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    1. Past dream: Log 1 - Theme Park

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:15 PM
      These first few entries will be me recalling past dreams for the sake of logging them.

      I'm at an amusement park style place, my vision/sight is not hazy but not clear either but I can make out what places are. When I go through the entrance I immediately fall into a queue for a roller-coaster, it's pirate themed and is like one of the swinging ship rides cross with a regular coaster. The queue runs under it at one end kinda like the one at the Smiler at Alton Towers.

      This is the second time I've been to theme park.

      I don't end up actually going on it till later and the queue turned out to be a line to a candy floss stand. But before I get any candy floss I'm pulled out of the line for some reason and the dreams a bit of a blur for a portion. Part of the blur was me looking at a piece of track from a roller-coaster on display.

      Once I got to the ride and was on it I remember a long drop and feeling the g-force of the ride, which wasn't nice but wasn't good either. (i'd like to point out here that i haven't had a nightmare since I was four, I'll get to that in another log).
    2. First Entry: An Old Dream

      by , 11-11-2013 at 06:16 AM
      My first journal entry and I actually have no new dreams to report. I guess I've been complaining so much about wanting a break from dream recall that my subconscious actually gave me a break. I've been dreaming but it's fuzzy when I wake up.
      I know that sounds a little arrogant doesn't it? Complaining about dream recall. I apologize. I know most people on here WANT to remember their dreams. I've been remembering mine every night since I can remember so a night without remembering them would be a godsend. Most of them are very action/monsters/aliens/fighting so they can be emotionally exhausting. There have been many nights I've woken up shaking. Even though I may remember my dreams naturally, after reading posts and DJs I realize I haven't done a lot to control my dreams. Super powers yeah, but actually affecting the people and creatures and environment. That is something I've never really focused on. I'll try to start doing that. It might actually help the dream content.

      Since this is my first post though I did want to write about a dream. There are many that have stuck with me for one reason or another, so I wanted to talk about one of those.

      Hmmmm...ok here is a less depressing one.

      I was on a space station, with my choir class of all things. This dream was from at least 5 years ago. There were three species on board and each had its own quarters. There were humans, some human-looking species except they were all breathtakingly beautiful, and an amphibious species (think monster of the deep lagoon, but tall, trim, and sassy.) I was running down one of the corridors and saw one of the amphibians walking my way. I couldn't tell the sex. It was a forest green in color and wearing a neon pink speedo. The reason for this was because, like frogs, their skin secreted a mucus and so they didn't wear clothes, except for neon speedos apparently. Also, if humans touched their skin it would give us a rash so I tried dodging past the sashaying (and literally he/she was working it) amphibian but accidentally bumped arms.

      I fell into a duct and rolled down into a compartment of some sort. I had a little red rash on my arm but no further damage.

      Dream skip.

      The next thing I knew I was in the "gorgeous humanoids" part of the ship. It reminded me of an old English countryside with a big manor, except we were in a ship. (Size is trivial I suppose.) They were all dressed to the nines and having some kind of party. Perhaps a tea party? One of the males caught sight of me and wanted to have me. (A pet? A wife? I couldn't tell.) So the rest of the dream was me trying to get away from him. XD The worst part was my best friend, who was in the dream, had a crush on him. It was a horrible love triangle awkwardness thing with me running from him and he running from my friend. I think back on it now and it was pretty funny.
    3. First Dream Log on DV

      by , 08-23-2010 at 07:46 PM
      August 23, 2010,

      Note to reader: James is a very old friend of mine we used to be really close now we only talk every once in a while. He seems to be one of my dream signs.

      I keep a physical journal with me where I usually write my dreams but here's my first one on DV. I had 4 dreams that I could remember last night:

      First Dream (Lucid I think):

      I was in an empty room. I could recall it was the room in which I have done a lot of volunteer and community service. It was completely empty and it was just me there. I remember seeing some other teens that volunteered with me there, they came out of nowhere. But that's about all I remember. I was fully aware that I was dreaming for about 1 second then I woke up. It was a bit hazy. I went back to sleep and entered my 2nd dream which was non-lucid.

      Second Dream (Non-lucid):

      It took place in a forest, kind of like in avatar except greener with more light, the trees were normal size and there was a road through the middle that James, some girl (don't remember who), my father and I were walking through.

      All of the sudden we were all ambushed by some native americans. They seemed to look like mayans except they had weapons like guns and such. They shot the girl and James and they both fell to the ground. I turned to see 2 mayans pointing a gun at my father. I yelled "NO!" and I reached out and I must have used telekenisis to grab a gun from one of the mayans. I shot one of the mayans and turned and the other had shot my father. I killed the one who shot my father, I shot him right in the chest. Then I noticed I was surrounded..and everything went black. I woke up (in the dream) next to all the people who were shot. We were all still alive. Apparently they were only tranquilizers..I felt as though I was caged, tied up or something and we couldn't move. We witnessed an entire city of these mayans, it was night time and there were tons of torches and music and a celebration going on.

      I could easily spot who ran this place..a giant. It was a giant woman about 100x the size of you and me. She was a statue that could move around and on her back she had 2 sheiths that held 2 giant swords. She wore leather and had a giant refined saphire jewel centered on her chest. All the people here worshipped her. She was a bitch! We all tried to escape and they caught us and then they made us eat horrible food and they made us watch them torture some other people that they had caught earlier. Then an army of regular people came and fucked up the mayan city with tanks and soldiers and mortars etc. and we escaped. We ran down the road we came from and eventually we were far enough that it was safe. We went back into walking, which brings me to my 3rd dream.

      Third Dream (Non-lucid):

      We were walking down the road and eventually we came to what seemed to look like New York City. At this point it was only me, James, and a girl, I can't remember who she was. When James and I found out we had Spiderman's powers, we started showing off to impress the girl and so I made one of those web balls that Spiderman used to make and I threw it at James and he threw one back and we were fooling around for a while. We were web swinging through the city and there was a huge Godzilla. Like HUGE. It was roaring and destroying the city by crushing cars, small buildings and people with its feet and shooting power beams from its mouth. James and I dodged enough of the beams and made it safetly right behind Godzilla, inside a parking garage. There was a big emerald that the Godzilla was guarding behind its foot, James went to go get it, and I made a noise on purpose so the Godzilla would stomp on James. He did and James wasn't hurt at all. So I went to go get the emerald, and I look up and there is a huge Godzilla foot right above me (INSIDE the parking garage?) and it came down and crushed me. This is when I entered my 4th dream.

      Fourth Dream (Non-lucid):

      This dream doesn't make sense to me at all...we were on the roof of the parking garage and godzilla was gone and we were playing soccer and some indian kid was telling me that if he had done the soccer moves that i was doing in real life, he would have broken a bunch of limbs in a video game. Then there was a birthday party and everyone was wearing costumes and James and I didn't have any costumes, so we went to some closet and on the way there I saw this kid Tyler Ellwood, which I dont really know at all but he goes to my school, and he was wearing some stupid looking overalls. We got to the closet and james picked out the same overalls, there were a bunch of the same overalls hung up in the closet, then there was one standing out, and I took it and it was a Super Mario costume! All of the sudden Super Mario music was playing and I was head banging to it with the costume in my hand. Then it stopped and then I opened to costume to put it on and there was like rotting rice in it for some reason..so I dropped it, and turned to James and I was like what the f*** is that?? Rotting rice?? And he responded..dude..I don't know..then I woke up this morning at around 11 AM.

      Updated 08-23-2010 at 08:39 PM by 35750
