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    Lucid Time!

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    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Fragments

      by , 09-23-2014 at 02:47 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can recall I was partially lucid creating this dream where me and Manei had been stranded on a life raft floating adrift for a week. But the weird part was that I was the director, and also the character. Like I was at two places in the same time. We came across this island and realized we were going to have to survive there until rescue came.
      I can remember us taking all the supplies of the lifeboat and swimming to the island. There was a reef and we were going to have to abandon the boat.

      I can recall some dream about my mom adopting this jaguar that came to live with us. It seemed pretty friendly for a wild cat, and let me pet it. It also seemed interested in swimming in this shallow pool outside of our house.
      There was also something to do with with us moving to a log cabin up north.

      There was some part about these rock crystals sprouting out of the ground next to our cabin, that had something to do with the people of earth disappearing.

      There was a part of this dream where I was with K and I was telling her we had to leave for a remote area. Why? Because there was a nuclear power plant nearby and since everybody had vanished, there was nothing to stop it from melting down.
      I can recall this connected to both of the other dreams in some way.

      I woke up for a brief time.

      I went back to directing the dream about the life boat. There was some aspect to it, it was like a survival show and the people had to dislike one another and not agree with their ideas to make the survival more interesting. Therefore it couldn't be Manei and I since we actually get along.
      I repeated the scenario several times adding and removing characters from the life boat until it was about a couple of random, unrecognizable people.
      The people had now been floating on the raft for three weeks. There were four DCs. Three male and a female, and they were now fighting over the last food. Somebody had been accused of eating all four rations of food while the others slept.
    2. Some Stuff :P

      by , 07-07-2014 at 02:47 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Two men are making their way through a rural area on foot with few supplies. It feels like Minecraft and both of the men are wearing turquoise shirts and indigo pants. One man is slightly brawnier and clearly not very bright. The other man looks somewhat less fit but appears to be very smart.
      The two are being tracked by a woman wearing a red tank, cargo pants top and a grey baseball cap. The men eventually stop by a river to rest. They do not know that they are being tracked. The woman sees them about a quarter of a mile downstream. It was at this point I learned she was attempting to kill them. She pulled a bow from her backpack and left her supplies by the side of the river. She then proceeded to dive underwater and swim to the men, somehow holding her breath for way longer than was normally possible.
      Even though the water was murky, a red top does not make for the best camouflage and the men spotted her moments before she broke through the surface and fired on them. She missed. Both men grabbed big sticks and readied them like javelins.
      They negotiated with the woman and decided to work together to survive. They returned to the woman's pack only to find someone had stolen it.

      I am at high school (reality check, dangit! High school is over!) and I beat up some kid who was picking on me. I thought I was going to get in trouble, but everyone, including the school staff seemed happy for me.
      I then went to class. In the middle of class, S and C come in and want me to come see something going on in the hall.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:42 PM by 53527
