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    Lucid Time!

    The Babysitter

    by , 02-26-2017 at 04:22 PM (514 Views)
    I was watching Danny Phantom. I noticed that Danny looked somewhat more muscular than the usual art style.


    I was building sand castles and explaining a battle strategy to someone while talking about the 'Art of War'. Manei's father came over and he was telling me how he built their whole home island in Minecraft and wanted to use it to plan a defensive wall around the bay that if ships came into the bay they would run aground on sharp rocks and wreck.


    I was on my college campus, only, as usual, it was truncated in some strange way where. There was a section of campus that was a former radioactive wasteland, with skyscrapers overgrown with vines and trees and the likes. Though it wasn't radioactive anymore because the radiation was from a very long time ago. There was also a tram system running around the college that had a stop in the abandoned city because my college planned to reclaim the land eventually and build dorms and classrooms there.

    But until then my professor had to teach there. He was talking about how he wanted us to do a photography project of the abandoned section of campus. I then got back on the tram but it overlapped with being on more of a school bus. I had a discussion with some dream characters and one of them said that there was a rumor going around that this girl that I barley had said she was both my girlfriend and my sister, and it all started because my math professor shipped us. I didn't want the rumor to spread so I lied and said that I was homosexual.

    Then the tram stopped and I had trouble getting all of my stuff back into my backpack. I wondered why the tram hadn't closed and gone to the next stop. I then saw that it was my professor that was driving the tram for me. I thanked him for holding the tram at the stop and told him I was sorry for being clumsy and disorganized with my possessions. He smiled and said to be more organized next time.

    I got into my car and drove home. Just about as soon as I get home there is a knock on the door. I then 'remember' that I agreed to babysit some woman's child for the evening and that she would pay me (either $20 or $50, I cannot remember). I wanted to ask her some basic questions like allergies or her phone number but she was in a real hurry and just left. Her child was a chubby boy of maybe about five or six, with short blonde hair.

    I will save the details but the boy's behavior turned out to be very inappropriate for someone of his age. I wanted to call his mother but didn't have her number. I told him to go sit in the corner for a time-out but he made a face at me. I then saw him in the kitchen, in nothing but his underwear pulling all of the knives out of the block and laying them out on the floor while eating cookies. I drew the line and said that he was coming with me. I picked him up and he started crying, then bit me on the arm and I let him go.

    He ran to the counter and pulled my laptop computer off the counter by the headphone jack. I went over and looked at my now nonfunctional laptop and recognized it as a dream sign, and became
    lucid. I looked back up to the kid.

    "This is an anxiety dream, and you are just a part of myself. You will now stop. I will now stop."

    "You're not the boss of me."

    The child began to transform. His head grew about ten times in size and his body expanded and stretched with a large round belly that reminded me of that of a pregnant woman forming. This new form of his a strange cross of absolutely hilarious and utterly terrifying.

    "You are becoming a nightmare. What do you represent?"

    I get no reply. I thought of the usual self-imposed rules I put upon myself for dealing with nightmares. If they represent something then I have to accept that thing and befriend them. If they do not represent something, or refuse to tell me their origin, then they exist without meaning in the dreamworld and can be defeated. This nightmare's presence doesn't make sense. I've long since gotten over my anxieties about working with children. His persistent presence is simply frustrating to me.

    He starts walking towards me with a toddler-like wobble and a grin of excitement on his distorted face. I just start to think about how everything about this character is unlikeable. He's a brat from the moment he walks in and he's chosen such an awkward and disturbing form once he realizes there might be combat.

    I strike him with my hands in a pushing motion. As I swing my hands foreward I notice sparks of electricity linking my hands in a small arc. At this point I'm still reluctant to seriously injure him at the thought of what his mother might think of me when she returns. (Guess I was not fully lucid...) But the monster barely registers the strike. He bends over and attempts to bite me again, where he now has teeth like the titans from Attack on Titan, way too many giant teeth in a wide grin. I figure thats what the dream was probably inspired by. I rocket backwards, clumsily colliding with and destroying the front door of my house, and sliding across a cold, muddy front yard.

    Outside I see that I am in a twisted, nightmarish version of my town. Fires, lava, screaming victims, corpses and giant ash-black figures resembling the child but with more proportionate heads wobbling around, being the harbingers of the torment brought upon this world. One detail I remember in particular was the sky was stormy, but the clouds parted in the eye of the storm and the face of a colossal snow-white being with six eyes stared down on me. Even lucid, I could feel the fear emanating from that face and didn't want to continue looking at it.

    I turned my attention back to the child monster, whos neck stretched and he made another attempt to bite at me. I wasn't holding back anymore. I kicked him in the jaw with enough force to create a shockwave and saw in slow motion from third person as the kick caused the monster to bite off its own tongue. The monster went flying upwards, and I rocketed into the air after it, unleashing a hail of fire missiles straight up, each blast propelling it higher into the air. I saw the monster clear the explosion, we were nearly at cloud level, closer to the fear-emanating six eyed face, who was now watching the battle through its window in the clouds. I saw the child monster and that my attack had no effect. The monster's stomach opened top-to-bottom and its intestines shot out like tentacles and wrapped around me. The entrails had a disturbing amount of detail, being covered in slime and blue veins.

    I created a transparent bubble shield that repulsed my trappings. I then targeted his open stomach, interpreting it as a weakness. I created a spinning fireball with a point and shot it into the open stomach. It caused the monster to rocket back down towards my high school. It was screaming in pain but quickly recovered. I flew down after it and we were now low above the main street of my town. There were cars but they looked very punk, decorated with skulls and spikes. I flew very low over the pavement, that resembled molten magma, at one point flying underneath the car and re-emerging to see the monster hovering above center of town.

    I at this point recognized that because this monsters 'home turf' was a firey hellscape, perhaps fire wasn't hurting it.

    "Mea Impedius" was the voice command I had prepared to summon my weapon schema, should I ever need it. I heard a humming sound as a a long bronze staff manifested. I looked at it and saw small mechanisms of gears and levers moving. The dream changed completely the moment that I did and I saw Marcus, and we were sitting in his living room. He explained that my weapon schema could become multiple weapons and I simply had to command it to do what I wanted. I looked at the staff and thought that I wanted a ranged weapon and it bent. Two halves of a string connected from either end and it became a bow.

    I was back in the original dream. I pulled back the bow and an arrow appeared. I fired at the monster and the arrow, in flight became a huge spear and impaled it through the body. The monster shrieked in pain and I knew I was hurting it now, but it pulled the arrow out and recovered from the wound. I flew backwards down the road as the monster charged at me. It was now wearing a crown made of holly, like a christmas wreath. (At first I thought it was a crown of thorns.) I kept firing arrows into it but they seemed to just be absorbed into its flesh. But then I got an X-ray visual of all the arrows inside of it were still there and they were weakening the monster because they had amethyst tips that emitted an energy that somehow weakened the monster.

    I then willed the bow into a spear (with a very large amethyst tip) and threw it at the monsters head. It too got absorbed.

    The monster became desperate and in too much pain, and vomited the grim reaper for lack of a better term. A skeletal body connected to the back of the monsters throat by a hundred spinal vertebrae shot fourth weilding a scythe. I couldn't remember the command I had planned for a dreamcatcher shield. Instead I just yelled "Shield, NOW!" and small metal leaflets arranged themselves into a silver Shield." However when the reaper came down onto me the shield broke and I got knocked backwards.

    "NO! Dreamcatcher Shield!"

    This time I was successful, a blue web of light appeared in front of me. The reaper's scythe came down on the glowing ward, getting caught right in the central eye. The scythe and grim reaper exploded off the shield that created a gonglike sound that shook the entire dreamworld. When it had stopped I heard a low, deep moan that I could feel through my old body. I looked up to see the six eyed face (that now only had four eyes, and looked more human) retreat up the hole in the storm. Rain began to fall and extinguish the fires and turn the magma into obsidian.

    I woke up, but did a DEILD almost immediately. I think I saw my alarm clock for a few seconds and it was 4:43am.

    The dream went back to the front room of my house where the whole thing had began. I was somehow still fighting the child monster but it was greatly weakened and had a smaller sized head (still disproportionate, though). It had its arm around my neck and I was struggling to get away. Apparently it had some kind of regenerative that allowed it to partially regenerate after all nightmares had already been banished.

    I manifested a crossbow on my left wrist and said that the crossbow bolt would negate its regeneration. I saw two tiny green ghosts go around the bolt and the shaft glowed green. I fired it and the monster melted into a puddle of black and red goo and a 'baby alive' doll.

    Marcus came in through the front door of my house. I asked him why the nightmare was so hard to kill and he said that it was a homunculus baby that somebody had released from a medieval painting that was haunted. He created an android that tricked the monster into coming over to my house and figured I could do all the 'dirty work' for him. I felt a little used not being informed ahead of time but I've been doing Marcus' dirty work since we met. He promised that next time he had a job for me like this he would keep me better informed, but that this had been on short notice because it was such a big threat.

    I asked him why Manei had left my dreams and he showed me a comic panel that looked like my drawing style of her sitting on the couch eating ice cream out of the container and watching tv.

    The dream faded into a nonlucid that I don't recall.
    Blackhole, KingCobra and Letaali like this.

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    Updated 02-27-2017 at 04:34 PM by 53527

    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare


    1. Letaali's Avatar
      Awesome dream! "because they had amethyst tips that emitted an energy that." That what? I feel like you forgot to type something.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Letaali likes this.