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    1. Tiny Pirates?

      by , 04-22-2014 at 04:21 AM
      This is a little foggy now, being that I had this dream over 12 hours ago, but I'll write down what I remember...

      This dream was a grand adventure. Although I became aware that I was dreaming after a little while, I decided not to interfere because it was just so damn cool

      Alright. So the first thing I remember is running throughout this large pirate ship. It had many floors, masts, decks, the whole nine yards. There were tons of other pirates on this ship (the friendly kind, not the filthy mean pillaging kind). There was a sense of panic and urgency in the air, so I slid super humanly down some masts, and sprinted down the ship to the bottom where there was a deck that you could peer out of. This is when I discovered that we were not sailing, but simply stalled in a bay with an entire fleet of ships similar to the one I was on. The captain (a girl) and a few other pirates were discussing what they should do about 'the attack.' As I looked up, there was a giant man tearing apart all of the ships in the fleet like they were toys. This is when I realized that we were the small ones, and it wasn't just that there was one giant man, the giant man was normal sized. Everyone on the ship was ordered to evacuate, so I once again leaped across the boat, swung from mast to mast. When I was about to get off, someone asked me to help get other passengers off without the 'giant' detecting us, so I helped escort a few more people off of the boat. At this point the giant was right above us, and the adrenaline rush that came with sneaking around him was incredible. I was on major stealth mode.
      We eventually got off of the boat, and into the 'real' world. After some wondering the crew came across a giant (normal sized) car. We decided we should get onto it, and that it would be our best bet at survival because the car would lead us to a home, as well as a food source. We all climbed into the trunk of the car...

      and this is when my cat woke me up
      lucid , memorable
    2. Random Situations With Advice and help

      by , 04-22-2014 at 01:31 AM
      (Last night's dream I had April 21 around 3:30am I think)

      My last dream started at my house I think I was with my cousin and mom near the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw a pot with some white rice in it. Unlike my other dreams where I get mad if I think everyone ate without me. I remained calm. I ate some of the rice than left.(Yay Progress >w<) After that I appeared in a school. I saw people exiting and than suddenly someone yelled that the building was going to explode. So I and others ran to the exit I managed to escape after jumping and covering my head when I exited. After the explosion I walked into a apartment and saw a little girl with her mother. She was examining the girl's head from the back. Than began to talk to me. "You see these flowery lines on the back" the mother said while pointing at the back hair of her daughter."yeah" I said. The mom took out a white ointment and rubbed some on the back of her daughters head. "That's something the doctor won't tell you about" the mother said. I got worried it was something serious that I might have so I asked her " Can you put some on me? Please." She put some ointment on my back head than untied her hair and her daughters hair from their pony tails. "Sometimes you just gotta let your hair loose, you know?" The mother said. I thought to myself how I wanted to..but my hair is not good enough to be out now.Than that's when we felt someone else like an intruder was in the place. We decided to run together. We ran down the stairs and appeared in my house but in the downstairs hallway. It was dark. I could see the two other rooms but I was scared to go in the dark room. That's when the mom told me it was going to be Ok and helped me into the room. We could feel the intruder coming. " I'm scared..."I said a bit panicky. "I'm scared..." I said again than heard someone snoring . I turned to see a boy napping under a blanket. I began to shake his leg begging him to help me. He got up and said it would be OK. "But I'm scared..." I repeated. That's when a bright red light (the intruder) was near. The boy jumped out the bed in front of me. The setting changed a bit. He yelled to me "Go on the roof! than began to knock on a window sill that suddenly appeared in front of him. Than removed a face mask off his head. He looked at me than winked with a smile. I winked back at him intrigued by his actions. Then he winked again at me. Than I found it funny and winked again. Than after he winks one more time I went through the wall to my right and jumped on the roof. He followed me. The houses looked kind of mashed together. I jumped on two more roofs and landed on a very small red triangle roof. Looking down below I saw a scene where 4 people were. A lady asked if a girl was a guy's wife. She said "no, were friends." Than I woke up.

      Updated 04-22-2014 at 01:33 AM by 67570

      Tags: dream, lucid
      lucid , nightmare
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