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    1. Futuristic Space Colony Feels the Wraith of Killing my Loved Ones

      by , 11-02-2012 at 07:09 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      Desolate Land spreads as far as we can see, but we've sustained somehow, and have a little group of survivors. In fact, Somewhat famous for dealing with other Survivors that do harm or threaten others. Average day out, when something we've never seen before comes from the sky. A space station of some sort, Metal, Grey, With Giant Glass Windows all over it. It has Giant Rocket Like things on joints on the bottoms that enable it to lift and fly. It comes down landing right in front of where we are. People come out blasting, I'm thrown off guard that such a thing is controlled and used by humans. I get blasted by a blue bolt of Electric Like stuff that paralysis me and brings me down. I black out...

      I wake up strapped down to a chair. Everyone from the campsite is chained up and being hung, from the torso twenty yard in front of me. Their then being blasted by gunshots and I start to break from my chains. They all die. I go into a rage. Snapping the guards neck to my right and then using the others gun to shoot himself. The Two Guards guarding the door run through it. Leaving it locked behind them. I look to the wall to the right of the door, left of the way the chair was facing, and see guns placed in a holder. I walk up and grab some SubMachine Guns throwing the straps over my shoulders, grabbing a double pistol hip holster, and some sort of grenade launcher. Alarms start going off. I turn to the door and send a grenade from the launcher that way. The blast blows the door off, killing and/or knocking down a gathering of soldiers on the other side, I come through Shooting the guards trying to get up with a pistol. As I pass the last one I grab a replacement pistol from the guy, put it in my holster and then I grab a shotgun. I have no destination but I'm walking determinedly in a rage, blasting anyone that gets in my way with the shotgun. Eventually a door slides open in front of me. and I see all the windows that were in the front of the ship. There is one guy, standing in front of a control panel. I raise the shotgun and fire, but its empty. the guy then turns to see me... He doesn't look like a normal guy, more robotic, then I realise that he is hooked up by long wires from his finger tips... I pull up a pistol and blast him in the face... He smiles like its nothing and some soldiers come running in through doors on the left and right. I pull the other pistol out and start blasting them as they run in... Eventually I notice that their are too many and I'm being over run. I then pull out my smgs and start blasting the windows. I see clouds outside, so its not really a space ship so much as a moveable station in the sky. The glass shatters sucking us all back. As I come by the man hooked to the panel I see he is still hanging by the cords coming out of his finger tips. I grab his shoulders as I fall past. I look around, all the henchmen are gone, but I see the ship is still flying fine. I look up at the cords. I climb a lil bit up the guy and start to rip the cords from his finger tips. once I get to the last two we rip free. we get sucked out the windows. as were flying I see the ship going down with us, flipping end over end. As I'm rushing toward the ground and my death I'm happy, knowing I avenged my loved ones, with self sacrifice.
    2. fragmented

      by , 01-08-2011 at 09:12 PM
      first fragmet:
      I am in a stone maze. The walls are grey, I can see each individual brick. Shadows show where one brick ends and another begins. There is no ceiling. Three left tuns are available, but no right. I cannot see what i look like. The dream is in a first person point of view...
      second fragment:
      Still in maze... but now i have only one way to go. Through a tall reflective golden gate. The top row of stones arches over the speat tipped top of the gate. Can still see each individual stone. There is only sky on the outside of the gate... Still in first person...
      third fragment:
      I am now on the other side of the gate. I am at a marble dock. In every opening there is a ship with the same color scheme as the dock- white center, gold trim. There are no ropes, anchors, nor poles or tires to hold the ships or keep them from bumping the docks. All of the ships are the exact same. I turn to face the gate, which has closed and locked. As i turn i hear an ominus voice say something about Hell overrunning the earth. I can't tell exactly what the voice says...
      fragment i don't know where to place:
      A close up of two faces against the same sky background as the rest of the dream. the faces have the image quality and look of the final fantasy game Crystal Bearers. the face on my right is of a girl with bluish/purple hair, and eyes that look blue. the face on the left i cannot see well enough to describe...
      Then i wake.