• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi Sibyline!

      I was reading your dream journal the other day and your advice to sing when you can't speak actually came in handy! In my last lucid I was trying to talk and couldn't, so I started singing to the tune of my alarm

      Thanks for the advice

      Happy dreaming to you!
    2. Sibyline's Avatar
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      Go get it!
    3. bemistaken's Avatar
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      Pulling the egg out of your butt...two words...TOO COOL!
    4. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi Arkadast!


      I have been focusing almost exclusively upon recall for the last two months and I have seen dramatic growth! It wasn't easy though! Sometimes it is so hard to stay motivated to reach for the note pad in the middle of the night lol. But starting the dream note pad has been the best thing I have done to improve recall.
    5. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi RavenOfShadow!

      Yeah I have had four short lucids, actually 5 as of this post (had one last night ). I am not very satisfied with them though as they were short and unstable. I haven't managed to accomplish any of my long term dream goals in them. I am really basing them off of what I think a perfect lucid is based on my favorite dream journal Hyu . His dream journal is what got me into lucid dreaming, it is amazing! I would highly recommend checking it out!

      Definitely come up with some goals man! They help you to stay focused when you are loosing motivation, and give you something to measure your progress by It always feels good when you've accomplished your goals for the month
    6. Arkadast's Avatar
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      Congratulations on your lucids! Awesome dream recall too. I need to improve my dream recall.
    7. RavenOfShadow's Avatar
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      I didn't know you've had 4 lucids! Thats awesome! But these are good goals, I need to come up with some for myself to stay motivated... Though having my first lucid was motivation enough!

    8. RavenOfShadow's Avatar
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      Sounds awesome!

      Once we really start getting it we will have to start a "Dream club" or whatever they call them. Little groups within DV that make their own monthly goals and do their own research Haha. But so true, I can't believe I've let dreaming go to waste for this long. But better late then never!

      Keep up the good work, and stay in touch!

    9. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Yeah your so right.

      I love it when I wake up from a really crazy non-lucid dream that I can remember perfectly! I always think "I can't believe I spent the first 23 years of my life not dreaming!" It feels like I missed 23 years worth of episodes of one of my favorite TV shows!

      Waking up in between dreams is such a great habit to get into, I am also learning to do it. I usually only manage to do it after four or five hours of sleep though, when my dreams naturally start to elongate and intensify. I am hoping that eventually I will be able to "feel" when I am waking up from a dream and DEILD back into them! I think it is the most consistent method of lucid dreaming.

      Let's stick with this and soon both of us will be lucid dreaming left and right!
    10. RavenOfShadow's Avatar
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      Yea I hear that buddy. I've only been doing it for a week or so, and I don't seem to be making much progress in lucidity. However, my dream vividness and recall has become so much more impressive, which gives me hope. I've been experimenting with melatonin but it doesnt seem to do much... It makes my dreams more vivid but it makes recall harder because I'm much drowsier when I try to write my dreams down. I have started to wake after every indivudual dream though, which I'm proud about!

      We just gotta stick at it Evidently its the most amazing thing ever, so no matter how long it takes we have to stick with it!

      Keep me updated!

    11. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi RavenOfShadow!


      I am so jealous of your friend! I would LOVE to have that much dream control! Maybe some day if we all keep at it we can get there too

      I am just kind of frustrated right now because my lucids are few and far in between. Even though I know that I am progressing, and doing quite well actually, I am getting frustrated that I am not progressing more quickly! You know what I mean?

      When I started this DJ almost two months ago I was expecting that by this point I would be having lucids three or four times a week by now. And that is just not happening... yet...
    12. RavenOfShadow's Avatar
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      Great dream, and awesome analysis afterwards. You sound spot on with your thinking - its all about living in the present. You have to forget any due dates, deadlines, and larms - it will only make your dream crumble. A friend told me that in his prime he could actually meditate in his lucid to make it like 100 times longer. Time flow is arguably the most advanced thing to control when lucid dreaming. But keep at it and you will get better and better at it!


    13. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      I have spent some time thinking about what I could have done differently to use this lucid time to accomplish dream goals rather than just wondering around, fun as that is to do while lucid

      When I gain lucidity I almost always feel rushed, like I know time is running out. Rather than letting this feeling control me I am going to learn to really stabilize the dream, and fully engage my senses in it.

      Also, when I am lucid in the back of my mind I am thinking about the real world, like "I wonder what time it is", or "I am probably going to wake up soon". When you read the really great dreamers DJ's to stabilize they completely forget about the real world all together. It doesn't exist at all, you have to convince your mind that what is around you is reality. There is no chance of "waking up to soon" because there is nothing else to wake up to, this is reality.

      Next time I am lucid I am going to try and think like this. Even when I feel rushed, I will fully engage my senses like I am going to have all the time in the world in this dream. Once, and only once, I feel like I would rate what I am experiencing as a 10 out of 10 on a reality scale will I consider dream goals.

      Even if stabilizing is the only thing I end up doing it will be worth it. Even though these thirty second LD's are fun, they are not going to help me accomplish my dream goals and so I will adjust my methods with end goals in mind
    14. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi JadeGreen!

      Thanks for the response, I was afraid that the wall of text would scare away all the readers

      Yes I was non-lucid this whole time, but my awareness level was high which aided in my recall. I think why the dream was so long is because what I experience as a "dream transition" is actually a whole new dream, I have just DEILDed or returned to the previous one, still non-lucid though.

      So this may have actually been three of four dreams.

      I really enjoy it when this happens because it allows me to have "one" really long dream, and have a pretty substantial plot.
    15. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      So you were nonlucid this entire time? Really cool dream!
    16. Nicho's Avatar
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      You can always put adult material in a titled spoiler
      Spoiler for Adult Content:

      At least that's what I do, just a suggestion, if you wish to keep it private, that's your choice, but after all, it's just a dream right..?

      Sweet dreams...!
    17. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Hi Nicho!

      *cough* there may have been about a minute or so more of... content... that I decided to edit *cough*

      lol but yes I do hate it when that happens, stupid sub-conscience teasing me!
    18. Nicho's Avatar
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      I make it to the pool and get in, but before I can swim over to her the dream fades away.
      Ain't that just a bummer and how it always goes...?
    19. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      There ya go!

      My son in my LDs causes me to lose focus sometimes, so I try to turn it around by engaging HIM instead of the other way around. For example, last month's TOTM was to break something. I opted for some wine glasses in the kitchen since I was already there. My son appeared in the dream with a wound on his knee, but I refused to let it mess up the lucidity. So I just reminded myself that real life Chris was just fine, and then I gave DC Chris some wine glasses too and we both threw them at the wall. I don't remember him complaining about the injury again in the dream.
    20. Sangfoot's Avatar
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      Haha I will have to be more aware of this in the future! Maybe if I practiced ignoring my family in RL that would help
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