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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Spell's Comp Night 5: High school crush, toddler dream self

      by , 08-03-2016 at 03:07 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was walking into town. (Evening, judging by the position of the sun) I remember meeting this girl from my high school who was being annoying so I jaywalked into the middle of the street when she wasn't looking to get away from her. I walked to the Taekwondo studio and had my taekwondo outfit on.

      I was told that there were three new students starting and I had to teach them all the basics of how to do good in class. I remember there were three or four boys who all looked the same but at different ages, as they got older they got taller and their hair got darker. The youngest of the four had blonde hair and looked about 10. The oldest looked about 20 and had black hair and a slight mustache. I started teaching them something and they changed into Cafe's guides.

      I then remember my high school crush walked in and she was a black belt. She started saying that I was doing all the class all wrong. My taekwondo master came out of his office and said that he didn't know who she was and that she couldn't just expect to walk into the studio and start telling me how to lead class. I said something about her being annoying.

      The next thing I knew she took out this weird gas mask thing and put it on her face with a really long filter tube reaching about knee level. (It looked like a vaccum hose) She started spinning it around like a helicopter and asked if it was annoying.

      Also my retainer started bothering me at 4:00am so I had to take it out and went pee while I was at. I suppose that counts as a WBTB, though I didn't try any practice...

      I was being chased by someone. I hid in this store where this guy sold guns. But I didn't have a license to buy a gun so instead he sold me this crossbow type weapon that shot these little darts so that I could defend myself. I think I remember buying 22 of the little darts, then practicing. For some reason the guy said he would sell me three bismuth crystals for half price (what is up with all the bismuth crystals in my dreams these past few days...)

      I think it was somehow related to a dream fragment that I had in a previous night. (Night 2 of hte comp) where the crystals I needed were specific and I needed to slot them into some kind of alien device. I remember he sold the crystals in 3 categories. Cheap, Normal and Superb. Crystals from all three sizes were about the same size. (Usually about as big as the palm of my hand) I bought two of the cheap ones and one of the normal one.

      The total that I had to pay for all this. The weird dart shooting crossbow and the crystals was 30 dollars and 13 cents.


      I remember I was dreaming that I was walking in my neighborhood.
      I randomly got lucid when I got to the front of the neighborhood. I think there was a small boy in a wagon talking about building a tree fort and something to do with a monster that lived in the woods but I ignored him.

      I remember thinking that I should try and walk all the way to the middle school without forgetting that I'm lucid dreaming. Yesterday I had been meditating on how clear the dream world could get. I did some stabilization by running my hand across the wooden rail of the boardwalk. I focused on leaves in the trees. (The forest that is along this path seemed thinner than normal) I think there might have been giant mushrooms or a giant bismuth crystal.

      I kept walking and saw a lady walking with her two headed dog. The dog had a white head and a black head. She said I hi and I said 'Hi' back. I remember I started thinking about the state of my reality. I asked myself "What is a lucid dream?" to which seemingly a separate part of me replied. "In order to understand what a lucid dream is, you must define what a dream is first. A dream is a sequence of subconscious thoughts we undergo while sleeping. These thoughts manifest themselves as sensory stimulation in a way that is roughly congruent with the laws of reality. A lucid dream is simply a sequence of thoughts where the conscious mind becomes active and aware of the true state of this faulty reality and is able to interface with the subconscious mind modifying the reciprocated sensory manifestation of the subconscious thoughts to better suit the dreamer."

      I kept walking. I did some more stabilizations and reality checks. I remember pinching my nose for a really long time and breathing through it. I said to myself "If I can ever do this easily, then it means that I'm dreaming." I got to the cross in the paths (almost to the middle school.) and saw my crush again, jogging. She asked me why I wasn't jogging. I stopped her and said something like. "I got over you years ago, you need to leave my dreams." and she jogged off. I remember thinking that my reason for being here wasn't to complete competition goals but to get better at lucid dreaming, and by being in the slow meditative state of walking the trail around my neighborhood I was practicing being in that state for an extended period of time and being focused on it. I remember thinking that I was 'honing my craft', and got stuck rolling the phrase over and over in my head.

      I then decided I wanted to summon Manei into the dream. I used the summoning command and walked around the corner into the parking lot of the middle school. (Illogically.) I walked into a parking lot and saw a bunch of people sitting in parked cars and walking around with their cell phones out playing pokemon go. It was supposed to be a representation of the lucid dreaming competition since it was pokemon go themed. I looked around for her but didn't see anybody. A guy walked into me because he was distracted trying to catch pokemon. I took it as impromptu stabilization.

      I saw a black camaro looking car that reminded me of the one Manei used to drive but there was a police car next to it with their sirens on. When I went over I saw it was not Manei, but this random guy with short black hair. I remember asking him if he was Manei and he said no. I left and went inside the middle school looking for her, attempting summoning behind doors. I remember I saw someone drive a minivan down the hallway of the school and they stopped next to me. Two women got out. One of them was my grandmother, and the other an original character of mine. The OC woman got a very young version of my dream self out of the back car seat. He looked about 3 and was wearing a black shirt and gray shorts. I got confused and lost the lucid dream.


      I was trying to Earthbend. Normally aged dream self was sitting in lotus position in the woods by a river wearing what looked like a very torn and faded version of my taekwondo uniform (somehow connected to the first dream). I think the sleeves had been torn off. There was a worn wooden plank in front of him with a huge blob of gray clay. He/I would strike the clay repeatedly with his hands in various ways with his hands for a while before the blob became unrecognizable. He would then pat it back together into a smooth blob and repeat.

      Frag .5pt*1=.5
      NLD 1pt*2=2
      DILD 10pt*1=10
      WBTB 2pt*1=2
      RC/Stabilize 2pt*4 (at least)=1
      Interact with DC=2pt*1=2

      Night Total=17.5
    2. Pokemon and Minecraft

      by , 09-03-2014 at 04:36 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Still no good lucidity, but having some nice NLD's to know my recall is still decent.

      I normally don't like to dream about video games I play or have played, and in recent months, I've been playing fewer and fewer for the sake of lucid dreaming. But they still come back to haunt me sometimes.
      At the very least they are interesting dreams about video games.

      I am having a Pokemon battle with another trainer. We were in a forest type setting and the sky is dark with storm clouds swirling around us and the occasional lightning strike occurring. The dream was actually quite vivid, the pokemon looked about as realistic as they could.
      The battle is taking place in 'real life' but there are these holographic windows appearing above our Pokemon showing what level they are and their HP, looking like the ones from the old Gameboy games.
      Anyways, I have a Bulbasaur, Level 5. I think it was, and the trainer that I am fighting was a boy who kind of looked like Ash from the show, and has a Zigzagoon, Level 4. (So these were some old Pokemon from when I was a boy.) We are fighting just like in the game, single turn moves. It feels like we are just starting out. Both of our pokemon seem to have a lot of health because I neither of us are taking out very much HP.
      The battle drags on for quite awhile. I repeatedly tell my Bulbasaur to use Razor Leaf, but because of the fierce winds, and the fact that it is a low-level pokemon, it has a hard time aming and most of the leaves fly past. I think one of them hit the trainer I was fighting by accident.

      ... I am at the end of the 'Game' now in Pokemon. This part of the dream was considerably less vivid. I have a team of six high level Pokemon, including a Garydos and my Bulbasaur is now a Venusaur and the most important member of my team. For some reason I am letting the Garydos go back and live in the sea. The area I am in has these really dramatic cliffs and rock pillars jutting out of the sea and there is supposedly some shortcut that will take me back to the first town in the game so that I can go home.
      My Garydos takes one last look at me and then dives into the sea. I think that I was letting it go because it had always been wild at heart, and didn't really enjoy fighting for me. And since I had beaten the masters, I had no need to keep it anymore.
      The Venusaur who I guess in the group had a rivalry with my Garydos is out of his pokeball to say goodbye to his friend/enemy. Afterwards, without returning my Venusaur, I start walking towards a cave that I think is the shortcut back to my home. The Venusaur followed me.

      I was in the world of Minecraft, and some really epic storyline was playing out about a lost civilization. I can recall that there was this huge canyon, hundreds of blocks deep, beyond the capabilities of rendering in standard Minecraft, with wooden structures into it. The structures looked to have been greifed with big holes in the sides of buildings and then overgrown with vines and trees.
      I attempted to jump down, in steps, making safe drops and allowing my health to regenerate before jumping even lower, but after walking off onto one of the structures, the wooden planks broke where I landed, and I continued falling faster through all of the floors of the structure taking small amounts of damage each time I hit something and broke it.
      After falling for like a whole minute, I finally made it to the bottom of the canyon and died.
      I re-spawned and was really high above this big flat area made out of some unrecognizable red block. There was no way down, just small platforms and what not to break my fall. I jump off here onto the first wooden platform and fell through, landing on a stone one below it. I had only 1/2 heart of health left. Somebody else is there who is playing on the server, but somehow their minecraft avatar looks like a real person. They tell me that this is a challenge that they set up on their server.

      I am with K's brother at some seafood place by a small lake in the mountains. He and I are going on some kind of cross-country vacation in this crappy green station wagon that's filled with all our luggage.