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    1. Tickets here! Anyone?, Fable

      by , 10-20-2010 at 06:16 AM (Zerk's DJ)
      10-19-10, non-lucid, multiple dreams

      My sister Emily, My foreign exchange student Liang and I somehow all got chosen to sell tickets and this sort of weird... aquarium. This was the type of place that parents lovved to take their kids to as a fun weekend thing. We all had to sell the tickets outside of the building and once the tickets were bought the customers were allowed inside. We didn't have any cashregisters or phanny packs to put the money in so we had to use our own money to give change to the customers. Their was a huge line and all of us were very busy. One very rude lady started distracting me and trying to have a conversation. In my peripheral vision I noticed a man and his son sneaking into the aquarium! Immediately I knew this woman was the mans wife and they were trying to sneak into the building for free. After persistent begging and trying to sneak in they finally gave up. ( if this was real life I would have easily let them in! ) At the end of the day Emily gave up 200 dollars in change and I only gave up 40 somehow.

      The next thing I know Liang and I are in my car in my old church parking lot. Except...he is driving? I'm very scared because in China I know he isn't old enough to drive and I'm sure he has no experience. After maybe five minutes of driving we ended up passing my dad who is just exiting a coffee shop. Somehow my dad doesn't see us and I somehow regain control of my car. After that the song Surfing USA came on the radio and as we driving we passed a bunch of beach boy scenery. As we parked and started to walk into My house Liangs cell phone went off in the car! I rushed back to the car like it was some sort of huge emergency and answered it. His parents were speaking chinese to me and I had no idea what was happening. Finally after plenty of gibberish and confusing I heard " talk to you tomorrow" and then they hung up.
      As the phone call ended so did my dream.


      I walked into my basement to find a bunch of black men playing poker and smoking cigars. I decided to ignore them and walk to my room. As i'm passing them one of them says, "Quit wasting your life!" I don't know why but this really got to me. I went back and confronted this man. After a very good conversation I figured out he was 25 years old and we both loved video games. Eventually he apologized for telling me I was wasting my life which was my main goal. I started to talk him about how my life was like the video game fable. He didn't understand so I took the little piece of paper in the video game case that explains the controls out. But instead of being that piece of paper it was a deceivingly big map. I rolled it open and it probably ended up about being 2 or 3 feet in length. It had very intricate detail about the fable world and how complex it was. How every area has it owns science to it. Some how the whole entire world had something in common. It also had a hidden design that brought the map together. After showing him this map we parted ways and I could tell that me and this 25 year old black man would be friends for life.
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