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    Lucid Dreams

    1. LD #117: Distrust and Barriers

      by , 10-04-2014 at 04:44 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am having some dream about being on a tropical island. I am supposed to be exploring, looking for the best sand dune (dream sign), for some reason, I think I was doing some kind of project for a travel agency where I was supposed to photograph a beach with a nice sand dune in the background.
      There was a very weird part of the dream where It became nighttime was OOB and looking at myself. Bicolored eyes: check. My hair was weird in this one, it was stripey. Parts of it were a light brown and others black. Even though I was OOB, my body had a mind of its own, and said something like 'I look like a stripey cat!'
      It became daytime once more, and at one point, I decide (with it being a hot, tropical day) that I should take a break from trying to find the best sand dune and go swimming. I get into the water. I see a family (including Manei) swimming in the water. At first, I assume they will just ignore me, but then, her mother comes over.

      "Puedes Habla Espanol?"
      "Ah... Un Poco."
      The entire family begins swimming to shore.
      She then repeats some question several times until after we have made it to shore. The dream translates to a feild, surrounded on all sides by trees.
      I become fully lucid.
      Manei's mother is there, still asking me that weird question. I don't know what she's saying, but I know it's a question. I kept saying something like "No habla espanol, por favor" when she was clearly not speaking spanish anymore. I tried asking her to say whatever she was asking more slowly.
      As we continued talking, the dream began to change from the beach to a clearing in the forest. The area felt vaguely familiar, but it looked unrecognizable.
      Manei says something to her mother in the indecipherable language. Somehow, even though I didn't know the language, I knew what she was asking; for her mother to leave.
      The two of us sit down and face one another. Oh, yeah and this is Manei we're talking about, the world's weirdest dream guide. So she changes her form into a very young version of me, like about five, and starts ripping up handfuls of grass and eating it. I try and think to remember what I wanted to ask her, worried that I wouldn't remember why I pushed for a lucid. But I remember easily.
      "So I already know your name. What is my dream name?"
      Her voice changes over. Hearing her voice out of the mouth of a five year old boy is hysterical. "It translates to 'Letting my friends go down alone.'"
      Okay. Negativity. That voice isn't funny anymore.
      Okay... I probably should have asked why my dream-name has such a negative translation, but I had another, more important question. I can't remember exactly how this part of the discussion was worded.
      I reminded her of when I first started lucid dreaming, and told her about how my dreams back then seemed much less cloudy and confusing. Now they seem sort of glitchy and disjointed. I carried to to ask her about why I no longer dream about 'typical' situations such as appearing somewhere nude or being late to class that I used to get lucid in all the time.
      "Well it's because me and the others don't trust you very much, and we don't want you coming here too often." (She shoves a big mouthful of grass into her mouth and smiles.)
      She starts talking in that 'language of thought' to explain this sort of barrier thing that makes it harder and harder for people to lucid dream by making them more and more distracted in their dreams. Apparently this can go up in levels, and I was at level 12. Apparently the barrier serves a dual purpose for me, and is also used like 'weighted belt' training for lucid dreaming, but 'They' were using it to lock me out this whole time, constantly raising the bar so I would always be struggling to LD. She also eluded to the idea that one day, she would remove it and I suddenly be having these amazing lucid dreams.
      "Wait... what? I've been with you for three years and you don't trust me? And you and some others are stopping me from getting lucid because of it?"
      I talk continue to her with thoughts: You've done nothing but trust me for three years. When did I ever indicate that I couldn't be trusted? What does this even have to do with anything? Who's 'We'? Why is my dream-name so negative?
      "You gotta help me get lucid again (more easily) so we can sort all this out. Deal?"
      She glitches back to her original form, and looks at me reluctantly. The dream is fading now. Before it fades, I say in thought: How am I supposed to fix this if you hinder my very presence? She goes in to shake my hand and the dream fades out.

      Spoiler for Attempting to make sense of this (I fail):

      Updated 10-04-2014 at 05:17 PM by 53527

    2. Hello, Random Helpful Guide Character...

      by , 09-29-2014 at 11:56 AM (Lucid Time!)
      There was some nightmare about the military who had shot a kid riding a dirtbike. I didn't want to look at the scene. My friend's parents were involved somehow.
      I am in a classroom, but it feels like I am also in K's house. Everyone is turning in essays but one student just turns in a paper with sharpie written on it that says something like 'I will turn in my essay tomorrow.' Everyone in the class thinks it is funny, even the professor. But he says he is still going to give that student a bad grade.
      The professor then rolls down a screen, and says that we are not doing class and simply having a movie day. The movie: some alien invasion movie where giant human body parts fall to earth. The movie is supposed to be really scary and I 'remember' not liking it. But I have to watch it for a grade, it has something to do with what we are learning in class. I might as well at least try to enjoy it. The professor says we can move anywhere in the room, so I decide to sit on the floor in the back of the room.
      I sit down, and the opening credits roll. They show the alien invasion that happens through a bunch of severed human body parts. Legs, Arms, Hands, Heads, etc. They are all orbiting in a big vortex above earth. The professor asks some question about how this relates to some kind of art or something.
      Then, who I could only assume was Manei entered the dream. After seeing her (my dream guide) for three years, I can sort of sense her energy, so to speak. But her energy felt off. I couldn't pinpoint what. This didn't feel like Manei.
      Regardless, the dream went partially lucid.
      This character said that she too thought the movie was scary and wanted to be with someone. She put her arm around me. Then hugged me.
      While this was happening, I started to feel her energy. A lot of warmth and love. I was actually trying to figure it out. Was I dreaming? Who was this? If this wasn't my regular guide it was somebody who felt very similar. Whoever it was, it was a very good feeling. I wished that she would hold onto me for the entire movie. She fell asleep. Then I started to feel sleepy.
      We then both fell over onto the floor, and the dream went wonky.
      Everything went blue, and I was in a void filled with a blue cloudy energy. I was OOB, of course.
      "Hello. I am p4qRo8y5 (something or other, not Manei). I am here to ask you permission to have spiritual intercourse (sex) with you."
      A blue and white hologram of certain sexy things appears in front of me during this question. It fades afterwards. I feel no need to describe them, I don't feel like using a spoiler tag today. Just let your imagination run wild.
      "What... NO! I don't know who you are!"
      She doesn't seem to care that I said 'no'. I don't even know why I said 'no'. I guess I just thought of the last time I had sex with a dream guide and things got very, very weird.
      Anyways, this character, probably a guide, starts talking very fast. She is partially speaking in a language of thoughts and ideas, rather than spoken words. I've talked to Manei and some other DCs before. It's supposed to be faster than talking.
      This object appears as a hologram in front of me. It was supposed to be some kind of visual aid for what this guide was saying, but it makes no sense to me.
      How did you find your way to this forum?-strange-visual-aid.jpg
      "...Recently there was a spiritual rise in consciousness that caused many people around you to become more aware and awake. You, to some extent, but not the full extent did this as well ..."
      The waveforms coming from the side of the shape increase. The circles begin to glow in small clusters.
      She carried on about a bunch of other stuff I really couldn't care about. I don't remember anything else of what she said, but she talked for a solid minute at light speed while I looked at the diamond thing.
      "... I am aware you are involved in dreaming, perhaps having some troubles with it. The problem is that you try to resolve everything with logic and reasoning, when in reality the secret to dreaming is creativity and happiness, the exact opposite. Don't feel bad for it, it is the way the human mind and society is structured. Now, tell me winch one of these jokes you find funniest."

      Two jokes are presented to me as what I can only describe as very poorly animated flash movies. In the first movie, a couple of teenagers are sitting around the table. Then, a large anthropomorphic rooster shows up. But it's like not a typical rooster. It has this large cerraded beak and big buggy eyes. He then says "I've got alottt of math homework!", emphasizing the word 'Alot' in a strange way. The scene cuts back to everyone sitting at the table and they all have rooster heads.

      In the second joke a boy is standing by a window. There is a city moving by outside so I can only assume he was in a mobile home. There is an Ipod on a speaker rack, and a girl walks by and turns it on. Rock-Metal instrumentals start playing. The window flies open and a flowerpot flies into the boy's face, then out the window. Some dirt is left on the boys face. "Lisa! What did I tell you about playing metal music in the house?!" The boy has a rooster head when he says this.

      How did you find your way to this forum?-amazing-rooster-head.png

      I then remember seeing a view, something like a you tube page with a whole bunch of these 'jokes' playing at once. Many of them have the rooster head involved in some way. One of them has this woman with these very ugly, scary looking lips. Oh god, please don't play that one.
      "Um... Neither of them. Those were not even jokes. Just random visions. ._. "
      I get a dream glitch and go backwards very quickly through the scenes in the dream. I am back at the hologram of sexy things. I am then back in the classroom and the movie is still playing. I am then back outside and the military is stopped and looking at a turned over dirtbike.

      I wake up.

      Upon waking, I would say that the first animation was funnier.

      'The problem is that you try to resolve everything with logic and reasoning, when in reality the secret to dreaming is creativity and happiness, the exact opposite.'

      This is very quote-able. I should make this my signature.

      Updated 10-04-2014 at 05:27 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. LD #116: Perverted School Janitor, Battle with a Daiper, FA chain.

      by , 09-22-2014 at 12:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I seriously wonder what is up with my brain sometimes.

      Some long and very dull dream about some activity night going on at my dorm room. Most of it already slipped through my memory anyway. Skip.

      Spoiler for Proceed at your own risk:

      I can recall in being what felt like my cousin's sub. I was walking down the street. I had become partially lucid.

      My recall is more than a little patchy but I can recall at one point, I went inside of a house. The first room had a bunch of doors in it. There is also a bed and a dresser. A small piece of wallpaper peeled off from between two doors, entirely by itself.
      The wallpaper then folded itself into a diaper. Parts of stretched out to become small legs and part of it ripped to become a mouth. Oh yeah, and because it was a diaper, it was full with crap that came out of nowhere. It had basically become this little monster thing that I wound up fighting.
      The diaper had some connection to the house. Like the family that lived there had a baby and they made diapers out of wallpaper or something.
      So we ended up having the worlds longest fight. I held the upper hand being... well a human and not a diaper. I can't recall the fight play-by-play but there was a part where I was whacking it with a big stick that I found under a bed that was in the room. There was a part where the diaper climbed onto the ceiling and tried to jump down on top of me.

      There was even a part where I used firebending and the 'Fus roh dah' shout from Skyrim to blast it into a corner.
      Eventually for whatever reason, the diaper monster became a squirrel. At this point I stopped fighting it and turned to walk back outside, only to find that the door that had led me into this random room led back out into my bedroom.
      I looked outside. The weather was cold and grey. A rumble of thunder was heard in the distance. For whatever reason I decided I wanted to try flying. I opened the window, forced out the screen. I then did a last-minute stabilization by rubbing my hands together, and saying 'I'm dreaming!'
      I then jumped out the window, and fell like a rock into the bush below my window.

      Then I suddenly thought "What if this is real life, and I just jumped out of the window in real life?!" I did a nose pinch. I could breathe.
      "Wait..." I said to myself. I forget what indicates being in a dream. Being able to breathe or not being able to breathe? Because I can most defiantly breathe." I then remember, being able to breathe means you are dreaming.
      For a few moments I managed to anchor myself on the cold wind that was blowing in the dream. I start to become very lucid when I lose the dream.

      FA in my college dorm room. I have peed in the bed. I get up and start changing out of my clothes.

      FA in my home bedroom. I have peed in the bed here as well. I do a reality check and become lucid momentarily lucid before FAing once more.

      FA. Something to do with the Simpsons of all things. Bart is buying these special schoolbooks that come with cereal. Supposedly these were supposed to help improve his grades because if you read the books while eating the cereal, you remember them better. Bart his happy because the cereal is dinosaur shapes.

      I wake up into WL. Reality check and fortunately, I have not wet the bed.
    4. Glitchy Dream House Tour (LD #115)

      by , 09-18-2014 at 01:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This dream was long, not very vivid, and pretty glitchy, but stuck to the higher levels of lucidity for me.

      Anyways, I recall being on a small tropical island. There is a large mountain made of a tan-colored rock in the middle and a wavy coastline of coves and peninsulas circling the island. There are a large number of palm trees, of course. The sky is clear and the sun is coming down on us, but the sky had this kind of yucky yellow tint.
      I am sitting on the beach, talking with Manei about many different things. I can't recall most of them, but I remember (and this is very strange) one of us was talking about programming an MMORPG game, something like World of Warcraft, and we were talking about the creatures that you could mount on in the game. The only mount was this huge eagle, like the ones from LOTR.
      But the creature has customization. You can change different aspects of it such as the wings and the head to make it look more like a dragon or another creature, but no matter what you do the graphic model is the same and the mount always looks like a bird.
      I can recall this one option for the creature that makes the wings look distressed. Some of the bird's feathers will be missing. This is supposed to be a very rare option to unlock.
      At this point, one of the large bird creatures comes down and lands on a large rock on the island. It has the distressed wings and looks like some kind of zombie or demon because of the other options that have been picked.

      I tell Manei I want to explore the island. It seems rather small. So I start flying, but hover no more than a foot or two across the ground, and float along the beach attempting to circle the island.
      The dream glitched and I recall telling her that I was leaving to explore the island, and actually leaving twice. The second time I nearly circled the entire island. I recall there being another, smaller island offshore that I wanted to go to.

      I also recall looking in the water. There were thousands of these smooth brown round stones just out past the shore. Each one was about two inches across. They all looked the same. For some reason, I thought that they were actually eggs of some kind.
      I also recall there were huge wooden chairs on the island. They looked like sculptures that somebody had built out of fallen trees and bamboo found on the island, and tied together with vines and grasses. Some of them were overgrown by other plant life and collapsed, or had sunk into the beach due to erosion.

      Just as I was going back to ask Manei about the giant chairs and what they meant a huge dream glitch occurred. I was now in a completely different location.
      There was a huge home made out of dark red bricks in front of me. The front end of the home was built into the top of a steep hillside. Manei followed me through to the new dream.
      Marcus was there. (Hey, long time no see...) and he seemed thrilled to see me. He told me that this was his latest work. It was a dream house for me and all of my dream characters to live in. He told me that he has a tour all planned out and wants to show me everything the house has to offer.
      So we follow him in. The front room goes through two floors and doesn't seem to be decorated at all. It also feels like the front room of my grandparent's house. Marcus states that he isn't quite done building the house and the interior still needs some work. He then states that the house has (between 4 and 8, cannot recall now. I think it was 4 at the time, but was supposed to be 8 in the future) robot butlers. One of them is in the front room and it looks as though he is getting ready to paint it. There are a couple of human workers in here too.
      He then shows me the kitchen. It is huge, with a walk-in pantry and refrigerator. It feels like my friend K's kitchen. He says that there are three floors above this and five floors below this. (it was a huge house.)

      Marcus then took us downstairs. There was a huge three-story deep room here. There were two levels of walkways circling around a huge multilevel courtyard. On each of the three levels there are ten doors. He states that this area allows room for thirty people to each have their own private bedroom and bathroom.
      I ask him if perhaps this is a bit much, given I only have three two recurring dream characters and they are both right here. Perhaps a more modest dwelling would suit us better. He doesn't really respond.
      We actually get into a bit of a scuffle here. I tell him that having such a huge house is wasteful. He tells me that this is just a dream and there is no such thing as wasteful. Well I suppose the only way it could be more wasteful is if we didn't live in the space.
      I see where there must have been an error with construction. There is a place where the walkway doesn't connect and some of the bedroom doors open out over nothing. I use dream control to construct the part of the walkway. Marcus thanks me.
      We continue downwards. There is a saltwater pool down here, and the room lets out onto the lower side of the hill where outside there is another pool. There are two hot tubs, one outside and one inside. There is also a sauna. The entire room is covered in tiles save for one corner, where a robot butler is hard at work tiling the wall. This one is actually wearing a butler's clothes and I think that it looks funny.
      Marcus tells me that the bottom most floor is where the laundry room is, along with most of the utilities, and that the robot butlers work down there.
      Then I see that my parents are swimming in the pool there. I 'remember' that they are visiting to see where I am living. My dad gets out of the water and stands next to me. He starts giving me this big grumpy lecture about living on my own and being responsible. I just ignore him, because I really didn't get enough of that in WL.

      Yet another dream glitch. We are back at the front of the house. I notice three very sporty looking cars parked in the drive. One of them has large wheels, no top and is black. Another is a large white hummer limo. And the last one is a sports car that was either orange or yellow.
      There were a couple other massive houses nearby, some even dwarfing mine. I recall one made out of tan bricks next door. I recall there is a stepped waterfall running between the two houses that leads into the outdoor swimming pool on the low side of the hill.
      The rest of the tour happens very fast. I almost feel as though the information is being 'downloaded' into my memory. I see flashes and am bombarded with loads of information before waking up.

      Spoiler for Giant House Recap:
    5. LD #114: More Flying

      by , 09-16-2014 at 12:52 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The dream starts off rather strange. I am one of the last humans alive, living alone in a wooden shack at the bottom of a canyon. It feels a little bit like Minecraft but also looks to be rendered very realistically at times.
      I can recall taking some time to explore the canyon and try to figure out how to get up to the surface. When I do get up, I see that there are birch trees everywhere. I think that I could probably cut some down at some point in order to craft more items. But no time for that right now, I'm just exploring. I also come across a couple cave entrances that look like they could hold some valuable minerals.
      I head back to the shelter only to find a witch there. I take out my sword (Iron nonetheless) and begin combat. The witch begins evading my attacks and throwing vials of poison. I think by accident she threw a couple of resist fire potions at me as well. My health drop low and I try to eat a golden apple (HP powerup in Minecraft), but die before I can finish.
      Dang it.
      I respawn. I feel like I am not too far from my shelter. I am in a grassland. I begin heading in the general direction that I believe my shelter is in. Minecraft begins to look more and more like WL. I see that the blocks have begun meshing and becoming smooth rolling hills.
      "Man, this grassland goes on forever!" I said to myself.
      I then came to a hill with a drop off on the opposite side. Ran of the top and jumped. I just floated there.

      Then I became lucid. I was flying. The minecraft world shifted away and it became my subdivision.
      I was hovering above the intersection with my street and the next one over. I wanted to start heading towards my house. I actually landed and then came back up once more. Flying felt very strange. I felt as though gravity was extremely low. The only time I found myself falling was when I stopped and hovered without pushing up, and even then, only found myself floating down a few inches. It was almost as if I were flying in 0-G.
      I actually decided to see what my hand looked like when I was pushing with it. I held my hands up in front of me and pushed my energy through my arms. There were little bluish-white jets of flame, no more than six inches. I think to myself what it might be like to generate really big jets and rocket through the air very quickly.
      I then recalled the last time I had flown in my neighborhood and the funny thing the dream had done. I wanted to see if that would happen once more. So I had to get above the roofs of the houses.
      I went upwards at an angle, and spotted some trees ahead of me that were not there IWL. I stopped by thrusting backwards as to not hit them. I then went straight up, but the trees seemed to be moving, almost blocking me from going up. But the trees were moving rather slowly. It became a game of reflexes to try and ascend past the trees.
      Eventually one of them grabbed me and wrapped a branch around me. I lost lucidity and had an FA.

      I was with my roommate and his friends. Our room was now on the first floor and led out into a swimming pool. This made us special because we had a private swimming pool in our dorm and could invite other people over for parties.
      I can recall at one point somebody brought a big bag of snow to put in the freezer. It was for making snow cones and it tasted really good; I was eating it out of the bag, and had to stop myself.
      My roommate and his friends were talking about when they would have parties and who would come. Then [DREAM LOGIC] The witch from Minecraft appeared. But outside of Minecraft, she was very beautiful. She stated that she was never evil and only wanted to help prevent the water from freezing over in the winter. We apologized for fighting with one another and I woke up.[/DREAM LOGIC]
    6. LD #112: Pool with mean Politicians, Nightmare Invasion Movie

      by , 09-13-2014 at 02:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I recall some dream about my family staying at this very upscale hotel somewhere in England. The hotel has an odd mixture of very modern and very Victorian feel to it. I was at the swimming pool area, looking around when I decided that I wanted to go into the hot tub. I come over and in the hot tub was supposedly some very important female politician and two secret service agents who wore their sunglasses into the hot tup.
      I started to get in, but she said I couldn't. It would cost me $15 for every minute I spent in the hot tub and asked if I had a deal. And I'm like forget that. I turn and leave before she charges me for breathing her air or something.
      I am walking, planning on leaving the pool area and going back to my hotel room. Another lady politician who looks a little younger shows up. She tells me that she wants to give me a special deal. For one payment of $14.85, she will let me into the hot tub. But there is this whole other part of the deal like I have to strip down in the naked and go into the main swimming pool or something.
      I leave very mad and say "Forget that!". I walk over to the far edge of the pool area, and start looking out the window. The hotel has this huge panoramic window on the pool that looks out over the city. I recall it being nighttime. Then another person that I remembered being a politician comes over. He says he is going to charge me $5 for looking out of his window.
      I paused and started ranting about how these people are politicians and they are such Dbags, charging people to use things that are not even theirs.
      I get halfway through my rant and become lucid... for some reason.
      I immediately slip into drunken lucidity though. I begin hovering above the ground and float over to the hot tub. The first lady is still in it.
      "Oh, did you change your mind?"
      I use telekinesis and lift both her and the secret service agents out of the hot tub. I look above and the pool room is actually several stories high. There are a couple of concrete support beams supporting the hotel. I place the three of them on the highest beam with no way to get down and cut the telekinesis.
      "When you learn you lesson you can come down from there!"
      I then get my cummupins and lose the dream.
      I wake up and then fall back asleep.

      Ahh that was good lucid revenge.

      Some dream about watching documentary talking about how radioactive waste is handled in developing countries. They were talking about how they had to transport it on a dangerous railway through the mountains and used these special weighted train cars that were less likely to tip over.
      The doccumentary shows people loading the waste by hand into the train cars. The waste is stored in these large lozenge shaped steel canisters that look a little bit like atomic bombs. Each one is about the size of a person. It takes two people to lift one though. The strange thing is that they are just throwing them into the car.
      I then see the train leave the back of the power plant. I notice how wobbly it is on the rails and recall how the cars are weighted on the bottom, so even if they wobble they won't fall over.
      The documentary cuts to the actual disposal site. It is in a river. People here dispose of the canisters by hand. Everyone here is strong enough to lift one canister by themselves and they wear full sacks of rice over their bodies to absorb the radiation. They carry them about a quarter mile from the train station to the river, the best people can do it without stopping for a rest. The canisters are put into the river that is later covered with soil and then the river is redirected so that the canisters don't pollute the world with their radioactivity.
      They are showing footage of the canisters being lined up in a pile in the river when something truly horrific happens. One of the men begins bleeding horribly, spraying more blood than should have been in his body everywhere from a large wound on his back. Everyone runs screaming and fearful. A similar occurrence happens to several more people. Everybody is thrown into a panic. A few people take out guns and begin firing. The river runs red with blood.
      I can recall the people on the documentary focus in on this one woman. I think she was part of the crew filming the documentary. A man with a gun makes her kneel down and then shoots her in the head over and over. At this point, I decide to 'turn off' the documentary.
      Something to do with Clover, or a similar looking monster attacking in England. I think it was the same city that the hotel from the first dream was in.
      Some other stuff happened that I cannot recall. The world is falling into chaos. The shooting at the nuclear waste site and the clover monster were connected to it somehow.
      I recall being at my grandparent's house.

      I am walking with someone late at night. Somehow all of the dreams that I just had were connected. They had to do with the world gradually falling into chaos and darkness.
      I think the person I was walking with was Manei. I felt her energy even though I was nonlucid.
      I recall seeing someone had hung three dreamcatchers from a chain-link fence. I saw one of them was smoldering. When I looked closer, I saw that the ring had broken and the net inside of it was partially gone.

      Do you think during a lucid dream?-broken-dreamcatcher.jpg
      At first me and the other dream character were a bit confused and then we suddenly got it. The things that were attacking earth and causing all of the chaos were actually people's nightmares! I turned and looked at a nearby house. I think to myself that if these people will let me sleep in a bed I can have a lucid dream and somehow fighting back.
      It was also at this point that I realized that I was actually the main character in some movie that was about how lucid dreamers fought nightmares that were attacking earth. It was a confusing system.
      So basically what I had to do was sleep, have a lucid dream and then 'come back' to 'WL' earth while still in the dream. I could then see and fight the nightmares much more clearly. I run into the house and tell the people my crazy plan. The people in the house are a middle aged man and a woman. The man is actually a centaur.

      I wake up.
    7. LD #111: Lucid Fragment

      by , 09-07-2014 at 02:08 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I hardly recall anything. I was with... er whatever the heck this thing was. I thought it better to draw it rather than try and explain it.
      Semi-Lucid Dream experience-dream-golem.jpg
      It was a strange creature. It's body looked as hard as stone, but it was still able to move and flex in a bubbly, cartoonish way. It was leading me through what felt like a city, though some of the buildings were floating, and the sky was black. The place was very blurry and everything looked to be a bluish-grey color.
      The creature spoke, though it had no mouth. It had a disc where it's head should have been with three 'eyes'. The disc was always rotating slowly clockwise. And the five colored circles going up its body seemed to glow. On a final note, the creature was not very large. Perhaps three or four feet tall.

      I woke up not remembering much. My lucidity was not very clear.

      I was on a date with some girl. She asked me to order her five foot-long hotdogs with mustard from a nearby hotdog stand.
    8. Kung Fu Movie, LD #110: Vveven

      by , 09-05-2014 at 01:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I'm putting these dreams in out of order because I like to put lucid dreams last. I actually had the lucid dream at around 1:30 in the morning, and this non-lucid upon awakening.

      So I am in/watching a Kung-Fu movie. The dream is periodically glitching between having the main character be autonomous and it being me. That said the main character looks a little like Bruce Lee crossed with my typical dream self. (Bicolored eyes and goggles).
      Anyways, I remember talking to a sensei (Not the person from DV, just a typical sensei character in a kung fu movie.) He was glitching too. He sometimes looked like the typical sensei character with long white hair and a beard. But at other points he looked like this very fat rat type creature.
      Anyways, apparently my character had disowned many teachers before this one for various reasons and was happy that he had found one that conformed best to his teaching style.
      Back to watching it. We were training together, both of us standing on the rocks in the middle of a huge rushing river, doing synchronized movements. There are huge mountains off in the distance.

      There is a part in the movie where this boy and my WL parents came to visit us. The boy was supposedly six despite being about 5'10" and 200 pounds. He had some kind of growth disorder. Also, at this point we were training on a tropical beach.

      Now the climax of the story. The character that I am supposed to defeat is this demon. It kind of looks like the golem that appeared in that dream a couple nights ago, and has red vines wrapped around its body, and is made of dark stone pieces. But this one is much smaller, like 10-12 feet tall.
      Also we were fighting in a very strange location, some kind of birthday party for one of the secondary characters. Nobody ran away from the party. They all made a big circle around the two of us and started taking pictures/video with their phones.
      I think this was actually my second time fighting him. The first time, my character had lost, horribly. He had bloody bandages all over his body from where the vines had hit him during the first battle, and the atmosphere just felt like that of a rematch.
      I am watching once more. The character then closes his eyes and begins 'feeling' where all the vines are going to come from. He then strikes them and knocks them away. Some of them even rip apart and become unusable. It was a remarkably exciting scene and there was some epic Chinese drum music playing while it was happening. He eventually runs at the golem and begins fighting it directly.

      Very odd way of the dream starting. I start to feel someone rubbing my feet and the dream begins to materialize with that.
      So for some reason the dream has decided to materialize like so: I am in a huge mall or food court where there are a ton of people of all different ages, races, ethnicity, etc. There is no more seating available because of the crowd, so we are now sitting propped against the wall.

      And Manei is there, rubbing my feet. Okay, I officially have the weirdest dream guide possible to think: I want the dream to start with me rubbing his feet in some random public place and then we can start talking.
      So lucidity comes on after like ten whole minutes and some very strange dream glitches occur that I can't recall now.
      I turn to her and ask this, knowing that I will get an interesting response.
      "Your hands are so soft! What do you use?"
      "Tomato Juice!"
      "You took a bath in tomato juice?"
      I pause for a moment.
      "Okay, time to do one of the lucid tasks, if I can remember it..."
      I try to recall a lucid task. I recall what I think was one of the old ones, to ask a dream character to tell you a word in another language and it's meaning.
      "Tell me a word in your language and it's meaning."
      "Okay... Vveven! It means god is above. God is love. I love god."
      "You know I'm atheist... right?"
      "I know. I'm telling you the word. Not what to believe."
      Can I get wings for this?
      I get up and indicate that she could follow if she wants to. I want to leave the crowded area.

      Then there is a strange dream glitch. I become nonlucid and see this game set up to be played in the middle of the public place. The game is called 'F**k off, Rabbit!" and you play it with a pack of colored markers and all of these different coloring pages. I don't know how, but it has something to do with the drawing of a rabbit is hidden in each of the coloring pages, and the game is supposed to be very hard.

      I am lucid one more, and still walking out of the place. I look around to find Manei and see her melting into the crowd. Okay, not following. I get outside where there is a vast, clear twilight sky. The dream slowly shifts from the exterior of the mall to my own neighborhood.
      Although the sun is setting in my neighborhood, it feels more like the wee hours of the morning. The moon is rising where the sun should be. The moon also looks huge.
      It is cold. It must be spring or fall. Not horribly cold, but quite brisk none the less.
      I get about halfway down the street and stop. Someone drives past me in a sliver car and looks at me strange.
      Time to do some flying.
      I put my hands down to my side, and project my energy out, the way I always fly.
      Nothing seems to be happening. I can feel my weight starting to come off of my legs.
      I then tried to Jump to start the flying up. I jumped up and floated in the air for a second. Tried projecting out of my hands and felt the flying 'catch' and I was off. I also remember seeing my shadow on the pavement. I think this is the first time I have ever noticed a shadow during a dream.
      I said something like 'Heck Yeah!' and flew over the tops of some houses. I went above the woods behind my sub and turned to look back at it. I was thinking that I might try to fly into outer space.
      Now, a foot massage: weird. A tomato juice bath: weird. But this takes the cake. I turn around to see it and the dream freezes. I lose a ton of clarity and the the image of my neighborhood from above is frozen in front of me. But the strange thing is, my neighborhood is not there at all. Just a blurry black void surrounded by trees.
      The image of my neighborhood pulls back. It becomes evident that it is like a large photograph printed on a sheet of paper. I am now hovering in an empty black void, because the visual of the world has been compressed into this picture. Then, the photograph folds all origami up into a face. I am not kidding, and becomes a floating head that starts talking to me. The dream was literally talking to me.
      "Hey, Woah!, Sorry! I don't know what your sub looks like from above."
      "Not your fault. I was the one who didn't know what it looked like."

      The dream glitches agian. I am looking at this space station in orbit above earth. Apparently the moon was so huge in that dream because it was falling to earth and about to impact it, and that space station was supposed to monitor the event as it happened.
      I can recall the space station having this strange glass pod one one side that I was very focused on for some reason. It looked like some kind of escape pod.

      It was at this point that I realized that I was still dreaming and woke myself up because I wanted to make sure that I recalled the lucid dream.

      Oh, sure. My subconcious can't show me what my sub looks like when I fly above it, but it sure loves to show me what the moon looks like impacting earth and designing these random space stations.

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 06:36 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Being tested by dream guide. LD #107,108,109 (sort of)

      by , 08-28-2014 at 03:06 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am on vacation with my family I cannot recall many of the details but we are riding on a school bus that has been re-purposed as a tour bus. I am sitting in a seat with my mom acting very childlike. I am complaining that I am very tired and never get a chance to relax. In the dream I feel very tired, and this is the reason for my behavior.
      Anyways after some time, I recall sitting up and watching the bus driver and the scenery from the front windshield. We are driving through very mountainous country. It is a beautiful clear day and there are huge pine trees and beautiful mountains. We come to a long curving descent that looks very dangerous to drive down, and the bus driver takes it at full speed.
      I think at this moment, I may have noticed an empty bottle of whiskey on the dashboard.
      This road is a recipe for disaster; it descends the mountain at a roughly thirty degree angle, while gradually curving. If you fail to turn sharp enough, you go off a cliff! There is no guard rail or anything.

      And sure enough the bus is starting to go over the edge. I start to become lucid at this point, and try to phase the bus away. It seems to be working. Just as the bus loses traction, I phase it out of the dream and use the momentum to begin flying. I think to myself that I should probably land and stabilize. But before I get a chance to do so the dream ends.

      I am floating in a black void for a few moments where something strips me of my lucidity.
      A new dream begins.

      I am driving with my dad in his old van. It is late at night, and snowing. For some reason, the pedals are on the left hand side, but the steering wheel is on my side. Also, we are driving down the express way.
      He tells me to turn down a road (the name of which I cannot remember.) But I make the wrong turn. I tell him I cannot read the signs. We make a series of wrong turns very rapidly until we find ourselves on a service road. The road comes to a cliff, a drop off, not unlike the one that the bus rode off of in the previous dream.
      I tell my dad to hit the brake, but he is unresponsive. Our van doesn't have a console and I am able to slam on the brake with my left leg. We come to a stop about four feet before the cliff, but even with the brake to the floor it still seems to be in idle speed. For some reason I thought it had something to do with the fact that the van was a manual transmission car.
      Anyways, I couldn't stop it, so I jump back into my seat, put my seat belt on, grab hold of the wheel and try to steer the car down. As we tip over the hill, I see that we are driving over into ski slope.
      I became vaguely lucid, because ski slopes are one of my dream signs.
      The car begins barreling down the slope. It's a bumpy ride, and I am doing my best to steer us around obstacles. Then came probably the funniest thing I have ever said in a dream.
      "Dad, since we're probably going to die in this, I want you to know..."
      No response.
      "I think you're crazy!"
      Yes, I actually said that.

      My POV got taken out of the car and I watched it crash into one of the chairlift poles. I can feel someone else there with me.

      I am in the void a second time. Lucid this time. I can feel that someone else is there too. I also feel like I might wake up.
      I get stripped of my lucidity once more.

      I am in my own front yard. For some reason there is a swing hanging from one of the trees and I am swinging. I see five kids from my neighborhood. The youngest being about 10, the oldest, about my age. They come into our yard and open the garage.
      They get out a number dangerous of power and hand tools and begin various forms of destruction and dangerous play.
      I became mildly lucid here, thinking that for some reason I 'just don't care' because there won't be any long-term repercussions. One of them finds an extra ceiling fan in the garage (for some reason.) He runs a wire out and turns it on below me while I am swinging. I stop and get off as to not be chopped apart by the blades.
      I then yell at everyone to get their attention. They all stop, and I tell them that they must clean up this mess and put everything back in the garage. They all listen. They start cleaning up. It doesn't take long, and I help direct them and put things into the right place.
      Just as we are finishing, the oldest boy goes into the house to go pee, and I hear a drilling sound.
      I yell to him to stop playing with the drill and put it back into the garage. He then comes out into the garage. Two other boys grab me from behind and the boy with the drill comes forward and points the drill at my chest. For some reason the drill has four drill bits on slight angles toward the center.
      I get struck with fear, seeing the intent in the boy's eyes. But he sure takes his sweet time to do it. He seems to be savoring the moment.
      Then, something snapped.
      "I'm lucid dreaming!" I yelled.
      I broke the grip of the boys behind me and my hands swung around. I crushed the drill between the palms of my hands just before it could touch my chest. A sonic wave went out.
      Then, all of the boys vanished. The broken bits of the drill were still there and they dropped out of my hand. I turned around, looking out the open garage door. The dream became clearer.
      Manei is sitting at the end of my driveway at a card table. She gestures for me to come over, and shows me a sheet that she was marking up.

      Spoiler for Dream testing sheet:

      Then I 'remembered' the whole thing was just a lucid dreaming test of some kind. From the looks of it, usually this test is a lot longer, but Manei said we were done now.
      She looks at me with that characteristic smile.
      "Two out of three ain't bad..." She says.
      She also shows me an old testing shees where I went 6 lds and 8 nlds. I don't remember that test...

      I wake up.

      Upon waking I realize that she used orange and blue marks because those are the colors for I use in my DJ.

      Updated 08-28-2014 at 03:08 PM by 53527

      lucid , memorable
    10. Ora-Revealing Scuba-suits (LD#106)

      by , 08-26-2014 at 01:43 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My family was living in some kind of communal shelter after a natural disaster had struck our home. I cannot recall what the disaster was, but it was pretty widespread, having taken out a very large area of land and severely damaged the global economy. I think that it may have been an asteroid strike.
      We were living out of a mobile home, and I was tasked with riding around the community to fetch relief supplies, and trade with the other people in the community. Most of the other people living here are also living out of mobile homes. Some have tents as well.
      I can remember the community being set up near the freeway. There were hardly any cars on the freeway, though, occasionally there were some military convoys or supply trucks would come. It felt like we were close to home (In Michigan.)
      I went to the 'back' of the community that ran into the wilderness. I can recall their being a river there, actually two rivers that converged. There were also large sandy slopes in the hilly topography of the woods. (Sand dunes=dream sign).
      My parents were talking about how they wanted to build their new home right in this area where the three rivers meet. They talked about how they had met with a contractor and showed me a concept sketch of their new home. It was a modern, exotic design, like falling water that we were going to live in.

      Somebody was showing me an alternate ending to Avatar: The last Airbender. I cannot recall every detail but Aang arranges a duel with Azula on a small island. The island is small, and has a tropical forest on it, with a tall wooden pagoda with red roofing tiles in the middle. Azula does not go crazy in this ending, and Aang knows how to bring out the Avatar state at will.
      They start fighting and rush one another with fire, Azula using her trademark blue fire attacks. They blast one another and cause an explosion, blowing both of them back. Azula unleashes another fire blast and Aang uses airbending to jump above it. Azula follows using a firebending jet-pack. Aang loops around in the air and uses an air whip to send Azula flying back toward the ground. She lands on the beach of the island, making a rather large crater in the sand. She gets up and prepares to preform a lightning attack. Aang comes down and dodges. When he lands on the beach, he preforms an earthbending attack that causes Azula to fly out over the water and skip across the surface like a rock.
      Aang makes an ice surfboard and chases after her. It's implied that the fight continues for awhile longer, but I cannot recall what happened after that.

      The first thing I can recall was being on the beach, lucidity was clawing its way into my brain. It felt like I was on the island that the duel had taken place on. Manei is there wearing this very strange looking outfit that is something like a scuba suit, with this blue and white swirly pattern all over it.
      I look around, and there are many other people on the beach, all of them wearing these scuba suits. As I look around, I see people taking them off and putting them on. They seem to be unisex, and very large when taken off, shrinking to accommodate your figure. They seem to come off in six parts, two legs, two arms, upper and lower body, and when they are taken off they become dark grey.
      Manei explains that these are special, high tech suits that reveal your ora or your personal energy field or some such spiritual nonsense, but they only work if you put them on, then swim in the ocean. She takes me over to a booth where you can ask to borrow a suit. I can recall there is a card table set up and someone sitting at it. Underneath the table are six bins, one for each part of the suit.
      Then something strange began happening. I noticed behind the table there was another table, with someone tied to it face down. Wearing one of the suits, but missing the right arm piece of the suit. The pattern on the suit was moving and changing colors in places from green to red and back again. The boy, who had spiky brown hair was shaking, and looked to be in a lot of pain. He was shaking and gritting his teeth as if he were having a seizure. There was a small open cut above his right eye.
      I asked the person at the table what happened to that guy and they wouldn't respond.
      He looked up at me, and just stared at me for a second. I didn't recognize him, and I was waking up. I just looked into his face, looking at the white under his iris. (The way people look when they are straining to look upwards at someone.) I could feel some kind of energy coming off of this dream character. I felt like he was causing me to wake up.
    11. LD#104: Lucid Dodge-Banana

      by , 08-16-2014 at 11:55 AM (Lucid Time!)

      Fragment: I am in a hardware store. It feels like the hardware store in my town. I am shopping for some kind of screws or bolts to fasten something down.

      I am watching a science show. Something about the planet Jupiter and the surface. As soon as I hear that, I get confused because Jupiter is a gas giant and it has no surface.
      They show a picture of it anyway. Jupiter has a surface made of orange rocks with a river of this sea-green liquid running across it. I can also recall this computer graphic of a space probe falling through the atmosphere and presumably being crushed by the pressure.
      False awakening. I am in my old Taekwondo studio, and it looks like we are playing dodgeball. The studio feels a little bit off. It's dark inside, most of the lights are turned off, and out the windows a strange dark grey haze has set in.
      I recall seeing my belt on the table and putting it on. Not exactly a formality for when we used to do something fun like play dodgeball but whatever.
      I make my way over to the other side of the gym. There are five people on our team and three people on the enemy team. The only person on our team that I recognize is K's brother. The rest of the people on our team feel familiar.
      The opposing team is only three boys. Two of them have blurred faces and are simply wearing uniforms. The third has a green T-shirt and looks sort of like that evil dream character. Though he's smiling with playful aggression and certainly doesn't look evil.

      I turn to K's brother.
      "This is a dream, isn't it?"
      He doesn't respond.

      "This is a dream, I'll just play along. This should be fun, though I might be much more skillful now..."
      The match begins. The enemy team has all four balls. They surrender one to us out of honor and each of the three enemy players has a ball. One guy on our team runs for the ball and gets taken out. Both balls roll back to the enemy team.
      One of the guys throws at me. For some reason, the ball morphs into a banana mid-flight. As it approaches me, I hold out my hand and it slows down. Everything in the room comes to a complete stop. I step out of the way. The banana flies past me.
      I look back to see that one of the faceless guys on the enemy team has been taken out. The remaining two guys target me. I levitate into the air and sort of wave my body to avoid the shot from the green shirt guy. I catch the one from blurry face #2. He is out. I stare down at the green shirt guy and everyone backs off. It's me and him. 1v1.
      He picks up two balls, and takes on a wide stance, ready to jump to the side.
      I hover over to the line. I preform a fake out throw. It barely phases the guy. I throw for real. The ball hits his hand and gets him out. It's over. Our team wins. The green shirt guy says he wants a rematch. I wake up.
    12. Trying to find Manei (LD# 103)

      by , 08-15-2014 at 03:13 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I'm in my bedroom (dreaming of course) but it looks a little bit different. All of the furniture along the back wall is gone and there is a giant computer screen on the wall. I'm not entirely sure if it was being projected by something on the ceiling or it was actually a huge flat-screen imbedded into the wall. The picture was really clear and it looked to have been simply a giant screen in the wall.
      Nevertheless, I was able to do things via voice command. I can remember having a browser open, I think it was FireFox. I was goggling things with voice commands. I can remember goggling this really long set of three prhases but I cannot recall what they were. I could feel myself becoming sleepy.
      I decided to google stuff about lucid dreaming, perhaps look at some youtube videos about LDing before I fell asleep. So I googled 'Lucid Dreaming' then lost it.
      I had a few seconds of imagery and found myself in a field.

      Thus began another one of these lucid dreams.
      From what I can recall the feild was fairly wide, perhaps a quater mile by a quarter mile. Surrounding it is a thick forest. There are dirt roads meeting at a four-way intersection in the middle. In one quarter, there was a small drive and what looked like the foundation of a house. There were also a couple of out-of-place trees here.
      It was very hot here. There were two suns beating down here. One of them was huge. If I were to hold my hand up and from the base of my wrist to the tip of my middle finger was about the height of the larger sun. The smaller one was perhaps twice the size of the sun IWL. The twin suns gave a dingy yellow aura to the sweltering air.
      I then saw a Frisbee and a Bicycle ride past me. I then 'remembered' a famous artwork done by a master lucid dreamer who had seen a Frisbee and a Bicycle racing. I also 'remembered' that recreating one of this lucid dreamers' classic lucid dreams was a task of the month on DV (Can I get wings for this?) .
      I begin to chase after them. The bike is small, for a child. It may have had training wheels still on it. It is black and green with the word 'Huffy' in white letters on the side. And it was moving under its own power. The Frisbee was red and had some text in it that I couldn't read because it was spinning. The Frisbee hovered along at an impossibly low speed to keep pace with the bike.
      As the two objects entered the four way intersection at the center of the field, they began flying. (Well the Frisbee was already flying but you know what I mean.) The bike began flying as well. I chased after them, started flying, and tried to grab on. But when I did, I felt some kind of magical field around the two break and they both fell into the tall grass below.

      Lucidity goes full throttle. I then turn to see a white pickup truck pull into the drive where the house foundation is. I want to see if Manei is in there. I fly down and land by the drivers side window. No. It's just my aunt. She is wearing these really narrow sunglasses that look something like the commander data visor from Star Trek.
      Undaunted, I still want to find Manei.
      "Have you seen Manei?"
      “Yeah… she looked like a...sort of a…fleshy thing.”
      "Yeah, no crap, She's a human! Also, those sunglasses you are wearing look a little dorky... Just a little."
      "I know." She sounds sort of sad, as if I were supposed to like the sunglasses. but I get the inkling that she is joking.
      "Well where did you see her?"
      "I found her in a Boygen."
      "What's a Boygen?"
      "They are pods that fall from orbit with people in them."
      She gestures to a corner of the field. I can see an egg-shaped pod barely big enough to fit a person. The inside has filled with dirt and there is grass growing out of it.
      I get a vision of my aunt helping her get out of the pod in another location. Coming out of these pods is like coming out of an egg.
      I then begin walking along one of the roads, then running. I am determined to find my guide. I think my aunt started driving the pickup truck to follow me. I begin staking across the ground as we head into the woods and find ourselves in some apartment complex.
      The dream started to blur as we were making our way down the road and I found myself inside a beautiful asian-styled building. I stabilized the dream to prevent anymore unwanted transitions between locations by rubbing my hands together. As I did, I thought about how my hands were just part of the dream.
      I began yelling for Manei, saying her name over and over. I could tell she was close, but she wasn't responding.
      "I'm right here!" I recognize my dad's voice.
      "I'm sorry but you're not who I am looking for!"
      "Too bad, I'm coming!"
    13. Semi-Lucid: Government Drones and LDing Crystals

      by , 08-14-2014 at 01:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Boy is this a cool one.

      Me and S are invovled with something lucid dreaming related. We need to find all of the lucid dreaming crystals scattered around the globe to prevent um... something bad from happening. I can't remember what. We have already collected two of the crystals, a green one and a blue one. The crystals themselves are tiny but they go in these oriental metal storage boxes with open sides, making their apparent bulk considerable. The crystals we have collected are actually hidden at my house.
      We are on a school bus, the only ones. Somebody had to be driving though. (And they were driving like a crazy person, crashing into cars and such.) I didn't even think about that until we got off. Also, it turned out the government wanted to control these crystals to make weapons. So they had sent a drone to kill us.
      A copter drone comes down. It is perhaps 8 feet wide with four rotors on the sides and an assault cannon on the bottom. It shoots into the side of the school bus and we duck down. Broken glass and metal goes everywhere.
      S tells me to get the Minigun. I look and see a large armored box, open it, and sure enough there is a Minigun inside. Now IWL, I probably couldn't even lift a Minigun much less use it effectively, but supposedly as a part of finding the lucid dreaming crystals, some of our powers carried over into the real world. Thus, I had the power of super strength and could lift it. I battled the drone back and fourth. I would fire, and it would pull out of view. He would fire, and I would duck and hope I didn't get shot.
      The driver pulled into a woods with a high canopy. The drone couldn't follow us there. We got out of the bus. I then learned that the driver was in fact Manei (My DG) and apparently as part of finding the crystals, now only had my powers carried over, but my DG as well. But she looked a little strange. She looked like my DG blended with my crush from sophmore year HS. Whatever. No time to ask her out on a date, this is way more exciting anyway.
      She says she is going to hide the Minigun under some branches and leaves in the woods until we need it again, and walks off leaving me and S. We walk into my sub very nonchalantly, as if we are no longer being tracked by the government. One power that carried over from S's dream is that he can fuse two objects to get a better one. He says he will fuse the bikes together for me to use since I am faster on my bike. He does so and makes this really cool looking racing bike. S then fuses our cars into a sports car and says he will take this.
      S drives off.
      I start flying after him. Supposedly at this point we were supposed to go our separate ways to look for more of the crystals.
    14. LD #102: A false sleeping...?

      by , 08-06-2014 at 12:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Sorry I was gone these past few days, I was on an awful, awful dry spell.

      So we have all heard of a false awakening, but what about a false falling asleep?

      I was having a dream that my life had reverted to the year 2003, meaning that I was a small child once more. My subdivision looked a little bit different. All of the cars looked extremely square and boxy. (Not to say a lot of older cars look boxy.) But I mean these cars looked ridiculously square.
      A false memory rolls in: Apparently this was not the same reality as the one that I had experienced in 2003, but I had simply traveled to a different one, and in this alternate world having the most boxy car was considered prestigious. Our neighbors had a rotating table on their yard with an extremely square car on it. The car looked something like a miniature box and was one large red cube with windshields, windows, wheels and a radiator on the front. They were trying to show off the square-ness of their car.
      I get very excited at the thought of having many years of my life back, and forget about the boxy car fad. I begin thinking of things that I want to do differently in this new life. Just as I do, my mom comes outside, picks me up, and takes me inside to go to bed. As we walk inside I notice that the sun is setting. I lay down and notice how sleepy I feel.
      Then I think to myself, maybe in this new life I can start lucid dreaming earlier. Lucid dreaming is supposed to be very easy for young children to learn as their dreams are of better quality, and their minds are more awake. I lay still and begin thinking to myself that I will lucid dream tonight.

      After a minute I find myself in a 'lucid' dream. (It was kind of funny, because I knew that this was a dream relative to the boxy car reality, but I didn't know that the boxy car reality was in fact a dream.)
      The dream is that I am in a city street. There are a bunch of large white cylinders of varying heights made of a metal like material juxtaposed in the street. There are no cars or dream characters anywhere from what I can tell. I begin thinking about what the cylinders might be. Perhaps they contain something. I approach and touch one. It feels cold, it is covered with condensation.
      The city breaks away but all of the cylinders remain. I am now floating in reddish-black a void with the white cylinders still scattered about. They begin to drift in random directions. I begin to hear a screeching noise growing louder and louder.

      False awakening. Back into my 2003 alternate reality bedroom. It is morning and the sun is shining through the windows. I lose recall for some time after that.
      I am at my grandparents house with K. My grandparents want me to eat some strange new food, but I tell them I am not hungry.
      I false awaken into my bedroom, and my heart is racing as if something time-sensitive is going on. I am being shook by someone. Manei is leaning over the side of my bed trying to get me up.
      "Wake up, Hurry!"
      "I'm awake!, I'm awake!, Stop that!"
      "No! Wake up!"

      I look into her eyes for a moment then wake myself up.

      I am on a beach. There is a terrace made of packed sand at the upper end of the beach with several small drainage creeks running into the sea. I realize that I am still dreaming and wake myself up once more.
      Wheu! Not dreaming anymore.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:21 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. LD #101, The moon gets destroyed. More Planets

      by , 07-31-2014 at 12:18 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in my school's courtyard, but it feels different, like everything is facing the wrong way. S and A are there, along with a huge crowd of students. I think that my grandparents were there as well.
      I've gotten sick of dreaming up these scenes and not becoming lucid, so I began preparing specifically for them. And this time I actually wound up
      S, A and I are waiting for someone else. (C?) Upon becoming lucid I forget the plot of the dream and decide to manifest my dream guide. I think I saw her somewhere in the crowd for like a second. I decide to try and text her for some reason. I take out my phone and open up my contacts. Sure enough she is in there.
      I look in our text messages, and most of them are messages that she has sent to me. Some of them are written in an illegible language. She messages me something.
      I don't know why but I want to reply 'lol' to it. Now comes the hard part. Text messaging in a lucid dream.
      So sure enough I try several times to write a message, but it always changes. Eventually I just commit. I just look at the keyboard, type 'lol' and hit send before the words can change. Woot! Text messaged in a dream!
      I wake up moments after sending the text.

      Me and some friends are traveling on an escape pod from a much larger vessel in space. We had gone far out below the plane of the galaxy. Apparently we had been in cryo-sleep for hundreds of years, that being the reason for our desolate location.
      Upon awakening I took to the controls and tried to correct our course to return us to the galaxy. Took some doing given the fact that I couldn't tell what direction our ship was facing and only had some sort of galactic compass to help me.
      We went back into cryo for another few hundred years and when we came out we found we had returned to the galaxy. We began flying past a solar system and the dream changed. The plot about the escape pod was lost. I was taken out and the presence appeared.

      The presence showed the orbital arcs of the planets in a solar system. There were dozens of planets in this system, far more than our own solar system. Most of them were orbiting in the same line as the galaxy, but maybe five or six were orbiting 'vertically', going up over the poles of the star.
      The presence began explaining that this solar system (It was called the Var system) was the result of two solar systems colliding. We fly in close to the star and see that this in fact a triple star system. There is a large blue star, a medium sized yellow star, also orbiting vertically and a small red star farther out.
      The presence explains to me that this was the result of two solar systems colliding with one another. Their centers of gravity merged. It also explains that it is very dangerous because the planets in polar orbits could collide with the planets in regular orbits.

      And then, I'm back at my house. I look outside, and rising in the east is the moon, but it looks different... Holy @#$%...
      New cool experience for me!!!-oblivion157.jpg
      Something like that only the moon looks as though it's actively being destroyed. The entire moon is 'smoking' and explosions are erupting out of the surface. It was by far some of the most vivid imagery I have ever seen in a dream. About half the moon was gone when I saw it.
      Everybody is outside, watching in awe at the destruction. Then, what was left of it exploded in a massive blast, as if the death star had just done a test run there.
      I waited 10...15...20...25...seconds. After about a minute a wall of high-speed meteors slammed into the earth's atmosphere. Debris of all sizes impacted. One was even close enough to cause a sonic boom and take out the windows in everyone's houses.
      I run inside. My parents say to get my things, we are evacuating. I run upstairs and get my computer. I think to check the news and see why the moon exploded. No, no time. I get my computer, a '25' dollar bill and my crystal that I use for meditation. For some reason it looks like I wrote all over it with a black magic marker.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:36 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
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