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    Thread: Sensei's Super Competition of Absolute Awesomeness!

    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
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      Sensei's Super Competition of Absolute Awesomeness!

      The competition begins on Saturday, January 24th, at 8 PM YOUR time (wherever you are.)
      The competition will end on Saturday, February 7th, at 8 PM.

      • Honor system: Be honest and trust others to be honest
      • Lucid dreams must be posted in your dream journal on DV with link posted here to count (if you don't want to post it because of sensitive matters or anything like that, then you can PM it to me)
      • Dreams must be lucid for Dream Control, DV Extra Tasks, Team Tasks, Enemy Tasks, or Three-Step Tasks to count


      Total team scores will be averaged out at the end of the competition, based on the number of team members. The team with the highest average score wins!

      Upper League - Expert

      • AnotherDreamer
      • blobularwindmil
      • dolphin
      • fogelbise

      • Nfri
      • PercyLucid
      • Sensei

      Middle League - Intermediate

      • Ctharlhie
      • FryingMan
      • Ginsan
      • MrPriority
      • Nightfeather
      • SammyTheSnake
      • spellbee2

      • KestrelKat
      • LouaiB
      • lucidmats
      • OneUp
      • Pickman
      • StaySharp

      Lower League - Beginner

      • Antoia
      • Individual
      • JoannaB

      • bemistaken
      • KonchogTashi
      • sprada


      Induction and Recall

      In order for you to get points for an LD, you need to write it in your DJ on DV and post the link here.

      • Remember a Fragment - ½ point

      • Remember a Full Dream - 1 point

      • First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Subsequent DILDs - 5 points

      • First WILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Subsequent WILDs - 5 points
      Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD

      • Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points
      Return to a lucid dream after a brief awakening mid-LD

      • WBTB (success or failure) - 2 points (Only counts once per night)

      Dream Control Tasks

      Unlimited points for Dream Control!
      Each task can be completed once per dream/chain.
      Advanced versions of tasks earn points instead of basic versions, not in addition.

      Basic Tasks

      • Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point

      • Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points

      • Flying - 4 points

      • Telekinesis - 4 points

      • Super Strength - 4 points

      • Super Speed - 4 points

      • Basic Summoning - 4 points (summoning from the pocket / making someone appear from around the corner/behind.
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)

      • Gain Invulnerability - 4 points (must test to prove, eg. jump off a cliff)

      • Eat Something - 4 points

      • Object/DC Changing - 4 points (fully change object or DC into different object/DC.
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)

      • Push your hand through a solid object - 4 points (note: 'pushing finger through hand' RC does not count)

      • Partial Transformation - 4 points

      • Use an Electronic Device - 4 points (doesn't have to work, just try)

      • Unspecified Dream Control (any powers not listed here) - 3 points

      Advanced Tasks

      • Change Gravity - 6 points (doesn't have to be for everything, at least one object)

      • Teleport - 7 points

      • Element Manipulation - 8 points

      • Fully Phase through Big Solid Object - 8 points (eg. the wall, keep your eyes open)

      • Advanced Flying - 10 points (flying at high speed / into space)

      • Advanced Summoning - 10 points (make something/someone appear right in your direct view / summon something larger than human-size)
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime)

      • Advanced Object/DC Changing - 10 points (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)

      • Mass Telekinesis - 10 points (use telekinesis on 5+ objects at the same time, or one enormous object - something that can't be lifted in waking life)

      • Time Control - 10 points (speeding up/slowing down/stopping time intentionally)

      • Full Transformation - 10 points

      DreamViews Extra Tasks

      The status for each task will either be "complete" or "incomplete", so there is no reason to complete any twice.
      You can complete more than one DV Extra Task per dream.
      Tasks include:

      • Task of the Month (January February)

      • Task of the Year (2015)

      • Lucid Dares (Choose an 'Anyone' dare, or a dare that has been assigned to you.)

      Complete 1 - 10 points
      Complete 2 - 20 points
      Complete 3 - 30 points

      Challenge Tasks

      There will be one Challenge Task each week. The second task will be announced at the end of Week 1.
      Points for each challenge can only be claimed once.

      Spoiler for Week 1:

      Week 2:

      The theme of this week's task will be based around your team.

      Pirates: Find a ninja shrine and steal their sacred ninja scrolls.
      Ninjas: Find a pirate ship and steal their awesome pirate's booty.

      Montagues and Capulets:
      Choose between
      • Attend the Capulet ball and fall in love with Romeo or Juliet.
      • Defeat your rival in a sword duel. If you're Capulet, defeat Romeo. If you're Montague, defeat Tybalt.

      Beatles: Ask a DC to sing a line of their favorite Beatles song. Report their response.
      Stones: Ask a DC to sing a line of their favorite Rolling Stones song. Report their response.

      Three-Step Tasks

      Choose 3 different Dream Control Tasks from the list above, excluding RC/Stabilization.

      Pick any of the Dream Control Tasks

      Last task must be an Advanced Dream Control Task

      All 3 must be Advanced Dream Control Tasks

      Tasks must be completed in order.
      Multiple tasks can be completed in one dream, but they can also be completed in separate dreams.
      You may change tasks at any time, even if you are on task 2 or 3, as long as your updated task choices are posted before the night you complete them.
      If you choose to include an Unspecified Dream Control task, describe your task here in advance.
      In addition to receiving points for the Dream Control task, you will also receive bonus points:

      • Complete first chosen task - 5 points
      • Complete second chosen task - 10 points
      • Complete third chosen task - 15 points

      Team Tasks

      Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.

      • Meet a teammate - 7 points (once per dream/chain)

      • Meet another teammate in the same dream/chain - 3 points (once per dream/chain)

      • Show your teammate a previous dream (in-dream)* - 10 points

      • Have a teammate take you somewhere from a previous dream of theirs* - 10 points

      • Have a teammate teach you something* - 10 points

      Enemy Tasks

      Enemies are opposition members from your own league.
      Asterisks* indicate that points can only be claimed for these tasks once during the competition.

      • Meet an enemy - 5 points (once per dream/chain)

      • Meet another enemy in the same dream/chain - 3 points (once per dream/chain)

      • Fight an enemy* - 10 points (+10 points if it is a pillow fight)

      • Fight one or more enemies with your teammate(s)* - 20 points (+10 points if it is a pillow fight)

      • Convert your enemy to an ally* - 10 points (enemy must start out hostile)

      • Convert multiple enemies to allies in the same dream/chain* 20 points (enemies must start out hostile)

      Personal Tasks

      New Personal Tasks can be completed unlimited times.
      You must post the DJ of the task to claim points.
      You can change tasks at any time.
      You can only have one lucid task or incubation listed at a time.
      Must be a task or incubation that you have not completed in a lucid dream before.

      • Lucid Task - 15 points
      Choose your own task to complete in a lucid dream.

      • Incubation Task - 15 points
      Choose a person, place, thing, or theme that you want to see in a dream and try to incubate it.

      Dream Journal Points

      Points will be awarded at the end of the competition for posting comments in other contestants’ Dream Journals. Only DJ entries containing dreams from the competition are included.
      Only one comment per DJ entry will earn points (a conversation on the same entry will still count as one.)

      • 1 point will be awarded for every 5 DJ comments.

      Add these up for yourself as you go. If you don’t understand, I can walk you through it.

      This is just a little kick to get people posting in Dream Journals. I feel a lot better about writing in a DJ knowing that people are going to read and comment on it; I am sure others feel like I do. It isn't worth many points because this is a dreaming competition, but it could add a few bonus points to your final score.
      When posting comments in a DJ, it is helpful to "like" the entry so that the member will get a notification on DV. You should also “like” any comments on your DJ when you read/respond to them, so that people know you have seen it.
      Make sure you read the dreams so you can make a comment with some substance (more than a quick one-word comment.)


      If you have the points to spend, you can bet up to 5 points each day that you will have a lucid dream that night.
      If you do have a lucid dream that night, you will earn 5 points!
      If you do not have a lucid dream that night, you must deduct 5 points from your current total score.

      This is to get you more confident in your feeling of knowing that you are going to lucid dream. I hear a lot of you say, “I know I am gonna lucid dream tonight!” Well then, bet on it!

      Now what?

      Post your task choices for each of the following:
      Three-Step Task
      Personal Goal
      Personal Incubation

      Keep track of your nightly scores and post your updates/subtotals here when you can.

      Have fun everyone, and good luck!
      Last edited by ~Dreamer~; 02-04-2015 at 08:11 AM.

    2. #2
      Member Achievements:
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      Woo! I'm excited, go pirates

      Good luck everyone!

    3. #3
      Dreamer Achievements:
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      My three tasks:
      Basic Summoning
      Eat Something

      Dream Goal:
      Become a Dragon

      Dream Incubation:
      Taj Mahal

      Question: does the dream incubation count even if one does not get lucid, so in my case any dream of the Taj Mahal? Or is being lucid in the incubated dream a must?

      This looks like fun!
      You may say I'm a dreamer.
      But I'm not the only one
      - John Lennon

    4. #4
      DVA Teacher Achievements:
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      Betting! Sweet, I like that, really focus the energy on a night! (No maximums, though?) Alright Montagues, let's pillow-whack the snot out of the Capulets!

      + interact with a DC
      + fly
      + element manipulation

      Personal Goal: edit: Narrate the dream! (was Teleport)

      Personal incubation: location: flying high in the sky above San Francisco/GG bridge!

      Question: how many points for a *partial* DC transformation?
      Last edited by FryingMan; 01-23-2015 at 05:04 PM.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    5. #5
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      PK now, uhm, 3 step tasks:

      2)umspecified power: I have a little power I want to use that I call "blue hands". It's basically making my hands, well, err there's no way of delivering this except straight forward, so, in a nutshell, making my own hands very 'pleasing', like supernaturally pleasing! So it means I can fondle and so on to produce much stronger satisfaction than normally possible to my partner. It needent be blue shine. In fact, it needent shine at all! Just the sensation effect is the point.
      3)advanced summoning

      Personal lucid task:
      Groping boobies *nose bleed*

      Personal incubation:
      Here's a hard theme to add some challenge: being in a hot tub with Louise from Zero no Tsukaima (and to even make it harder, it has to be night time and in the outside forest like yard or whatever).

      I'm all set for a hell of a competition!! I have midyears now though but it doesn't matter! Nighttime is gonna be reserved!
      Last edited by LouaiB; 01-23-2015 at 12:29 PM.
      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
      Add me as a friend!!!

    6. #6
      DVA Teacher Achievements:
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      ^^ I believe DV now has a new resident "King of the Horn-Dogs"
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    7. #7
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      ^^ I believe DV now has a new resident "King of the Horn-Dogs"
      AHHHAHAHAHA I always new I was a sexual beast
      Or should I say, a sexual priest, you know, cuz I preach sex as nice, pure, and a truly exceptional heavenly bond between 2 soles? Anyone? No? N...never mind.

      Anyways that boobs one is gonna be the first on my comp to do list!! (With interaction and summoning of course )
      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
      Add me as a friend!!!

    8. #8
      Member KonchogTashi's Avatar
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      On the verge of a glorious competition performance, my recall has vanished!
      Nevertheless, here are my tasks:

      3 STEP:

      1. Interact with a DC.
      2. Basic summoning.
      3. Pass hand through a solid object.

      Go to a 1960s/70s Grateful Dead concert
      My aspirations for dreaming:

      May I always use the dream state to develop positive, virtuous qualities that will bring benefit to all beings!

      May I always recognize the dream state and use it to develop wisdom, love, and compassion!

    9. #9
      Administrator Achievements:
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      Cool, let's hope I can break my lucid dry spell soon so I can rock this competition.

      3 Step:
      1. Flying
      2. Super Strength
      3. Mass Telekinesis

      Clone yourself.

      Theme: Legend of Zelda Hyrule Adventure.
      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

      2015: 101 LDs, 2016: 114 LDs, 2017: 38 LDs, 2018: 20 LDs, 2019: 8 LDs

      DreamViews Discord!

    10. #10
      Member Achievements:
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      Yarrgh!! And such.. lol

      Three-Step Task:
      - Teleport
      - Advanced Flying
      - Mass Telekinesis

      Personal Task: Eat some CAAKKKEEE!!!!

      Personal Incubation (Place/Theme): Roaring 20's High Class Epic Party!!!

    11. #11
      DVA Teacher Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by KonchogTashi View Post
      On the verge of a glorious competition performance, my recall has vanished!
      Haha isn't that the truth! I had my probably worst dreaming night in months last night. I hope that means my SC is just cleaning out the system and getting ready for awesomely vivid, long, fascinating, sexy, and lucid dreams for the competition!
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    12. #12
      Member Achievements:
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      Oh dear... intermediate?
      But... I... whaa? Wait I can't... I don't.. I... I...
      I guess I can only say:

      Three step Task:
      1. Basic Summoning
      2. Use an electronic device
      3. Mass Telekinesis

      Personal task:

      Go and watch a hanabi show (fireworks)


      A Japanese festival, with people walking in yukata's

      Let's shoot for the stars! I haven't done almost any of these things so far, so let's hope for the best! If it doesn't go well I'll just have to make up for it by posting 500 comments a day And if all fails I'll just gamble myself some points!

      Fail-proof plan!
      Attached Images
      Lucid Dream Goal:
      A perfect week!

      One week with at least 1 Lucid Dream in every night.

    13. #13
      DreamDragon Achievements:
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      Ya forgot to add me in on the middle league.

      3 Step Tasks:
      Full Transformation

      Must be a task or incubation that you have not completed in a lucid dream before.
      Hm... this makes things definitely more difficult to decide.

      Personal Task:
      This would've been the World Severing Seal (summoning a circle of pillars from the sky around you), but I managed to summon that a few times as well...
      Fire breathing it is then, and not just a little, but rather fire breathing like a dragon.

      Personal Incubation:
      This would've been my dream alter-ego Ryuuko, but I already got her to appear in my dreams a few times.
      Going with the story of the Dreamsphere Chronicles my goal will be to incubate Cardia then, the main city of the dream RPG.
      Personal Records so far: Max lucids per day: 2 | Max lucids per week: 4 | Max lucids per month: 8 | Max dreams recalled in one night: 17
      Longest lucid dream: ~35min | Highest flight: zoomed out of common existence [WTF?] | Fastest speed: FTL | DILD/EILD/DEILD [X] | WILD/VILD [X] | MILD/FILD/HILD [ ]
      Interested to know how I got 17 dreams in one single night? And how I think I still could Improve? Check out my new and improved Dream Recall Compendium: The Dream Recall Compendium

    14. #14
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      Yarggh! Let's do this pirates!

      3 step tasks
      -Fully Phase Through Big Solid Object
      -Advanced Summoning

      Personal Task
      -Full transformation into dolphin

      Personal Incubation
      -tropical island

      BTW, I'm going on vacation to Kauai Monday-Friday of next week! I'll be gone at that time.

    15. #15
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      Oh GOD, I'm scared already! Let's go Stones!

      Three Step Task:
      1. Flying
      2. Push hand through something solid
      3. Super speed

      Personal Goal:
      Telekinesis and Summoning

      Personal Incubation:
      Not quite sure what this is...but I will come back to it.

      P.S. Ok, after reading a little of what dream incubation is...does this mean that I will create a dream? If so, I will incubate that I will be at a Freddie Mercury Queen concert (the Freddie that had the clean cut hair cut and mustache and always wore the white tank top shirt...don't act like you don't know which Freddie I'm talking about ) singing "Bohemian Rhapsody."
      Last edited by bemistaken; 01-24-2015 at 06:39 AM.
      “Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn’t lie.”
      ― Genereux Philip

      WILD: 32 | DEILD: 37 | DILD: 23
      [X] Stabilize LD [X] Fly [ ] Summon [X] Interact with a DC [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Time Travel [X] Teleport

      BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
      [ ] Experiencing the True Essence of My Lucidity [ ] View my Akashic Record

      DV Dream Buddy: Xanous

    16. #16
      Member Achievements:
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      Ah! Sorry staysharp. I double checked through and added all the people to the list. Don't know how I missed ya.

      Three step task
      Change gravity
      Advanced object/dc changing

      Personal task
      Take off an arm and fight with only one arm (sorry canis, I'm gonna get there slowly)

      Incubation task
      RDC and significant other are now allowed in my dreams, I am gonna see what happens when I incubate them rather than try to stop them from coming into my dreams. Both must be present in dream.

      Be mistaken. Incubation is like trying to dream of a specific person place thing or theme. My favorites right now are mine (person), dolphin (place, but a type of place), mrpiority (theme), and spellbee2 (theme).

      Incubation threads are kinda rare, but a lot of people have some practice with this throughout the forum. If you need some help lemme know.
      Last edited by Sensei; 01-23-2015 at 05:41 PM.

    17. #17
      Oneironaut Achievements:
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      Sensei well done with rules, love it!

      My three step task:
      mass telekinesis
      change gravity

      lucid goal:
      bring a song or music from lucid dream to waking

      Grandma's garden

      Good luck guys!

    18. #18
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      3 step tasks:
      Eat something
      Change gravity

      Personal task:
      Walk through a mirror


      Floating island(s)

    19. #19
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      Also, if you guys need some help fighting us ninjas

      Old but good. Back when youtube was still young and people had to host their own videos. Funny enough, looking at the wiki of it, it says "similar to 'ask zorbak' and 'Strong Bad Email'." Apparently something that I was born to like. lol.

    20. #20
      Member Achievements:
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      Okay!!! Even though I speak fluently pirate (no kiding, my facebook is in English-Pirate!) I am a ninja... so I send this message to all the pirates, in plain pirete for you to get it " ye all troublin' me, so I will cast a kick ye butt and pillege ye bootie so me mateys will fancie it"

      Three-Step Tasks
      - Advance Flying (I bet Dreamer knew I would pick this one up )
      - Element Manipulation
      - Time Control (I figure rewining the dreaming, travel to past/future is also okay?)

      Personal Goal:
      - Visit a big city at night. Then fly into a cloud, find some lightning bolts and throw them down at the city to provoke a blackout. (It is a dare too, and also controls the elements... I love chaining!)

      Personal Incubation:
      - Magical Forest
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

      Official Dreamviews Toty 7 Lucid Tasks Challenges

    21. #21
      Lucid Elder God Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made lots of Friends on DV Referrer Bronze Tagger First Class Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points
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      Three step tasks
      Interact with a DC
      Eat something

      Personal Incubation
      The RR Diner from Twin Peaks

      Personal Goal
      Try the RR's famous cherry pie, talk to Dale Cooper

      I recently got into Twin Peaks for the first time, it's great for getting into the dream feeling. Highly recommended.
      Last edited by Ctharlhie; 01-23-2015 at 08:39 PM.
      My Lucid Dreaming Articles/Tutorials:
      Mindfulness - An Alternative Approach to ADA
      Intent in Lucid Dreaming; Break that Dry-Spell, Escape the Technique Rut

      Always, no sometimes think it's me,
      But you know I know when it's a dream
      I think I know I mean a yes
      But it's all wrong
      That is I think I disagree

      -John Lennon

    22. #22
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      Ooooo, I'm a Capulet!

      Let's seeee...

      I can't pick my tasks yet, so I will edit this post tonight or tomorrow with my choices!
      (Are these choices things we can repeat every night for points or is it a one-time gig? And just so I'm clear, can you complete the tasks, get the points and then pick a new three-part task to try and get more points, and keep your old points?)
      ~Dreamer~ and AnotherDreamer like this.

    23. #23
      Dreamer Achievements:
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      I am still confused about the timing: the sign up thread said Friday 8pm start, this thead says Saturday 8pm start.
      Also here it says the end is on Saturday at 8pm, but Sunday naps count???
      You may say I'm a dreamer.
      But I'm not the only one
      - John Lennon

    24. #24
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      Personal and incubation tasks you do and then when finished, you pick another and go again. 3 step tasks are a one time gig like always. The op said that about Sunday naps because I forgot to edit it out. in the other thread I also posted that the time had to change to Saturday because of the op being posted late. Everything on this thread is what you should listen to. The old thread is old and decrepit. :p

    25. #25
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      Super excited for this competition! GO BEATLES

      My 3 lucid tasks shall be:
      - Interact with a dream character.
      - Basic summoning. (I will attempt to pull something out of my pocket)
      - Telekinesis.

      Personal Goal: Dive off of a great height.

      Good luck everyone and happy dreaming!

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