The competition begins on Saturday, January 24th, at 8 PM YOUR time (wherever you are.)
The competition will end on Saturday, February 7th, at 8 PM.
Honor system: Be honest and trust others to be honest
Lucid dreams must be posted in your dream journal on DV with link posted here to count (if you don't want to post it because of sensitive matters or anything like that, then you can PM it to me)
Dreams must be lucid for Dream Control, DV Extra Tasks, Team Tasks, Enemy Tasks, or Three-Step Tasks to count
Total team scores will be averaged out at the end of the competition, based on the number of team members. The team with the highest average score wins!
Upper League - Expert
Middle League - Intermediate
Lower League - Beginner
Induction and Recall
In order for you to get points for an LD, you need to write it in your DJ on DV and post the link here.
Remember a Fragment - ½ point
Remember a Full Dream - 1 point
First DILD of the Night - 10 points
Subsequent DILDs - 5 points
First WILD of the Night - 10 points
Subsequent WILDs - 5 points
Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD
Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points
Return to a lucid dream after a brief awakening mid-LD
WBTB (success or failure) - 2 points (Only counts once per night)
Dream Control Tasks
Unlimited points for Dream Control!
Each task can be completed once per dream/chain.
Advanced versions of tasks earn points instead of basic versions, not in addition.
Basic Tasks
Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
Flying - 4 points
Telekinesis - 4 points
Super Strength - 4 points
Super Speed - 4 points
Basic Summoning - 4 points (summoning from the pocket / making someone appear from around the corner/behind.
+5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)
Gain Invulnerability - 4 points (must test to prove, eg. jump off a cliff)
Eat Something - 4 points
Object/DC Changing - 4 points (fully change object or DC into different object/DC.
+5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)
Push your hand through a solid object - 4 points (note: 'pushing finger through hand' RC does not count)
Partial Transformation - 4 points
Use an Electronic Device - 4 points (doesn't have to work, just try)
Unspecified Dream Control (any powers not listed here) - 3 points
Advanced Tasks
Change Gravity - 6 points (doesn't have to be for everything, at least one object)
Teleport - 7 points
Element Manipulation - 8 points
Fully Phase through Big Solid Object - 8 points (eg. the wall, keep your eyes open)
Advanced Flying - 10 points (flying at high speed / into space)
Advanced Summoning - 10 points (make something/someone appear right in your direct view / summon something larger than human-size)
+5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)
Advanced Object/DC Changing - 10 points (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)
Mass Telekinesis - 10 points (use telekinesis on 5+ objects at the same time, or one enormous object - something that can't be lifted in waking life)
Time Control - 10 points (speeding up/slowing down/stopping time intentionally)
Full Transformation - 10 points
DreamViews Extra Tasks
The status for each task will either be "complete" or "incomplete", so there is no reason to complete any twice.
You can complete more than one DV Extra Task per dream.
Tasks include:
Task of the Month (January February)
Task of the Year (2015)
Lucid Dares (Choose an 'Anyone' dare, or a dare that has been assigned to you.)
Complete 1 - 10 points
Complete 2 - 20 points
Complete 3 - 30 points
Challenge Tasks
There will be one Challenge Task each week. The second task will be announced at the end of Week 1.
Points for each challenge can only be claimed once.
Week 2:
The theme of this week's task will be based around your team.
Pirates: Find a ninja shrine and steal their sacred ninja scrolls.
Ninjas: Find a pirate ship and steal their awesome pirate's booty.
Montagues and Capulets:
Choose between
Attend the Capulet ball and fall in love with Romeo or Juliet.
Defeat your rival in a sword duel. If you're Capulet, defeat Romeo. If you're Montague, defeat Tybalt.
Beatles: Ask a DC to sing a line of their favorite Beatles song. Report their response.
Stones: Ask a DC to sing a line of their favorite Rolling Stones song. Report their response.
Three-Step Tasks
Choose 3 different Dream Control Tasks from the list above, excluding RC/Stabilization.
Pick any of the Dream Control Tasks
Last task must be an Advanced Dream Control Task
All 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks
Tasks must be completed in order.
Multiple tasks can be completed in one dream, but they can also be completed in separate dreams.
You may change tasks at any time, even if you are on task 2 or 3, as long as your updated task choices are posted before the night you complete them.
If you choose to include an Unspecified Dream Control task, describe your task here in advance.
In addition to receiving points for the Dream Control task, you will also receive bonus points:
Complete first chosen task - 5 points
Complete second chosen task - 10 points
Complete third chosen task - 15 points
Team Tasks
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
Meet a teammate - 7 points (once per dream/chain)
Meet another teammate in the same dream/chain - 3 points (once per dream/chain)
Show your teammate a previous dream (in-dream)* - 10 points
Have a teammate take you somewhere from a previous dream of theirs* - 10 points
Have a teammate teach you something* - 10 points
Enemy Tasks
Enemies are opposition members from your own league.
Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.
Meet an enemy - 5 points (once per dream/chain)
Meet another enemy in the same dream/chain - 3 points (once per dream/chain)
Fight an enemy* - 10 points (+10 points if it is a pillow fight)
Fight one or more enemies with your teammate(s)* - 20 points (+10 points if it is a pillow fight)
Convert your enemy to an ally* - 10 points (enemy must start out hostile)
Convert multiple enemies to allies in the same dream/chain* 20 points (enemies must start out hostile)
Personal Tasks
New Personal Tasks can be completed unlimited times.
You must post the DJ of the task to claim points.
You can change tasks at any time.
You can only have one lucid task or incubation listed at a time.
Must be a task or incubation that you have not completed in a lucid dream before.
Lucid Task - 15 points
Choose your own task to complete in a lucid dream.
Incubation Task - 15 points
Choose a person, place, thing, or theme that you want to see in a dream and try to incubate it.
Dream Journal Points
Points will be awarded at the end of the competition for posting comments in other contestants Dream Journals. Only DJ entries containing dreams from the competition are included.
Only one comment per DJ entry will earn points (a conversation on the same entry will still count as one.)
1 point will be awarded for every 5 DJ comments.
Add these up for yourself as you go. If you dont understand, I can walk you through it.
This is just a little kick to get people posting in Dream Journals. I feel a lot better about writing in a DJ knowing that people are going to read and comment on it; I am sure others feel like I do. It isn't worth many points because this is a dreaming competition, but it could add a few bonus points to your final score.
When posting comments in a DJ, it is helpful to "like" the entry so that the member will get a notification on DV. You should also like any comments on your DJ when you read/respond to them, so that people know you have seen it.
Make sure you read the dreams so you can make a comment with some substance (more than a quick one-word comment.)
If you have the points to spend, you can bet up to 5 points each day that you will have a lucid dream that night.
If you do have a lucid dream that night, you will earn 5 points!
If you do not have a lucid dream that night, you must deduct 5 points from your current total score.
This is to get you more confident in your feeling of knowing that you are going to lucid dream. I hear a lot of you say, I know I am gonna lucid dream tonight! Well then, bet on it!
Now what?
Post your task choices for each of the following:
Three-Step Task
Personal Goal
Personal Incubation
Keep track of your nightly scores and post your updates/subtotals here when you can.
Have fun everyone, and good luck!