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    1. Dream Journal Day 56: Saturday 29.05.2024

      by , 10-06-2024 at 11:26 AM
      I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was.

      I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside.

      I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here.

      Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more.

      When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling.

      I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter.

      This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...
    2. Lucid Library (DV Winter Competition Night 7)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 06:42 PM (The book of mars)
      WBTB, back to sleep...

      I enter a dream. I'm at a library, in a city, maybe Seattle? There's guards who pat me down, but then let some others in. Why? Oh, they're regulars.
      I go in. I'm walking the shelves when I remember books! Books is a dream sign - yes! Is this a faint visualization? No, it's a dream!
      I look to the shelves, so excited, and pull a big book out. Large format. It's a symbology book, all the symbols from some ancient culture. Fuck yeah. Each symbol is created using two or three stick-like figures, but someone has gone in and used pencil to make them all doing obscene things like smoking and fucking. OK then. I put it back; the shelf was ILLs.
      I'll go upstairs to the fiction section. I have an idea that this library is an amalgam of two that I know IWL, maybe Seattle and somewhere else, but this is a false dream memory really.
      The place is super busy. Lots of folks, and seems like a class of kids as well. I look around, trying to find exactly what I want. Cool short stories. But where's the fiction? So much garbage, non fiction, Christan-themed children's books (though the cover was so cool in memory…) I'm low lucid, because I would be delving into any of this had I my full memory. Oh, well.
      I find a tiny shelf of some fiction on an end cap. One of the books is an old mystery writer short story collection, but a massive gilded cicada has bored a hole in each book. I yell "Staff? Any staff?!" and someone comes over with a black knit cap on. (Again, low level lucid, or I'd have loved to speak to any of the many DCs here..) I tell him about the books. He seems like he's seen this before and thanks me.
      Something about Chase being here.
      Tags: books, library, lucid
    3. Competition Night 10

      by , 06-12-2023 at 03:05 AM

      Mostly fragments from last night. I took some diphenhydramine (the generic form of Benadryl) to help me sleep and to take care of some allergies. I seemed to be rather knocked out, although I’ve done that before and still had decent dream time.


      (1) At a church. I want to avoid someone (maybe one of the pastors?). My cousin is another pastor at this church, and as I go around the building to one of the doors people start coming out, including my cousin. We greet each other. He has some beard or something going down to his chest...

      (2) Back at the house we lived in several years ago. I look out the window and see my nephew (who is 8) drive in in a red SUV. He gets to the corner of the house where the driveway turns to go behind the house, but gets stuck. I stand there watching while he gets out and tries to push the vehicle by himself. Then I think maybe I should at least try to help. We push the car into a garage that is now next to the car...

      (3) Something about a little girl falling down. Maybe hitting her head on the wall. I think I try to comfort her, or keep her from crying...

      (4) Something about tinkering inside of a computer. There are brackets to hold wires in place. I feel as though Servalan shows up around here somewhere...

      (5) My mother and perhaps other family member(s) are visiting the lab I work in. My mother says something about how it doesn’t appear that my robot is very complex...

      (6) In a library. I go looking for a book. I might also feel a bit creeped out for some reason, as though I’m thinking of scary things and find myself there alone. I come across a service desk and some other people...
    4. Saturday, July 16

      by , 08-01-2022 at 12:35 AM
      I am walking up to a library with the intent to apply for a job. It looks like a library in an elementary or high school. I think I’ve just been with Melissa, going over my resume or application. I walk up to the counter. There are a few quiet employees; a younger middle aged man comes over to me after a moment. I had felt confident, but now I just feel like I’m stumbling over my words. I mention that I’d like to apply for a job. Nonplussed, he asks why I think I’d be good for this job. I tell him something to the effect of me always being in and good at customer service. Now looking slightly amused, he hints that that’s all this job is. I hand over my resume. It’s written in pencil on notebook paper, and there is some awareness that it really isn’t a good look.
      Tags: job, library
    5. Wednesday, March 30

      by , 05-18-2022 at 07:45 PM
      I am driving to ---. The area seems fairly empty, like it’s not school hours. As I approach, it’s been so long that I forget which side is student parking. I guess it doesn’t really matter, as I’m just a guest. I end up parking on the side that I now remember is staff parking. I hesitate, but there are plenty of empty spaces. I’m now getting out of the backed-in car, except it is a rolling office chair. I guess I don’t find this odd, rolling it back into the far corner of this edge spot. Now I’m in the school and it is empty. Jessica from work is now here and we pass by the library. The door is cracked and I peek in, reliving some of my time here. The lights are off and I want to go in, but Jessica does not. I then see some guy moving slightly around in there, so we do not go in. Now, we are in a smaller, dim room. It seems to be a bathroom. There is just a window and an inset tub. Julia is now here and they’re both down to their underwear and in the tub. They want me to get in, but I hesitate. Finally, I strip down to my black boxers, self conscious of how my penis is sticking up a bit in them. Just as I’m about to get in, Jessica gets out. This irritates me because she was just asking for me to get in.
    6. White Crustaceans & Lobsterpocalypse

      by , 12-31-2021 at 06:31 PM
      2 minute 28 second read.

      White Crustaceans

      From Friday, 31 December 2021

      Dream #: 20,101-04 (Last dream of last morning of 2021)

      In an unknown location, I climb the side of a mountain in daylight with little effort. The view is beautiful as I see valleys and gorges under a blue sky.

      After ascending a slope (and “walking with intent”), I arrive on flat ground and see small white crabs walking several inches apart in a line (as if marching with a human-like essence). I am unwary as the scene begins to seem silly.

      A former Nazi concentration camp appears in an illogical elevated location on the other side of a barbed-wire fence. It seems abandoned. Areas between the groups of equidistant buildings are illogically too narrow.

      Lobsterpocalypse (Re-titled)

      From Friday, 3 November 1972

      Dream #: 2,146-09

      Small white lobsters threaten human civilization, but my dream mainly implies people have to secure their homes and not go outside for a year or two. The area is undefined except for an unfamiliar library, a vacant field, a deep narrow gorge, and distant mountains.

      The library is the only building in the narrative. I do not otherwise see evidence of a town. My dream self perceives the location as being in Florida, even though Florida does not have such landmarks as high mountains and deep gorges.

      I explore the vacant field. Here and there, I see circular holes in the ground as if made for a barbecue. Piles of small white lobsters fill most of the shallow recesses. I am uncertain if they are alive. Someone might have cooked them. There is a vague feeling of nausea, but not predominant.

      Tina L_____ (a girl from my school about my age) is at the unrecognized public library where I am. There is an implied fear at times, but it feels like we are pretending as I also perceive my dream’s narrative as a movie in progress. She pretends to have an Australian or British accent at times.

      A few small white lobsters emerge from between books on the shelves. Most are at about chest level.

      We need to leave the library and escape from the region because more will supposedly arrive. No one expresses any concern. They remain seated at tables or look for books on the shelves.

      We will be “safer than anyone else” by taking a particular route. However, as we quickly walk easterly over the vacant field, our progress is halted by a deep narrow gorge. I see a raging river far below, but only barely visible because of the depth. Concern fades at this point as I choose to wake myself.

      My dream narratives primarily develop from familiar physiological causality but often include choices on what my dreaming experience will feature, with or without what people claim is “lucidity.”

      Crabs and lobsters typically imply associations with my somatosensory phasing response to REM atonia when navigating the illusions of dreaming. The circumstances vary, from intuitively knowing I cannot maneuver my fingers (or toes) while sleeping (associations with a crustacean claw) to anticipated sensations relating to my hands. Coins occur far more often during this process (as I often intuitively summon them to vivify and sustain a dream), but an animal nibbling my fingers may also occur when protoconsciousness is predominant.

      Vestibular-motor sensations are the predominant factor of causality, including flying (every sleep cycle since before I could read or write), slope navigation, navigating elevated spaces - and seeing a gorge or illogically low-set feature (such as a street far below a curb).

      Both REM atonia (natural paralysis while sleeping), “drop anticipation” (with or without REM myoclonus), and the feeling my dream is ending influence narratives and outcomes.

      Updated 05-25-2022 at 10:25 AM by 1390 (Enhancements and grammar)

      lucid , memorable
    7. 17 Dec: Penniless in Brussels, looking for work at a univeristy

      by , 12-17-2021 at 07:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In Brussels, penniless and in pijamas on the street for some reason. I take the subway without a ticket. I just need to travel a couple stations to one where there is a public restroom I can use, but I come across a ticket fiscal and I exit abruptly in the wrong station. I don't risk going back, so I decide to walk.
      Meet some folks at a park, one is my old school colleague Ana S. and she invites me to join them. Some guy is trying hypnosis on her, but she is not cooperating. Another person tells me she is highly anxious and this way she can't be healed. Apparently she has a problem with a horse that doesn't allow her to ride it and it is something with her that needs to be balanced so the horse will accept her. They offer me to come along with them on a boat ride down a river. They drop some dude at a university and I feel interested in joining him. I wonder if I can just drop by and look for work opportunities there. My friends provided me with some stuff and now I am carrying a trolley with a few items inside.
      At the university, walking down a hall, I spot a small department library which must be related to men's reproductive health, because the sides of the shelves are all shaped like penises and it is hilarious. I take a couple photos with a phone I now have and some idiots come by complaining that I am not respecting the privacy and right to image protection of the people inside the library. I explain that I am only photographing the dicks, yet they still bother me. I go away and pass by the cafeteria. I am so hungry and I need a coffee and I am glad they have very cheap prices, like coffee for 35 cts and nice cakes and a variety of weird sandwiches. They also sell something weird like a hot dog but the sausages are not served whole, they are cut in slices, dipped in different sauces and then spread on a weird bread. The sauce's flavors are awful, like mint, cranberries, strawberry and I just can't find one I would consider edible.
    8. Ambiguous Spirals

      by , 11-05-2021 at 11:07 PM (Night Vision)
      I’m in a library, doing research for a school assignment. While I’m still not sure what materials I’ll need for it, I figure it would be a good idea to get some likely books since I happen to be here anyway. The assignment seems to involve music, specifically the composer Borodin, so I return to a shelf on the floor directly above the ground one where I had been earlier in the dream. About all I can remember of that earlier part was listening to a song with a couple other people, including my aunt. It had a heartbreakingly beautiful ending, but when I asked my aunt for a translation from the Russian, the text turned out to be a rather banal folk song about two mice.

      Anyway, once I get there, I pull a book from the shelf and flip it open to an analysis – probably a violin part, in either D or E. A very simplified reduction shows the staff with the I note, the IV and V above it a little later on, and then the ii on the octave below. The text explains how the melody avoids these structurally important notes (IV and V) and instead goes in a series of dark, ambiguous spirals that land on the ii each time.

      Tags: library, music
    9. Punching Arnold Schwarzenegger in a Library (plus meanings)

      by , 10-12-2021 at 09:55 AM
      Morning of February 5, 2020. Wednesday.

      Dream #: 19,406-02. Optimized 2 minute read.

      I have a turntable set up in a featureless, unknown location as part of a large console to use commercial music sections in new mixes.

      I become annoyed because, although the music is playing through my headphones, it is also blaring through the speakers, and I do not want to annoy other people in the room. There may be a short or a loose jack. I stuff tissue paper in one input.

      The setting changes. I am in an unfamiliar library. Many other people are here. I now only have a turntable on the floor near a bookcase. Although I am still thinking about mixing music, I notice a group of interesting little books on a shelf.

      They remind me of the vintage Little Blue Books (Haldeman-Julius Publishing Company) I once had, but they seem to be a periodical as there are issue numbers on them, published each week since the 1900s. I read some of the content. On one back page, a couple of sentences are curiously at an angle, overlapping others. I can still read the content regarding 1930s women’s fashion. There are many pages featuring crafts. Two unfamiliar boys intend to sit down while they face the bookcase. They accidentally stumble onto my turntable. I shout at them after they fall and again when I see a crack in the middle of the tonearm. (It is flat and made of cream-colored plastic). I believe they should pay for a new tonearm. A bystander watches me.

      Arnold Schwarzenegger approaches. He commands me to stop yelling at the boys. I spontaneously punch him, and he goes flying backward, all the way to the other side of the library. He transforms into a shoddy black and blue plastic robot that seems like an oversized hollow toy, with limbs that are flat in profile and somewhat skeletal. It lands on its head near a bookcase.

      If you are knowledgeable about dreams, you know that arm swinging is a spontaneous physiological stimulus for emergence from REM atonia (physical immobility while sleeping). Protoconsciousness (here as Arnold Schwarzenegger) induces this response. There is a correlation with the cracked “tonearm,” cleverly directing me to gain muscle tonality and arm mobility for waking.

      My dream’s cerebral phasing stage (seeking and reading text) included vestibular phasing ambiguity (the illogical angles of the superimposed sentences revealing a conflict between my imaginary vertical orientation in my dream and my body’s horizontal position while sleeping).

      Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes an unrealistic robot as in 1984’s movie “The Terminator.” Movie influence is often predominant in my dreams more than associations with real life. Protoconsciousness often personifies as either a celebrity or an unfamiliar person to block associations with waking life from a personal level. The robot’s infeasibility correlates with REM atonia. (Dolls or statues are other indicators of this type of metacognitive awareness.)

      The robot’s colors are an incidental correlation with the phrase “beaten black and blue.”

      Stuffing tissue paper into one input correlates with putting tissue paper in one’s ear to block sound while sleeping.

    10. Diva actor who refuses to shoot, Big Ant-man Mom, cruise, and adult Secrets of Droon book

      by , 07-21-2021 at 05:33 AM
      I had several dreams the other night.

      The first one all I can remember is Mom somehow became "big" (like Captain America Civil war "big" Aunt man size) but once it started to rain she became "normal" size again In the next dream something about a cruise being headed in the wrong direction. All I can rememer is the end being tied up. That leads to my third dream I was in something that looked like my church- in previous dreams about what looked like my church it was the "upper hall" but in this case it was the basement/lower hall. There were cameras in the basement (We were filiming something) don't know what it was. But apperently I was an actor whose character was tied up. I'm not sure what happened but someone (a bigger actor then me because of the way she was acting) was upset about something and then went back into what's in real life during what would be Bible camp (this week) would be the "drama room". In this dream I got the impression that my dream-self was the only one who could calm her down. So the director called "cut" (since without the other person we can't continue filming) and I got out of the ropes and went into the "Drama room" it looked like the inside of a dressing room of a star actor. And the only people in the room at the time were the "big actor", me and some make-up artists? And at first I asked what was wrong (the actor was crying) but she refused to say anything. But I said instead (since I know she loves food) and it was almost noon in-dream world "Let's get lunch" and said it several times. I started moving towards the other door. But I never did found out weather or not she followed me or not.

      Now the last dream is a bit complicated since it involved characters from a book series I haven't picked up in ages. It called Secrets of Droon. In the dream, I'm one of the three "Earth kids" .. I don't know which one I am and also we aren't kids anymore but adults. Somehow we ended back up in Droon after leaving it years ago. We have to defeat a baddie of some kind. And at the end they talk to their friend Keeah who was the princess but now she's Queen and married to boot. And the "husband" (who doesn't exisit as a character in the books)-is kind of henpecked by Keeah. And their wizard friend Galen is a bit more unstable then he used to be. Anyway the scene changes and I'm llike myself in a library and holding a book and when I look at the back of the book it gives me a blurb of "Eric, Neal and Julie found themsleves back in Droon as adults years after they last left" and the dream ended there.
    11. 13 Jul: Lucid surreal stuff, chased by Darth Vader into tunnel, college field trip

      by , 07-13-2021 at 03:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice.
      There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me.
      Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it.
      Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat.

      There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down.

      Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike).
      We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't.
      We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason.
      I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
    12. cclxi. PCB work, Library, Blueberry tart

      by , 05-05-2021 at 02:08 AM
      28th April 2021


      Spoiler for short explicit fragment:


      Repairing a circuit board but the solder is a vivid cobalt blue and the soldering iron is magnetic which annoys me because it frequently moves away against my will. I don't do too well anyway. I have to go across some traces but I'm not sure which ones and find myself wanting an original board for a side-by-side comparison so I can know what I'm doing.


      AH is alive. We're in a library? It's dark and there are some computers too, I think. The shelves and furniture are all dark wood stain.

      AH looks much younger, younger than me, even.


      Blueberry tart thing which some guy makes over at a cafe in L. This guy is a young chef, pretty stereotypical look for a white male of his age of that area. H is with me at some point, I think I become excited about the food?


      - I have recently seen AH's profile be online, this has confused me and I haven't attempted to communicate with whoever is using it. I have some sort of apprehension about it because I'm afraid of it actually being AH, which I know would lead to me ultimately feeling betrayed and deceived, again.

      - In the first fragment, my first thought after recalling was that the three fluids in question are inseparable parts of what it means to be a living being of our complexity.
      -- The requirement of satisfying basic needs is something that has always both bothered me and intrigued me in some sense. I have often wished that these mortal aspects did not have to be a part of our existence as conscious beings, but part of me also knows that a lot of meaning is/can be derived from the needs of survival.

      - Come to think of it, it's curious the blueberry tart involves blue and the solder was a essentially a vivid blue, too. I am not sure right now of what significance it has at the moment.
    13. 25 Feb: Almost abducted, injured at the hospital

      by , 02-25-2021 at 08:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Visiting some island and something is off. I am heading to the local library and the streets are deserted. When I get to the library, I am almost kidnapped by aliens. I hide behind the shelves but they kinda mock me saying they can see me using infrareds. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, She takes me to a decontamination shower saying that I got radiation because I contacted with the aliens. Then she takes me to an area not yet taken by the aliens and she reaches out to the police.

      My foot hurts but I still go on a trip to the US with some friends. One of them is doing a documentary about the health system and takes us all to a hospital to inquire about costs. We use my own case to ask how much they'd charge for an appointment and right away they ask for $1000 just for just a blanket to wrap me up as I await consultation. I then show my foot to a doctor and it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and my veins are red and popping. I am freaking out that I can't afford treatment but also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "What? I think I just broke a bone."

      Again at a doctor office, but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it, but at the waiting room. I do it, but then spot some old pervert trying to film it on his phone. I yell and take his phone away but other people are sympathetic with the old man, who claims he was just messaging his family.

      Updated 04-14-2021 at 09:20 PM by 34880

    14. 18 Feb: Big house, forensic research, friend workplace

      by , 02-18-2021 at 10:32 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Riverstone is showing the house to his professor and I haven't met him yet because the house is big. Actually, some 4 floors, including a whole restaurant on ground floor. I realize the professor is leaving and they are at the restaurant, so I go down there. He asks me how I am and I complain that I hardly have time to visit parts of this house, let alone clean it, but I need to work on the computer to make a living. When he leaves, I look at the restaurant and think "why don't we rent it to someone?" Really good idea, but then I wonder "Wait, when did we buy this house?" And I realize it is only a dream.
      But I lose my train of thought to some story about a murder of a kid in a medieval town.
      There was a couple who used very incipient forensic techniques to investigate crimes and they were trying to investigate this case, but the mostly ignorant people thought they were actually serial killers with a fetish for corpses and didn't understand their observations and collection of evidences and samples. One day a mob attacked their carriage and they died stupidly. I am sitting at a library table, reading about these stories and I am disturbed by a guy who is sitting too close to me on the bench that runs along the table length. I ask him please to move away and he behaves irrationally, keeps harassing me. Then he farts. So then I decide to do the same to him and start moving closer and pushing him away from the bench until he almost falls to the ground, and he gets pissed and goes away. Some kid passing by sees all my forensics books and goes ask an adult what the hell is taxidermy and why I am studying those disgusting things. I feel them looking at me with the same type of incomprehension I believe that couple from the past probably experienced.
      Then I visit a friend who just started working at some food processing plant or big supermarket with food processing. She is sleep deprived and something happened that she was scolded for and she is crying. But a couple colleagues come to praise her, aware that she is working overtime as she is replacing two other people who left. So they also get teary while thanking her for actually having brought some relief to them, who were previously taking up that workload. I feel bad for them, because I work from home, make my own schedule and sit on the computer and definitely don't go through that level of stress and exhaustion. I tell them I wouldn't trade places with them, and it comes out not the way I intended, so they give me a blank stare, but then they admit they could not do my job and it is what it is.
    15. 4 Oct: Stories around actors and actresses

      by , 10-04-2020 at 08:12 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection

      I accidentally get cast for the pilot episode of some tv show. It goes well but the whole team finds out some illegality from the studio or producers and take them to court. We win the legal battle and get a millionaire compensation. But the whole project is disbanded and started from scratch by a new team and a new cast. We meet the new cast and it is full of legends, living and dead, like John Wayne.

      An article on a magazine about this portuguese actress who is a fascist and everybody hates. It says she got rich from selling some ideas to television or something, but I get insider info that she might have committed fraud and some person wants to show me the proof. My cousin João M. is driving me in a car along my friend Vera, my aunt Lisa and someone else. We stop at a club right after the exit of a highway to meet this person who is then taking us along in its own car. João asks his mom to let him stay at the club while we go wherever we're going, but she says "no way". We tell her to let him, because he is almost a man and he needs to grow up, but we also warn him about the dangers and tell him to keep an eye, particularly on cougars who might hit on him.

      With a study group at a library, one of the girls looks exactly like Emilia Clarke and I tell her that she'll be famous in the future. Everybody looks at me with strangeness and I tell them not to freak out ,but that I know stuff that will happen in the future and know that she will be the main character of a famous tv series that will be on the air for years. The girl first thinks I am insane but then starts liking the idea. But then I remember to ask her name and she is called Sofia Alves and I am like "oops". So then not to give her false expectations I tell her I am kidding and that she is actually just the doppelgänger of that actress. But now she doesn't believe me as she is totally convinced I was telling the truth at first and she doesn't want the fantasy destroyed.
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