Okay, still working on not splitting on the past. More actively praying on it. Last thing I wanna do is have Jamie come back into my life, and on a bad day, drag her through the mud of the past. That could be abusive. So, I am working hard on it. We're dealing with years of looking at her one way. This is NOT easy at all. I'm like: la dee da, today at work, but later on - I'm thinking about the past again. Imaging myself in those situations again, and playing out being more stern with her and this and that. Her voice had to tell me to stop it because she apparently senses when I do this. I apologize of course. It's just where my mind goes sometimes, it's really hard to control. But I am actively trying to work on it. Dreams: Quickly binge watched "Wanda Vision". I honestly don't care for MCU stuff. It's pretty much what I watch when nothing else is on the streaming services that I like. But, I found this series a lot of fun. Hard to understand without the context of the movies tho. Dreams seemed related to what I was watching. Jamie 1 I'm in Wanda Vision. I'm looking down the street. It's black and white like the first two episodes. I look down the street and see Jamie down the street, looking like she in the 50's. She just walks out of a house and looks inside the mailbox. Dream fades. Jamie 2 In Wanda Vision again. Black and white still. It's raining. I'm trying to help a guy stuck under a manhole or something. Jamie flies down wearing a super hero outfit. Spandex and everything. She says, "Hi, I'm Captain Booty Cheeks, would you like some ASS-istance?" She's grinning as she says this. The shock of this wakes me up. Girl would have made a killing as a 90's porn director. For real. Also, Real Jamie reading my sex dream entries of her be like : 👁️👄👁️ Must be really embarASSing for her to read. You, think that's bad, you should hear what her voice does with practically every song that gets stuck in my head. I will never hear REO Speedwagon the same... She did do the Chick-fil-A sauce, stuff in my dreams months ago because it was stuck in my head, Right? Right? Jamie 3 Longer dream I can't remember much of the beginning. I was walking downtown in some generic city. Wound up at a bar apparently with some karaoke. Someone hands me a microphone but with no music track. I try to sing something but it doesn't sound good. Some Asian girl ( Jamie, but I keep seeing her wrong in dreams for some reason.) sits down on my lap. But more right on where my D is. I finish.... The song. And we both go by the bar. Jamie is saying something but her voice is so quiet. I lean closer to hear but all I make out is something like, "...real boyfriend.." She must have been having a difficulty in speaking dream, where you are trying to speak but you sense your real jaw which is frozen. Making it hard to speak in your dream. She vanishes, so I leave. I'm walking back to where I live. I briefly wonder why I didn't bring my car (failed RC). Because walking kind of sucks. The sidewalk goes strange. Some tiles are missing and filled with water. I avoid those. Next is a drop , The only way down is a metal ladder covered in ice... Great. But I somehow make it down. At the bottom is the Asian girl (Jamie) again. I still don't recognize her as Jamie. She taps me on the shoulder and says, " You're my boyfriend, my REAL boyfriend." I'm still not recognizing her as Jamie. I think about saying, or I might have said, " I already have a girlfriend." Still not getting it, but I wake up. Her voice does say to me out relationship feels real. I have been asking her for this past week to please tell me in a dream the same thing to confirm. I believe she just did. Jamie 4 I'm in my Bowden house. But it's facing 2A for some reason. I look out the window and see Jamie driving by in a brown SUV. She nervously looks my way quickly and drives away. Concert I'm in some football stands at some event. Like waiting for a concert. I notice Weird Al behind me. We start having a conversation. I ask him how his new tour is going? He says great, I hope to see you there. Then he starts making all these strange predictions about me. Like I'm going to meet Sally and learn to be a crochet master or something. I'm thinking if he's trying to be a psychic, he must be terrible at it. I'm not into these things at all. Then I realize He's not being serious at all. He's just joking around, because He's Weird Al..