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    About Gejoh
    On top of playing around 15,000 to 20,000 hours of minecraft, I watch as many story driven minecraft videos as possible, i also tend to day dream about nonsensical situations all the time. Because of this my dreams have been cursed, in a good way.
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    Recent Entries

    Unknown Weapon

    by Gejoh on 05-04-2024 at 01:07 PM
    Me and a group of 5 people were trying to escape some sort of underground bunker. It was dark and there were two ladders that led upward, one closer and one much further away.
    The one closer to us had a camera next to it and a trap door under it. One of the people in the group approached the ladder and went up a few steps. "What is the weapon that causes disassociation?" the camera spoke. "A flame thrower?" the person on that ladder answered. A red light turned on and the trap door opened up, sucking him down. "Wrong!" The next person gave a similar wrong answer and got sucked down as well, leaving only 3 of us left.
    One of the members decided to make a run for the ladder on the far end, I followed. We climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch revealing daylight. Unfortunately, we were still trapped. It led to a room with iron bars at every wall. The person giving the test was visible. "What's the answer!?" the guy I followed asked. "There is no answer, it's what you make of it." he said with a smile on his face. We climbed back down and made our way back to the other guy that was still in line for the ladder, I started thinking to myself about how isolation could be the answer. "Isolation causes disassociation." The guy in front of me heard what I said and climbed the ladder. "What is the weapon that causes disassociation?" the test giver asked again. "Isolation!" the guy said, stealing my answer. A green light lit up and the hatch above opened allowing him out. "I shouldn't have said that out loud, I have to think of a new one now." I began thinking "maybe apathy and fear?" I climbed the ladder, and he asked the question again. "Apathy and..." I was answering as he interrupted me. "Hold your phone up to the camera."
    I pulled my phone out and it had a circular spinning loading screen with other intricate details that somehow identified me. I hold the screen to the camera but it's having a hard time registering because the ladder I'm on is swinging back and forth in an unpredictable manner. I countered the swinging motion with my arm, sort of like a chicken's head when you pick it up and move it around. A sound played that told me it was successful. He then gave me a complicated set of instructions that I couldn't understand. All I knew is that he wanted me to open up a certain app and find something he made to hold up to the camera. I opened the app he made. I see a snake with a metal shiny black and red patterned skin, the texture and colors of the snake was moving from tail to head. "Cool." I thought as I continued trying to find what he wanted. I started clicking around and an isometric game opened up. I kept clicking around and before I knew it there were around 10 layers of different screens opened up on the app. I was having difficulty navigating the app. I remember seeing another image of something with a metallic texture moving across the centered object.

    Note: Strange long dream, there's details of how we got trapped that I can't seem to remember. The day before this I was thinking about how feeling emotions is sort of like disassociating from them, and when you feed into them, it only strengthens them.

    Exploration (LD)

    by Gejoh on 05-02-2024 at 12:11 PM
    WILD sp

    I'm in bed and I notice something off. I open my eyes and see the distorted version of my room again; I can't move. I decide I don't want to explore directly out of SP because it tends to be very unstable. I close my eyes and begin playing a made-up song on the air guitar, paying the intense sensations no mind at all.

    DILD nose pinch

    I wake up in my parents' house and I'm now walking around. I attempt the nose pinch RC and I can still breathe through it. "Weird." I think as I continue walking around looking at the house. I do around two more nose pinch RCs and still don't realize I'm dreaming. I'm trying to reason with myself why it's not working. "I'm just not pinching hard enough." The 4th nose pinch I try to make sure that my fingers are actually closing my nose all the way and I'm pinching extra hard. I can still breathe.
    "This is a dream?" I think to myself. The house I'm walking around in looks identical to the one I grew up in. Everything starts to fade.
    I begin spinning. I notice the hallway leading to the bedrooms, then the living room, back to the kitchen. "Wow, I never thought it could be this real." I span a couple more times in awe about how everything was exactly where it should be.
    I get a bit excited and go down the hallway leading to the bedrooms. I throw open a door to see my brother J3. I turn the light on and that wakes him up, he looks kind of annoyed. "Don't worry J3, this is a dream!" He smiles and starts walking to me "Oh yeah?" He gives me a huge bear hug, picking me up. once he sets me back down, he tells me to follow him. He's walking down the hallway back to the kitchen when the dream fades completely to a brown/tan static, I think to myself I want to spin to stabilize but there's nothing to see, I must be waking up.


    I'm in bed again and my limbs feel weird, I think I'm awake and try the nose pinch, it works but I still feel off. I lick my finger and start tapping my nose. It all feels more or less how I would expect it to feel minus the strange vibrations. So, I close my eyes.

    Cat outside

    I wake up in my apartment to see my cat outside the window. *I've had the windows open because the AC isn't working* I run over and try to help her when I realize it's a random cat outside and it's trying to get inside the apartment. I'm not really sure what to do and I'm just watching the cat. Eventually the window screen comes loose, and the cat jumps inside, landing on the windowsill. My cat runs up to look at it and I get a bit worried and shoo the cat back outside. I close the window fully. The cat sees that and now has a human like scowl on its face, I find that hilarious and try to call for my brother J1 to come and look.

    I wake up.

    Note: Finally completed my goal of exploring a "real place" I really didn't want to believe I was dreaming because of how real it was, not just the house but my body as well.

    fist bump (LD)

    by Gejoh on 04-30-2024 at 12:23 PM

    I'm sitting down in my parents bed, just relaxing looking at a ceiling fan. I have an extreme sense of calm and control. "What if I'm dreaming?"
    I begin floating up to the ceiling confirming that I am. I land back down to the ground and begin walking to the door. I reach to grab the door nob but missed and couldn't open. "what if I can't open the door?" I dismiss the thought and succeed with two hands. I notice that my arms and hands look brighter than they should be considering how dark the room and living room are.
    I see my brother J2 and Dad watching TV. "If I act positive I will get positivity." I think to myself shaking off a sliver of fear. I begin walking towards J2. "What's up bro!?" I kind of sounded like pewdiepie. "Huh?" he seems confused. "Fist bump!" I say as I hold my fist out. He meets it with his own fist as
    I wake up.

    The Blanket Dimention (LD)-night of 4/20/24

    by Gejoh on 04-22-2024 at 02:19 AM
    The first thing I remembered was my mom offering me a vegan beef jerky stick. I accepted her offer and took a bite. It was very tasty and juicy. After taking a few more bites, I noticed that there was a green slime all over it. I began scratching it off and thought to look where she grabbed it from. It was next to a window AC unit and there was slime and mold all over the other jerky sticks.

    Starting to get nervous, I searched google on my phone what would happen if you ate slime mold.

    • You will experience extremely vivid lucid dreams.
    • If more than a drop is ingested, you will die."

    "Oh no" I thought as I start pacing around and as my vision begins to fade, I feel extremely tired and find a place to fall over. I hear my mom say something about needing to keep me awake so I don't die.
    Everything is black and I can sense my body free floating in the void. "I ate a lot more than one drop, I guess this is the end of me." I accepted my fate.

    "Wait, that was a dream, I didn't eat any mold." glad to be alive I began flying upward into the void, seeing different images of worlds and places as I flew. What solidified was a world where the ground, walls, and sky were made up of an enormous blanket.

    "Time to skydive teleport"
    *This is a task I made up where I look at an object on the ground that has similar color to a place I want to teleport to. I dive into it and imagine that I'm actually skydiving into the place I want to go to.*

    I see a tan rectangle in the blanket and attempt to visit a desert, instead of shrinking down and skydiving like I wanted, I'm just moving downward, and the blanket is being pushed down with me. I start swinging my arms around feeling the blanket as I look up and attempt to speak to my subconscious mind. "You and me are going to have a lot of fun together!" I began flying back up. "Could you create a dream character that represents you?" I plead. "Okay." A very quiet and meek sounding voice responded. "Did you agree to do it?" Not sure if I actually heard anything or not. "Yes!" it responded a bit louder but just as meek. I look around and see a huge muscular black guy. He starts rapping.
    "Some people think they're all that, but they only good in the hood."

    I lose lucidity at some point listening to him. I can't remember the rest of the rap, it was very good though. It had to do with people who think they're really good because the people around them are bad.
    I wake up.

    Note: first long DILD

    Updated 04-22-2024 at 12:30 PM by Gejoh

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , lucid

    Limb Manipulation, Minecraft (LD)-Night of 4/14/24

    by Gejoh on 04-16-2024 at 02:52 AM
    Cyborg Hunt

    A couple of scientists were really sad when they found their cyborg was dead. After scanning it they, thought the "living" parts were counterfeit. Meaning that the alive half of the cyborg escaped. The DNA was very important to them. Eventually they found the living part and shrunk down to the size of cells. They were surfing on a glowing blue metal thing hitting corrupt parts of the flesh with a rod. The rod triggered an immune response and the surrounding tissue stretched out, forming tendrils that attacked the spots.

    Limb Manipulation

    I hear my brother call for my sister "J, come!" I'm facing a wall I know I didn't fall asleep looking at. "Ah I'm dreaming." I begin closing my eyes and twitching my fingers for a reality check, as I open my eyes, I'm floating in-between many false awakenings. I begin rubbing my hands together until eventually I stabilize in a void. It's different than normal though, it's hard to explain but it had depth to it. When I started flying up, I could sense that I was traveling through a three-dimensional area if that makes sense. "Minecraft, I want to visit Minecraft. What does Minecraft look like?" I began thinking to myself.

    Then all around me I began to see the World forming, bright, vibrant and blocky. "Time to experiment" I thought while bringing my hand up to block my left eye. Just like IWL I saw double, there was a transparent section followed by a solid more defined section of my hand. Satisfied by the results I brought my hand back down. The only thing was that only the solid portion of my hand was in my control. The translucent portion stayed behind and solidified as a large object next to the tree's that were in the background. "Maybe I can use this."

    I start heading in a random direction. "Cursed arm summoning." I imagine my arm reaching through the ground in front of me. I see it reach out and I can control it like my normal arm.

    I continue walking summoning more arms under my control. Spontaneously, I decide to try grabbing things with the arms and pulling as a way to boost me forward faster, it fails.

    "I can try to summon a husk for possession at this rate" I look at a distant mountain for the husk and find it. The arms are reaching out of the ground and it's pulling itself upward. It's now just standing still, it resembles an armor stand with missing textures. "A perfect blank canvas."

    I think about possessing it, then my body begins moving in 4 quick forward zooms, as soon as I'm about 20 feet away I finally fully possess it. I turn around to see the husk I left behind, it's now running straight at me. I hold my hand Infront of me and dismiss it into the abyss below, it falls.

    I start looking around the top of the mountain and hear a Girl talking.

    "You wouldn't believe how much a chunk with a Lemon and Apple tree cost me, zero!"

    "This is my chance to talk to a DC," I started thinking to myself about what I should say or even how I should talk. "Just say something, idiot." I focused.

    "Oh my dear, that must have been expensive!" My words came out delayed, and I noticed I sounded extremely posh and had a British accent.

    "Didn't you hear me?" she questioned. "It cost zero!"

    "Oh well, I seem to have misheard what you said. That's fantastic!"

    "It's simply horrible! On top of that, I have to live next to the river where I can go boating anytime as well!"

    "Now, now, don't want to get too exuberant about the river now, shall we?" I quipped, breaking a few blocks in the chunk as we spoke. The sarcasm was nice, and she seemed to be happy.
    I saw some artwork hidden in the blocks I was breaking.

    I wake up.

    The day before this dream I was car-pooling with my family to my sister's 40th birthday in Dallas, it was a 4 hour drive and I was using active imagination for some spells I could cast in a dream.
    I thought my spells could link to something I already know how to control, like my arm moving I thought. So I came up with a few spells. Here are two.

    Cursed Arm Summon:
    Summons an arm out of the ground that I can control. The arm can be grabbing an object as it comes out, such as a sign or tree and use it to swing around.

    Cursed Husk Summon: First summon the arm, then imagine it's pulling it's self out of the ground fully. The idea is have it do something that you want, or possess it for short range teleportation. It's important that the summoned arm is under your control. *My brother suggested that possessing a husk should leave a body behind, and it would attack me.*

    I basically had around 8 hours of active visualization imagining what it would look like.

    Besides that I wanted to try and put my hand in front of my left eye to see what would happen in a dream.

    Updated 04-16-2024 at 12:10 PM by Gejoh

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes