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    1. Comic Strip Strangeness

      by , 09-11-2018 at 03:11 PM
      Morning of September 11, 2018. Tuesday.

      Reading time: 1 min 6 sec. Readability score: 63.

      I still had traces of the flu during this period. Vestibular system correlation took on a rather odd form in the otherwise typical transition, an atypical combination of internal and projected awareness. I was semi-lucid but did not maintain focus.

      I enter the world of Barney Google and Snuffy Smith by liminal intent. Snuffy has a daughter of about my youngest daughter’s age. Snuffy’s daughter (fictitious as relevant to the real comic strip) walks through a doorway and my dream shifts rather than the doorway association serving as an exit. I then realize it is my daughter standing in the room in real life, but I shift back into the dream state.

      Now I am viewing a Hi and Lois comic strip. It features Chip and an unknown girl (partially based on a real comic strip I had just seen previously - see image). They are riding a subway. The girl is on Chip’s left, so this is a typical rendering modeling (in real time) of how I am sleeping with Zsuzsanna with her on my left. On the left of my view of the comic strip are a few odd sketchy characters with stop signs for heads (though otherwise drawn like a Hi and Lois character).

      The surreal comic strip is a result of my ongoing semi-lucid thoughts. Eventually, within a larger version of the comic strip, is an insert displaying the external movement of a real subway (like the film of a passing train, although I view its side as if from above). I say “look at that,” (even though the preconscious avatar is not visibly present) and wake slowly, feeling the illusory movement in my body.

      Updated 09-22-2018 at 11:14 AM by 1390
