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    1. Hippie Love Bus / Changing Terrain

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:19 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: June 4, 2011 – 8:30AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am driving up a mountain on a narrow dirt road with Chris, a friend of mine. We pull into a dirt pull-off along the road to get out to stretch our legs for a bit. The area is heavily wooded and there are birds flying around through the trees. There are a couple of other cars parked on the upper side of the area. An abandoned bus is parked on the lower side of the area. Some of the windows have been broken out and one of the windows has a metal panel over it which has been shot full of holes. There are boards tacked to a tree in front of the bus which are also full of bullet holes.

      I decide to walk over and check out bus a bit closer. It looks like most of the seats have been removed and the interior is full of random junk. The bus is covered in all kinds of paintings and has “Hippie Love Bus” painted across the front. As I walk around to the other side of the bus, I find the door. I push on the door to open it, then step inside. After taking a couple of steps inside, I can see that there are two people sleeping in the back. I don't want to disturb them, so I turn around and quietly walk out. I tell Chris about it, and he says, “Really?” He walks up and knocks on the window. A couple of hippies that were sleeping in there wake up and say, “WTF”. They are quite alarmed at first, but after waking up a bit, we all hang out and talk for a while.

      After talking for a while, I look around and notice how much the surroundings have changed. The dirt pull-off is now a regular paved parking lot. The wooded area is now a field with a large farm house in the distance. There are only a few trees scattered around the fence lines of the field. There is a restaurant to the left that looks like a Denny's. I look at Chris and say, “How convenient. There is a restaurant at the end of the universe.” He says, “What can I say? Do you expect perfect continuity in this?” I look at him, puzzled for a moment, then start walking toward the restaurant.

      Once inside, we sit down and order something from the menu. The waitress brings out a plate with a cold can of pork-n-beans sitting on it. I stare at it for a moment, then look to see that Chris has a can of corned beef hash sitting on his plate. I say, “Let's go and find something better than this to eat.” We leave the restaurant and walk back over by the bus. The hippies have started the bus and are preparing to leave. I notice that for some reason I am still carrying my plate from the restaurant, so I walk back toward the restaurant to get rid of the plate.

      As I walk, I see a lady standing behind a small pickup truck, talking on the phone. Another truck is backing up in front of it and runs into it with the trailer hitch. While talking on the phone, she grabs the truck by the tailgate and pulls it away from the other truck. She says, “I don't want anyone hitting the Memory Mobile.” The guy in the other truck gets out and apologizes to her for bumping into her truck.

      I turn around and look back to see that the bus driving away and Chris is standing there, looking at me with a confused look. I wake up and cuss myself for not becoming lucid.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 04:17 AM by 36447 (spelling)
