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    LD #256 Great adventure gone bad:

    by , 03-07-2016 at 01:33 PM (354 Views)
    Maka Albarn and Sailor Moon were fighting. Sailor moon had this powerup mode where she wore a long black dress with these tentacle like things coming off it it. Maka did soul resonance. I never saw the outcome of the fight.


    I remember I was on an alien desert planet, with Simon from Gurren Lagann and Rei from Star Wars. We were mourning the death of someone before heading off on a great adventure in space. The planet was pretty cool looking, the desert looked something like the American southwest with the mesas and buttes, but there were huge bluish-green crystals jutting out of the ground in a couple places. There was also a futuristic city off in the distance.

    We then got onto this spaceship to start our journey. I remember the spaceship was just like a platform you stood on that projected a field around it causing you to feel no acceleration and trapping the atmosphere around the spacecraft.

    I remember we turned our spacecraft and saw an entire galaxy in the twilight sky. This was probably one of the best 'pretty galactic dream skies' that I have yet seen. We started flying off up out of the atmosphere towards it. We flew through some clouds that I remember looked more and more like clouds of snowflakes as we moved through them.

    Then the characters were replaced with my parents. My mom said something about how pretty the snow was. She then opened her mouth and caught a snowflake but went 'bleh' because she thought that it tasted bad. She then pulled it out and showed it to me that it was made of soemthing like cotton and all covered in her saliva. She then steered our spacecraft down twoards the ground, and I saw that we were back on earth, right above our subdivision.

    Okay, dream was doing pretty good job up until it replaced the fantasy setting with home and the cool characters with my parents, who may be fine people in WL but are generally quite annoying in dreams. Aside from lucidity, it pretty much only gets worse.

    We landed. There were some DCs in our backyard who were making a bonfire or something. I remember they were moving branches around and throwing them into the fire pit but they hadn't actually lit the fire. I remember I became lucid as we were walking up the side of the house to the front door. I tried to fly, but flying didn't work. I tried fire projection from my hand and saw that nothing was happening.

    I remember thinking to myself that the reason my powers didn't work was there were no more fantasy elements in the dream. If the dream is too grounded, too close to reality, then my powers won't work because it seems more like I'm just actually awake. (I don't know if this actually applies or not, there was one fantastical element to this scene, the sky was green and orange.)

    I tried to dream spin but I felt it lose the dream's clarity too much and could feel my waking body back in bed.

    Okay, maybe I can manifest Manei. I haven't done this in awhile, but she's the epitome of a fantasy/dream element being my dream guide, she can fix my powers. (That and maybe I can talk to her about dialing back the romance fantasy a little and actually doing our proper jobs agian... )

    "Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosumblue" I said, with the intention of having her appear when I opened the front door of my house. No luck when I did though.

    I looked around calling her name a few more times. Nuh uhn.

    "Okay, fine then, don't show up when it's actually time to go to work."

    I guess that snark was too much, cause I lost lucidity after that. Some people from the government showed up at our door. The asked if my parents were home. I told them I was over 18 and could help them. They came in and said that they were distributing day planners that would allow the citizens of the USA to become more efficient, productive citizens.

    I remember they came inside. The inside of our house had changed to this very large (it looked like the inside of a haunted mansion, but we had a big fireplace with a fire going inside of it) There was all of this other fancy furniture that I didn't remember us having.

    We sat in the dining room. In WL, the dining room is in the corner of our house, but in dream the house was expanded and there were doors to it on all four sides leading to extra rooms that I did not explore.

    They had two versions. One had a bunch of pre listed life improvement activities, like 'eat healthy day', 'go to Library', and 'go for a run' on random days, and written in different random handwriting. The other was blank like a normal day planner. I told them that if they were free, we would just take the normal ones because the extra activities would just drag down our already busy schedules. They really tried to sell the already written in one but I insisted on a clean one.

    It turned out to be some kind of scam. The people were not from the government. Plus they were out of stock of the clean day planners. Apparently what had happened was they had one set of planners printed, then sold them to people. At the end of the year, when people threw them away, they would dig them out of the trash and sell them to someone else as an enhanced life planner. After a few years they were so full of activities 'suggested' by other people, that nobody put in their own activities.

    Though I want to know what poor chump put 'ESSAY DUE' in bold capital letters taking up the entire space for Sunday. I told the people to get out of the house and and not come back otherwise I would call the cops.
    DreamCafe11 likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I never thought I'd see the day when sailor moon pops up in your dreams. > w <
      Okay, fine then, don't show up when it's actually time to go to work."*
      Hehe Maybe try getting her to pop up by saying something persuasive out loud or in your mind.

      Lol That dream ending where you find out their fakes and contemplate calling the cops was funny. Its a good thing they didn't jump you in the dream after that though. Reminds me of the stories when things like that happen in WL.