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    1. SP - Demon Hound Hallucination

      by , 03-19-2011 at 01:33 AM
      When I woke up from a nap this afternoon I was in that half awake / half asleep zone... (sleep paralysis)
      I started to feel these hands touching my body, I'm not even sure they were in the "shape" of hands , but
      I could feel some kind of energy rubbing on me and touching me.
      I felt something hold my shoulders down, I felt something else start to touch my breast...and then I felt something
      scratching at my thighs....... all at the same time... I started to feel very VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.. In my head ,
      I recognized what I was going through was just sleep paralysis, even still though I got this wave of anger all of a sudden
      I felt a hand reach for my hand and squeezed mine really hard..
      This is when I was able to shift my eyes to the left to look to the side of me and I saw the face of what looked like a blob of energy of dark green and black ,
      but then I saw this shape take form and it looked like this animal here

      In my head I started to pray (it was comforting at the time for me to do this) ... I prayed and prayed , but it didn't go away , until the 3rd prayer ..
      everything stopped and I snapped out of that zone I was in and I "fully" woke up.......
      This is about the 4th time or so that I see an entity that looks just like that (demon hound)
      Other times I've heard it growl and other times I've felt like I was being bitten on my ribs..... over and over...
      When I "fully" woke up I felt really uncomfortable and violated....
      It felt all so real, I could literally feel all this .. and actually "see" it...
      It probably didn't even last longer than 30 seconds, but at the time, it felt like forever.

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 01:41 AM by 42565
