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    1. Chick Fight

      by , 01-14-2011 at 12:51 PM
      1/14/11 - Chick Fight? Not really...
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      Mary, Hannah, and I were in a little costume shop. It was pretty cluttered and difficult to navigate. I wandered over to something cute that I noticed. When I turned from the clothes, there was a girl from my school standing there, with a couple others, blocking my way. The first girl spoke. "You fucking bit me in the locker rooms today," she spat. I rolled my eyes at her. "I did not; I think I'd remember biting someone."
      "You did," she said, "and don't even try lying."
      I stepped forward and got all up in her space. "The locker room's always crowded, so I may have unintentionally bumped into you, but you know and I know that I didn't bite you. Now move your ass out of the way and let me through."
      She blinked several times and stepped to her right. The other two girls tried hard not to laugh as I passed them and went to the other side of the store, meeting up with my friends.

      Something like that happened yesterday, except it was for a completely different reason, and it was more of a one-on-one argument.