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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Dream Smorgash Board

      by , 03-14-2016 at 01:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Big ol' Dump o' dreams from the last couple nights.


      I was in the simpsons. Literally in the TV show. I remember there was an episode centering around Homer and (what was the wife's name in the simpsons, Marge? I forget. I have never watched a single episode of the Simpsons in my life. Part of the reason that it is so weird that I would be dreaming of them at all.) getting a new car. The new car had this 1950's Raygun Gothic aesthetic to it, and was supposedly nuclear powered like the curiosity rover. It had an RTG under the front hood.

      Honestly this seems like a terrible idea. I remember the dream had some filler bits having to do with (Uhh Bart. The boy kid?) and I was him and I had to put on a presentation at school on nuclear power and safety or something, and Bart's school was my old middle school. But eventually what ended up happening was the nuclear car rolled down a long hill when it was parked in this city area and hit a tree causing the Uranium in the RTG to bang together essentially creating a miniature nuclear bomb. The car exploded and Homer and Bart thought it was cool and shouted 'Agian! Agian!' like idiots.


      I feel like there was also this weird sexual bit about Bart that I have forgotten. Whatever it was about, it's probably for the best it remains forgotten.


      I remember I was at the other middle school, across town from mine. (An... Interesting change of setting to say the least) and I was practicing for a performance. (The only reason I know anything about the interior of the middle school was when I was very young, I took Karate there for a couple of months. But I got thrown out of the Karate group after I snuck away from class and wandered around the middle school for half the night before my parents and the cops found me.) I was Semi-Lucid too.

      This was a dream that I have been planning for almost a year now, but never got around to manifesting because of other things getting in the way. (Of course I wouldn't be properly lucid to enjoy it, so this still exists a goal for me to complete in the world of being fully lucid.) I always remembered how there were a couple of dreams (Very close together, about a week) where I saw Manei with some of the girls from her tribe were doing various dance performances, including some with torches. Very beautiful and entertaining to watch.

      But why stop there? I wanted Manei to teach me how to do this so I can be a part of that performance.

      Apparently that's what was happening in this dream. But I was doing it by 'Being' Manei. I don't see how this was happening but I was controlling her physical body. (This somehow made the learning process much easier.) I was supposed to practice doing a one handed handstand as this was part of the dance preformance. I was doing it on the stage of the middle school.

      I then remember two boys (Who looked like Jack and Jon because who else) came and tried to pull the mats out from under us while we kept our balance on one hand. We were supposedly being tested by the other girls that were there and I don't know if these boys were a part of the test or not. But they sure were making it difficult to hold a handstand.


      I then remember I was home and my deceased grandmother was there. She looked like a zombie this time. her nose was missing and she looked decayed but it didn't frighten me. She said that she was happy with how I was growing and changing, but thought that I looked ugly. I remember then looking in the mirror. I was my female dream self, but I was much taller, like Manei. I remember thinking that my body and face shape looked more similar to hers than my usual dream self. It was like being this weird fusion of the two of us.

      I said something like "Dang, I look good." I then remember she said she thought I looked bad. I thought about mentioning that it looked like her nose was missing and she was old and wrinkly, but that could come off as an insult. Whatever, looks aren't important. We kept talking for another minute or two, but I forgot what about.

      There were a couple of other family members there as well. I think that the 'missing sister' dream character might have been involved.


      I remember I was on a beach. (Haven't had this dream in awhile.) It was cloudy and the weather seemed rather turbulent and big waves kept blowing in from the ocean. Of course this cacophony of dream signs made me lucid. I thought about stabilizing the dream, and sat down in the sand and started making mud pies. This was supposedly my method of dream stabilization, as I focused on how the sand felt in my fingers and how it reacted. I could hear every detail. Every wave crashing against the shore, every gust of wind rustle the palm fronds. The dream was ultra stable, and I could tell. My mud pies and what not that I was making were persistent, even if I looked away form them for several seconds.

      I began to get really comfortable, feeling like I was a kid again. I made a classic pathetic sand castle, just a crappy patted down mound of sand with one little twig (I think it was a piece of bamboo) sticking out of the top. In a weird way, this was it. This was the reason that I had first started lucid dreaming. To just be alone, so I could be myself and not have anybody bother me.

      Manei appeared and I was immediately snapped out of my trance. She was just standing there looking at me a little ways down the beach. I looked up at her, and just decided to ignore her and go back to what I was doing. (I also remember her hair was blowing in the wind, the breeze coming off of the sea, putting it at almost a 90 degree angle to her. This was very significant somehow) I looked up again and she had slendermanned her way closer.

      I think I politely asked her to leave, but she said that she wouldn't judge me for doing whatever I wanted.


      I remember something to do with going over to my old friends' moms' house. (My mom is friends with my old friends' mom.) She gave us three black puppies. I remember me and my dad's puppies were normal sized for puppies but my mom's was very small like the size of a mouse because it was a runt and it had some health issues.


      I remember A dream that had something to do with 'Inside Out'.

      I had remembered meeting all of the different emotion characters that I had in my head. I remember the character that the story I was in was actually Fear. There were some differences from my mind and the movie. I remember the emotions could all leave the 'Headquarters' tower on a special tram and did so regularly during the night.

      This had something to do with the fact that I was a lucid dreamer, and since the five emotions would go to a secondary headquarters to be my 'lucid mind' when it was time to lucid dream.

      My Mind was apparently also structured differently than the one in in the movie. There were still islands of personality and long term memory, but they were in a sense, one and the same. Each island of personality was also a memory matrix (instead of a single core memory) that held all of the memories pertaining to that particular aspect of my personality. The islands of personality were also more like towers, floating above a vast, cloudy abyss, very vertically oriented and strung together by cables and tubes.

      I remember there were five major islands that were particularly important that outlined my personality. One of them had to do with astronomy. (The island/tower was like a huge rocket launch pad with something akin to a Saturn 5 on it) I think it had a telescope as well. There was one for Taekwondo, one for my love of art, one to represent my attitude (being straightforward and blunt most of the time) I think the fifth Island was where lucid dreams came from and was supposed to be very special.


      I remember the five emotion characters could fuse to become me and that was what allowed me to exist in this realm. (Actually, I think there was a sixth emotion character, an orange one. I forgot what emotion he represented. I do remember he had like a monk robe and was rather tall and quite large.) He was also mute.

      Fear wouldn't fuse with me because she (My fear emotion was female) was the underappreciated/suppressed emotion. (Much like sadness was in the original Inside Out.) There was some sort of major problem with Fear as she was turning grey and 'dying'. The story had something to do with the fact that I was suppressing too many emotions. Neither the fear emotion or the orange one could fuse when I became myself because I didn't properly recognize them.

      Manei also existed in this world. I think she existed in a way very similar to Bing Bong did in the original inside out. Except that she was a total bad@$$ around here.

      The fear emotion kept trying to convince everyone that there was some outside intruder attempting to come into my mind but nobody else was listening.


      At some point there was some kind of error and Fearful memories were still being produced, but they were blank. I remember them being translucent purple and there were a lot of them, thousands. And the machine kept spitting more and more of them. Someone said to put them in the memory dump. The memory dump was mostly empty and full of junk other than memory balls.

      The fear character was convinced this was the result of the intruder wreaking havoc, and that the inturder would soon arrive to finish them off.

      I have a terrible head cold now that I am writing this, so this isn't funny.


      So the intruder had arrived. I remember this huge white angular flying missile cruiser entered through a portal in the sky, floating above the memory area. It opened fire on one of the smaller personality islands, bringing it down in a single barrage, sending thousands of memory balls falling into the dump. The cruiser continued shooting and destroying memory shelves. I remember I flew on my jets of flame and faced the front of the cruiser. I shouted 'Hey, what's the big idea?!' or something. Then the cruiser stopped, it turned and shot me. This caused me to split apart into my emotion characters again.

      Geeze 'Inside Out' isn't supposed to be an action movie.


      I was visiting a nature park with my family. The nature park was supposed to be in a large ancient impact crater caused by a meteor. The ranger station was on the small mountain in the middle of the crater. I remember they had a pool complex that kids were playing in and swimming, and a small hotel.

      My dad was taking pictures and my mom was buying stuff from the gift shop. I was reading a sign that said that there are caves in the park. It said that the average cave in the park was 2.1M tall by 2.1M wide by 120 m deep. These caves are formed by glaciers and please do not make loud noises in them as this can cause cave-ins.

      A DJ character showed up and started playing some unusual dreamlike music. I started to become lucid but woke up.
    2. LD #258- Punks, Lotsa Flying

      by , 03-10-2016 at 01:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My sleep schedule was messed up last night. I fell asleep around 5:30, woke up at 9:00. Did homework and watched youtube videos until about 1:45, then went back to bed and woke up at 6:00. I did not expect to get lucid. I didn't even expect to have any dream recall.

      I vaguely remember from my 'first sleep' that had something to do with me staying over at my grandparents' house. They had shelves upon shelves of food because they were preparing for the end of the world. I then remember somebody broke into their house and started stealing all the food. They were really mad.


      I remember I was living in a city/urban area. (Just row upon row of identical gray tenement buildings. I remember most of the buildings had lots of green plants on them. Ivy and vines, trees growing on the roofs and stuff. That's a dream sign.) I would ride my bike to college/work everyday. It was pretty crowded, but I was navigating the crowd pretty quickly. I could ride in the street. There were designated bike lanes and very few cars.

      These two malevolent teenagers approached me and tried to block my path. I went into the street to go around them, and they started chasing after me. I remember they were grabbing at my backpack and trying to take things from it. I told them to stop or they we're going to get it. They just gave me a cruel smile and didn't say anything back.

      I remember they chased me for a quite a few blocks. Eventually I came across this construction site that I rode into. I remember there was this scaffolding with ramps that I could ride up. At one point, I even rode my bike across a very thin board that would have been hard to walk across. I started riding my bike across rooftops and such (because dream) and got cornered by them in this clock tower type building. I got off my bike and warned them again. They just approached me with that same smile. It seemed like they were older now, not teenagers, but full blown adults. (I also remember one of them was a black guy now, when he hadn't been that way before.)

      Nature Show Guy: And here we see the JadeGreen, scientific name Jadus Oneironoughtus in its natural habitat. It is generally a peaceful creature, but if given no other option, it will attack.

      I remember I fought one of the guys by twisting his arm and flipping him over my shoulder into a pile of wooden boxes. He got two black eyes and went unconscious. The other guy phoned his friends telling him to send more guys. I grabbed his arm and made him drop his phone and break it. I then kicked him a couple times and made him fall off a platform. That put him unconscious...

      I was worried that I might have seriously hurt the guys, but I saw that they were just knocked out. Four other punks (three male, one female) approached the tower. The leader said that he was sorry his boys had 'acted out' again and he would pay me to have them back. (Woo! Free money.) He wanted me to feel comfortable with the exchange so he told me to meet him downstairs in the subway restaurant.

      We met down there. He was actually really nervous around me. He asked me for [the name of one of his guys] and for some reason I handed him a small envelope. He opened it, and turned it upside down and the guy fell out. He gave me a check. I handed him the second envelope and the other guy fell out. They poured cold soda on the guys and that made them come back from being unconscious. The gang leader guy apologized again and bought me a sandwich. (suck up).

      I remember my sub sandwich was very weird because all of the meatballs were stuck together. (So it was more like a meatloaf sandwich.) For some reason this really grossed me out. I became lucid and the dream shifted.


      I was back in my neighborhood, and amazingly lucid. Flying time. (I did promise myself that the first thing I would do when I got some really good lucidity again was go out and fly.) The thing that I thought was the most weird was the fact that the season was actually correct to what the weather is like now.

      I took off using my usual method of forcing myself up on jets of flame. I remember the jets of flame and sound effects looked and sounded like the rockets in KSP. (Weird, haven't played that game in awhile. Waiting for the new version to come out.) It took off. Flying was sluggish at first. I said 'faster' but wasn't going much faster. I then yelled 'COME ON!', but not in a really angry way, more of a sort of aggressive 'Let's do it' kind of way. The dream responded well to this and an appropriate flying speed came. I remember I flew very close to the side of a house, within a couple of inches, while moving at about 70km/hr.

      I then did a couple of 'barrel rolls' while flying down over the street. Dream spinning never seems to work for me. (Usually not changing the environment.) But the upside is that I can get away with flying stunts all I want and not lose the dream. I thought about that in a dream. I then remember intentionally flying head on into an oversized fire hydrant. (Was about 8 feet tall) just to see what it would feel like. I felt almost nothing but stopped abruptly. (Yeah just like last time) Even though it showed the crash from third person and it looked really painful and made a cartoony 'clang' sound effect.

      I took off and started flying again, heading away from my subdivision to see if I could enter a dream-original environment. The trees had gnarled into loops and corridors making for a challenging but very fun flying course. At some point I flew through a treehouse. (In one window, out the other). I then decided that I wanted to head back to my neighborhood to see if I could do some summoning.

      I remembered my quick reverse technique for flying that I used to use. Do a (summersalt? somersalt?) in mid air and blast fire jets the other way. Much faster than a slow banking turn. I turned back to the neighborhood. I flew up high over it, getting the whole thing in view and noticing that it was outright deserted. I decided to try summoning at the house of my old crush from way back when. I came in close and saw a big black lab in their front yard.

      'That's Familiar' I thought to myself. (Though this time it was big, but still realistically sized for a dog. Not like last time where the dog was seven feet tall.) But the dog was barking at me and growling viciously. Two other dogs came out and started barking too. One of them was a very small poodle or something, and the other one was I think a doberman, kind of skinny ish... Shouted 'NO' at the dog and told him to stop barking, but he didn't listen. I was reluctant to land for the dream journeying into dog attack nightmare territory. But I landed anyway. Luckily all of the dogs just wanted to give me kisses instead.

      The dream started to fade out. I remember realizing that I wasn't wearing any pants or underwear, just a tank top. I thought I could manifest them fairly easily, but that it was too late in the dream to matter. I then remember (as visuals went out) hearing an unrelated friend of mine ask why I was on his lawn wearing only a shirt.
    3. Big Stupid Moose (#257)

      by , 03-08-2016 at 07:03 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was at a game store with S and C. The person at the store was driving a hard sell at us about this new game that had just hit the shelves. It was a game that was really popular in Japan. In the game, you would drive around these miniature robots. (About the size of small RC cars). But the robots had weapons with real ammunition and could have battles, but on a very small scale. For example, one of the maps in the game was the living room of the house.

      Slowly, (Because Dream) this became the reality of the situation. I was standing outside of an abandoned house, with a controller and driving a miniature robot around in a battle. There were other people with controllers too. The battle was taking place outdoors. I remember my robot got destroyed by one of these little quad-copter bots that dropped little bombs all around it that blew up. Then, someone on my team accused the guy who had just killed me of screen-cheating and looking at my controller. The two started fighting but I didn't care because it was just a game.

      I waited for a respawn, but then remembered that this was 'real life'. I turned around and asked the other guys what I should do. But they were gone. This big moose/elk (I don't know what kind of animal it was, I don't think the dream even knew) came out of the woods and started charging at me. I started running away from it, but I wasn't looking where I was going and fell into a river. (Man, non-lucidity makes you clumsy) I tried to swim away but it followed me into the water.

      The animal tried to swim after me. It seemed to be catching up to me in the water but once it was like two or three feet away it started thrashing around so much trying to gore me with its antlers that the currents it made in the water pushed me away from it just enough for me to not be hit. The animal continued to do this all the way across the river. I stopped being scared at this point because I realized that the the currents would keep pushing me out of the way. When I got to the opposite bank (I was now in a location that was very similar to the park near my subdivision, but it had a big river in it.) I started running again, but
      I was more lucid now.

      The animal got out of the water and but stopped chasing me. It stood up on its hind legs and made this roaring/screeching sound. I remember it had sharp teeth.

      Spoiler for Language:

      I remember Manei appeared wearing a cowgirl outfit and then threw a rope around its neck and tied it to a tree. I became lucid when I saw her. (Since I've been reminding myself obsessively that dream guides don't exist in real life.) I said something about her saving me for a change and how I actually really appreciate it. The beast was still tied to a tree and still trying to get me. I think it turned into a person.


      The dream transitioned to a pool. She said something about a her bathing suit (That was black by the way, weird because I thought she hated black). She then said that she got her braces off and gave me this big stupid smile. The dream focused in on the detail of her teeth. She was missing one on the bottom right. (Also, weirdly enough, I've seen that same big smile before and she never had braces.) Inconsistency!

      I woke up before we could do anything because the stray cat in the neighborhood decided to have a fight with my cat. I know I attempted two WBTBs, one at 4:00, (After the cat woke me up), and one at 6:00 (Natural awakening). I think there was some fragments, but they got lost by the time I made it downstairs to my laptop.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. LD #256 Great adventure gone bad:

      by , 03-07-2016 at 01:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Maka Albarn and Sailor Moon were fighting. Sailor moon had this powerup mode where she wore a long black dress with these tentacle like things coming off it it. Maka did soul resonance. I never saw the outcome of the fight.


      I remember I was on an alien desert planet, with Simon from Gurren Lagann and Rei from Star Wars. We were mourning the death of someone before heading off on a great adventure in space. The planet was pretty cool looking, the desert looked something like the American southwest with the mesas and buttes, but there were huge bluish-green crystals jutting out of the ground in a couple places. There was also a futuristic city off in the distance.

      We then got onto this spaceship to start our journey. I remember the spaceship was just like a platform you stood on that projected a field around it causing you to feel no acceleration and trapping the atmosphere around the spacecraft.

      I remember we turned our spacecraft and saw an entire galaxy in the twilight sky. This was probably one of the best 'pretty galactic dream skies' that I have yet seen. We started flying off up out of the atmosphere towards it. We flew through some clouds that I remember looked more and more like clouds of snowflakes as we moved through them.

      Then the characters were replaced with my parents. My mom said something about how pretty the snow was. She then opened her mouth and caught a snowflake but went 'bleh' because she thought that it tasted bad. She then pulled it out and showed it to me that it was made of soemthing like cotton and all covered in her saliva. She then steered our spacecraft down twoards the ground, and I saw that we were back on earth, right above our subdivision.

      Okay, dream was doing pretty good job up until it replaced the fantasy setting with home and the cool characters with my parents, who may be fine people in WL but are generally quite annoying in dreams. Aside from lucidity, it pretty much only gets worse.

      We landed. There were some DCs in our backyard who were making a bonfire or something. I remember they were moving branches around and throwing them into the fire pit but they hadn't actually lit the fire. I remember I became lucid as we were walking up the side of the house to the front door. I tried to fly, but flying didn't work. I tried fire projection from my hand and saw that nothing was happening.

      I remember thinking to myself that the reason my powers didn't work was there were no more fantasy elements in the dream. If the dream is too grounded, too close to reality, then my powers won't work because it seems more like I'm just actually awake. (I don't know if this actually applies or not, there was one fantastical element to this scene, the sky was green and orange.)

      I tried to dream spin but I felt it lose the dream's clarity too much and could feel my waking body back in bed.

      Okay, maybe I can manifest Manei. I haven't done this in awhile, but she's the epitome of a fantasy/dream element being my dream guide, she can fix my powers. (That and maybe I can talk to her about dialing back the romance fantasy a little and actually doing our proper jobs agian... )

      "Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosumblue" I said, with the intention of having her appear when I opened the front door of my house. No luck when I did though.

      I looked around calling her name a few more times. Nuh uhn.

      "Okay, fine then, don't show up when it's actually time to go to work."

      I guess that snark was too much, cause I lost lucidity after that. Some people from the government showed up at our door. The asked if my parents were home. I told them I was over 18 and could help them. They came in and said that they were distributing day planners that would allow the citizens of the USA to become more efficient, productive citizens.

      I remember they came inside. The inside of our house had changed to this very large (it looked like the inside of a haunted mansion, but we had a big fireplace with a fire going inside of it) There was all of this other fancy furniture that I didn't remember us having.

      We sat in the dining room. In WL, the dining room is in the corner of our house, but in dream the house was expanded and there were doors to it on all four sides leading to extra rooms that I did not explore.

      They had two versions. One had a bunch of pre listed life improvement activities, like 'eat healthy day', 'go to Library', and 'go for a run' on random days, and written in different random handwriting. The other was blank like a normal day planner. I told them that if they were free, we would just take the normal ones because the extra activities would just drag down our already busy schedules. They really tried to sell the already written in one but I insisted on a clean one.

      It turned out to be some kind of scam. The people were not from the government. Plus they were out of stock of the clean day planners. Apparently what had happened was they had one set of planners printed, then sold them to people. At the end of the year, when people threw them away, they would dig them out of the trash and sell them to someone else as an enhanced life planner. After a few years they were so full of activities 'suggested' by other people, that nobody put in their own activities.

      Though I want to know what poor chump put 'ESSAY DUE' in bold capital letters taking up the entire space for Sunday. I told the people to get out of the house and and not come back otherwise I would call the cops.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Canoe and Oversize Dog 2.23.2016

      by , 02-23-2016 at 06:13 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in a zen garden type area. There were several trees in the area and it was nighttime. I remember the trees were one of three types. There were willow-like trees with long hanging leaves. There were pink flowering sakura cherry blossom trees, and there were palm or fern like trees. I remember the pink trees were shedding their blossoms (that were more like small pink roses) everywhere.

      I wanted to fly as to not hurt any of them and I started hovering. I remembered my orange flames being exceptionally vibrant in the night and lighting up the area around me. I remember looking up at the sky. The night sky was unusually boring, mostly just an even distribution of small white stars.

      Manei appeared, standing in a gazebo. I went over and landed next to her. She looked up and told me that the night sky was beautiful. I guess in a strange way it was, even with its simplicity. (Though honestly, It wasn’t nearly as beautiful as the usual night sky with 8 moons and 12 saturns…)

      She ended up getting me into this canoe that she started rowing. We went through a cave or tunnel and came out the other end. The cave had some glowing crystals and/or fireflies in it but I can’t remember them too well. When we came out the other end, I noticed that it was daytime. I also saw that we were about to go over a waterfall. We got out and swam to shore (a ledge in the cave before the cliff.) and left the canoe.

      I remember looking out at the view that was pretty impressive. There was a bay or Fjord that we were at the end of. The water let down into a huge circular man-made lake with a circular structure all around it. It just looked like the hoover dam continued around in a giant circle. There were also some small buildings along the side of this structure and along roads running up the side of the mountains.

      Clear as day, few clouds though.

      I think the rescue scene repeated three times because Manei didn’t like how it went the first couple of times. I said that she should rescue me instead but she didn’t like that idea.

      I’m beginning to question who’s delusional fantasy of romance my dreams are actually centered on, because It’s certainly not mine.

      I woke up around here.

      Semi Lucid interlude bit. I was in a similar location to the one I had viewed previously. Some kinda beach area with large rock pillars protruding from the water. It was something a little bit like sea world or something, only for kids (about the 12ish crowd). I feel like they had some kind of underwater haunted house and I was wondering how that sort of attraction would work. But they also had different pools of water where you could see animals like stingrays and jellyfish. I remember I was with some people who were not really my family.

      They covered me in this spray or oil stuff like sunscreen that made me a female. (I don’t know how that works.) Then they put me in a ‘Slave Leia’ costume and started taking pictures of me. And when I say that I was semi lucid, I was only semi lucid enough to the point where I could recognize that this wasn’t real and just couldn’t give a crap about the situation.

      The next thing that I remember was walking up to the front of a large house. I felt like I was in my own subdivision, but the house was much bigger than anything on our development. I just walked inside and when I did, a big black dog walked over to me.

      Now when I say big black dog, I mean like six or seven feet tall. I did a nose pincher and yep, dreaming. So I got nothing to be scared of. I said 'Hello' and was completely unsurprised when the dog actually started talking back. We started a conversation and sat down on the couch. His house slowly morphed to My grandparents’ house to where we were sitting on the couch in their two-story room. I don’t think we traded names, but for now, I’ll call him boomer, because I remember he had this characteristic booming voice.

      He said that he was my second dream guide. He said that he liked to play games. All kinds of games, ball games, video games, drawing games. But he doesn’t like being treated like a dog even though he is one. He is a human in a dog’s body and if someone so much as teases him by throwing a stick and saying ‘fetch’ it makes him really mad. Overall, he seemed like a nice guy and I could understand why one wouldn’t want a certain brand of teasing directed their way. Eventually our conversation blurred out and we started to lose contact. The last thing I remember saying to him was that I liked his voice and he gave me a funny (kind of irritated) look.

      I then remember the dream momentarily re-stabilized. Same room and all, but now Boomer was gone and. Manei was laying on top of me on the couch.

      “Isn’t that uncomfortable?”


      Well it is for me.

      Apparently she didn’t take the hint because she didn’t get off me and I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything else.

      The dream blurred to under my desk, where I think I was trying to plug in my computer. It was disgusting. There were food crumbs and the likes under there along with lots of dust bunnies along the back wall where the vacuum couldn’t manage. I woke up not long after.
    6. Changing Your Dream Body 10.31.2015

      by , 10-31-2015 at 06:21 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had found that somebody had printed off a large number of dream journal entries, about 5-10 of them. Particularly ones of a sexual/explicit nature and those pertaining to my dream guide. They were researching them and attempting to diagnose a psychological disorder.

      I remember I took the entries and looked through them. I saw that they were not dreams that I had remembered having. I then threw them away. I was then thinking of how I needed to amp up my computer’s security to keep people from reading these.

      I was walking around to different hotels. I think there was a terrorist on the loose.
      I became lucid when walking into one of the hotels and did a nose pinch RC. I then realized I should stabilize. I then remembered my goals. I decided I would summon Marcus, since that’s not something that I normally do.

      “Marcus, Kuansen Axio Sosumble.”

      I remember looking around, confident that he would appear. I saw my friends A and G and high-fived both of them. I eventually found someone who I thought might be him.

      “It’s me. I just disguised myself as your [Science Teacher].” (Obviously Mr. [Name Not found], my old science teacher)

      “Right. It’s good to see you.”

      “Well there’s something I wanted to ask you. Well, two things actually. One, can you make me a new dream body.”

      “Well of course, though there is a price to pay. 1000 acts of kindness.” He began speaking in the language of thought. “You see, many dreamers choose to create a self that is different than their real life self. In a dream, the body we choose is just like clothes you wear. They can have some affect on you, but for the most part it’s just a way of expressing yourself. In dreams your soul/consciousness is all that really matters. Manei had me make her body awhile back.”

      I guess he was trying to dispel the idea that getting a new dream body was in some way weird or horrific.

      I then asked him if he could get me to be a better lucid dreamer. He said he could train me. He sat down at a table in a sitting area inside the hotel lobby. He typed some things on his computer and a virtual training course came up. It wasn’t linear though. It had an entry point on each of the four sides. He then threw a tennis ball inside and told me to run in find it in the shortest amount of time. I ran in. I don’t remember all of the tests, but there were rocks above a puddle of mud and monkey bars. It was really just a test of adaptability, changing styles on a moments notice.

      I got to where the tennis ball had landed, in some sand, and dug it out. I then realized there were tennis balls everywhere, each one with a slightly different appearance. I think this was from other people that had failed the challenge. I asked him what one I should throw back. No response. I just began throwing every single one back. I must have wasted at least 20 seconds doing so. 52 seconds was my time, I think. I lost the dream here.


      “Why does humanity continue to advance with such confidence? From the spear to the wheel to the spinning wheel to the internal combustion engine to fusion power to the … well… you know.” (Earth is super developed and futuristically) There are huge skyscrapers and flying cars shooting by so fast they are just a blur.

      The camera pans foreward.

      “Of all that humanity does, there is only one monument they have ever created that has worried me. The armistice. (A mushroom cloud shaped metal sculpture with human skulls on the surface.) Apparently the artist that created it had used real skulls of world war 1 victims and over the years most of them had been stolen and given a proper burial.

      Some other things showed galaxies and the likes. I woke up not long after that.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. When the monsters are scared, Stop making me a character on a TV show!

      by , 09-08-2015 at 11:46 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was on a beach at night. Lucid now. I remember feeling like I was on a rather small island. There was a strange dim light emitting from all around me. I didn't really take notice of that. I remember I felt a menacing presence, like some kind of monster was coming to torment/attack me.

      I saw two rabbits come out of the woods. One of them was considerably smaller than the other. It had light brownish fur. There were patches of fur missing and what looked like burns. The larger rabbit was spotted and had its ears clipped clean off and was bleeding from them.

      I then swiped my hands across the two rabbits trying to heal them. It didn't work completely. The burns on the small rabbit looked smaller and less severe. The larger rabbit had one of his ears back. It was then that a wite cat came hobbling out of the rainforest. Also injured, it was missing its leg. I then did the same thing to the cat and gave it back its leg. I felt that the monster was getting closer. I could tell the animals were on edge.

      I saw the monster emerge from the woods. It had yellow eyes and a sort of horse head, with a mouth that hung open and sharp teeth. I think something on its shoulders was on fire. It had a sort of centaur build, with a humanoid body becoming that of a horse.

      I could feel its negative presence was very strong. It was somehow able to re-injure the animals just by emitting some kind of wave of negative energy. I felt the wave too, but it was too weak to affect me. I could also tell that the monster wasn't particularly interested in scaring/hurting me, though it's presence was still frightening. It merely wanted to torment the animals.

      I thought about fighting the monster at first, but then remembered my 'scare them off' technique.

      Spoiler for Spooky Scary Face:

      The monster made a yelping sound and ran back into the woods.

      I just scared off my own nightmare. Oh, how the tables have turned... (Though granted, I should have asked it what it represented.)

      I looked back at the animals that I was protecting and healed them a second time, at least to the best of my ability. I then decided that I would bring good fortune to them. I reached into my pocked expecting to pull out something useful. I only felt a little peice of paper. When I took it out and unfolded it, I thought it was a one hundred dollar bill. Closer examination revealed that it was a one hundred thousand dollar bill.

      I tried to give it to the smaller rabbit, who still had the burns to some degree. It looked at me curiously, as if to say 'How's that supposed to help?'. I figured animals wouldn't have much use for money. So I just tried repeatedly wiping my hand over the rabbit, completely healing it. The dream fades out here.

      Once I use a dream power three times, I count it as a persistent dream power. This means that scary face to scare off dcs and avoid conflict is a go.

      I was a character in an anime/TV show. It was a school show that took place in a floating school inside the atmosphere of Jupiter. The school was a number of very high tech looking white boxes suspended by some kind of gravity particle technology. They were connected by exterior platforms and there was some kind of field that kept a breathable, non-corrosive atmosphere in the vicinity of the school. The overall look of the location was exceptionally well rendered.

      The characters however, looked flat and cartoony. Like poorly animated flash characters superimposed on a realistic and beautiful environment. Many of them had rather bland and forgettable designs or were characters that I recognized from either my own creation or any animated series that I have seen.

      For a time, I was one of the characters. I was just walking around quietly. Curiously observing the surroundings.
      I had some inkling that what I was experiencing was a daydream. I recall seeing that one character was trapped in a small white floating box with a similar aesthetic to the school. I remember thinking that this was some kind of bullying tactic.

      I then was booted from controlling myself, and forced to observe in third person. A couple of characters approached mine, asking if he would like to stay after school and help them study. 'I' said no, justifying it with the idea that the other characters were ugly and therefore not worth spending my time with.

      My character then left the scene. It then explained these characters had made underwent some kind of change at night. Where the ugly nerd characters would become beautiful and the beautiful characters would become ugly. It had something to do with the machine/box that the one character was sitting in earlier.

      The dream had some kind of moral having do to with how you should not judge a book by its cover.

      I became lucid at this point and decided that the dream was pointless. This was projected by my character getting a cartoonish rage face and screaming. "Stop making me a character on a TV show!"

      I am getting a bit bothered by these 'character in a TV show' dreams. Maybe I should start getting to the bottom of why they keep occurring.

      I also recall part of a dream where I was at what felt like my old high school. Only it was spread out across multiple buildings and there were beautiful outdoor areas with gardens and fountains. I was walking with my some random people who I felt were my friends, and talking about lucid dreaming. Naturally, this led me to actually become lucid.

      I remember I came outside because I needed to explain something to them. I tried to use dream control to create a world map for some reason, though it failed to alter the environment in any way.

      I then remember I started eating a rather large chocolate chip cookie. Though the cookie had a sort of unnatural yellowish color to it. It tasted really good, and I knew it was a dream so I could chow down all I wanted, but for some reason, I started getting a sickly feeling in my stomach anyway. I stopped and pondered what I was doing for a good long time.

      Manei approached me, though she had taken the form of a young boy. Not sure if it was on purpose. She asked me what I was going to do now. I threw the cookie into the grass and said that I knew what was important here and now. She started to energy sync with me and I lost the dream.


      There was a large section on nonlucid dream before this that I have forgotten.

      I was again with Manei. This time we are in a bog and there are some other DCs present. Though they are not actively attacking us, they are exceedingly and intentionally annoying.
      I became lucid and I flew the both of us away.

      I flew up over a forested ridge. There was a beautiful and expansive oriental city spread out in that direction. The city had green and gold rooftops with a sort of beige construction. The buildings had a very ubiquitous look to them. Though there was some variation in height, size and shape, they were all so similar in design and none of them had any defining characteristics.

      I then made the mistake of asking myself how the heck I was carrying her. Last time I tried to lift off with her on my shoulders I didn't get more than six inches off the ground and flew backwards into a tree. Just as I thought that we started going down. I thought to myself "It's a dream! She doesn't even have any real weight!" but I was plummeting toward the ground anyway. The thought had entered my mind and now it was not going to leave. We fell into a dirt street at speeds that would kill anyone IWL and rolled across the ground. Not a scratch on us, of course.

      For some reason this was absolutely hilarious to her and she wouldn't stop laughing. I knew she knew how I let the thought of failure into my mind fully aware of what the end result would be.

      "Fine then, maybe you should start flying me around."

      She had to ponder that for a second. Apparently this was a new idea to her.

      I got up. The dream went in third person for a moment. It had become very foggy and I took note that there was nobody in the city. There was a wind chime hanging from the corner of one of the roofs that made an odd sound.

      I got bored and instead began thinking of ways we could travel together. I considered a glider staff, like from Avatar. Or perhaps a hoverboard. Or what about some kind of pocket dimension thing that I could put her inside. Nah. She wouldn't like that...

      The dream faded into waking daydreams. I was awake now, but the final portion of the dream continued to play over and over for sometime.
    8. Kyte and Fronz, A lucid from awhile ago (#249)

      by , 09-03-2015 at 12:48 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Kyte is a volcanic moon orbiting far from a large reddish brown gas planet with an apperance not unlike Jupiter, only it is larger and has a higher percentage of heavy elements. Only the planet is closer to its parent star. The parent star is an orange dwarf with a little less than half the mass of our sun. It is a part of a binary system with a red dwarf, but the red dwarf orbits far out and is barely visible in the daytime sky. However, at night, it is quite visible, meaning that there is a sort of "twilight day" when the smaller and more distant star has risen but not the primary star.

      The moon is much smaller than earth. 0.22 earth masses and fairly low gravity. There is an atmosphere with a high amount of noble gasses. Notably argon and xenon. The atmosphere is a snowy grayish color at sunset and sunrise and has a slight purplish tint during the day. There are clouds but they are often very thin and wispy. At the lowest points the atmospheric pressure is about 0.7 atm.

      The terrain varies little, though the entire surface of the planet is black and gray, due to very high carbon content. There are a few deep canyons and impact craters. Though most of the planet is relatively flat and sandy. Sand is carried by the strong winds and occasional storms that blow through and made into dunes.

      Though the moons' most notable feature are the large volcanoes spread out across the surface. They are concentrated near the equator but are present nearly everywhere. They have an unusual sweeping shape, beginning with a shallow slope and sweeping upward to nearly vertical chimneys miles tall. Most of these volcanoes are dormant or extinct but a few are quietly erupting small amounts of magma in deep channels running down the side.

      The planet generates anomalies in the magnetic feild of the parent gas planet. This coupled with tidal heating and heat from the sun ensures that the moon is rather warm. Due to its dark color, it has a very low albedo and surface temperatures range from 80-150 degrees.

      The moon has its own sub-satellite, an asteroid known as Nobal. It is only a few miles across and spins too fast for gravity alone to be keeping it together. It is theorized that it is one single rock being held together by chemical bonds.

      Fronz is another moon in a very close orbit around the gas planet. Due to its orbit, it is believed that in a few million years, it will pass the roche limit and be torn apart by its parent planet.

      It is much larger than kyte, about .43 earth masses, but still small. The moon is made mostly of water-ice with trace amounts of ammonia and oxygen in the atmosphere. Though the moon is mostly covered in ice, near the equator the ice melts resulting in a narrow band of water. The moon has complex weather patterns including snowstorms and snow-hurricanes.

      There is a third major moon orbiting the gas planet between Kyte and Fronz, but no information is given, though it has importance. There are also dozens of smaller bodies, presumably captured asteroids. Kyte and Fronz are very important because together, they posses all of the necessary resources for long term habitation. Bases will be set up on both moons, but a large orbital habitat will be constructed between the orbits of Kyte and the unnamed large moon. Supplies will be mined from these moons and shuttled to the orbital habitat.

      I close my laptop and abandon the project. It is something akin to Kerbal space program with is somehow also 'real' at the same time, and I feel very frustrated/sad that I have abandoned it. I 'remember' having worked on it for a very long time. I have to go to the store to look at quartz crystals with my mom. Should have become lucid. Space/planets dream sign.


      I was on a beach with Manei. Same beach that my first LD took place on. She gives me one of those 'broken heat' necklaces that light up when the two halves are put together. She has the other half.

      I ask her why. This seems like a really cheap/gimmicky thing to show love or friendship. I'm generally bothered by this and ask her what her reasoning was, and to be honest I'm still walking a tightrope on the whole 'being in love with a dream character' thing for reasons too complex to go into detail here. She explains that I should ignore the physical aspect of it and focus on the meaning behind the object. Oftentimes, objects with little or no monetary value can have great personal value and vice versa.

      Okay. Makes enough sense. I then commented on how I like the fact that my dreams do seem to periodically explore new morals and themes, and sometimes offering differing perspectives on old ones. I also like the fact that I am not always the fool when these morals are taught, and am sometimes the teacher rather than the student.

      I think the necklace had some kind of voice recording that would play when the two halves were put together. I can't remember. This dream was very faded, and I recall their being much more to it. It may be getting mixed up with a fake lucid dream I wrote for the sake of visualization set in the same location. I feel as though I actually had it about two weeks ago but only recalled now, as if it were buried in my mind somehow.
    9. Two Awkward Lucid Sex Dreams (247,248)

      by , 08-29-2015 at 02:00 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I'm gonna skip just about all of this since it was all very awkward. Let's just say that one of my friends wanted me to help them relieve some stress and sonic the hedgehog was getting a different kind of chili dog than he usually does. I lucidly woke myself up from both dreams when things weren't going my way.

      'Twas laughing all the way when I wrote this in my private DJ. I know some people like to post their sex dreams and even I do it every so often, but only when I feel comfortable with the dreams, as funny as they were, I am not comfortable.
    10. Playing around with my refelection (#246)

      by , 08-28-2015 at 11:30 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My recall has been slack but I feel like I've been LDing left and right.

      I recall being in what felt like my grandparents' house. (Man, I am sick of dreaming of this place.) But at the same time it was like some post apocolyptic setting with destroyed concrete and bent rebar everywhere.

      There also seemed to be a lot of water. Seeping through the cracks in the fractured concrete pavement. Puddles of water. A mist and/or a light rain occurring. Everything was blue. I recall I was flying above the rubble and debris and I landed in the area that felt like my grandparents house. I found I was unable to take off agian.

      I figured it was because I fly using fire jets and maybe the humidity was preventing them from working. I thought about how this was a dream so the logic of water-beats-fire didn't have to apply and I should be able to fly anywhere.

      I recall an old lady was there. She wasn't my mom, or my grandmother. She said that she was a photographer and she wanted to take my portrait. She told me to go into the bathroom and get fixed up first. I walked into the bathroom. The mirror was cracked and the entire bathroom was tipped on a 10-15 degree angle.

      I looked in the mirror and saw that I was my waking life self. Hmm... odd... Usually the dream makes me look totally different. I figured it was a dream portrait and therefore I should change into my dream self. I made myself vanish and re-appear.

      I was hideous. I had these grayish brown blobs hanging down from my forehead and my nose was five times its normal size and oozing snot. My body was ribcage thin, but I had a round circular belly and really skinny legs. I was making some kind of wheezing sound involuntarily.

      Oops. I hate it when dreams do that. I get that it some kind of message about how I view myself. It's not one that I like, but it's a message that I need to acknowledge nonetheless.

      I then managed to change over to my dream self properly. I almost had it but I was really short and out of proportion. I think my face was very tall as well. My head was two or three feet high without being any wider than a standard human head. I began stretching and squeezing various parts of my body and forming it into a recognizable human form. (Complete with cartoonish stretch and squish sounds).

      After some tinkering I got myself to look right. I remember blinking repeatedly and my eye color kept alternating from side to side. Usually the right eye is the blue one, or at least that's the way i remember it. At one point I even got both eyes to be brown. That was weird. I was never able to do that before...

      I then began thinking about how ugly my default appearance is sometimes, and how beautiful it is others. I was worried that my DCs see me as some kind of freak. I then remembered how Manei and Marcus make appearance mistakes. Like at least the dozen times Manei has had a mustache...

      I lost the dream when the lady came in and asked me to take my picture.
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Part of a Lucid (#245)

      by , 08-26-2015 at 04:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Really awkward non-lucid sexual dream about masturbation. It was animated with cartoon sperm. Skip.


      A dream about a horror/apocalypse story called 'The Trees' where the world became overgrown by forests in a matter of days. This dream-story inspired me so much, I started writing a story about it. Most of the dream is covered in an artists corner thread here.



      I know there was more to the dream before this, but I lost the recall when I woke up and went to teach Taekwondo this morning. I was flying around and I landed at my house. It was nighttime. I walked inside and saw my dad sitting at his computer.

      "Oh, Hello, Dream Dad."

      I walked completely into the room and saw a copy of my dad looking through the pantry.

      "And Hello, Other Dream Dad." I said, just accepting that I had two dads.

      "Are you lucid dreaming in my dreams agian?" They both asked in sync.


      I then remembered my goal was to try and break my habit of biting my fingernails by doing something to alter my subconscious in the dream. I figured I would summon Manei to help first. But I lost the dream and woke up.
      dream fragment , lucid
    12. I'm a real Psy Guy, A dream of a dream. (#244)

      by , 08-24-2015 at 05:19 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in an aquarium with Manei and Marcus. We were all wearing wet-suits and swimming around and there were all these different fish. Marcus said something about how well the police were choreographed. Then we realized we were being chased by police. Marcus had a small escape submarine but it was protected by a force field that he had to disable first. Apparently the force field was actually tank gravel suspended in a magnetic field used to protect the submarine from theives.

      We got inside, somehow without using the airlock. The door had some kind of field like in the first star wars movie where you could come out from being underwater. I think a little bit of water had gotten into the submarine though. I remember the inside was full of board games and toys. I thought this was weird.

      I remember we needed to escape because the police were going to catch up. Marcus told the AI to run the thrusts. Apparently, the thrusts ran off of Biomass from living humans so you had to sacrifice a part of your body if you wanted to make them go. He said he wanted to the AI that he wanted to sacrifice his feet to help us escape. The AI said that was sufficient biomass for a short thrust. I saw the submarine started moving but his feet became smaller and more bony. It didn't look painful though. In fact, I didn't think he even cared. Well I cared...

      "No! Wait Stop! Watch this! AI, use my tonsils, my wisdom teeth, and my appendix!"

      "New biomass selected."

      I didn't feel any changes in my body except a slight tingling in the back of my mouth.
      We traveled through a coral reef for a minute. But all the coral looked fake, and there were only a few fish/aquatic animals that were not very colorful or interesting. Eventually we came to the surface. We were in a pool of water under the parking lot of my high school.

      There was something important to Manei and Marcus in the dream. We were characters in a video game. Marcus was like the character in the tutorial level, and Manei was the companion character. This is why Marcus was supposed to sacrifice his feet, because he could only help and guide you from a distance.

      A car drove up. It was black and I think it was unusually wide and flat. I remember thinking about the arrangement of seats inside was 3x3 and that had some significance. In it were a bunch of clones of Psy. (The guy who did the Gangnam Style Dance.) I said something to him. But he then pulled out a giant bazooka and said that this was because I didn't like his new song. (Unpopular opinion: I don't really like Gangnam style or Psy in general. ._.) He shot at the side of the submarine that had morphed into a bus. The rocket made a pitifully small explosion and did no damage.

      Marcus portaled away leaving me and Manei to fight. We didn't have any weapons. I poked up out of the porthole and I asked her to hand me all of the board games and toys. I started throwing them at the large black car. I remember the front hood would open and close and snap like a jaw and the front end of the car was bouncing up and down. I think it had metal teeth. I was trying to throw something into the engine because it was like a video game weak spot. More and more Psys appeared and started advancing on us in phalanxes, doing the gangnam style dance all the way. Manei said we had run out of board games to throw so I told her to just give me anything.


      I was then in the movie theater in my town and there was a trailer for the new pixar movie. The movie started off with a Dinosaur trying to build a house out of longs and tie it together with vines. He said something sad about how he knew that the meteor that killed the dinosaurs was going to come and kill them all because he was going to be re-incarnated as it.

      As he was finishing building the house, he stood on the roof and pulled one of the vines tight with his mouth. But one of the logs broke because he was standing on it. He got very sad and just sat under the house anyway and cried.

      It then showed a dragon named Lionheart. She had a really big/thick body and six short legs along with short stubby wings. She was light bluish green with dark blue stripes. Apparently she was the last dragon who died 600 years ago. She was flying above the ocean during a stormy night.

      Lionheart stopped on a small island with one palm tree and curled up. She said that she was dying now, but would next be re-incarnated as a flag. She then vomited up a blue banner and died. Her body turned into fireflies. The blue banner was made out of a really tough sort of silk material that was unbreakable. It had a gold embroidery on the edge. Then a blue circle outline appeared in the middle of the banner and glowed brightly for a second before just turning into a white printed circle.

      The banner was left partially buried in the sand and the island slowly sank. The island became known as Clusterbottom because the sand still made a cluster on the bottom.

      The Secret of Clusterbottom 12345678910 was the title of the movie. It ended with a character saying that "In order for you to gain something, you have to lose something first."


      This was what Manei called a dream of a dream. It was supposed to be the future, but we were still speaking in the present. It was weird, we were dissonant from the rest of the environment. In the dream we had a family... three kids I think. Born as triplets. Two girls and one boy.

      "Ugh. How could you stand having all these kids?"

      "You forget. This doesn't have to be our future if you don't want it. In dreams, the past, future and present are not set in stone. They [are dynamic]. We can change the past when we go to the future. This is just one possible future that we can live. This is why your body doesn't age or change in a dream, because we chose to stay at a young age out of preference."

      I remember looking in the mirror and seeing that we both still looked exactly the same as we usually did. I then saw that our kids were painting these little clay pots. I instantly thought to myself that these are kids. They're probably just going to end up smashing these or painting poop or something. So I was pretty surprised when they just painted them. Each in their own style. I guess I should have had a little more faith in them than that.

      I couldn't help but be fascinated in what they were doing. I don't remember if the kids had names. After all this was just a projection of one possible future. One of them seemed to be very perfectionist. Painting detailed zig-zags with a tiny brush. Another seemed very spontaneous, simply randomly splattering and smearing paint with her fingers all over the pot. Yet another seemed to be painting lettering all over the pot in some language.

      "I'm sorry. But I still don't like this. I can't handle this level of attachment to the dream world. This is a beautiful fantasy, but I'm afraid this could ultimately do the both of us more us harm than good. Perhaps sometime in the future we can revisit this reality, but not right now."

      "How do you know this isn't your destiny? I shared this dream with you once before, when we fist met. You denied it then and you have denied it now. All this time together and you haven't changed a bit."

      "I don't have a destiny. These are my dreams, I make that so."


      I was back in the parking lot, but all the Psys were gone. I flew out of the bus because I felt like we were still being chased. I would have just flown away, but Manei told me to come back. I saw that the parking lot had morphed to a beach and the dinosaur from the pixar movie trailer dream was there.

      We were walking along the beach. There was a lot of fog and rain/mist. I saw a number of brown brick buildings build at super fast speed. For some reason I told Manei and the dinosaur that seeing those buildings was a dream sign. I did a nose pinch and could breathe. It then became nighttime, and the sky was a pinkish color with many large bright stars but no planets. I told her that stars were also a dream sign. I lost the dream and woke up.

      Challenge of the year: Tell me what the first part of this dream symbolizes.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Crossed Dreams (#242)

      by , 08-19-2015 at 07:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Very good recall last night, and pleanty of lucidity. Guess I'm still working some on the violence though...

      I remember I was somehow thrown out of my house with no money for food or no place to live. I decided I would turn to thievery to get by.

      I remember I wanted to rob this person's house. For some reason their house was a small log cabin in the middle of the park by my neighborhood. There was also a large apartment complex built along the side of the park. I looked inside their house to see a guy sitting in a recliner with a shotgun and immediately chickened out and ran the other way.

      I think I might have had a knife that the guy might have saw.

      I then saw some police, and while I wasn't in any way incriminating; and all I had done was look in the window of a house and think about robbing it. I went up and talked to them. They said that they were in the process of arresting this middle aged lady from the apartment complex who I think was having sex with her son. Even though I didn't do anything incriminating I (because dream) told them to arrest me for thinking about stealing from the log cabin house. They put handcuffs on me and took me to prison.


      There was somehow another dream that took place after the dream where I was sent to prison. Though it didn't continue congruently. I was with S and his friend, who for the sake of hiding real names, we'll call L. We were out in the woods on a river. The river seemed to run both up and down very steep hills and over cliffs. We were on inner tubes, but they were all tied together with ropes.

      Before we went down this big hill, I remember giving my cell phone to L. He put it into a blue waterproof fanny pack that he had on his belt.

      I remember I felt kind of bored the entire time we were on this. In retrospect, it was a fairly fun ride, but I couldn't feel any forces acting on my body and it seemed to be moving far too slowly.

      We got to the end where the river ended in a small lake. His family were waiting there along with some other people. I think my cousins were there. S and L wanted me to hang out but I had to get ready to go to Korea for a foreign exchange program that I was a part of. I remember I we walked a ways down the road where the forest gave way to green grassy fields and I saw my parents waiting.


      I was then on my college campus, only things about it were now different. Some of the buildings looked very futuristic. (Like made completely of glass and such.) Others looked like traditional oriental construction. I guess this was Korea.

      Somebody asked me about how to say 'Fire' in Korean. I think he was my language teacher who was helping students like me learn the language. He looked something like a younger version of my Taekwondo master. I know Ri is one of the signs on the korean flag that means fire. He seemed happy with that. Somehow, during this scene, I was back in the green grass field where the van was for a moment, but phased back to the university.

      I then became lucid for no real reason. There were four or five girls all wearing school uniforms that all came over. They were all pretty much identical, though there might have been slight variations in hairstyle.

      "Oh great. Here they come to hit on me. It never fails. Every single dream, you're always the hottest item on the menu..."

      When the girls got closer, they tried to seduce me and started taking off her clothes. I tried to make it very clear that I wasn't interested this ending with me making a mess in the bed. I also began noticing that all but one of the girls just seemed like shades or projections. They wold go translucent for a second then phase back into solid existence.

      I eventually honed in on the real one and focused on her, causing all the duplicates to shatter and fade. I was able to enter her mind and see that she was able to create duplicates of herself, but they required focus. She was losing focus at that moment because of me.

      She was naked, so I willed some clothes back onto her. She was persistent and tried to take them off again. I had to give her the whole 'No means No' talk. She was very disappointed and walked off. I saw her make some more duplicates of herself as she walked off.


      I think that I might have woken up for a breif time. I remember waking up at around 5:00am.

      Somehow, the police from the other dream caught up to me and I was now thrown in jail. I had been in jail for a very long time.

      I was a member of this group called the 'Triple Threat'. Three of the most hardened criminals in the prison. (Because almost robbing one house makes you one of the three most hardened criminals in the prison system apparently.) The prison was also similar to my middle school in terms of layout and general feel. I remember one of the guys looked just like like Amit from infected mushroom. The other looked a lot like a realistic Scar from FMA only without... well the scar.

      The guards caught on to our escape and pinned us in a stairwell. They said that punishment for trying to escape this prison was death. A sniper shot the Scar guy in the stomach and he died. Then they shot the Amit guy with a bunch of red darts. Apparently the darts were lethal injection darts used to kill prisoners.

      The dream went into third person.
      I became lucid right as the guards got ready to shoot at me.

      For some reason one of the of the officers said something really racist about asian people that I'm not going to repeat here.

      When the went to shoot me, I dashed forward, dodging all of the darts that were shot at me. I fought a bunch of the guys with dart guns in first person.

      This guy with a katana jumped out and tried to take my head. He was the warden of the prison and he was wearing samauri armor. I remember I kicked his helmet off and broke the crest. I went back to third person and started kicking and punching him, faster and faster until I was just a blur. The time slowed down and I hit him with both hands in the chest. A sonic wave expanded out, but there was no sound. It then pulled back in and then blasted out again, this time with sound. The Samauri armor shattered and the guy went flying backward into where the school's cafteria would be if it were the school. The school's cafeteria was normal and looked as though if it had been sealed off and forgotten when the school was made a prison.

      Somehow, I had his sword now. I charged for the sniper who shot at me. I cut the bullet in half. He reloaded but I was already on top of him. He disappeared and left his gun (That wuss.) I saw more guys with dart guns coming after me. I reloaded and shot all three of them with one shot when they lined up. I began thinking that the dream was getting to be really violent, maybe I should find a way out out of this fight.

      I saw more guys with dart guns coming. There was also this big guy in a basketball outfit dribbling a spiky basketball that I guess was used as a weapon. I remembered how I could scare DCs away instead of killing them all. I decided to scare them just like I did last time. So I went third person, gave myself sharp teeth and glowy eyes. I hissed at them. They ran away but one of them radioed for something else.

      I looked behind me and saw a gray and white painted tank. I turned around and hissed at him too. I tried to make myself extra scary by adding black shadow tentacles that time. The guy in the gun turret on top. gave the order to open fire on the 'monster'. He shot the main gun, but I shot with the sniper and shot the tank round out of the air. I started running twoard them. He fired another tank shell that I cut in half with the sword. The guy on the gun turret shot at me, so I sniped off the machine gun.

      The tank started backing up, but I jumped on the front. I put the barrel of the sniper down the gun of the tank. I willed the guy in the turret to jump out just before I fired and it exploded. The tank started driving backwards and I heard yelling inside.

      I somehow found myself outside the prison. Manei appeared and had a plate of grham crackers with chocolate spread on them.

      "I made you a snack, but we have to change to another dream to eat it. It's yummy in your tummy!"

      "Alright, you have my permission, we can change to a different dream, as long as you promise to never say 'Yummy in your tummy' ever again..."


      The dream made a quick transition to another environment. I was in what was kind of a mix between a grocery store and a resturant. Like one half of it was a store and the other half an eating area. It took her a minute to appear into this new dream, but she appeared after a minute. I remember another DC was seated with us as well. Neither of us recognized him, she was just interested in being friendly, I guess.

      I lost some lucidity and thought that I needed to get my phone back from L.

      "I left my phone with L in the last dream. How do I get it back?"

      "Check your pocket."

      I did and it was there. Fully charged and even with the background I have set in WL. (That pic DawnEye11 drew of us.) I opened the settings menu but all of the text was all distorted and dreamy.

      "No, but this is just the dreams' projection of my phone. I need my actual phone back."

      She gave me that "well how am I supposed to help you?" Look.

      She then said that my cousins were having a shared dream about minecraft and wanted to send me there. I said I didn't want to go because I hate minecraft dreams, but she sent me before I could tell her that.

      I was in a jungle biome. There was a big cliff to one side with a small path carved into the side. There was then a room made entirely of diamond blocks. There were my cousins and also several Minecraft youtubers. Nobody in particular since I don't regularly watch MCYoutubers. The dream just sort of generalized them as MCYoutubers. Three or four of them.

      One of them had a skin that was a floating loaf of bread, due to the use of some kind of hack. I remember he was very proud of this because he thought that it was 'so MLG'.

      "Okay, welcome to Minecraft Dream/Video part four and one half.. If you like this dream, please leave a like, comment and subscribe to me. I'm too lazy to get a real job, so I need you guys to keep paying me to make stupid minecraft dream videos."

      "Well at least he's honest..."

      I started flying around the jungle trees. It wasn't really fun since it was exactly the same as flying around in creative mode on Minecraft. I couldn't break or place any blocks. I realized I could still speak to Manei. I told her to bring me back from the shared dream, but she told me the only way to get out was to wake up. So I woke myself up, though it took me a minute.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Clothing

      by , 08-13-2015 at 03:09 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This dream was actually from a couple of days ago, (Can't quite remember what day.) during the time that I wasn't posting. But I figured that since I had no dream recall this morning since I stayed up a little too late that I would use this time and motivation to post this dream.

      I was at a clothing store attending some kind of fashion show. Both men and women were displaying outfits. Sadly they were not particularly dreamlike, entertaining or cool for the most part. Nothing that I recalled.

      I then remember this one woman who was showing off a red dress. She was middle aged and not the most attractive, past her prime. I began wishing that she were more attractive, and to my suprise, she started to change to a younger version of herself. She started doing some kind of dance shaking her hips. I wanted her to stop and go away, and she did.

      I realized my control over the woman was due to the fact that I was dreaming. The fashion show went away and Manei appeared. She was wearing this cute pink top and asked for my opinion on it.

      “I like it. Do you think I could get one in my size and in black?”

      *confused look*

      The dream shifted to the front driveway of my house. The theme of clothing continued, though. I was offered several choices of outfits. One of them was a blue suit and tie. Pass. Another was a white martial arts uniform. Better. It changes to green. Awesome, but it has all of these patches/awards sewn on it. I couldn’t make them go away.

      I changed myself into a black martial arts uniform.

      “No, Jade! No more black!”

      “But why tho?”

      “Black is the color of evil and shadow.”

      I spoke back to her in the language of thought. No it is not. I always think of black as infinity. In taekwondo, the black belt represents the infinite universe that is all that is left to be explored. Someone who is of the highest level. And even if I’m not the highest level of lucid dreamer, giving myself a little confidence boost couldn’t hurt…

      Besides you agreed we would stop being controlling over one another...

      do you like icecream? :P-nothing-say.jpg
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Compatability Problems, Can't wake up (LD #240ish)

      by , 08-12-2015 at 02:21 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was thinking about/visualizing a story that I have been working on lately and running through some plot elements. I was thinking about a part where the characters fly to space on a special spaceplane. I then decided that had best wake up, since I have to teach Taekwondo on Wednesdays. I brought myself out of the visualization but felt odd accelerations.

      I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the special spaceplane, and we were landing. I did a nose pinch and sure enough I was still dreaming. I sat up in my chair and looked around. I told myself I would regret this at some point, but that It was important that I wake up. All that managed to do at first was make the plane phase away and drop me on the runway.

      The runway morphed into a road and became narrower. I was now standing to one side of it, in a wheat feild. Across the road were several large industrial buildings. There was a stand selling bananas on my side of the road. I noted that what few cars there were were driving on the opposite sides of the road that I am used to.

      I went over to the guy at the banana stand because he was kind of blurry and I wanted to get a closer look. He turned out to be this huge hulk of a man with a balding head. He smiled and said:

      "Im the Supervisor, Can I get a taxi number?"

      (A cookie to anyone who can tell me what that DC referencing without having to look it up.)

      I saw the word 'Taxi' was printed on the side of one of his bananas.

      Second false awakening. This time I was in my backyard. I thought it was waking life for awhile. I looked around and all around me were digital clocks. But of course they all read weird times like 12:338 was one that I remember. This caused me to reality check. I became lucid and realized that this had happened twice now, clearly I wasn't getting out of this dream.

      I remember at this point in the dream I looked at my hands. People always talk about how your hands look so weird in dreams. Mine seem to look completely normal most of the time. I look at them. The skin tone is darker than I am used to but they look completely normal. I'm not wearing my bracelets, but I didn't make a note of that. I try to poke my finger through my hand. I'm simply met with the usual resistance and I can't do it. Just like a waking life hand.

      I guess I figured there was no point to continue to try to wake up, so I figured I would just see what the dream had to offer. I looked around the backyard. All of the plants/trees were gone. Not just the ones in my yard, but everywhere. Just the grass was left. I looked inside my house through a window and saw that all the furniture was gone.

      I tried to fly by jumping off the table on my back patio but I just floated back down to the ground. I also noticed that I could see my reflection in the window of my house. For some reason I had really long hair, like down to my knees long hair.

      "Hello?" I yelled and my voice echoed though the neighborhood. I became worried that this would be like one of my early lucid dreams where I was alone somewhere and no dream characters would show up. I was relieved to see. A group of identical people in the distance talking to one another.

      Out of the group came Marcus. Except he had a huge distracting beer belly. He walked over and I asked him something. I remember his voice very clearly when he replied but I can't remember anything having to do with what he said. Then Manei appeared as well. She was pulling a wagon and she looked to be about 10. Except she also had a mustache. (Okay, so not her funniest appearance mess-up to date.)

      She said she was excited because she was taking to see me a music show. She said something about it being a group from her tribe and their traditional performance. I didn't see any show, but I saw some people putting towels over a fence. I thought this was kind of weird until I figured out that it was a puppet music show. So the people were putting towels over the fence so you wouldn't pay attention to them, only the puppets then they had large puppets, too big for even a hand. They actually turned out to be costumes.

      Okay. So what are the towels for? So that the actors have privacy while they change. Pointless since we can see them from where we are sitting; and they're just putting the costumes on over their clothes.

      It was at this point that I took into question the reason my usual DCs looked different. In particular, I wanted to know why Manei was so small all of the sudden. I asked her and she replied, but I don't recall what she said.

      I then notice that once they put on the costume, their appearance seems to morph some. One of the actors changes into Manei, and the one sitting next to me goes away. Only this version of her is super vivid, and the correct age, except she was wearing beige/brown instead of the usual red, and had two braids. I remember the same kind of thing happened to Marcus only he didn't have a beer gut and he was wearing gray instead of blue. I remember both of these DCs really seemed to 'pop' from the dreamworld.

      Then, I felt myself getting pulled twoard the third actor. My 'soul' was forcibly pulled from my body, but I just let it happen, curious as to what would happen when I was absorbed by the costumed actor. I was then distracted when I noticed there was a fourth actor. But he/she wasn't turning into anybody.

      A computer error appeared.

      "Compatibility Error.
      Dream [1] character has incompatible drivers.
      Dream [4] character not found.

      Would you like to exit the dream or check online for a solution?"

      I lost the dream and woke up laughing.

      Updated 08-12-2015 at 02:28 PM by 53527

      lucid , false awakening
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