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    1. Fungus, gliding, flying, and falling

      by , 11-05-2012 at 11:13 PM

      I had several dreams this night. The first one was not lucid. I dreamed that my right leg was covered in gross patches. It progressed later on to be covered in fungus that spread and pussed when it was messed with. It was super gross and it was hard to get back to sleep because it was so vivid that it felt real.

      This was followed by several quick lucid dreams.

      The first one I don't remember a whole lot of. I was following a guy through an alley and a cat jumped out of the dark and scared me awake.

      The second dream I spent the whole time trying to fly.. I only managed to glide a little bit a foot or two across the ground. Still more successful than any other flying attempts.

      In the third dream I was riding in a car at night with some friends. I looked up at the stars and wanted to fly so badly. Since I knew I was dreaming I decided to take a risk. I opened the car window and leaned out. I knew i would either fly or I would hit the pavement at full speed. I closed my eyes and leaned the rest of my body out of the car. When I opened my eyes I was floating. I was so excited. I willed myself to fly higher and I was successful. I began flying straight up at really high speeds. I flew up through the clouds and into the atmosphere. Then for some reason I stopped being able to fly and fell for several minutes. It was also awesome. I have been skydiving before and the sensation was almost identical. Right before I hit the ground I stopped myself from falling and remained floating above the ground. This has been my best flying to date.