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    1. Two More Dreams (Forgot to post)

      by , 01-03-2011 at 09:13 PM (Lynn's Lucids)
      Dream 2: Fragment
      I traced the actual doll of Clawdeen Wolf for Monster High's page.
      Dream 3: Anger at Nothing
      Mana (My grandma) was yelling. I could hear her from my room. It was about her "blessing" or "Genisis Bible verse?" I had no idea what she was talking about. She had asked where it was. She recited the verse (which wasn't real) to see if anyone had it in the house. I had a bible in my hand, and other papers. The thing she was looking for (My Jesus portriat with the verse on the back) was in my bible as a bookmark. She entered my room. "Do you have any idea where it went?" She said angrily. I told her no, but then I gave it to her. "Why'd you hide it from me?" I was very angry, along with her. "YOU gave it to me!" She was very angry, over a tiny situation. She didn't ever tell me why she needed it, either.