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    1. Dream Journal Day 56: Saturday 29.05.2024

      by , 10-06-2024 at 11:26 AM
      I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was.

      I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside.

      I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here.

      Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more.

      When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling.

      I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter.

      This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...
    2. Night of Sunday 10/8/23

      by , 10-09-2023 at 05:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1AM.

      I'm at the airport.
      My Grandma P, Uncle J, and brother are there to pick me up.
      I'm angry with them about something and I storm away with my bag, outside, and across the street.

      I'm at a football game at my highschool field.
      It's nighttime, under the lights.
      A cheerleader girl bumps a microphone boom on the sideline and apologizes.
      Initially I'm on some bleachers on the endzone side of the field.
      There's a football game on a screen, and I see the cheerleader bump the boom and apologize exactly the same way.
      I'm in a bar that looks like a Pizza Hut with my girlfriend and my friend J.
      J is having a rough time from too much weed.
      The bartender looks like Ryan Reynolds and he is making us a series of strong looking drinks.
      The bartender also lays out some joints and calls them 'enchiladas'.
      I realize that I need to be able to drive home so I take it easy.
      There's another guy here (seems to know the bartender), and I'm concerned that if I get sick, he will try to get with my girlfriend.

      All recorded on waking around 8:30AM.

      Updated 10-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Monday 9/11/23 (Comp Night 11)

      by , 09-12-2023 at 07:25 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30PM.

      Romantic Confusion
      I'm at a park. It is reminiscent of the one where we celebrated my sister's birthday many years ago.
      I'm with my girlfriend's dad. He is cooking some beef roast on the grill.
      The meat is a sphere cut into sections and it stands up on its own. Like a mandarin orange.
      I get the impression that he wants to know about whether I am going to propose to my girlfriend or not.
      I feel guilty for being unable to answer him yet.
      There is a medical facility on the edge of the park. It's white, clean, sterile. Like a lab.
      I'm inside a bar-like section now and I'm with my Uncle J, taking his and a few others' pizza order.
      There are 3 or 4 styles of pizzas ordered overall and I am struggling to remember it all.
      To put the order in, I had to travel through the facility, which had indoor and outdoor sections.
      On the way there I chat with someone about how the layout of this place is stupid, particularly the unfinished outdoor sections.
      I make it to another bar section, having entirely forgotten about the order, and I have a beer in my hand.
      My friend H is there. She expresses romantic interest in me but as she is saying it, a drunk person stumbles between us creating a lot of noise.
      The sound covers her speech, but I still hear it. She pretends the noise prevented me from hearing it.
      I'm relieved, because I'm not sure how to react.
      Later a young Asian man, who clearly leads his group of friends, comes over to me.
      "Dude, did you see how cute she was? You have to say something!"
      "I have a girlfriend man," I say.
      He makes an overly animated expression with his hands while making an agitated noise, which I take to mean "You should weigh your options."
      Later I encounter H in the bathroom, which doesn't make a ton of sense.
      For some reason, we know we are supposed to mark locations on the urinal with a marker.

      Recorded around 5:00AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3.

      Updated 09-13-2023 at 05:37 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Wednesday, December 14

      by , 04-05-2023 at 11:04 PM
      I am in some small building or single room. It kind of seems like a small, furnished shed. It’s carpeted, and I think there are some cabinets. It seems to be a perfect square, and there’s a window or two. I’ve now eaten an egg yolk from somewhere in here. It seems to be in a membrane and, purposefully, I swallow it whole, it catching slightly on the way down. (I noticed that the yellow yolk was especially embryo shaped. I now have a psychedelic hallucination. It is intense (completely altering my current reality) and profound.

      I’m at a bar or some other entertainment venue. The building seems to be a large square. The bar counter, another square or rectangle, is in the center. There is an event happening, or it is just generally busy. Ben from work comes in and sits at a chair not at a table. His eyes are red and very heavy-lidded, and sure enough he starts saying how ‘this strain’ got him really high. Now, I notice a girl sitting at the bar who looks like Reilly. (I think that it is her, enough though she looks different). She is alone and remains so for a while. I watch as her and the female bartender flirt with each other.
    5. Tuesday, May 3

      by , 05-19-2022 at 12:22 AM
      Melissa and I are meeting Brooke somewhere. It’s late, 11pm exactly. The place is a bar like Flowing Tide. It has the two divided sides, but then there’s a curtain we go past into another portion. I never knew this section was here. I start looking at the drink menu, which has a ton of beer options. I don’t know what to get. Also, I think we were at a house (probably Brooke’s aunt’s) earlier or after this?

      I am bouldering at Basecamp. It feels good and fairly easy. The problems are designated by colored holds, which the walls are crowded with. I try one with a bunch of crimps. I then try something in the cave. I notice people watching from the perimeter of the mat.
      Tags: bar, beer, climbing
    6. Monday, May 2

      by , 05-19-2022 at 12:21 AM
      There’s something about me driving to a bar or something similar to meet Alex. The place is kind of far and it seems late, but I think it’ll mean a lot to him because it’s the last time I’ll get to do something with him. There’s an image of the place in my mind - a bland exterior in what looks like a bland shopping center. Now, I’m with him and his mom in a house. Her hair is completely shaved on the sides and the top portion is pulled back in a tight ponytail. She’s holding something and Alex says it’s more than he brought to Maryland, implying that it’s a weapon.
      Tags: bar, driving
    7. Thursday, July 8

      by , 08-12-2021 at 06:24 AM
      I am in New Jersey with Melissa. It feels like we’re with a tour group but also her aunt. We go to a bar, I think for just one drink, and then quickly onto another one. I humorously ask if we’re just doing a New Jersey bar crawl. I am up to the counter in this place, a long, dark wood counter with plush, red bar stools, and notice the two or so bartenders help pretty much everyone except me. They even look right at me once or twice. It does occur to me that I could speak up as well. A kinda nerdy looking guy seated to my left confidently orders a ‘fancy Russian.’ I want to know what this entails and think it’s a weird coincidence, as I’m trying to get a Black Russian. The female bartender pours what looks like hot coffee into a glass more the size of a vase. She (or ‘he’ now?) then sprays the surrounding area with something; I think he’s going to light the drink on fire. I notice that some of the stuff behind the counter looks like kitchen equipment. I think about initiating conversation with this guy to my left but don’t. I think I finally order my drink, way down at the other end of the bar by the doors, and just before it seems like we’re about to leave.

      (this feels like it could be part of the last dream). I’m with Melissa in a large bed at her aunt’s house? Nicola from work is also in this bed, on the far end, and rolls over to sleep. Melissa and I begin having sex and I come on a shirt or something - there is a lot, multiple puddles of it. We then hear a noise and pause, listening. Someone is coming, so we each quickly grab a blanket to cover ourselves. Melissa’s mom walks in (there is no door, just a hallway to the room) as Melissa is on all fours still reaching for a blanket. She is wearing a thong, so most of her ass is exposed. I wonder if her mom even sees this and if she does that she’ll find anything weird with it.
      Tags: bar, sex
    8. 7 Jul: Part of a James Bond movie

      by , 07-07-2021 at 04:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Watching a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig and feeling excited because it feels so real. I am wondering why these Bond movies feel so relatable and then realize it's how we immerse with the characters and become part of it. And I literally do and start hovering over a character who is friend of James. James is contacted by a dude and this character/me joins him on the street to meet such dude. The dude tells him "walk with me" and as they both walk a few steps ahead of me, I listen to their conversation. So the dude talks about the development of some kind of paper that can be stretched infinitely. He takes James to a bar and they sit on the counter. I sit by their side. He hands him a small pamphlet and tells James how to expand it. Just like a window on a tablet, James pulls the corners outwards to enlarge it and becomes a full A3 paper. It's a neat trick but why is this so top secret dangerous? Then he says we have to go for a walk again. Meanwhile the lady bartender flirts with James and he flirts back, but does not intend to pursue a romance with her. Yet she says she'll call him. He is like "How?" and recalls he handed a business card to the other guy and maybe got distracted for a second and she reached out and took another one for herself.
      Anyway, once outside I get detached from the character I was immersed in and become my own self and a friend of said character. We again walk behind James and the other dude and we listen to them talking. So the dude says the big deal is that they managed to reproduce and apply that same technology to virtually anything besides paper. So imagine unlimited food and unlimited oil. Anything physical can be replicated and grown indefinitely from one sample or specimen. Then we start to see why he is in danger and why this is so dangerous. They cross the street and head for the entrance of some high security property and we lose them cause they don't wait for us and the sliding door shut behind them and the stone walls around are high as fuck.
    9. cci. Future rave/bar, Vulgar friends

      by , 12-26-2020 at 01:38 PM
      22nd December 2020

      Woken abruptly and also got up late; last bits of recall are overlapping.


      I see or am at some sort of small rave party thing. Part of trying to find someone, not sure who or why. There was a nervous woman with me/the protagonist. She had doubts about what we were doing.

      The rooms are lush and beautiful, out of a mix of Warcraft, Farscape, Star Trek and maybe Valerian. I recall a bed covered by a blue quilt, the bed's frame is painted gold and looks like the paint itself gives it texture. Cobalt and gold colours in general here? There are fancy uplighters, diamond shape shades?

      A woman is laying on this bed, but sort of sitting up (as one might when reading a book) and it looked like she was getting wise to what's going on, whatever that is, but the dream implies it to be somewhat insidious somehow. I/the protagonist was taller than the companion. (as I recall this, intuition tells me that this dream is pulling on the lack of fun/personal time of the recent weeks)

      There was a second earlier rave place, a bit bigger and in the same style of decoration and architecture, but more bar-like and open-plan.

      Earlier, something about JC or another part where a special keyboard has built-in controls for a specific program or game. I had to cut into it like insulation or foam but using my fingers, because something was wrong with this keyboard.

      Even earlier or in-between. Something about a group of friends. I interact with them. There was a girl a bit younger than me; she kept wanting my attention but also initially she didn't like me at all or rejected me in some sense. In the dream I was of a somewhat overly stiff attitude; I remember reading or being told by this group about some personal things and self-pleasuring was mentioned, I felt unusually uneasy about this. My dream self was more like a character than usual.

      This girl eventually became my friend, but she was quite vulgar.


      A vivid and real-like dream where I had showered or something. My armpit muscles seemed unusual and H is naked. Something about deodorant? We were in our bathroom. The details were accurate.


      Drawing an alien drone but the head shape was very modified compared to the original design.
    10. The Entertainment Couple and Doug's Ritual

      by , 12-04-2020 at 10:58 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Joel is showing off Chiang Mai locations. There are fragments of food and countryside businesses as we hop around a map of Thailand. It is borderline cartoonish at times. Too many fragments.

      I was dreaming then suddenly walking into a bar/poolhall/game center which happened to be close to my house. I was excited and full of energy to be there. There are fun lights and awesome smells, the place is packed with people. I was moving quickly through the crowd just exploring the entire place. It felt like a new well financed business which had everything entertainment you could imagine. People my age were just hanging out drinking, playing games and the mood was elevated. I begin singing at the top of my lungs like chester with a couple other guys. It sounds good and we rock out while people walk around us just causally listening and bobbing their heads.
      At a certain point I find Nathan in there so we hang out some, I want a beer so we go to the bar in the center of the building. I don't remember arriving here so I ask the guy bartending like 3 times if this is really happening because I didn't think any of it was real. He laughs and assures me it's real, telling me I seem to be having a really good time. I felt like it was a dream the majority of the time.

      I walk with Nathan down the street to go smoke or something, he is staying at a house which is close by.
      It was like 12:50 when we left to go to the other house. When we finish we walk back and it is like 1:15 when we get there. All the lights are off and no one is there but the owners, they are still happy to have us in. They let us in and I am confused. It was so packed and now it is completely empty.
      They inform us they do close at 1 due to it being a new business and having so many people in one place at once. It was only the second day they had been open and it was incredibly successful.
      We all hang out with the owners for a while.
      It is a sweet business. Diner food, arcade games, karaoke, pool hall, and a fancy bar in the center to boot. I ran multiple laps while they were open. Kept finding myself in the upstairs 'employees only' area. The woman owner saw me up there once and didn't seem to mind, just casually pointing out which way I should go.
      Hang out with the owners talking about the business for a while, they are really cool and laid back.
      While talking I gather there are now two couples or at least another guy and girl with the couple who own the place. The girl owner is sleeping on a cot face down and the new girl who looks like the brunette from Raised by Wolves makes a comment about how her friend always sleeps in super late because she gave her extra NyQuil. While giving me a knowing look. I gather she has killed her quietly somehow and is aiming to take her place. (This is what happened in the show, no spoilers). There is another guy I don't really recognize, he has a shaved head and bright grey eyes, he is in on it as well. I don't understand why any of this is happening so I just quietly excuse myself. In talking to them as I am leaving I must have filled out an application to work there as it is on the counter of the bar. I consider taking it with me so I am not connected to this thing which is obviously about to blow up. But decide that may look suspicious so I leave it where it was.

      It's the next day and I am walking back again, I end up in a large complex which is a public space built to be a hangout spot. It is a large indoor dome structure with a water feature on top of a pile of boulders in the center. It is well landscaped and looks ritzy and well lit. Perfectly manicured little odd shapes of grass and perfectly fitted red brick paths all leading around the area. With concrete circular tables and benches scattered about.
      I walk around and find a food court area with music coming from it. It is decorated like a 30's style speakeasy, brass rails, wooden carved accents, large tan fans, black and white tiles, the works. Just past a Starbucks there is a stage with a guy and a girl playing instruments singing. I feel like I've heard the song before, it sounds like some kind of folk music, they look like people from my old church. This whole thing has a very Sunday afternoon vibe. There is a large crowd of teenagers sitting in the audience watching. Only half paying attention because, you know, teenagers. I try to walk around the back of the crowd to get out the side door but there is just a mass of people mostly girls all sitting asses to elbows blocking the walking path with their stools and tables.
      I walk around and in front of everyone to leave the building.

      Walking back down the strip mall it is the next morning and I am super tired. I realize I have been barefoot and look for a pair of my shoes in the mass of pairs of shoes that have been left in front of the poolhall. I find several pairs that look like mine but none of them fit. Before laying down the 'other' guy shows up out front. He has a concerned look on his face but he attempts to make smalltalk with me. He mentions working for a launch provider which is close to here and they have a couple satellites to launch in the next few days. I am not really interested and don't want to talk to him much longer. I have a bed/my big winter sleeping bag rolled out and I try to get some sleep on the sidewalk while people are walking/driving by. While falling asleep I see a group of three cops standing on the sidewalk down the way from me. I pretend not to notice them and begin to fall asleep in the dream.

      I wake up to a sort of middle aged hispanic woman getting my attention standing over me, I immediately tell her I was about to scuttle off, I am still fairly drowsy. But I notice she is a police officer, she asks if I am 'No-ha' I say yes and shake her hand from laying down. I ask her name and she says 'In-ki-ya' her friends call her. I already know exactly what all of this is about. But I play dumb and look around to notice there are now 6 or 7 police cruisers of various designs on the street now. I say 'Whooa, what's this all about?? I see a lot of cop cars, and one really messed up car' then I notice another car/van which looks like it has been completely stripped for parts, no doors or wheels or anything sitting in front of the shopping mall, (I have been sleeping in front of the pool hall where it all went down apparently).
      I put on my best clueless face/attitude not wanting to get involved. I gather she's not buying it and already suspicious of me.

      I am traveling to Doug's house with G, we've never visited him before so we're very excited. When we get there he is overwhelmed to see us. We are all hanging out around him in his living room. We're all nude and his hair is longer and comes down over his eyes. It's casual and I gather we're all kind of passively watching a ritual taking place in the corner of the room. It opens up into a rocky cave and in the distance I can see a burning monument of sorts. It kind of looks like a mini greek colosseum with life-sized figurines all holding hands around the border, like the Indian Circle of Friends sculpture. The flames are yellow and white but not consuming the structure. I understand what we are witnessing is very important and thousands of years old. Doug is talking about people he knows who have trouble understanding their own reality. I make a remark about 'how many people get to see a 5,000 year old ritual, in a cave, while nude?' it is comforting and reassuring to watch.
      We are now in an oversized tub, almost like a hot tub mixed with an overly large Victorian footed porcelain tub. We're all sitting around the edges. There is a squid like octopus swimming around. Everytime it touches me it latches onto my hand, the suckers kind of hurt and it doesn't want to let go.
    11. September 8, 2020 Non-lucid

      by , 09-09-2020 at 05:02 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Had several false awakenings where I thought I was getting up early to get work done early in the morning, checked my phone and thought it was 8am but then woke up IRL later than that.

      Dream was at the KC pool in the basketball/volleyball area except the slope down to the playground was much bigger. In the parking lot was a city, it was either dusk or dawn. I thought I was in my new apartment but going into another part of the building I realized it was a bar, people from my high school were there. We were catching up, it felt like the bar was closing and it was time to go home or maybe to another class in the city, I went out and tried to get into my apartment but it was just the bar now.

      Now I'm at my old apartment driving to a club or bar, I go in but I'm not dressed appropriately, I try to go to the shower but a random kid is about to go in and use it so I sigh and turn around. Eventually I end up back there and I'm in line, abb is there and we greet each other, the bouncer asks me for my ID and I get out my wallet.

      Show choir dream where I'm in a movie theater, we're doing dance moves but I don't really know them so I'm watching someone else. It's really messy. Another team goes onto the front stage and I think they aren't doing very well, they're ripping off a movie but I can't remember which.
    12. Dragon dream | [19.08.2020]

      by , 08-19-2020 at 01:40 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Dragon dream
      I transform into a dragon at some point, it seems like an ability I have in the dream. I was getting mad at somebody. It was sort of in this like special bar like area, that seems to be becoming a recurring location. There are some of my friends there, I think.

      Sadly I don't remember having any sensation of my form in the dream, which would've helped in shapeshifting in a lucid dream.

      Also, I have been totally forgetting to use my mantra so that I'd get lucid; it works nearly every time, but my memory is horrible.

      School has also been destroying my recall. I know I remembered more of the dream in the morning, but firstly, I don't want my parents to see what dreams I have, idk why but it's embarrassing, and on school days I can't get myself out of bed so I wouldn't even have time to write down the dream.
    13. May 14 and 15, 2020

      by , 05-15-2020 at 04:13 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Two nights ago I had a semi-lucid, I was in my mom's old house, my view traveled from her room down the hallway to my room. The room was a slightly dark and blurry so I brought my right hand in front of me and said "Clarity Now" while snapping my fingers, bringing the room into clarity and making it bright. I was seated on the floor and started to become aware that I was dreaming. I took my right hand and slowly pushed it through my left hand and it went straight through, unfortunately this did not send me into a full lucid dream.

      Last night I dreamt I was in a location that was located in Richmond but it was also shifting to different layouts too, it was closer to my apartment building. I was walking down the street which looked like the aisle of a Target or Walmart but the roof was open and the lighting was similar to being on the street at night. There were different sections where people were stopping off at, I stop at this sort of run down shop that in my mind is a bar. There are tables with people sitting at them, I see one guy with glasses and a plaid blue shirt on and I'm thinking this is someone from my work but he didn't see me so we didn't acknowledge each other, he's there with what I think is a tinder date. I'm sitting on a couch and I remember playing some sort of racing game on a TV, there was a bar to my left and a pool table in front of me. At the pool table is a group of girls, it was strange because they pulled their pants/underwear down to their ankles and were dancing to music playing, they had sort of teleported to the couch I was on and then were back at the pool table.

      I left the bar and wandered down a dark street, to the left of me was the Hof which is a rooftop bar, there was a crowd below and I heard PUP playing, to me it was around 1:45AM in the morning and they had just ended their set which was disappointing but I thought I had caught one of their songs. Eventually I'm with Liz and Aly and a few other people in the group, I tell them about the bar I was at and bring them to it. We were there for a little bit but that eventually ended.

      Next I was outside of Target near my hometown, a lot of people from my high school were in there. I was running into some of them in the parking lot including a friend Grace and when I called out to the person next to her it was not the person I thought, another person was in the car. I greeted other people I knew inside the Target, in my mind I had been looking for Liz but couldn't find her. I was eventually back on the sidewalk and it was people from my highschool walking past me going to their respective classes. I had long hair and I could see out of the right corner of my eye a family friend with a long hair too, I made a comment about how "the flow was back in style" or something, another older family friend walked by but he seemed indifferent when I said that to him too, I muttered something like "well that was a stupid comment" and walked back towards the Target. Inside was a class going on and I was sitting on the outside because there wasn't enough room inside, at some point the teachers comes out to me and asks me a question.

      I'm inside the Target which looks like an open lab, at some point I'm on the ground in a SP situation where I can't move a muscle but I can hear this electronic song in my head and thought Grant had made it. The dream is now outside at this town on the beach, I'm thinking something about family guy and being with those characters in rivers/sewers going through the town.
    14. Saturday, August 24

      by , 09-23-2019 at 09:10 PM
      I walk up to a small bar counter in a small room. The room seems mainly to be for some standing space and the counter. I think there is a window with a view behind the counter or a little off to the side, adding some hazy sunlight. A few moments after I situate myself at the counter, a clean cut and conventionally attractive bartender turns his attention to me. He makes eye contact and lifts his chin as a way of asking what he can get for me. The menu seems to be hanging and is in two sections. Each option is a wine, but each is the name of a place. I tell him I see that the options are names of places and not varietals, and I ask what he would recommend given that. I am confident in what I am saying, but I’m still self conscious of my voice. There are people on either side of me, and it feels like their attention is on me and what I’m saying. The man asks what I’m looking for, and I say a white because of the hot weather. He asks what kind of flavors, and I say probably something more creamy than tart and something more sweet than not, but not cloyingly so. I end up saying quite a few flavors to where it still makes sense but is not very specific. He asks me to narrow it down, and I say ‘just not a red.’ he and the couple to my left start laughing. Self conscious, I ask what’s so funny. Amber from Sephora is here now and telling the man “babe, be nice.”

      I am in a smaller house that seems to only have basic furniture and no adornments. There is a couple that calls me (from the house across the street I think). The woman is describing a ‘medical emergency’ that really doesn’t sound like one. They want me to do something about it, but I’m trying to talk it down and get out of it. They still end up coming over here, into the bedroom I am in. the woman, with dark hair and eye makeup, starts reprimanding me about the nature of the ‘emergency’ and my reluctance to remedy it. It sounds like the guy, what is here but not saying anything, only scratched his finger, I think from the pin part on an EAS tag. I apologize, empathize, and just nicely tell her what she wants to hear. She’s fairly understanding but still comes off like she thinks she is so in the right. I let her think that but still think it’s puerile. They then leave, I think on good terms.

      I am in an unfamiliar city, on a bike. There are buildings either way I could go on this street. I know I need to go somewhere, but I’m not sure where and I’m not sure which way to go. I just follow my gut feeling and it turns out to be right. I am riding along the sidewalk, slightly downhill. It looks like the road is turning into a bridge over water. The sidewalk is divided down the middle by little white markers standing up. Everyone is to the right, and they all seem to be going slow. The bridge seems to be more of a flat expanse now, the road blending into the sidewalk, blending into a smaller barrier at the edge. We seem to be right at water level or just barely above it. The water is bright and clear, soft sunlight brilliantly reflecting upon it. The whole scene is beautiful and slightly surreal. For some reason, I think this is London.
    15. 24 Aug: Rap competition at a bar, kissing my love

      by , 08-24-2019 at 09:48 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At a foreign country attending some teachings. I feel a bit lost, but I meet some lady who seems nice to hang with. At lunch time I go to a place identical to one of the restaurants of a Mexican resort I have been, expecting to find lunch there. But I don't see any tables or people. This lady shows me there is a terrace on a lower level, where people actually are having lunch. She takes me to the buffet, but then we can't find a place to sit. She says she knows another nice place by the river. But it implies crossing a road with traffic and jumping over a tall fence, which forces us to climb first over a broken wall. But we manage. On the other side she takes us to a bar instead. Not what I expected and we continue not having a place to sit. But there are snacks and I eat standing. Meanwhile she grabs a cigar and starts smoking. I am starting to think she isn't exactly giving what I expected from her and maybe following her around was not a good idea. But in the process we tagged along two other cool guys, a middle eastern and a black dude.
      Then there is a rap competition on the bar and someone points out that we should listen to a certain asian lady with a guitar. She thinks she can rap but they assure us it will be a disaster. We listen and she really sucks. Not only she raps to a melody on the guitar but she kinda sings instead of just rapping and also very badly, so it doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile I notice my dad is there and so is her mother. I comment to my dad that even I can sing better than that and he agrees. Then the judges totally destroy her and also attack her mother for not having been truthful and telling her daughter she sucked. She says she thought she should always encourage her. The girl is confused, she really believes she is talented. In the end, the mother makes a sweet statement showing her unconditional support to her daughter and everybody cries, even my dad, but he leaves to hide the tears.
      Then my immortal beloved comes out of nowhere and is also there commenting the music. He takes me to another room, where we are alone. But he looks very cool and distant, just talking about musical technicalities. I don't understand what's up and I am completely fixated in his eyes, trying to read his real thoughts. He starts blushing and stuttering. I realize I broke the barrier. I take two steps towards him. Don't do anything besides being damn close to him and still fixated in his eyes. He tries to go back to a discursive thought but he can't. He just breaks down and leans to kiss me. It is magical how completely vulnerable and lost he appears to be. The kiss is the most realistic one I've experienced in my dreams with him so far.
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