      Fragment: Something to do with the Avatar episode "The Fourtneteller"


      Anxiety dream. I was in my college class, and I had to do some kind of presentation in front of the class. I remember I didn't have it/the file was corrupted. Some of the other students (I feel like there was two of every student in the class.) and they all started laughing at me for not having done the project that had been due all semester.

      For whatever reason, I decided to pretend to faint. I fell down on the floor and all of the duplicates of the students started kicking me. Supposedly they were dickhead duplicates, like manifestations of all the classmates' evil sides.


      The dream repeated, only this time, instead of it being a missing/corrupted file, it was because my computer had been dropped/broken. I remember looking at the broken computer and remembering that that was a dream sign. (I listened to my dream signs recording right before bed.) But for whatever reason, no lucidity.

      This time, I remember that when I pretended to faint, everyone put me on a glass table. I was afraid I might fall through the table and get cut by broken glass.

      I woke up at about 5:00 to go pee and went back to bed hoping for a lucid. I woke up agian at about 6:30 very briefly. I don't remember if this dream happened in the 5:00-6:30 block of sleep or the last block of sleep after 6:30 to about 7:50

      I remember it was a dream about Manei. She was the only character present, and I was simply observing her. She was in this abandoned city and she decided to go to the library and since the city was abandoned, they would have copies of her favorite books that she could take and keep for herself. I think Tom Sawyer was the one she wanted to get, but I don't remember.

      She walked in and found the book, but when she turned to walk back out, the library had changed the entrance was no longer there. She looked around for the entrance for awhile, but eventually figured she had gotten lost. She took a paper and pen from a desk and drew a map, but eventually she figured the library must be changing because when she re-visisted old locations they were different.

      Instead she decided to just head in one direction and eventually she would find and exit. She walked for awhile and found that the library got darker the deeper she went. She had her torches with her and used that to create light. Eventually she came across this huge cavernous room. (Like miles across, there were clouds and an entire landscape in it and everything.) Parts of the landscape were bookshelves overgrown and rotting with vines and trees while others were completely organic.

      But in order to get down to the floor of the cavern room (it was this huge drop-off from where she was) she had to take a detour. I remember then Tom Saywer approached on his raft. This was where the mystery of the library had been answered, that apparently characters from books were coming to life and the reason the library was so big was because it needed space for all the book characters. She rode with Tom on his raft for awhile. I remember he played songs with a banjo to keep her entertained, but when they got to the destination, Tom tried to charge her by making her give up her golden necklace and she wouldn't do it, so she swam to shore to get away from him.

      Then she was like in this warehouse room. I remember there was like an old forklift with an oak sapling growing out of it and glowing mushrooms and roots everywhere. This evil librarian lady showed up. Apparently she was the librarian before the city was abandoned and her eternal sleep had been disturbed. I remember she had a skeleton body, but there were two smaller ribcages on her shoulders that apparently had belong to the library assistants,and a zombie librarian head with empty glasses frames.

      She ran and tried to hide behind a stone pillar. The librarian walked past her and was about to go away when her stomach growled and it gave her away. She tried to project fire from her torches to fight the monster but apparently they didn't work when she was hungry.

      She ran away again and fell down this hole into an underground lake. She was in the big cavern room now and swam to the shore where the roof and caved in and there was some grass and apple trees.

      I really feel like the whole dream was referencing alice in wonderland or the wizard of oz in some way.

      The apple she picked had a realistic human mouth and said: "Hey, whatever you do to me, I'm gonna do to you!" another apple that was still on the tree started talking. "Yeah, leave the poor kid alone!" She screamed and threw the apple away.

      The last thing I remember was a mushroom guy with no arms and an elephant trunk came up to her and said something about eating him, but Manei wouldn't do it because she didn't like mushrooms. The mushroom said that if Manei didn't eat her she would be in trouble. A giant grasshopper monster then came and started chasing her. I think it was later revealed that the grasshopper was the lieutenant of the librarian lady and was also hungry and wanted to eat her. There was some dialogue between Manei, an apple and the 30 foot grasshopper about how there was a food chain, but the apple was the only one that wasn't hungry, therefore he was the one who was the most successful.

      I became 'lucid' here and decided I wanted to help her out. (I don't really know how to describe it, because I became aware that what was going on was a story that my mind was creating, but for some reason, I didn't think of it as a proper lucid dream because I wasn't a first person character. I just remember thinking of my recording that reminds me that Dream Guide should equal Instant lucid.) I was somehow able to talk to her, and I had to get her out. But because it was a story that had to end it in a way that made sense. So I instructed her to use pages from books to make a giant paper airplane and fly out a hole in the roof. This actually worked, and when she got out there was a third-person version of myself as well as Alduir.

      When she got out, "I" Hugged her then proceeded to scold her for not eating well and taking care of herself. Maybe I was just cranky because she got to have a much more interesting experience/dream/story than I did. Then she realized she forgot to get the tom sawyer book.

      Frag (x1=0.5)
      Dream (x2=2)
      WBTB (x1 =2)
      DILD... I guess it counts. (x1=10)

      Total: 14.5
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    7. Spell's Comp Day 7: Sweaty Eyeball Disease

      by , 04-17-2016 at 08:39 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had been put in Quarantine by the government because I had been diagnosed with a disease that caused your eyeball to sweat. I remember I only had it in one eye.

      Apparently the disease could only affect five people at any one time, Teens/Young Adults. (I'm 20 and I was on the older end of people who got it.) But it made you very dangerous to the people around you because although the eyeball sweat wasn't toxic to you, it was violently poisonous to anyone else. They took me to a secret government facility underground that was basically like a house with five rooms. A central kitchen/living room area and five separate personal bed/bathrooms.

      When I got there, I learned that every year, one of the five random people who has the disease will transfer it randomly to someone else in the world and lose it themselves. I was the new person who had come in and the person going out was leaving after having had it for three years.

      I remember then the government guys took me down and showed me to my accommodations deep underground. They would come in hazmat suits, bring us food and the likes. I remember one of them taped a ping-pong ball onto my left eye. A you girl, about 6, told me it was alright to take it off, so I did. She started reading to me from a children's book.

      She read to me something. I swear I looked at the book and it said: Roses are Red, Violets are blue. A lucid dreamer is you. But I didn't become lucid though. Instead I opened up my laptop and lost a dream.


      I did a few RCs.

      A fragment, something to do with my animation project that is due tomorrow.

      NLD +1
      Frag +0.5
      WBTB Fail +2

      Total: 4.5
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Spell's Comp Day 6: Car Destruction, and OneUp visits, I think...

      by , 04-16-2016 at 05:10 PM (Lucid Time!)
      A Dream Character attempted to convince me that the moon landings were not faked because Kerbal Space Program exists.

      I then dreamed that I was a space probe in orbit around the moon and I was wondering if I could leave or if anyone would come back for me. There was something to do with seeing something left over from the Apollo missions on the surface, I think that was my mission, to photograph them. This actually went on for quite a long time. I think at least three orbits around the moon. With each orbit I adjusted to get a little closer to the moon.

      It wasn't a boring dream, but it was just one that moved slow and was quiet. I felt sort of sad that I was the soul of a space probe and I was probably never going to get back home, but to some extent I didn't care because I figured I could appreciate the beauty of space.


      Someone had re-arranged furniture in my room. There was all of these new shelves and my desk was missing. It was a false awakening situation.


      I was on vacation with my family somewhere. I remember some white SUV took our space.
      I became lucid somehow and decided to destroy the thing. I remember the scene changed to my backyard only the whole backyard was paved over like a parking lot. I decided that this would be a stress releaser, a sort of meditation in destruction of a dream. This perfect new white car vs me. It was a dream after all, and I could destroy this with no repercussions.

      I remember I kicked in the side. It dented the side door and the car slid away sideways making a tire squealing sound. I ran back to it, and toor the side view mirror off, and smashed it through the windshield. I then went and tore the front hood off, rolled it up into a spike and used the rolled up front hood to stab the cars' internals.

      I think the destruction went on for quite awhile, but I don't recall exactly how I went about it after those parts. Just that when I was finished, all that was left was four wheels sitting there comedically and car parts scattered around the backyard. Then some DCs came. My mom said that she was teaching an auto shop class and that she and her students wanted premission to fix the car for their exam.

      I started helping them gather up the parts and organize them when I lost the dream.


      I was with these other people. We were making a movie that we were going to put on Youtube about lucid dreaming. There was this other guy there, another lucid dreamer. I remember he had dirty blonde hair that was really long and straight as well as facial hair. He was a little bit taller than me and not wearing any shirt.

      I remember we walked into the road and we were talking about something. Then a car came speeding down the road and I jumped and grabbed a tree branch that was hanging above the road. I looked down and saw that I was two or three stories up. The guy asked how I got up there. I said that I didn't know and I came back down.

      I got curious and the next time a car came down the road, I kicked it. It flew off onto the sky and had a little ding like when Team Rocket blasts off. What do these dreams have against cars?

      He then said something about lucid dreaming. This prompted both of us to do RCs.
      I did a nose pinch and became lucid. I think the other guy became OneUp, but he still had long hair. He had the shirt with the transformers logo from his avatar. That's what made me think it was him. I think he shouted 'Awesome!, a Lucid!' and proceeded to snap his fingers. There was a poof of white smoke, like a magic trick, and a motorcycle appeared. He then snapped his finger a second time and made a girl appear, who was wearing a leather jacket and had long brown hair. He got onto the motorcycle and the girl got on and held onto him and they rode off.

      I wasn't super terribly lucid because I stayed up late last night, so as usual, I defaulted to 'Let's Fly'. I knelt down in the middle of the road. I swear the 'Man of Steel' flying music started playing. I remember (since the dream was supposed to be a movie) it had a cinematic vibe to it. I would sometimes get third person views. I got one and saw that there were two circles of wind around me (still knelt down in the road). The inside one rotating clockwise, the outside rotating counter-clockwise, that picked up leaves and gravel from the road.

      I then shot off into the sky. I was flying quite fast, and the inertia picked up quickly. I've done high speed flying on my fire jets before. Like they have in the past, they spooled up and sounded like the scream of a jet turbine. I remember I curved up and started flying so fast there was a shock-heating cone around my body. I flew through a huge thunderhead cloud and the wake of my flight was enough to blow apart the entire storm in a giant sideways tornado.

      I lost the dream around here. I think I continued to visualize flying off into space at light speed but nothing happened.

      Frag +0.5
      Non Lucid Dream +1
      RC +1
      DILD (x2=15)
      Super Strength (Car Destruction, 5)
      Advanced Flying (Supersonic, 10)
      Meet Teammate (OneUp, 7)

      Total: 39.5

      Updated 04-16-2016 at 08:42 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    9. Spell's Comp Day 5: Well, I tried to summon help...

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I remember a dream about being on my college campus. I remember hardly anything about it save for the fact that I was in the cafeteria eating the baked chicken that they served there occasionally. (My favorite meal from that cafeteria, even though I rarely went there.)

      All that I remember past that was that I was walking somewhere from the cafeteria. became lucid because it was
      Friday and I realized I didn't have to be on campus today, so I must be dreaming. but I Layer 1'd almost immediately...


      A dream about me and my Dream-Dad. We were playing a game together. MMF! WATH? DREAM DAD IS COOPERATIVE? [RC's] Anyways, we are each play as one of these Mechs. They look like the cougars from Mechwarrior. We have three weapons. Machine Gun, Rockets and Sniper cannon. We head out and encounter the bad guys. There are three of them piloting heavy slow mechs.

      We hide behind some rocks and shoot them. They are so slow that they can't hit us. We beat them. I remember thinking something about there being no weapons in the game with splash damage and how we might use that to our benefit.

      The same three players kept coming after us in different mechs. Flying Mechs. Tanks. Etc. We would always beat them, but we were running out of ammo. We went back to our base. (That was underneath this big energy shield dome, and got ammo crates.) The bad guys came back. One of them was piloting a dropship and the other two were in mechs. One mech was big and heavy. (Mad Cat) and the other was very small and ran very fast. Now that the bad guys were mixing up their strategy, we were having a harder time fighting them.

      I woke up.


      I remember I was walking in town. I saw a Jeep-like car come over the hill and roll sideways. It skidded on its side down the road, leaking gasoline out of the exhaust pipes. I thought there would be an explosion.

      I then saw a bus in the parking lot of the Wendy's that was on fire. I heard the people inside screaming and pushing on the glass. Someone asked why nobody could get the door open. I ran to help everyone but the door opened as I got close and everyone got out of the smoky bus. I saw a couple of cops ride into town on a motorcycle. One of them pulled out a gun and shot into the air to restore order.

      I realized that the whole downtown area was falling into chaos. There was what looked like a riot going on and people were rolling over cars and buildings were on fire. I decided I would run to somewhere safe, so I turned and ran in the direction of my old school.

      "This is a Nightmare, I thought to myself. A Nightmare... wait.
      [Nose Pinches]." Yeah.

      I remember the dream had lost a lot of stability because I had been stressed and scared by the disaster scenes in town.
      I DEILDed and came back into the dream where I was living in my apartment. Apparently in dream, I had my own apartment in town now. (Though it was in the place of a house.)

      The entire room was a bathtub, toilet, sink and a small bed, with a tiled floor. I for some reason shouted 'This is my Dream Base! I will return here in every dream and become lucid!' I then decided that it was a dream, and I could make the room bigger. So I took a deep breath and began doing a pushing motion. The room was big enough that I couldn't touch the walls, but I was trying to... psychically push them farther apart. And it worked.

      I then decided I would summon Manei. So I looked at the door, and did my good old fashioned 'Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosubmle" command. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. Apparently she was still manifesting in because she was just a floating head at first, but after a few seconds her whole body had manifested in from a hazy white light. I remember when she finished a little purple (+10) appeared. I guess that was in reference to the competition since I've been putting all my scores in purple.

      She was awkwardly trying to move all of this stuff. (Like carrying a backpack, two purses and a couple huge suitcases.) I guess she was moving in with me...

      I wanted to hurry past this part so we could get to the important stuff we had going on tonight. Especially since she kept stumbling on stuff that had been left in the hallway by other people. I started making stuff disappear right before my eyes to make it easier for her to move everything. I was reluctant that I would delete something of hers, so I asked before removing each object. Most of them were just bags of trash in the hall. I would level my open hand at them and think it, and they'd disappear with a humorous pop sound.

      At some point there was also an annoying issue with finding her invisible coin purse on the floor of the hallway.

      After that, she went away for a bit while I took note that the room had a closet and a larger bathtub now. When she came back, she was pushing a king sized bed down the hallway. (Well, I guess I know what's on HER mind, because we both know that we're already asleep, and we don't need a bed.)

      She asked me to help her get it into the room. The tight hallway we were in made this a crappy physics puzzle. She must be much stronger than me because I tried to move that king sized bed and it wouldn't budge. So I wound up figuring that I could transport the giant bed into the room by teleporting it into higher dimensional space. I did. It also disappeared instantly with a 'pop' sound. I went into the room to see that it had already re-appeared and I thought to myself that it must have put the old small bed into hyperspace.

      (Weird how my physical strength in dreams is only moderate, while I still possess the ability to telekinetically move or teleport massive objects.)

      Anyways, after that she wandered off. Somehow or other we were in my house now, and the apartment we had created was where my room was. I just remembered that she was talking on her cell phone and I jumped over her, did a flip and landed in front of her. She hung up.

      "Sorry, am I a little too-in-your face?"
      "Yeah- I thought you didn't want to see me. I messed up. I taught you the wrong command and I tried to make you grow up too fast. I thought you didn't like me anymore because I wasn't perfect."
      "Psh, Think of all the times I messed up in front of you and did something dumb. I just wanted to make sure that wasn't gonna become the norm. We gotta keep each other in line, you know."
      "She said some reply in gibberish and I noticed she was crying a little."
      "Really, you gotta cry about this? I said I forgive you. You can be such a big baby sometimes..."

      I remembered commenting that she wasn't her usual cheerful self and that it was because I had been sick in waking life, so she had been rather sick in the dream world and was still getting over it. Apparently sickness in waking life=depressed dream guide. Not sure how that works. I also remember through the whole dream she was wearing this gray beanie hat with a little blue knitted flower on the side. It was kind of cute but also conveyed her dismal state quite well.

      "So I'm a little twitchy because I'm in the LDing competition right now."
      "Really, I don't like lucid dreaming competitions." (She said it really clearly to make sure I knew what she felt.)
      "I wasn't sure if I would like them either, but I decided to have an open mind. That Reminds me. I have to do... elemental bending for it. That was the reason I wanted to see you. You taught me water way back when..."
      "Things that you want to know that you don't even know how to know. Well I have to go now the dream is gonna end."

      She then proceeded to take out an umbrella and open it over her head. She disappeared using some trickery, leaving behind only a cat. I remember the cat meowed and the inside of its mouth was yellow. I tried to ignore the fact that she said the dream was gonna end, hoping there was still more lucid to come.

      "I sighed. Well I guess I'm on my own... Tesseract to-"


      Dream Fragment (+0.5) College dream counts as fragment since barley remembered.
      NLD (x2=2) Im counting the Mech dream as well as the burning bus dream.
      WBTB (x2 =2)
      DILD (x2 = 15)
      Reality Check (x1 = 1)
      Chain LD (x1 =2) (Successful this time, from a layer 1 though, still lucid-awake-lucid.)
      Unspecified Dream Control (x1 =5) Making the room bigger.
      Basic Summoning: (x1 Dream Guide = 5+5) Manei is not a real person. Think that counts for 10.
      Interact with DC (lots of DG interaction.) 2
      Basic Un-summoning: (x5ish trash bags, one at a time = 5)
      Don't know how to count the teleportation of the king sized bed from hallway to room. Spell can decide.

      Total: 44.5

      Weird, I still got a lot of points for helping Manei move her crap into my room.
    10. Spell's Comp Night 4: Fragment Drop

      by , 04-14-2016 at 12:56 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Cough kept me up last night. Getting better though...

      I false awoke in some hotel somewhere. I was naked and some other people saw me, and wondered who I was . I got under the covers and went 'back to sleep'.


      I was on campy. More buildings I hadn't seen before. I remember one was a very tall thin building with these sunken-in windows on one side. I think I almost became lucid in this one, but wound up waking up instead.

      Fragment (0.5x2=1)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Spell's Comp Night 3: Exploding Dad

      by , 04-13-2016 at 12:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment: I remember a repeat of a previous dream happening again, or at least it felt like it. I was with my parents and cousins at a hotel by the beach. Only this time the hotel had a roof with these dark wood shingles and this big restaurant out in front. I remember everyone was hungry after seeing but the girl at the check-out desk was annoying and talking on the phone with someone.


      Fragment: Something to do with a dating website for lucid dreamers. ('Lucid Love' I think it was called?) Or at least that's what I though it was. I got a PM from someone. It was from spellbee2. He told me that it was part of a prank that was happening in February. Apparently he had just re-skinned the website.


      Fragment: We had a project in my color theory class. We had to build a tower out of legos. There were three rules. 1. We had to build it out of all one color. 2. The tower had to be built sideways or upside down. The connector studs on the legos were not allowed to be face up. 3. It had to be 50cm tall.


      The thing I remember was there was this large white building, built in sort of a T-shape. Everything on the interior was white. I remember how the entire building had a large central hallway for public access but most of the building was sealed behind reinforced glass doors and you could only access these areas if you were one of the scientists with a card. The interior was very futuristic, there were a lot of plants. I think I even saw this one scientist driving around this big robot spider with a RC.

      For some reason the building also had a gym and a pool in it. (I think the logic was that you could go to the gym for free, in return, have the knowledge that the scientists are secretly studying the habits and biology of everyone in it.)

      Anyways, I was there with my dad. We were going to the gym for free. But I didn't like the idea of being studied. I then remember this scientist came up to me and tried to convince me that the data wasn't being used for anything malicious. (But he didn't tell me what it was actually used for.) He then gave me a pack of balloons. I remember all the 'balloons' that he gave me were white and were long and thin.

      I remember I blew one up and then sat on it like a horsey ride, and discovering that I could fly. I flew up the inside of the building onto this indoor bridge on the top level. I was now in a restricted area and I saw some scientists approach me with weapons. Next thing I knew I was in a containment cell. I could see my dad out through the glass wall but he didn't even notice me.
      Somehow or other I wound up becoming lucid. No RC or anything so lose a few points there. Just pff-lucid.

      I tried to remember my three step task and I remembered that teleportation was important to it. I said something along the lines 'Teleportatus Excelsius' (not what I was going for, but it worked.) I got out of the containment cell. (No flashy visuals or teleportation zwhoomp, even when lucid though. Just kind of a dream jump cut to being outside the cell.) Alarms started going off and I saw the scientists were coming back. I took out another 'balloon' and blew it up. Once again I floated away on it. I floated up to the top level of the science building where there was a window missing. Somehow or other my dad found his way up there too.

      I told him that I was lucid dreaming. Now my dream-dad has never been particularly supportive when I become lucid. He's always irritable, annoying and tells me that I'm better off not LDing/just being nonlucid. I told him he had to trust that my lucid dreaming skills could be used for good. He seemed a bit too reluctant to try it.

      "Its either that or have your grimy hiny dissected by angry scientists."

      He was still way too reluctant. I just said: "Screw it" Grabbed his hand and pulled him off the edge of the building with me. We were nosediving through fog at first, and I managed to get my flames out and pull up just before we face-planted into the ground (pavement). I pulled up and took us weaving through some dead trees and willed the fog to go away. I looked over at him. He was screaming in terror, but it was like a cartoony 'waaaaaaah scream'. I don't think I've ever heard any of my DCs scream that much.

      Calm down, clam down, and watch this. I confidently pulled us out of the fog, convincing myself that a better dream was just knowing it was on the other side of the fog. When we got out of the fog, a whole bunch of fantastical visuals hit us all at the same time. (Does this count as manifesting something? I did think to myself 'We'll come out somewhere amazing', and that happened.) We were flying over a swampy drainage pond with some dead trees. I stopped in mid air. (Gaining altitude was taking a lot of concentration.) You see the nice thing about being short and small in dreams is it's not that difficult to imagine myself flying on jets of flame. It's much harder to imagine myself flying on jets of flame carrying my 240lb dad.

      Inconsistency here: I was able to carry my heavyset dad in flight, but not Manei who's thin as a rail and should be much lighter. Every time I've carried her I've not lifted off or fallen out of the sky like a brick.

      Anyways, I stopped and hovered in the air. He stopped screaming. We looked at where we had come from. I slowly had us look to the right, and saw that the fog faded and there were more tall trees, only these were not dead. They were alive, had huge leaves and there were these giant mango/pomegranate like fruits. (I put a slash there because they were colored like Mangoes, yellow and orange with texturing, but shaped like Pomogranates.) The fruits had windows and doors cut in them, and rope bridges between them.

      Next to that was what looked like one of the dorm towers from my college campus, as well as two rows of brightly colored townhouses on a hill. Behind them was the sunset and a pagoda, as well as a bunch of pine trees. In front of us, directly where we had come from was this huge windmill, only it wasn't a windmill it was a (goes on google) yeah, a perpetual motion wheel on a windmill building. When I pointed it out to him, the dream focused on a clack-clack-clack sound that it made. On the right was a huge orchard laid out like a hedge maze and people were picking these little red fruits off the plants and putting them in baskets on their heads, but for some reason I didn't point that out or even pay attention to it.

      I looked up at the sky and saw four moons.

      "Now this, this is always one of my favorites. Look up at the sky."

      He started screaming again. I realized I had forgotten about the flying and we were falling. We fell into the dirt next to the pond we were over, but neither of us were hurt as far as I could tell. I think I apologized for losing concentration and making us fall.

      "So, what do you think?"

      "WHY ARE PEOPLE LIVING IN FRUIT? [Wouldn't the fruit go rotten and smell as soon as you move in? It's pointless!] HOW IS THERE PERPETUAL MOTION? [Generally impossible] WHY IS SATURN COMING OVER. [I look to the sky and confirm that there is now a ringed gas planet too.] [This is Lucid dreaming?!] WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CREATE AND LIVE IN THIS MADNESS? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

      His scream increased in pitch as he clutched his head. I could tell something was about to happen so I stepped back. Dream Dad proceeded to literally explode in a miniature nuclear explosion, and all that was left was a little cone of ash like in a cartoon. I think it was a fallout reference too. For some reason in-dream I took it as we were having a shared dream and he had been overwhelmed and woken up.

      So... does this mean no more annoying dream-dad? Points for unsummoning DC? I'll let spell decide. It technically was my fault he exploded because I created the beautiful crazy dream, but I didn't intend to banish him.

      After that a vaguely remember some goo monster coming out of the drainage pond. Supposedly it was a weapon used by the scientists we had run away from to attack lucid dreamers. I picked up a huge log and threw it into the air. When it came back down, I kicked it end first at the monster. It just absorbed it into the goo. I started to run away. (Actually I think I was flying backwards on my flames) I remember the monster was made of grayish brown goo and had these little green seed like things in it that were supposedly leeches that stole your lucid powers. I got one of them on my hand and was trying to pull it off. Though it was painless trying to pull it off, it caused me to bleed quite a bit and there was a lot of blood. I managed to get it off, and get a safe distance from the monster by hiding in the fruit picking maze.

      I lost lucidity and woke up thinking about a fireplace... Last thing I remember is a fireplace manifesting.

      -Fragment (0.5x3 or +1.5)
      -DILD (+10)
      -Teleportation. (+10)
      -Use an ordinary Object (The suspicious 'Balloon' that scientist gave me) To preform dream control (Float) (+5)
      -Flying (The old fashioned way on my flames) (+5)
      -Unspecified Dream Control (Creating new fantastical environment.) (+5)
      -Super Strength (Throwing and kicking giant log into monster) (+5)

      Night total: (I need my calculator that's a good sign...) 41.5

      Was gonna WBTB but the cat vomited and I had to clean that up at 5:30am. No hope for WBTB, I'm wide awake...

      Updated 04-13-2016 at 02:28 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Spell's Comp Day 2: Sicker than Yesterday: Semi Lucid Sexyness

      by , 04-12-2016 at 02:16 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Even sicker than I was yesterday. I had a cough that kept me up until about 1:00am. But didn't go to sleep with the mother of all headaches like I did last night. So I didn't manage to WBTB or any of that other fun stuff.

      I might try to take a nap once the cough medicine kicks in though. Maybe I can catch up then.

      Fragment: Something to do with a Violent Movie that my cousins were not allowed to watch. There were two old male friends and one of them had a girlfriend. But then it turned out that the girlfriend was just a gay guy wearing drag and was desperate for love. He then committed suicide by jumping off of their apartment balcony into a tangle of barbed wires that hung him. Then a pack of stray bulldogs came and ate his body into a skeleton.

      There was a lot more to this.

      I vaguely remember being at some race car track. Only I was watching the cars from the grassy lot inside the track from a lawn chair. Also, it was rather foggy, so I would only see the cars a small fraction of the time as they came around to our side of the track. I remember the guy sitting next to me looked just like Tony Stark from the MCU movies. We were watching the race for awhile.

      I then remember my female projections from sex dreams started spawning in. (Three or four of them) Yeh, usually when I have sexy dreams, I use female (and sometimes male, depending upon what mood I'm in...) projections of myself to fulfill whatever twisted fantasy is on my mind. Since they're directly created from me, I can reliably get them to do whatever I want. (At least when I'm lucid.) That and I can always feel more emotionally comfortable around them more than random DCs.

      One of them came from behind and started getting touchy-feely. For some reason (maybe because I wasn't lucid and ) I was hoping she would just go away. It was my grandmother's (the one who passed away) birthday. I thought everyone would freak, but nobody seemed to be bothered. Except my mom, who was very excited about the fact that there was a topless female duplicate of myself hugging me from behind, and took a picture on her phone. (WTH Dream-Mom?!)

      Back to the racetrack. It seemed like two of the female duplicates went for Tony Stark look-alike guy. I wasn't lucid, but for some reason, I felt like they were independent now. Like I no longer had control over them. I didn't care though, I figured I could just make more.

      One of them stopped a red race car. I remember thinking that it looked like Lightning McQueen but it was actually a real race car and not a weird cartoon talking car. Me and the two remaining projections got in the back seat. (Error: Race Cars don't have back doors to save on weight). And i'm gonna omit what came after that. (No legit lucidity tho)

      (Fragment +0.5)
      (Dream +1)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Spell's Comp Night 1: Sickness Shalt Not Prevent me from Becoming Lucid... In fact...

      by , 04-11-2016 at 02:37 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I remember I was with my mom, dad, and cousins from my mom's side of the family. (Is it just me, or do I dream about that particular cast of characters quite a lot. Maybe I could narrow a few of my dream signs down if I note that it's just them.) Anyways, we were in this huge hangar bay. There were shuttles, ships and equipment. My dad told me that we were on the set of Star Trek. In order to make the show cheaper to produce, instead of building a set, they built a giant Enterprise building on the ground and simply filmed at night.

      I remember in the middle there was this huge atrium/foyer type room. Supposedly on the show this was where the ship's reactor was. (I don't know if the reactor is in the middle of the saucer, and some Star Trek fans are probably getting aches right about now.) This was where when the show was filming, all the actors and crew would come for a break, and in this museum setting, it was where all the patrons could come for a break too.

      My dad said it was time for us to go, and my cousins whined a little because I was leaving. It was weird because even in the dream, I wasn't feeling well. He took me out in the parking lot. (It was a big parking lot) and started walking me back to my car. I remember the snow plow had made some mistake and there was a giant mound of snow that we had to climb over. With my sluggish dream body, even this simple task was a challenge. When we got to my car, I saw that the hood, both doors on the left side and the passenger door on the right were gone. For some reason my dad tried to divert my attention.

      He hinted at something about people that take parts off cars in large parking lots and steal them. We got into my dad's old van and started driving somewhere else. I took one last look at the enterprise building. It looked different now, like just a circular office block and two warehouses. I remember we drove over some train tracks and I lost the dream.


      -WBTB to have the mother of all diarrhea attacks at 2:00am because I'm sick-


      I remember I was walking what felt like the nature trail that runs behind my subdivision. But (contrary to the last dream that was barren, snowy and cold) this one was lush. The trail was long overgrown, the pavement cracked to the point of essentially being cobblestones of asphalt with saplings sprouting through it. I could still sort of recognize some familiar landmarks, but the factory and the clean water plant that are tucked away behind my sub were crumbling under all the new growth. Supposedly all this new jungle growth had to do with climate change.

      I think I was walking with someone. I forget who, but they eventually got ahead of me. I got stuck at a waist high fallen log that I couldn't muster the strength to climb over. So I just stopped and sat down on the crumbling pavement, and admired the beauty of the rainforest. I remember the dream was pretty vivid. I think at some point I saw some kind of lemur or monkey characters swinging from the trees and hand a longing for feeling better agian so that I could be free to swing from the trees like them.

      NLD (+1)

      -WBTB that sent me scrambling downstairs for a glass of water at 5:30am-

      I was on campy. I remember there was a new complex on campus, by far the biggest building. It was 10 or 12 stories, and was attached to two parking garages, a monorail that ran around the campus and a nuclear cooling tower. I'm not sure entirely what the purpose of the building was, but as far as I knew, I had nothing to do today, so I might as well pay it a visit, and see what it's like inside. The first thing that I remember was finding some sort of workout room/gym. As soon as I found it, a pair of identical girls stepped outside and snapped a couple of selfies. For some reason this was irritating to me.

      Then there was a boy who had a speaker system and music player on a cart. He didn't look college age, easily late middle or early high school. He had buzzed dark blonde hair, freckles, and chubby cheeks despite having a very thin body. He wore a light brown tee shirt. Some EDM started playing and this kid was a wicked good dancer. I asked him what he was listening too. I don't think he replied. I asked him if it was by SynSun. No reply.

      I stopped. Maybe he couldn't hear me over the music. Well I can't shout because I'm sick and- wait a second, why am I on campus? I was going to stay home today. How did I get here?
      (I do a nose pinch reality check) Yes, I didn't expect to get lucid while sick, on the first night of the comp- wait, why did the text turn black?

      Dangit! Quick! DEILD!

      (DEILD+1) Only counting this for one point for DEILD because although I did return to the dream, I wasn't lucid.

      Well I went back into the dream, but I had lost lucidity. I was now back outside the building where I had been in the beginning of the first lucid dream. I was looking up at the monorail and noticed that I was at the end of its route. When it came to a stop. It jolted itself so violently that it lifted into the air.

      It went away again and another train came. When this one came to a stop, half of the first car was hanging of the edge of the rail, and it banged into the side of the parking garage. I thought that this was a serious problem with the monorail so I told myself the next time a train came, I would snap a short video and take it to security or something to have them stop the train. I waited. I heard a steam locomotive coming, and it came. This one made no effort to stop, and derailed, hurling right at me. I dropped my bag and rolled out of the way, just a few feet from the train.

      I saw the train had broken a pipe on the side of the building. I wasn't sure if it was gas or water, but I wasn't about to take chances. My bag was soaked in the stuff, so I just forgot about it and ran, thinking an explosion was only seconds off. I remember a DC pulled up next to me and stopped me in a flatbed semi, with a million bright red oil drums on the back. He asked me if I was the one who had ordered the [large number] of explosive barrels for my minecraft level.

      I kept running. I think as I made it around the truck the red barrels became Minecraft TNT, and the dream shifted to a random meadow.

      It must have blown up, because I awoke with a jolt. Strangely, I don't remember that bit.


      Night Total: 17

      Interesting how my illness, the thing that I thought was going to drag me down, actually made me get lucid.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. The Calm Before the Storm

      by , 04-11-2016 at 02:37 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Spell's comp begins tonight (For me, it's meditation, big glass of water for wee-back-to-bed, and bed). I still sort of can't believe I actually am trying a competition. (Well if I don't like it, I won't do it again...) Anyways, since I tend to reside in the dream journals section more often than the forums, I'll drop these here so I don't lose them in the gatling gun of posts that are abound to happen on Spellbee's thread.

      And as my crappy luck would have it, I came down with a fairly bad headcold the day the comp starts. So I might be a couple days late before lucidity kicks in.

      OLD: Waterbending
      OLD: Firebending (Outside of flight)
      OLD: Become Female

      NEW: Earthbending (Reasonable Scale, move a boulder at least as big as myself)
      NEW: Airbending (Reasonable Scale, Strong Gust of wind, Mini Tornado, etc.)
      NEW: Encounter/Confront tsunami dream. (May overlap with Waterbending)
      NEW: Teach Manei (My dream guide) how to defend herself/fight. I will consider any length of instruction (Even if it's just a single move) a success.

      Three Step Task: (Mmmk I wanna challenge myself with things that haven't worked in the past. But doing all of these in the same LD... whoo...)

      -Element Manipulation (There might be overlap with personal goals. If there is, I will take whatever score gives more.)
      -Teleportation. (I think there's a dream spell that I can use. Tesser-A-[Destination])
      -Basic Summoning. (I've done this before, but I'm out of practice...)


      Also, dream frags and stuff. This is from the morning of the ninth:

      I vaguely remember something to do with a pair of mice or mice like characters. They lived in a large castle lived by an evil greedy king. There were these two mice with long fur, that looked like little fuzballs. They had tiny swords too. Supposedly the mice were actually enemies of the kingdom that had been transformed into mice by an evil wizard. This was a punishment for attempting to rebel against the kingdom. There were more and more of the long-haired mice over time. Eventually they plotted to poison the kind and all of his men, and were successful.


      And from this morning:

      I remember I was walking outside with my dad. I remember looking up at the sky and noticing that it was yellow and green, with a huge anvil shaped thundercloud. This prompted me to do a nose pinch reality check and become lucid, but I forgot what else happened after that. I was happy I got lucid though.

      There was more from this morning. Some of it was sexy. (I think I'll be omitting all sexual dreams for the comp.) Some of it was just bland muck about school and an old bully.
    15. Fake Beach, Emoji Moon

      by , 04-08-2016 at 03:58 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I remember I was signing onto Dreamviews. I remember noticing a pattern in dream journals. Every night, everyone would have similar dreams. In one instance, there were four or five dream journals in a row that were dreams about Vampires. The next day were a whole bunch of lucid dreams induced by an outside character.


      The dream starts off fairly typical. I'm going on vacation somewhere up north with my family. One of those remote hotels by the great lakes. The kind where it looks like you're somewhere tropical, but in reality it's 60 degrees and the water is a degree above freezing. My dad is cranky and annoying, and my aunt, uncle and cousins are there, and they're all exceptionally annoying as they usually are in dreams.

      The hotel we are staying at resembles the one from Puerto Rico, and my mom is attempting to convince me that this will be just as nice as staying on holiday in Puerto Rico because the hotel is similar. Well it was, but there was a point where there was a gap in the beach and hotel, where a large canal was cut to an inland harbor where boats would dock. The dream punctuated my point about this being a low-quality place to stay when a loud boat horn kept blowing in the background and interrupting our conversation. But I didn't want to express my irritation to my mom, seeing as in dreams, she is usually one of the only family members to be, for the most part not annoying and nonsensical.

      I ended up wandering off down the beach to the far side of the hotel alone. The beach was artificial and sand had been dumped in. I could tell because at the end of the hotel property it was a wetland leading out to the lake. This bothered me because I thought that it was un-enviromental to build a beach to override the natural habitat.

      Some other stuff happened that I didn't bother to remember.

      The next thing I knew I was semi lucid and Manei appeared. She said hello and as soon as she did, a command line appeared. It reminded me of the cheat code bar in Minecraft. Someone entered something like.

      /Manei Tarr: Disguise = Pyrrha

      The dream froze for a moment like a computer that was loading. Then she became Pyrrha from RWBY. I was like 'seriously'. I don't even like RWBY (One of the many reasons I don't like it is precisely because Pyrrha is an OP character, but this is a dream journal, not a place to complain about web shows.). I started talking with her about something or other, but it became nighttime and there was a fight sequence, but I wasn't involved.

      A fight sequence in a dream and I'm not involved. The end is nigh...

      I woke up and WBTBd.

      I was driving home from school, but somewhere along my usual route I made a turn (or didn't make a turn, really.). Without giving the exact names of the roads and what not, let me explain. There are two roads that run side by side that I can take a good portion of the way to my college. But when you get near the school, one of the roads turns and merges to the other one. It's a T-Junction, and if you go straight along the way home, you'll still get home but you will be driving on dirt roads and have to go through the wrong side of a number of two-way stops. But what ends up happening is when the freeway closes due to an accident everybody gets on my usual route, so then I have to take the dirt road to get to class (or back home) on time.

      Anyways, I'm taking the dirt road home. It's getting dark really quickly. A guy in a white SUV pulls out right in front of me from the left. I slam the brakes but still hit the guy. We pull over into a parking lot that is the same parking lot of the hotel from the previous dream. The guy (about 40 years old, short, chubby, balding, I think he had a wart on his forehead.) is ticked that I wrecked his brand new car. I tell him he is guilty of failure to yield, but he doesn't want to hear it. The damage to his car is pretty bad, but mine is pretty much untouched. A few scratches in the paint and one of the headlights is broken, but the whole side of his car is smashed in.

      I tell him I will call the cops, but when I go to get my phone it had 1% battery and dies almost instantly. I then remember something to do with insurance. Then I become semi lucid as I realize the dream is going to continue to contrive the plotline against me. I tried to charge my phone in the car, but it wasn't charging.


      Somehow or other I wound up back home. I was almost lucid, but I wasn't thinking clearly, and didn't remember my dream goals. For some reason I defaulted to 'Fly to the Moon' was my dream goal. I went outside and saw the moon. I took off and started flying towards it. When I got close I noticed that it was really small and was just a smiley face emoji.

      I climbed up onto it. (It was about the size of a basketball, and looked down.) I was only about a hundred feet above my house. The emoji moon was made out of a plastic like material, with just a little bit of give to it. I stood up on top. Then it lost it's fixation to that point in the sky and fell. When I got to the ground, I saw the emoji was sad now. I picked it up and asked it what it wanted me to do. It didn't say anything and just changed into the normal moon, except it was still the same size as before. This caused it to get heavier. Not so heavy that I couldn't hold it, but enough to stagger me during the transition.

      I then ended up dropping the moon a minute later having lost lucidity and have it break and crumble all over the street. I remember it seemed like it was made out of poor quality plaster or something and I was trying to put it back together. I was worried that the neighbor would come outside and see what I had done, and I thought that maybe I should take all the pieces of the moon inside and put it back together there.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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