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    1. Discovering The Essence of Happiness

      by , 12-10-2022 at 10:38 PM
      I had a dream last night that led to a mind-blowing discovery about happiness.

      I've been sad lately, don't get much joy out of the things I used to love. It feels like the light inside of me has gone out.
      I have plenty of "reasons" for why I'm sad, like depression and life struggles that are real and understandable.
      But that doesn't change anything. I'm still sad.

      Last night, I decided to try using my dreams as references for visual art. I wasn't trying to find the grand solution to my relentless despair, but I thought maybe I'll be happier if my drawing skills improve. Or maybe I'll make money off of my art if it looks better, and the money will make me happy.
      idk maybe it'll just pass the time, worst case scenario.

      My small, simple goal was to improve my anatomy skills, especially eyebrows. I have trouble visualizing eyebrows and putting them onto paper. I thought "Well, my dreams look just like real life. The human brain is incredible, capable of coming up with elaborate scenery and imagery that look just like real life. Perfect reference material, right? I can study anything I want in dreams."

      So I entered a lucid dream with WILD and started studying a simple painting of a woman facing to the side. I could study the curve of her chin and lips, the size of her forehead relative to her chin, the shape of her eyes and eyebrows. All of the shapes and proportions. It was as if I was looking at a real painting for reference.

      But this didn't help because I can already draw something like that from memory when awake. Side-views are easy for me. I've already memorized the curves and proportions. If I was going to improve, I needed references for more complex angles and expressions that I haven't memorized.

      So I stepped away from the painting and started to look around at everything in my environment, marveling at how vivid everything was. The grass, the trees, every grain of dirt on the ground. I leaned down to examine the petals of a purple flower.

      But again, I could draw a flower like that from memory. Neat, but not what I was looking for.

      I needed to look at things that I have trouble visualizing when awake, because I don't know the finer details of what they look like.

      So I found some people to study. I tried to examine the face of an older man who looked perfectly vivid and realistic at first, but upon close inspection, I couldn't wrap my mind around what his face was supposed to actually look like in finer detail. What's the exact curve of his eyebrow from every angle? Do all the hairs go in the same direction or do they curve out in separate directions? Where exactly on his skull do the eyebrows meet the orbital bone? I can't remember, I don't know these things, but I thought they would "magically" appear properly in my dream. For some reason, I thought my brain must've had this "secret highly detailed memory" storage that only dream-me could access. After all, my dreams are so vivid and realistic.

      Seems kind of obvious that I was wrong, now that I think about it.
      I couldn't make out his finer details in my dream any better than I could without a reference when awake. It wasn't even necessarily blurry, but it was like I was seeing the ambiguity of my mind failing to form an objectively correct visual. I was seeing all of the "possibilities" at the same time (not literally, but the illusion of my flawed perception was clearer than ever).

      This is also what happens when I try to visualize his face when awake.
      I still need a reference.

      But it's mind-blowing that I didn't even notice the illusion covering up these deficits until I started looking for them. My unaware mind had convinced me that everything looked normal, when it didn't. That makes way more sense than my old magical assumption that we could somehow dream in 4K but not access this massive underused capacity for detail any other time.

      So I can't use my dreams for art like I wanted, but this has even more incredible implications.

      First, awareness is a much bigger aspect of our sensory perceptions than I previously thought. Everything you see is filtered through your awareness of it. You're not getting the real thing. Visual artists are specifically skilled to increase their awareness of visuals and a lack of awareness of visuals is reflected through their drawings, but we otherwise may never notice the awareness we lack (whether an artist or not).

      We go about our whole life thinking we see things that we're not fully seeing. Our minds are filling in the blanks and we don't think twice about it.

      Secondly, this is a huge difference between waking life and dreams that I never noticed before. Removing the "filter" like I did in this dream could help you recognize the dreamstate by reflecting on your level of visual awareness.

      Third and more incredible to me is what this implies about happiness in general. I posted this on the Omnilucid discord, and a fellow dreamer pointed out how this happens with other things too (not just visuals) like when you dream of a funny joke, but wake up with the realization that it wasn't funny (your mind just thought it was). Or in waking life, the experience of a garden being extra beautiful knowing the labor and love that went into it VS just seeing a garden in a dream that was easily created on the spot.

      I've had countless dreams that replicated the experience of something, without having the actual experience.

      Like nightmares about things that aren't scary, or losing love for a person I've never met. It was just a trick of the mind, an illusion of having an experience I didn't even have... There's a pure essence to our experience of things that can't be seen, heard, touched etc. It doesn't seem to exist outside of our consciousness. It's invisible and intangible, but it's very real.

      I think I've been getting wrapped up in the illusions of "stuff" and have a better understanding of what that means now. I'm feeling much more hopeful. Maybe I can find happiness again now that I'm seeing past the filters.

      Updated 12-11-2022 at 06:58 AM by 99032

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. A Strange Name

      by , 04-25-2018 at 06:37 AM
      Morning of April 25, 2018. Wednesday.

      In this brief waking dream, I am in an unknown library. A very vivid voice mentions “Shirley Holmes” at the end of a phrase. I believe it relates to appreciation of a book. I consider how it is a play on “Sherlock Holmes”. However, I soon consider that it may be dream state distortion implied to suggest “surely homes”, but I do not see it as having potential meaning other than being happy at home based on the tone of the voice.

      It turns out that there actually is a Shirley Holmes character of which I am certain I had not known of before, or at least never gave any notice to (though again, I am quite certain that I would have remembered a play on “Sherlock Holmes” as such). Even so, the detective essence is a recurring factor of being in liminal space, which represents the enigma of being between identities, dream self and conscious self. This has been a factor since very early childhood.

      Quick update: As usual, this dream seemingly came partly from content from what Zsuzsanna had been thinking earlier, with no way of me knowing. She had seen a game show that focused on Sherlock Holmes. This happens continuously, but I often do not go back to edit the entry.

      Updated 05-03-2018 at 04:37 AM by 1390

    3. Yet Another “Uhny Uftz” Dream (with Dick Van Dyke)

      by , 08-04-2015 at 02:04 PM
      Night of August 4, 2015. Tuesday.

      Even though I have only seen the “Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” a few times in my life (the first occasion being September 29, 1965 on my sister’s television on Rose Street), it sometimes surfaces in my dreams as the autosymbolic model of vestibular system correlation.

      In my very vivid dream, I am in the same setting and scene as the image with this entry, and mostly lucid and in a very peaceful state. I recognize immediately what is going on, and, although the scene is a bit eerie, it shifts dramatically.

      Instead of Dick Van Dyke continuing to remain pressing nervously against the windows of his office to see if he can make out the flying saucer presumed to be out in the night sky, he is suddenly on board the flying saucer (apparently alone, though this is uncertain, as I am watching the scenario while incorporeal) looking out over his building and city (even though in the show’s episode, it was only a toy flying saucer). He appears as he did around this time period (though he is now eighty-nine years old in real life). There is an amazingly comfortable sense of peace (even though I sense that he may not fully realize where he is or perhaps reflect he is dreaming). He remains standing and smiling and gazing out happily over the city below.

      I explain this dream type further in “Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15”.

      Updated 07-04-2018 at 03:54 PM by 1390

    4. Rewind..

      by , 06-02-2015 at 05:40 PM
      There was a machine that could read a human mind. How it works? You ask a certain question.. and the person does not have to answer it. The thought itself is enough. You aim the person with this machine.. and you have the answer. It is a powerful machine, and that is why some people are after it. They are already running the stairs to go higher into this old building. But on the floor where this machine is located, a boy lives. And he has special abilities. He can put anything out of the real life into a wall picture. And so, he used his power and this machine was projected to a wall painting. This guys could not take it.

      Now the scene changes.. i am in an old car in the middle of Italy. We are waving with a yugoslavian flag, and singing partisan songs. And the local italian people dont like this at all.. and the fight begins.. scene fades away

      Now i am in a dark room, with my friends.. we are drinking and singing songs, I am playing the guitar and we are arguing with a priest at the same time.. My ex takes my hand, and pulled me out of this room, away from this building. It is night time.. but many people are still walking the streets. We started to kiss.. with real passion.. we were burning hot.. starting to undress.. people were watching but.. it did not affect us very much.. we wanted to do more.. to get this passion out of our bodies.. we wanted to have sex somewhere.. but there were too many people around. And my ex said. " i truly wish, from my heart.. to turn the time around.. and find that boy.. who can put things into wall paintings.. because I want to put this moment into art.." And because she really wanted this to happen.. it did. The time turned around..

      We were again in the room with the priest and the guitar.. singing.. and arguing. But music was playing backwards.. everyone thought whaaat is going on?? But only we know.. where is the catch.. Later we were in that car again.. and again the thugs came.. but now there was no problem.. because i knew exactly how the enemy will react.. so i beat them up very easily.. and then some agressive wild woman came.. and attacked me.. i dodged.. and hit her with one single strong punch into her kidney.. and i destroyed the kidney.. she was walking slowly away and she said that she must catch a plane, because she is on her way to vacation.. and i said.. dont go.. trust me on this one.. go to the doctor and you will live.. End of the dreams! too bad i have not reached that boy.. because i wanted to see how that picture of that beautiful moment would.. look like

      Updated 06-02-2015 at 11:24 PM by 10207

    5. Making out with a Giant and traveling inside her brain.

      by , 10-30-2014 at 11:52 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Making out with a Giant and traveling inside her brain (DILD)


      I was in my old house, when I used to live with my parents. The room looked different though. I had barely just a bed and a wooden table, said table was clear and pretty much empty (I believe it just had a lamp and that's all.) The light in the room was very dim and the door was closed. The door had a metallic door knob that looked like this:

      Suddenly, the door know started to grow and it had an evil looking face, it would grow larger and approach at me.
      I immediately realized I was dreaming as this was a classic nightmare I used to have when I was a small kid, which I found funny to dream that out of nowhere. As I was lucid, the door knob said, "Lucid Nightmare, yes?" I told the knob that screw that and just jumped out of the window and started to fly.

      It was night and there was little to no lightning at the street. I saw a female DC that was on the street and I approached her but she freak out, started to scream and ran away. I took a nice stroll (this time I did not fly for some reason, weird for me) and I was gazing at a sky full of stars. I suddenly saw in front of me a very hot DC, but she was huge, like eight feet tall. I felt like lucid sex and realized that this was an actual dare, as I remember I needed to stare for over one minute, so I pulled her pants and panties down and stared into her privates for a while, in addition of playing with them (I won't be graphic) but it was for over a minute. I also recalled that the exact wording was to look into her eyes, so I also looked into her eyes and made out for a while, over a minute without waking up
      (So I guess I have to say, FryingMan, you were right and Stephen LaBerge was wrong with this... first time I focus on staring and I did not wake up, as the dream continues...)

      After a while making out, I recalled my last dare to go, to go inside a DC's brain and find a DC within representing an emotion. I did not find any hardships on this as I would think in real life. I asked her, "Can I go inside of your brain now?" She accepted and she hugged me. I felt like pulled inside her body and suddenly, the dream went blank. I felt I was going to wake up but I started to spin to bring stability. I saw a giant brain in front of me, or most likely, I shrunk to a tiny size:

      I started to fly towards it to enter it. As I approached the brain, I felt how the imaginary changed. I was flying like through a sea of neurons, that looked pretty much like space. I landed on one of the connectors that interwined one neuron with another and I could see around a lot of energy, and even like stars:

      After a while, I kept flying until I entered, I believe, a neuron. I landed and there was a DC dressed in a business professional attire. I asked him what emotion he did represent, and he replied, "Feeling of happiness." I kind of felt it was a bit of weird form to represent happiness but... oh well, that is what came out from this dare and it was now completed.

      As I kept exploring the brain, I tried to recall more dares, realizing that I had no personal dares to do and I was not able to recall any of the anyone dares. I believed there was something to do with an armor and being a knight
      (which there is none) but I could not recall more so I figured it was not a dare.

      Suddenly, I felt like if I was in some sort of forest, but I believe I was still inside the brain because I saw neurons. However, I could see the sky with millions of stars, but instead of blackness, it had a faded reddish color, which I found to be pretty amazing. I felt like flying there and check it out, but I woke up.
    6. friends with miley cyrus. HELP!

      by , 05-12-2014 at 02:23 AM
      location: my school (gym class)
      time: around 11:30am


      so it was a typical day for me. my dream felt so real by the way. im supposed to go to my gym class (im wearing jeans and navy blue flannel and black leather boots) but when i came to the gym, the entrance was way too crowded and so i wondered what the heck was going on. little did i know that miley cyrus was inside the gym.

      (FACT#1 I was a miley fan when i was 14 but now that im old im not her follower anymore. i used to know everything about miley before. but now i really dont think so. i still like listening to some of her music and i still do adore her inspite of how porn she has become. i just love every bit of her soul. i know she's still the same miley that i knew)

      so i pushed through the crowd and managed to get inside. i called her out "Miley!" with a huge smile on my face. she looked at me and waved. i approached her and asked if i could take a picture with her. she was so polite and said yes. so we took a few pictures and we were laughing and having fun. (the gym btw is huge. but there were only a few of us inside. miley and i and some (four) of her friends. her friend said that they have to leave and get some stuff so they asked me if i could stay with miley for awhile. i was so happy they asked me and i accepted their request. so i started to introduce myself to miley and she was very responsive. all those time my heart was pounding with excitement. i just cant believe that im talking to a celebrity! (miley was wearing white crop top/ white shirt, something white and HW shorts. her hair is short and blonde, was wearing a little make up and she was smiling the whole time). we became really close that we were hugging each other and touching each others hands and arms like what i used to do with my best friends. we acted like we were sisters in just a short period of time. i cant remember most of our conversation except for one..

      while we were strolling around the football field (still in our school) in a hot summer day with the green green grass of the field, i was surprised that we were the only people inside the school! so we talked in a deep manner. i told her "you know what miles, i dont care what people say about you. i love you since hannah montana and now that everything has changed, i still love you the same. i support you in everything that you want to do. as long as you're happy. just take care of yourself okay? i cant believe your leaving soon " gosh i cant believe how cheesy i sounded! but yup. thats what i said. she "awww :")" and then smiled and hugged me and kissed my forehead. then she started talking about me and my dreams that im going to make it all happen just like how she did it herself. the only thing i can remember she said is that "dont worry. ill see you very soon. we will see each other again! " then we walked down the hallway holding each others hand just like what bff's do.

      ~end of dream

      ****************** ALL MEMBERS READ THIS ******************-o-miley-cyrus-crop-top-570.jpg

      i googled the meaning of my dream and it says about reaching my dreams or the opportunities that i blew for making me famous. i cant understand. PLEASE HELP ME. i really wanna know the meaning of my dream..

      recently i shared a message to 300+ young people for the first time. and it was a dream come true for me- to inspire people my age and bring impact to their lives, to be an encouragement. speaking at the summer camp last may 5th was a dream come true for me.

      can that experience help or kind of relate to my dream?
    7. 4/17/2014

      by , 04-17-2014 at 03:16 PM

      I was walking down a road passing several streets. I kind of knew I was dreaming and was trying to remember every street name I saw, which were the names of people that I worked with at the prison. I came to a stop and the area changed to a more lively area, with trees and better colors. Desirae was standing right next to me. She told me she knew I was dreaming and she was waking up to get ready for work. I almost had a false awakening and I got mad because she almost woke me. I yelled to the dream to show me a cool name on a street sign but it just turned to a piece of wood. I continued walking and it looked like I was in a college campus. I somehow became lucid. I walked towards a chubby woman with brown hair. She was kinda pretty. I asked her how she was doing and she said she just got off church. She walked off and as I followed behind her, I stabilized my dream by rubbing my hands and telling myself repeatedly "I'm dreaming". We continued talking and I found out we had a date planned together but neither of us knew when. I found Valery and we started walking. The woman started going into her apartment and I said "You should lose some weight" in hopes that the next time I see her, she'd be skinnier. I also told her "I do love your dress, though". She seemed upset that I suggested she lose weight.
      Valery and I kept walking and I said "Let's fly." Valery and I started flying. We flew over two people and almost over a roof. Everything felt so amazing and I felt so happy. I started losing focus because my emotions got to intense and I fell. I tumbled onto the ground and as I got up, I did stabilization techniques and reality checks of my hands and watch. My digital watch was going crazy, even when I tried to make it count time normally. I kept walking with Valery and thinking that we might be sharing the dream, told her to remember we flew together. I also told her to remember the yellow dress she was wearing and what I was wearing. I wanted to get her to wake up so I started yelling at her to wake up. She then started crying saying something about her vacuum yelling at her or something.
      I then woke up.
    8. 3/25/13 - Of Vampires and Dresses

      by , 03-25-2013 at 05:27 PM
      I'm admiring myself and the dress I wear in a huge, full-length mirror. The color of the dress is a deep midnight blue. It's floor-length and rather simple in it's design. My hair is long, below my shoulders and pinned half up. I have no makeup on. For a long time I stare at myself with a small frown on my face. "I'm more comfortable in pants," I say. "I'd probably look better in them too." I hear a short laugh behind me. Louis is watching me. He slowly makes his way to my side and we both look into the mirror, his eyes going to my face and my eyes looking to his. He's smiling. "You look beautiful like this," he says. "It doesn't matter what you wear, pants or a dress, I want you to be comfortable and wear what you please, but you are beautiful." I smile big then, and notice the small fangs in my mouth. I gasp, turning away from our reflections and to him at my side. He is already looking at me. He pulls me to him, an arm around my waist and his other hand behind my head. I place my hands on his chest and bury my face in his neck. "We are the same," he whispers into my hair. He holds me tighter and I sigh happily.
    9. 8/21/12 - The Runway

      by , 03-22-2013 at 07:17 AM
      I'm in a really loud dressing room. People are running around. It's madness. Men and women are getting me dressed, fixing my hair and doing my make up. They push me to the runway. I can see through the curtain. There are hundreds of people watching the show. Before I walk out, a woman looks me over one last time. I get the ok and now I'm walking. I smile and look at everyone. I know that after this they will all regret hurting me. I am a model. They get to watch me. I make it to the end of the runway and twirl to show off my dress. I then start walking back, smiling the whole way. Before I go behind the curtain again, I twirl one more time and wave to the crowd. I am happy.
    10. A Fragment of Italian Truth

      by , 03-04-2013 at 07:14 PM
      Sadly I can only recall an interesting fragment of my dream but I know it involved searching for a video on the internet which showed once and for all how the Italians had learned the ultimate secret to life and happiness and had put it in a video which starred Hobbits and Mario Bros. characters.

      Sadly, I saw it but then lost the link and could never find it again. :(
      Tags: happiness
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Receiver of hatred and then praise

      by , 08-23-2012 at 10:24 PM

      I am on some sort of portal adventure. Me and my awesome friend and many others are together. We are going out on some sort of trip somewhere but we can only go in small groups. We hope we we are in the same group but that didn't happen. I am grouped with these two girls. A small shift occurs and I am watching my self as an observer. Those two girls vanished I don't know where they went. I am with some other group. It is nice and sunny and our group is trying to run pas these big yellow bull like creatures. My group gets passed them but me I am having a hard time trying to get passed them so I kill them. When I get back to my group they are very angry at me. I can literally FEEL the anger coming from them. I was not supposed to kill them. They say pretty mean things to me and I just say "You know what, I am not going to argue" Another guy says "No..you won't" Another guy says "Well you are definitely not smarter than this guy!" he points to the guy that is apparently smarter than me. Another girl says something about my IQ.

      I leave the area pissed off but next I see a black van driving past me and inside I see one of the girls that is supposed to be on my team. Not only are my teammates mad for killing those animals but they are mad at me for losing those girls.
      A shift occurs. I am with my mom. We talk to some guy about some space program. My mom says I have to go to school. I say "But it is still summer!" and my mom says "They are still counting your absences" My mom then shows me a poster that says I am an evil lesbian (Lol wut?). But in the poster I see a picture of that yellow cow I killed earlier. My mom is wondering what this is about. A shift occurs. I am outside on a cloudy day in a big field. From what I can see there are two teams fighting each other. The enemy team consist of giant dudes about 17 FT tall and they have these long hammers as weapons, the other time consist of normal humans. I fear getting hit by those big hammers. During this fight I find myself far onto the giant teams side. I try to slit one of their throats while one of them were bending down but I fail. He tries to get me. I run as fast as I can and try to get to my teams side. I get a good distance but then all of a sudden I get hit very hard by something behind me and it sends me flying to the other side where my team is at. I land on my stomach. I notice a silver ring in front of me. My teammates surround me and help me up. My teammates are proud of my bravery and help me up. I hug a random person. The enemy team seems to have vanished. The girl asks the person I hugged "How come you got a hug!" the person just shrugs. I wake up.
    12. 38th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 10-01-2011 at 04:30 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dreams

      Fragments, all had the feel of another reality

      In bed with my sis and BIL

      I'm lying in a "bed" of liquid, maybe water but very silky and warm, cuddling with my sister and BIL. I'm trying to take off my socks so I can put my cold feet on him, but they are stuck to my feet. I spoon up to them.

      My son is rescued by eagles

      I am standing on a narrow ledge of my apartment-like dwelling. I am very high up, looking down at a river below and the plant life along the shore. I consider what it would be like to fall or jump, the struggle on the way down, would I finally surrender to the fall?
      I see a figure in the water moving to the left. It is my son, swimming, and I realize he has already made the jump.
      Something is chasing him, it is a threatening-looking man-creature who is at least twice his size. I feel fear, urging him on, and just as the scary being closes in on my son, an enormous black eagle swoops down and claws at him. Another and another appear, until an entire flock of giant black eagles has snatched the scary guy up and away, lifting him into the air to take him away, maybe he is dissolving now.

      I feel a huge rush of gratitude and relief. I wonder if my son realizes the gifts of the eagles, and feel regret that I didn't teach him to acknowledge and offer respect and gratitude to them...I feel like it doesn't really matter because *I* am offering thanks for him.

      The Ministry of Happiness

      I am in seemingly the same or a very similar dwelling as the eagle dream. My (dream) husband or male partner is lying in bed. There is a knock at the door, I rush to it to lock it. Whoever is knocking has found another door and though I rush to lock it as well, they push their way in (this is a ongoing dream theme this past couple of weeks).

      Short, stocky people wearing yellow raincoats and hardhats push their way in and announce they are the Ministry of Happiness. They are here for the man in my bed.
      A severe-looking, big woman in grey tweed enters and brings a big cart full of trays and trays of pills. The pills are different shapes and sizes, some are heart-shaped with flowers on them and seem to be made of ceramic.
      They are going to force my husband to take these pills and force him to be happy.
      I grab as many trays as I can and dump the pills outside, over the ledge. I go back inside for more. My husband is now standing up, looking a bit crazed, and he tells me, "I going to take the pills!"
      He is surrounded by the raincoat people, and the big woman in gray facing him has a handful of what looks like small polished stones that she either puts into his mouth or he takes. It's my understanding that he intends to fake taking the pills.
      In the meantime, there are more little people trying to get in the door.
      I am trying to keep them out, and they are somehow finding nooks around the door to stick their fingers in. I am getting more and more pissed - all of these tiny little fingers trying to wiggle their way in! So I smash and bite their little fingers until I either woke up or transitioned into another dream.

      Fragment - - Of being on the same ledge described above (though it seemed to be separate dreams). I walk around a corner and I see a set of small lockers. The locker cabinet is about my height, somewhat wider, and the lockers are blue and about 4"x4", each with a little handle on the right. It seems that I've dreamed this before tonight or have been here before. I'm looking for something, but not sure what I'm looking for. I open a few lockers, the contents are mostly sparkly little bead arrangements.

      Somewhere in there I was on the corner of the ledge and felt a gust of wind nearly knock me off. I clung literally by my fingernails onto the brick wall, digging in so deep that my fingernails clawed deep holes into the brick. I was relieved and impressed that I didn't get blown off.

      Sparkling Pink Octopus

      A dream narrator showed me a small figurine of a creature that looked like a cephalopod, which was sparkling pink with a glittering gold trim. As the narrator was explaining, the figurine transformed into a very large living, breathing creature. It was lying on a platform, in a setting that looked like the 1800's, in a body of water. It seemed I could hear the narrator's words and the creature's thoughts at the same time, they were synched.

      The thoughts were something about being so big...and it coiled around itself, and slithered into the water, wondering if it was going to get into heaven.

      The narrative was along the lines of, "and that's where that started (the issue of being big/fat/vulnerable) - as a pink octopus in an (old fashioned?) gym."

      Somewhere also in all of those dreams, the narrator was explaining to me that "the natural inclination in a dream is to seek safety", as if he wanted to reassure me not to be ashamed for not facing all of my fears, that seeking safety is just part of the whole drama.

      Fragment - of being lucid for a moment, and blind. Rubbing my arms and body and saying, "I am lucid, the world is vivid."
    13. First Dream Journal entry : my first lucid experiance.

      by , 07-22-2011 at 06:46 PM
      Okay well, I didn't exactly realise i was in a dream but i really wanted something, and imagined it to be there, then i looked and it was there.
      I went into a small shop with my mum and i saw this really nice top i liked, so i got it out but it was too small for me but it was the icon of fashion so I reached over in the clothes rail and got out another top.. I looked at the size and made it a medium instead of a small and it fit.. I was so chuffed i fount my top!
      But waking up was a minor dissapointment seeing as I don't actually have the pretty top in real life!
    14. Beautiful Dreams (Catchup Post for May 23-25)

      by , 05-31-2011 at 06:36 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Night of May 23-24, 2011

      I'm at Disneyland. I'm visiting with some guy who [apparently] designs and develops roller coasters. I watch a video of a roller coaster in action. The video freeze-frames at various moments.

      At Disneyland, there is a new building under construction, and it is visible from the hub.
      [I think] It's in that space that they can never quite decide what to do with, the space that used to be home to the House of the Future and is currently a character meet-and-greet. The new building fits in well in its location; it's built in the same architectural style as the rest of Main Street. [It made sense in the dream.]

      It is dusk, and the sky is clear and incredibly beautiful. I walk slowly down a completely deserted Main Street, carrying in both hands a lit candle in a clear glass cup. I take the time to deeply appreciate the deep beauty, calm, and peace of the scene around me. As I walk, the following thought crosses my mind: No matter who you are or where you go, you'll always find your way back home.

      The goal toward which I'm walking toward is a single lightbulb, mounted in a light fixture in the teal-colored, wooden wall that forms the main entrance to the park. This light fixture is right next to one of the doors by which people enter and exit the park. I set my candle down on the steps leading up to the door, then go out through it.

      On the other side of the door, there is a wide, concrete-paved entrance plaza. Out here, it's still earlier evening; the sky is on fire with the golden light of a sun that hasn't set yet, but will soon. There's still nothing but a vast expanse of parking lot beyond the perimeter of the entrance plaza. I see F.J.
      [a real-life friend] crossing the plaza, approaching me. He's been looking for me, because he's there to pick me up and take me home.

      [The dream shifts.] I'm in a fancy restaurant, [possibly] in Downtown Disney or at the Disneyland Hotel. I'm with someone who I know is actually Eames, even though he looks exactly like Leonardo DiCaprio. [:-) Plot bunny?] He picks up a drinking glass from a nearby table and shows it to me, showing me that this restaurant is where one can find the kind of glass that my candle was in. He then tosses that glass onto the floor, breaking it. I'm horribly embarrassed by him.

      Side notes:
      This was a particularly clear, vivid, and beautiful non-lucid. Not only was the scenery beautiful, but so was the sense of happiness, peace, and well-being I experienced while in the dream. I still felt wonderful when I woke up from it.

      Night of May 24-25, 2011 [I think; or it might have been any day between the 25th and the 28th. That's what I get for not bothering to write them down immediately.]

      I'm in my current bedroom with J. [a real-life student of mine]. I'm hugging her and pouring out love and affection, as if she were my own child, even though I know she's my student. She returns the love and affection, hugging me back.
    15. Dreamsign recognized and exhilarating Lucidity

      by , 10-28-2010 at 07:07 PM
      I am in my car, it is raining and I park the car to go to a shop. The area looks quite familiar, like an area of my city. When I come back, I can't find the car, I keep going around but am not able to find it. All of a sudden I recognize a typical theme of my dreams: not being able to find the place where I have parked my car. As soon as I recognize this dreamsign and recognize that I am dreaming, I feel exhilarated. First of all I change the weather of the dream: not rain anymore, but sun. Then I start laughing happy for having succeeded in having a LD and go around jumping feeling very light. Then I think that if I am having a LD I can try to have an OBE; as soon as I think this I find myself in my bed, even though I cannot see anything. I roll over sideways in the bed and start getting out. But the excitement is so high that I wake up.
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