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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Gen-mate

      by , 08-30-2012 at 06:04 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I cannot remember this dream very clearly, but I found it so interesting that I had to document it online.

      I was dreaming that it was the year 2080, I think, and I visited this company called Gen-Mate. The company charged a heavy price to grow you an artificial Husband/Wife or mate in a cloning vat. I was walking down a long hall lined with high-tech cloning vats. This employee was talking to me about the superiority of the clones; although I cannot remember why I was at the company's facility.
      "The clones grow at an accelerated rate, then slow to a normal aging rate once they are fully matured. They are as healthy as normal human beings in every way. You can even have sexual intercourse with them and they will produce healthy children."
      When I to the end of the hall, I made my way into this room with all these doctors. They were discussing the human genome and ways to make their artificial humans healthier. On a computer screen, there was a 3D model of someone's heart, being scanned and displayed.
      The heart started beating, and the men analyzed it. One of them got really excited when he noticed that he had discovered a small valve that had never been discovered before. Growing off the valve was a small flap of flesh.
      "That is what is called Jacob's Column. If we could find a way to remove it we could halt the aging process!"
      The dream told me the entire thing though the back of my head. "Jacob's Column" was a small gland that was in your heart. It grew continuously until it filled your heart and you died, and this was why people died of old age.
      Me and all of the doctor guys were really excited that we had made such a fascinating discovery. I woke up soon after.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:58 PM by 53527
