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    1. #106. A Spark

      by , 07-11-2010 at 08:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I just remembered this as I was walking home.


      May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.

      The first time I woke up last night, I had such a feeling of contentment and happiness that it was unreal. I couldn't remember the dream that I had, but the feeling followed me throughout the day.

      In another dream, I was cradling a piece of wood in my hands. A little piece of the wood was on fire, but the rest wasn't catching. I had to keep the flame going.

      I order a DC to find me some kindling, so we can get the fire going properly. I maintain my focus on the spark, keeping the flame alive. The DC comes back with some bark and twigs, and I carefully set down my prize, and feed fuel into the fire.

      At one point, the spark goes out, but I will it back into existence.

      A Spark. Scare Factor: 1.

      I had such a great night, guys. Still, this only slightly counts as a drunk post.

      Happy feels like warm red dancing through the darkness.
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