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    Lucid Time!

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    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

    Spoiler for Waking Life Dream Characters:

    Dream Signs

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Wrong Story

      by , 09-11-2014 at 03:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This is a big mish-mash of stuff from the last couple days. I've been caught up with college.

      I am at S's house. But it feels more like my grandmother's house mashed with some completely unfamiliar elements. S is having a birthday party, and has invited only me and seven or eight very attractive girls.

      S is in his room all alone, and the girls are doing shots (and drunk as all heck). The invite me to try and drink the most, and give me a big glass of tequila. I take it, and when nobody is looking, pour it out the open window.
      S calls us into his bedroom, that looks more like a hotel room with two beds. He sits everyone down and we start playing apples to apples.

      My extended family (so a lot of people) are being taken to a very upscale movie theater by my cousin to see Divergent. We get there and the movie starts by explaining the post-apocalyptic setting. But then it begins to deviate from the plot some.
      Man, why does this always happen? A dream glitch occurs and I become a character the movie.
      So it turns out this isn't Divergent, but rather some other movie. The plot is as follows, and it's complicated.
      Meteorites containing an unknown alien element come crashing to earth. There are just a few at first, but slowly more and more of them begin to arrive. When the meteorites impact they create what are known as psychic wormholes. These are portals intertwining the planets of the inner solar system (that have also been hit by these meteorites) as well as the distant origin star system. The portals can effect a human's consciousness by hypnotizing them to walk into the portal, turning them into a zombie, or just trying to kill them.
      Humanity built anti-oribtal laser cannons to combat the meteorites and prevent the portals from covering too much of the earth's surface. Although a large percentage of the earth is already under the influence of these portals, there are small zones where the remaining humans live that are free from the psychic effects of the portals.
      Occasionally scientists and others go outside of the safe zones to study the portals and look for ways to destroy them. But only people with what's known as a 'psychic resistance' can leave the safe zones and study the portals.
      I can remember that I am one of the people that is going outside the safe zone. I am waiting in a field alongside others. Some people are saying goodbye to their families and hugging one another and what not, because of the people turned into zombies, going near the portals is dangerous.
      My character is however, an orphan. I have nobody to say goodbye to.
      While I am waiting in the field, I notice the surroundings. I recall there being a huge concrete pedestal in the field with a telescope observatory dome on top of it. But rather than a telescope there is this huge steel cone with prongs on the end of it. There is a red conduit going up the side. I think to myself that is probably one of the anti-orbital lasers.
      A small boat pulls up in a lake by the field, and people start getting on. That is the boat that take us outside the safe zone. I take note of how cramped the boat looks but then remember that the ride is not very long. I get on-board.
      It was at this point that I met a character called The Marshall. He was this huge, brawny man who wore a cowboy hat and motorcycle goggles. He divided everyone up into groups, each one of us was to investigate one portal. They needed as many people as possible for these missions so anyone with psychic resistance had to come.
      My group wound up being with a very young, brown haired boy, probably six or seven. An elderly woman, at least 70. And a woman with short black hair who was probably in her 20's. She looked like as though she was very experienced with going outside of the safe zones.
      I can remember the Marshall passes out a printed test to everyone to make sure that they have the psychic resistance that he needs.
      The dream skips ahead to my group walking through the streets of an overgrown city. The black-haired woman has a detector used for locating the exact location of the wormhole. The old woman, who was around before the meteors struck, knows this city because she used to live in this town.
      We end up finding the wormhole on the floor of an abandoned Cafe. It is a small blue energy vortex bound onto the floor, perhaps a foot in diameter. It seems to distort the tiles around it, making them appear to twist with it.

      I walk into the cafe, through the broken front wall, and the black haired girl tells me not to go too close. Even though I have psychic resistance, I can still hear the wormhole calling to me, telling me to jump in. I decide to give in to it, even though I could easily fight off the desire.
      I can remember walking over to the spot on the floor. I look up at the ceiling and see a small hole, no bigger than a baseball with sunlight streaming though and think about the meteor falling through it. I then jump into the portal.

      I am high above the earth's atmosphere. The moon is huge and very close to earth. Mars is smaller and visible on above the moon. I start falling toward the earth and burning up in the atmosphere.

      I am standing in what feels like the entrance to an ancient city. There are roman-styled buildings made out of a white crystal all around. They appear crumbled and in a state of disrepair but are still beautiful. There are cherry blossom trees everywhere, and the air is thick with flower petals. There are so many petals that they form a thin layer, perhaps an inch thick on the ground.
      Hands break through the thick mat of petals and grab me around the ankles, and start pulling me in. It feels like the petals are much deeper now, and the scent of them is overwhelming. I struggle and scream but it is muffled.
      I start to become lucid. I wake up.

      I am at my university. I am walking around and come across this very odd dorm building that looks like a motel. It is supposed to have really fancy dorms but looks very junky and beat-up.

      I am having a fight with somebody. We both have mild superpowers. I can recall we are fighting in the parking lot. I pick up a small white car and try to throw it at him.
      I recall very vivid imagery as the car skids down the parking lot hitting another car and then my opponent. I can remember hearing one of the car's alarms going off.
      I then tried to chase the opponent who as acting like he didn't want to fight anymore.

      Updated 09-11-2014 at 03:04 PM by 53527
