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    Evil Superman, Another Tsunami, Backstory? (#262)

    by , 03-20-2016 at 03:54 PM (459 Views)

    I forget what order these came in.

    I remember I was laying on a table/bed/stretcher type thing, in a monestary. There were several monks all around me. I remember seeing my body in third person, being stitched together from body parts from various people. I remember I was observing from inside of a large quartz crystal that the monks had transferred my soul into. The monks were saying they needed to unifiy all of these parts sot that nobody would know who I really was, and lit some candles and started doing some ritual...


    I was with Robin and Starfire (who looked just like they did in the original Teen Titans, always interesting to see 2D animated characters superimposed over a 3D animated world), Green Lantern, and Batman, but they actually looked 'realistic', or as realistic as superheroes can look anyway. There was some talk between Batman and Robin about how Superman had become evil and been locked in an inter-dimensional prison. They figured he would come to his senses after awhile, but he hadn't, and they needed him to save the world from lex luthor or something.

    I remember Batman hatched a plan to wrap up Superman in a giant American flag, since he was probably still good at heart and he wouldn't dare disgrace the American flag. So Green lantern and Starfire flew in carrying the big flag while Batman and Robin rode next to them. They entered the inter-dimensional prison that was this weird alternate world.

    Basically all it was was an open sky with one large sun directly above. There was a cloud layer below us and floating stone/concrete rectangular prisms of various sizes. For whatever reason they were neutrally buoyant in the air. We saw Superman kneeling on one of these, he heard us coming and jumped up. He said something about not wanting to go back, then lashed out at us and attacked. Green Lantern made a shield. Batman and robin attacked in the batwing but he shot them down immediately with his heat vision.

    Superman wound up beating all of the other heroes. As he did, of course I manifested into first person from a simply observational perspective.
    (Great, good timing...) and he started coming after me. I started hovering, and used earthbending to send the stone cubes flying at him. He cut through them with his heat vision. I blocked his attack with my dreamcatcher shield, I think. My defense might have failed because dreamcatcher shield only works on evil entities.


    Just as the battle was starting the dream shifted on a dime. I found myself in an apartment or hotel room, about six stories up. I remember looking out my window to see that it was mostly blocked by the top of one of those fan shaped palm trees, that was really bright green, but I could see a parking lot. Opposite the parking lot was some mangrove and palm trees, followed by a beach. On the horizon was a huge planet rising over the sea. (Smack Smack Smack like 4 dream signs right there) But I think it was the sudden change in environment that made me actually become fully lucid.

    I remember I jumped out of the window and glided down. The dream seemed amazingly vivid and stable, but I remember losing it almost immediately after I landed in the parking lot.


    Now I can't remember if this part of the dream came before or after the previous portion. It seems more logical that it would come after, but it feels like it came before.

    I just remember that Manei and I were in a fairly clear dream and we were going to the beach together. The beach was in a bay near this medium sized town on a tropical island. We came down off the boardwalk onto the beach, but we agreed that we didn't like it because it was too crowded. There were some guys who had brought a ghetto blaster and were dancing and we didn't like the music either.

    Spoiler for Language:

    We decided to keep walking until we found a less crowded section of beach. We walked for awhile and found a spot near the lighthouse that was pretty much empty. We put down our towel and started getting settled when the water receded and a big tsunami started coming in. Someone was narrating about how the tides from the big planet in the sky caused tidal waves. (Think that was Marcus)

    "Who left that planet there!?" I shouted.

    I remember we started running away. Manei said something about getting the kids. I got ticked at her at this point, I already made a point how there shouldn't be kid characters (ours or otherwise) because when dangerous things like evil (Supermans? Supermens?) or fifty foot waves show up. (And they do, very often around here) we do not need to put anyone else at risk. I started stake-running but realized Manei couldn't keep up if I did that. (Why doesn't she have any powers, and if she does, why doesn't she use them?) Then she just ran off in another direction to go to a building and get the kids, supposedly.

    We ran into the city and the wave was catching up quick. I remember turning and facing it. No way I can Waterbend something that big, the wave was like 50 feet high. I tired to freeze it but only froze a small portion. As the wave came around the frozen part, more of it froze, and by the time it had passed there was an ice bubble around me. So I was trapped underwater in the middle of the street in a cold dark ice bubble. I stopped 'holding it up' with my waterbending and the moment I did it crushed in. My body died and I floated up as an observer/soul.

    I saw Manei on the rooftop of one of the buildings that was above the water with the kids. I remember thinking form observer mode (and I think that she could hear me) telling her why this setup was terrible. Stuff is always going to be trying to kill us, we don't need to drag more DCs into that. I feel like I said something like 'Think of how useful kid characters are in disaster movies!'

    She said that this dream was created by her and was supposed to be a test for me about the possibility of this setup becoming permanent, but by setting the dream to have this plot, all she was doing was proving my point. It's dangerous and makes things harder than they have to be.

    The dream got a game over screen and went to black. I could hear Marcus' voice.

    "This is where the conflict of interest arises. Are you a sigma binary or a bierrenous (I don't think that's a word, Marcus) binary. You must decide to proceed.


    I remember very vaguely being in a house. I recognized the house as that of this boy I used to babysit, except everything in the house was white. Some kind of piano music started playing in the background. A boy (not the one I used to babysit at this house) came out of the closet wearing a white karate uniform. He was laughing and running around.

    Then Manei appeared as a very young girl. She screamed. I couldn't tell if it was a happy scream or a fearful scream at first. The boy chased her around a bit and at first I thought they were just playing but the boy pushed Manei down the basement stairs. I couldn't see her at first as it was the only area in the house that was dark, but I moved down to where she was and found her at the bottom crying. I remember thinking that the dream was just 'trying to play it scary'.
    DreamCafe11 likes this.

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    Updated 03-20-2016 at 04:03 PM by 53527

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. OneUp's Avatar
      Batman and robin attacked in the batwing but he shot them down immediately with his heat vision.

      Superman wound up beating all of the other heroes. As he did, of course I manifested into first person from a simply observational perspective.
      Dang that went from 0 to 100 real quick hahaha

      There were some guys who had brought a ghetto blaster and were dancing and we didn't like the music either.
      I'm fairly certain the lyrics that played were "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck a Pop-Tart, yeah!" to some sort of rap beat.
      I laughed so hard when I read this lmao. Usually all the music in my dreams sounds amazing but every once in a while I'll hear music like this

      I remember we started running away. Manei said something about getting the kids. I got ticked at her at this point, I already made a point how there shouldn't be kid characters (ours or otherwise) because when dangerous things like evil (Supermans? Supermens?) or fifty foot waves show up. (And they do, very often around here) we do not need to put anyone else at risk. I started stake-running but realized Manei couldn't keep up if I did that. (Why doesn't she have any powers, and if she does, why doesn't she use them?)
      So who is Manei? I'm assuming she's a fairly persistent dream character considering her name is the 2nd largest tag in your tag cloud haha.

      About our dreams; it does seem like we have similar dreams as our environments are always extremely creative and out of the ordinary. It's interesting to think about. By the way I meant to ask you, what happens when you energy sync with your dream guide? What's the purpose of it?
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      So who is Manei? I'm assuming she's a fairly persistent dream character considering her name is the 2nd largest tag in your tag cloud haha.

      About our dreams; it does seem like we have similar dreams as our environments are always extremely creative and out of the ordinary. It's interesting to think about. By the way I meant to ask you, what happens when you energy sync with your dream guide? What's the purpose of it?
      Manei is my dream guide. Same one who I did the energy sync with. I don't know exactly what its for, because I've only done it a couple of times, and the behavior has been pretty erratic.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      After reading this I want to have a lucid dream. I miss looking at and feeling the surrounding of the dream world. I also enjoyed reading your funny moments in the dream.
      "Who left that planet there!?"
      xD That was a good one. Also, thinking about the kid situation in the dream reminds me of a question talked about in my class. Is it okay for a person to leave a random kid behind in order to save their own life?(I.e. A bear attack) In my opinion it depends although i probably would try to save them. In dreams it doesn't matter but it just feels good to play hero at times.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    4. JadeGreen's Avatar
      xD That was a good one. Also, thinking about the kid situation in the dream reminds me of a question talked about in my class. Is it okay for a person to leave a random kid behind in order to save their own life?(I.e. A bear attack) In my opinion it depends although i probably would try to save them. In dreams it doesn't matter but it just feels good to play hero at times.
      Well the problem is they weren't just any random kids. They were supposed to be our kids from the future timeline. (Poorly titled DJ entry that it took me a long time to find to the rescue.)

      I'm a real Psy Guy, A dream of a dream. (#244) - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I remember it because this dream has happened a couple of times, and I remember the second or third LD we had together had to do with this. It's always the same, there are three kids born as triplets. (2 girls and a boy) And I've always been strongly opposed to this timeline. For two good reasons.

      1. It destroys a level of freedom that my dreams have. Manei and Marcus are nice because they are my friends but they can also take care of themselves (most of the time, anyway) and they can leave me alone and I don't have to play babysitter. If we bring a bunch of kids into the picture then I'm stuck with a bunch of LDs about changing baby diapers, giving time-outs and being a father. No thanks.

      2. It doesn't seem healthy. Having a dream guide is one thing. Becoming invested in an entire family of DCs that you are related to just seems like you're going a bit far...

      3. It goes against how I view our relationship. I always viewed us as platonic partners more focused on exploring, action and adventure. She's a dream guide first, but I don't want to be selfish, and if she wants to play high school swimsuit romance on the side, then that's one thing that I'll just have to (sometimes begrudgingly) go along with. But what she's suggesting with these dreams is going too far, and if she's really a dream guide worth sticking with, she'll understand if I draw the line there.

      Sorry for long rant had to get my thoughts organized somewhere.
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    5. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Yeah, that's true. But you were also drunk lucid in this one. Would it make a difference if you were fully lucid in this one?

      Its interesting that you mentioned you let her do what she wants to at times. I find it helpful to be passive to certain dream characters as well.

      Also, its ok. I dont mind. ^.^