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    1. February 4th 2013 WILDs

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:02 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Non-Lucid Lucid

      Yesterday I got home from school exhausted so I decided to take a nap. I woke up after about an hour in this really tired state ready to go back to bed. I was laying with my eyes open when I noticed I was falling back to sleep without any control. This transitioned into that dark matter state where my body is asleep but I can start building into the next dream. My entire body was very locked up with this feeling of being high/pleasure, so I started to think of what I wanted to do.

      I knew I wanted to lucid dream about something that wasn't sex because I always do that, so I start to imagine being in a bar or something. I lose track of what I was thinking but all of the sudden I appear into a bathroom stall in a bathroom. I open the door and suddenly am hit with this big realization that this is so real and scary and I thought that because I was scared I was gonna imagine creepy figures into my dreams. I turned on the sink and it was all too real to me. I decided I didn't want to do this so I jumped straight up and landed on my back as the scene faded. Again I was in this state of dark matter. My body was locked up with this feeling as I started imagining something else. I decided I wanted to go back to a previous dream I had in a inflatable bounce place. I started imagining and spinning around until something appeared.

      It was this room with a low ceiling but was filled with this bouncy material filled with air. I start walking up the steps to some slide when the dream starts to collapse. I yell "ILLUMINATE!" two or three times and the dream stabilizes. I round the corner with my body bent over as I jump down the slide. I land on my stomach and I bounce up about to the ceiling and fall back down onto this inflatable thing in the air. That's when the dream collapsed.

      It went into another dream where I was talking to this girl named Alex, but then I returned to dark matter and decided to start up a dream with Alex. Her and I had made out with each other in my bed irl so I started remembering that moment and soon enough I woke standing up on my dream bed. I look down and see myself and Alex laying face to face making out. I wanted to be the one making out with her, so I shoved my dream self over and started kissing her until the dream collapsed.