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    1. Lucid

      by , 11-27-2024 at 04:46 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recall still not as good.


      I was walking around somewhere Became lucid randomly. Started flying by pawing through the air. After getting some height I noticed I was in a big city. I flew a ways intending to find Jamie. I immediately came to a park by a beach. I noticed people were on the tops of some trees. I flew down to one and there was a ginger girl about 6 or 7 sitting on top of the tree. I asked her if she had seen Jamie? (I used her full name) The girl said she did and pointed by some muddy cliffs near the sea. I noticed that the girl was caked in dirt. I asked her why she was so dirty? She said because there were pigs running around earlier.

      I flew towards the cliff. A mound of mud on the top of the cliff started moving. I was expecting one of the pigs to emerge, but instead, a gigantic crab emerged instead. I landed on the base of the cliff where some women were wandering.

      My feet sunk into the mud but I could walk easy. A woman with brown hair tied back came out of a door that was in the face of the cliff. She seemed to be serving an invisible table with invisible plates.

      "Jamie?". I called her. She grabbed something from a shelf in the cliff face, again invisible, and seemed to put something on a nonexistent table. Her hands reaching into flowing mud and taking her hands out again. "Jamie?" I called.

      She still seemed to not hear me. "Jame?" I said her name, not pronouncing the "ee". More like: Jane but with an "M" instead. At this she stopped. She moved her eyes toward me nervously and then continued with her motions.

      Okay, I guess she doesn't like her name being pronounced that way. A taller woman emerged from another door from the cliff face. I began walking past the women. As the taller woman got closer she seemed to be taller and taller. As she passed me she said in a slightly condescending "cute," voice, " Oh, wow! You're knee height!" I noticed I was indeed the height of her knees when I woke up.

      The Jamie voice said she didn't like the way that girl talked to me.

      Last 2 nights, I can't recall anything concrete. I felt Jamie was with me in many dreams. I can only recall that we had dreams of watching many scenes together and we were commenting and laughing at the scenes.

      Did she watch the season 3 finale of: From yet? It was a crazy finale. Unfortunately we can't watch the next season until 2026.
      Tags: crabs, jamie, lucid
    2. Forgotten Lucid

      by , 11-21-2024 at 03:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      The weather here is bad lately. I'm thinking Jamie might not drive to see me. If the roads are bad. My advice is to always be safe.


      Became lucid somewhere. Started floating up. I can't remember what happened before or after.


      Was in a very large building. I was trying to leave. I found a hallway that felt familiar. I wound up in a very large movie theater or something with large steps. Reminded me of some backrooms stuff.

      Jamie 1

      Just her in bed with me giving me a hug.

      Jamie 2

      Jamie was working behind a bar. Some guy was getting too flirty with her. She said, " I already have a boyfriend, His name is (my first and last name."

      I personally can't say shit to friends or family about Jamie. Last time that happened, a friend told her something and I'm pretty sure it was in a bad light. People said I was too obsessed. By now Jamie knows I have similar emotional problems as her. And when we crush on someone.. it's always crazy and intense. The double standard though. She can socially get away with it as far as driving by my house every now and then. If I did that to a crush I'd probably wind up in jail. Facts.
    3. LUCID: Hill to Beach

      by , 10-24-2024 at 07:05 PM
      Dreamed Oct 23 2024

      Roam the city on a hill. Streets are a clutter of shops, shoppers, shooters, droppers. No way is out of the way. Sink from the blight into swift sweeping twilight. From dim, to dark, to dire. Retreat. Re-clamber to the crown. The world is shut. Claustrophobic press of flesh is faded. Dread desolate slabs of concrete upon which one may make home.

      Centre cracks a sneer. Slip between its lips, past cobweb arcades, soul-less store fronts, yawning caves that once shone seductive songs. Bag wrapped bodies clog the innards of this slow dying beast. Asleep? Dead? A body bag woman rises and races. I flee. At stair top we stand face to face. She begs for change or coffee. "I think I gave you change already," I inform. She smiles, "Yes, I think you did." We part, she back to bag rows and I through emergency exit scream.

      Stumble out onto a simmering shore of blush and blues. The world is warm and awash in succulent unsettlery. To the right lies a lake sleek and sheer. A many tiered waterfall twinkles awake. Snatches of past life songs twinkle awake within. To the left, cross lazy sands, are souls of several earthen shades beautiful beyond the spell of bastard words. Behind stands a cave, a gaping cavity of glittering stone and gentle swells. From supple waves young men rise, only so high as to reveal their eyes, silver with ravenous glints. Oh to be their sustenance.

      Right left stands he of moonlit skin and star frost eye. He asks where we are and how we arrived. I know neither. Finger through palm. Pinch of the nose. Mild surprise. "We're dreaming." No lust for control. Curiosity grows. Where this ride will guide us?

      Ships swarm the horizon. Train of giant boxes slop into the water. They are a wall meant to sever earth from ocean, a drifting genocide. Warriors rise. Storms of arrows fly. They but slice softly into sea. And then...

      The wall surges closer.

      I must do something yet nothing. Nudge Moonman. "Use your white savior powers to help," I jest, just a test. With a swift, "Okay," Moon leaps from the cliff, walks across water, faces the floating wall. As blocks swing close he sinks straight down. Rise again as each threat passes. He climbs a boat and calls, "Send explosives." Intentions for dynamite in his hand bestows upon him only a gas can. He christens the boat. "I need a light!"

      Finger through the palm strengthens resolve. "Jump onto my hand!" I call to Moon. In a silly show of perspective forced, his feet find my hand. He lands, a tiny creature crouching in my palm. Pass him to the nearest warrior.

      Now rises my warrior. How long has it been? Dance an ancient ritual, step, stomp, punch, spin, over and over and over again. Scream from the depths of my innermost hell. Streams of golden plasma spray from fingertips to swallow each ship. Each explodes, one after another, in fantastic plumes of flame and shadow. And then, quite simply, the swarm and their bobbing threat are gone. Turn to the earthen warriors. They are gone. Look for the light of Moon man. He is gone. I stand sole in this still simmering dawn.

      "It's done, I suppose," I sigh to the morn. But there is still some stuff to this dream. Launch and laugh from a ledge, pristine. Slip from the sky. Spin so the spine leads the plummet into the next whatever that will have me.
      Tags: lucid
    4. First Lucid Dream In Over A Decade - Supernatural Powers

      by , 10-22-2024 at 01:59 AM
      17/10/2024 @ aprox between 10:30 am - 11:30 am - My first lucid dream in YEARS, possibly over a decade.

      I was running from a special ops unit through a tightly packed, derelict abandoned gated community. It was night though it was well lit from the full moon with a blue-ish white tint. They where looking for me as I had found some highly advanced alien technology which had unlocked dormant supernatural powers within me. (Invulnerability and atom manipulation)

      Because of my new found abilities I was defending myself against these special ops agents with ease, disassembling their atomic structure as they evaporated into shadows of shouldering ash. Their weapons had no effect on me so I was without fear and in no sense of urgency to escape.

      In order to enhance these abilities further I had to find a ring I had misplaced which I was unable to find.


      I discovered I was dreaming because I realized how outlandish the situation was. In that instant I had became lucid and the entire world began to wobble and wriggle about like an impossibly designed, intricate childs drawing and what I can only describe as what I imagine having an acid trip would be like. With this realization the most amazing feeling of power, warmth and joy washed over me.

      Before I had discovered I was dreaming, the dream world was seamless and indistinguishable from the real world. It's almost like as soon as my rational brain had woken up and my rational focus was shone onto the dream world that my fully conscious self was too much for the dream world to sustain believably or I was taking up too much resources so it began to struggle with the weight of my fully conscious being's presence.

      The excitement must have been too much as I was not able to explore far, not so long after I had become lucid the world began to break up around me and I found myself slipping into a closing, narrowing, clear, crisp, mildly pixelated, almost digital thinly and sparsely detailed oval tunnel of white light with a slit of black at the end.

      Before long the tunnel of white light had disappeared and all too soon I was in the dark looking at the back of my eyelids back in bed having left the lucid dream behind. It sounds a lot like was people describe dying as being like! I really felt like I had left my body and had come back from somewhere else outside of my body.

      (Reflection) Maybe dying is waking up from the dream of the real world.

      Ever since I had this lucid dream I am able to remember at least one dream per night in excruciating detail hours after I've woken.
    5. Better?

      by , 10-16-2024 at 02:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Really tired, I'll try to journal everything as best as I can.

      Outside the Reddi-Mart yesterday around 5 pm spotted a Grey Dodge caravan, later model. Because of the light I couldn't exactly see inside. A brown haired woman sitting there and possibly smiling at me? Unsure as I couldn't see. As I walked away. The Jamie voice suggested that it may have been her. Since I didn't see clearly, I'm not putting too much faith in it. Maybe try waving next time???


      Jamie 1

      Just a dream of me and her in bed kissing.

      Jamie 2

      I was at a bar with my brother. It was karaoke or something. I was at a table with some paper writing down songs. Jamie came by me as I left the table, and nervously muttered something, which I couldn't quite make out. But, it seemed directed at me.
      I walked away and said, "Yeah!!! What SHE said!!". I went outside for a smoke.

      Jamie 3

      I was with Jamie and her friends somewhere. Jamie was singing something. She noticed me and changed the lyrics to include my name. I said I have some songs I can sing about her. But she didn't seem to hear that and took off with her friends. I was a little disappointed.


      I became lucid randomly in a house. I remembered wanting to find Jamie. I went outside to walk to her dream area but my memory fades


      (I was watching the paramount+ show "From." Before bed.)

      I was in the setting of the show. I was in some barn at night with the brother and sister from the show. I was holding a talisman against the door because I couldn't hang it up for some reason...


      I went to visit my distant uncle. I thought he could help me with some. He was sitting in a large chair surrounded by people. He gave me a long speech about how I bought myself a coffee and someone else. He seemed to be guilt tripping me about spending money irresponsibly. He then nodded to someone and indicated that they could give me a heart attack in a dream or something... I left dumbstruck. Give someone a heart attack over buying coffee?


      I was on a drywall Job with the same uncle. I was leaving the job. I wanted nothing to do with him. He seemed to be apologizing, but I wasn't having it.
    6. 25-05-25 Telling Classroom of DCs they're DCs

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:17 PM
      I'm in a narrow street of a major city. There are small restaurants everywhere. Sushi, pizza, street food generally. I think I already had a degree of lucidity because I remember seeing the foods advertised, thinking "that's a lot of calories", and also thinking I could eat it without consequence because this was a dream anyway. At one point I approached a place that sold candy. I decided to use mind control to force the DC shop owner to hand me a particular piece of candy from the counter. At first, he refused my command, incredulous that I would even make such a demand for free candy. I repeated the command, louder this time. I repeated it again and again like a mantra, until my voice became booming and deafening, and the DC was forced into obeying.

      In the next scene I found myself in what I think was a classroom. The scene had shifted without my input so clearly my lucidity and control weren't 100% and I was still mostly along for the ride. I think I was the teacher. The students, all sat in their seats facing me, were in their late teens. I started telling them that this was a dream. I went into detail. This was my dream, they were my DCs, figments/aspects of my subconscious, and if I were to wake up they would cease to exist. I told them that they were created in my image, just the way I was created in God's. Some demanded evidence. I demonstrated my powers by sticking my arm into a wall. Then, walking into a classroom wall (phasing), moving behind some of them, sticking my arm out of the wall, and tapping them on the shoulder. That surprised them! Their reactions to my "lesson" were interesting. Some went into denial. Some became visibly depressed, as they seemed to accept something they'd always known but chose to repress. Tragically, their fears of nonexistence came true as I eventually woke up, and their very existence became nothing more than a vague memory to me.
    7. Another short lucid

      by , 05-02-2024 at 01:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First night.


      I was walking at night in a sketchy area of a large city. I just remember walking past a bunch of people with hoodies on. I entered a gas station to get a coffee. I walked past a guy but couldn't find the coffee machine. So I grabbed some random things... Unleavened bread? Wtf. Someone must have fell asleep listening to a reading of Exodus, and it wasn't me. And I grabbed slushie and some bananas and put it all in a blender. The other customer in the store was looking at me funny. I couldn't turn the blender on.

      I went to the counter and Jamie was working the counter. She said something to me about this gorgeous guy she knew who used to have a PS2. Um okay. Was she pulling a jealousy move on me? Or was she talking about me. I'm not gorgeous, but I did own a PS2... Dream fades.

      Next night had no recall. Woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

      Last night:

      I was in a large castle like building with large windows. I kept looking out the windows and seeing many impossible things. Thing like: lots of tornadoes but not hurting anyone, many people walking down a path with colorful cone hats, and various horses.

      This made me lucid. I jumped up and floated to confirm lucidity. I landed by a doorway. I wanted to find Jamie again. Everything seemed really stable and solid so I decided to try Hukif's time dilation method again. As soon as I put my hand down on the ground, everything just faded to black... Damn. Maybe I should try something else.


      I was in a chicken barn with Jamie. She said to me, "I want you to put it in my ***, Robert." (I will not publicly post what is going in where.) Then she pulls out a chicken from behind her back and is pointing it's ass end at me like a gun. She then says, "Are you chicken?" When she says, "chicken." She squeezes the chicken and and egg flies at me. She then chases me around the barn repeating the question and shooting eggs at me.


      Just a flash of Jamie at a stove with a frying pan on one burner and boiling water on the other. We are just playfully talking while she cooks something.


      Audio only dream. I hear a demon accusing Jamie of something. But forget what...
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Comp Night 12

      by , 04-11-2024 at 01:59 AM
      April 10th, 2024

      Fragment 1

      Soap or candle in bathroom. At my grandparent’s (on my Dad’s side) house, I think? In a bathroom, I think. Someone wants me to fill a bucket with water for class or something.

      Dream 1: Pirates, Buffet, and Lucidity

      Robert Newton (“Bob” Newton, I call him in the dream) or someone like him giving me advice. I think it’s advice on being a pirate. This includes not eating too much or too much seafood because it can make one chubby. It’s a temptation for pirates, apparently, and he himself is kind of chubby. He leaves, and I walk out to his car (?) with him. It feels kind of emotional, as though we had become friends. I walk back in to the building where we were, and go to the buffet table. I realize that he had warned about not eating too much, but I feel like he wouldn’t mind me eating some of this free food. I become lucid spontaneously, apparently. I realize that I should eat something for points. I pick up a piece of cake or a frosted brownie and eat a bite of it. Then I do a reality check to be sure that I’m lucid (in case I had some doubt, I guess). I look at my left hand. Counting the fingers is difficult, and as I look I see that my fingers are kind of dark colored and sparkly, as though they were made of night and stars. Somewhere around here I lose the dream.

      Dream 2: Camping and Post Office

      I’m camping outside. I have a sort of a shelter beneath a leaning tree trunk, and am using a tent or a tarp (or maybe just a blanket) to try to shelter myself from the rain. There is also a cat girl walking around. She looks a lot like a cat, but also somehow seems human. She might be a human cosplaying as a cat, or something. She walks near me and I pet her. I try to make room for her to join me under my shelter. She says something about not coming out here as often as she did when she was younger.

      I go into a post office to pick up something that is supposed to have been mailed to me. The post office looks like something out of an old western movie on the inside. I stand in a line with some other people, but it seems like the line isn’t moving. After a while, I realize that I’m in the wrong line. I go to the proper line. While I’m at the counter, someone working there says something about being in St. Augustine. A bunch of people in the room all correct him at the same time telling him he is in C--.

      Updated 04-13-2024 at 10:06 PM by 97618

    9. Comp Night 3: Another lucid restroom, and some other things

      by , 04-01-2024 at 03:38 PM
      Fragment 1: Sinking Boat

      Something about a small boat – maybe a toy boat – that breaks through some ice and sinks into some water. I think I try to retrieve it.

      Fragment 2: Hillside and TV

      Walking up and down a hill. Something about television. Lilly Munster is there, on TV maybe. Also “my mom”, who doesn’t look like my Mom.

      Dream 1: Lab and Bathroom (Lucid)

      In the lab. Dr. B— (I think) and I talk about my progress. He wants us to cover our faces with masks, or at least with some kind of material. I go to “my room”, or maybe my office, to try to find a t-shirt I can use. There is something about finding Easter eggs, and looking inside of them but putting them back for the kids or something. Then there is some glassware (beakers and test tubes, etc.) that I want to break. Getting back to the lab, I accidentally swallow what was in one of the test tubes. People are running tests, and I feel like I am falling behind.

      hel me out-_1d726744-7083-48f4-b0fa-85222f45a0af.jpg

      I go into a bathroom. It is very large, and extends for quite a distance. I wonder if the other end is the women’s section. This reminds me of a recurring dream. I try counting my fingers, and have trouble. I try again a time or two, and maybe do a nose pinch RC, eventually realizing that this must be a dream. I levitate up into a corner next to a window, and then come back down. My lucidity is either a little low here, or I lose it and start dreaming that I’m lucid without really being lucid. Anyway, it seems to me that I still think I need to get back to the lab. But I want to try flying back. There is something about not wanting to try it and failing while some people are watching...

      Somewhere there was something else about a small bathroom, and wanting to use it while making the people around (some sort of office suite or something) think that I’m one of them. It is very small, and the door doesn’t close all the way.

      Updated 04-04-2024 at 01:32 AM by 97618

    10. Comp Night 1: Lucid, 2 out of 3 Steps Completed

      by , 03-30-2024 at 03:04 PM
      Asleep around midnight. Awake around 6:00-6:30, having trouble getting back to sleep.

      Fragment 1: Lurkers

      Something about the game Lurkers.io. Trying to carry a bomb from the right side of the screen to the left.

      Asleep again some time after 7:00, I’m guessing.

      Fragment 2: Lab Work

      In the lab, doing something.

      Bathroom Lucid (Lucid)

      Some things about robots. Someone activated a sort of attack/defense robot, and there is something going on with it. Then someone is talking about a time when a creepy child-looking entity showed up and was at his elbow.

      Later, we are walking along with an android, that says it has to use the bathroom. It is carrying around a large glass flask of some liquid, which it wants to go empty in a restroom. We get to where we were going, and the robot goes downstairs to where a restroom is. I decide that I want to go too, and follow him. The restroom is possibly one that I had visited before (or dreamed that I had), but it is now the future and I’m looking to see what changes have been made.

      OMFGz0rs t3h greys, they are coming!!!!111one-_5c169c1c-924f-4718-8d4b-40072e02d20e.jpg

      Around this point, I also seem to be aware that I’m dreaming, but it’s one of those dreams where I seem to have just been kind of vaguely assuming it was a dream – almost like dreaming that I knew it was a dream instead of actually being lucid. However, when I find a stall in a restroom, I actually become lucid. I remember the 3-step task. First, I do a reality check/stabilization by looking at my hand and counting the fingers. Not surprisingly, I have trouble counting. I think about using the bathroom, but then I realize that that would be a waste of lucid dreaming time since I can use the bathroom when I’m awake. I start walking out of the bathroom, and remember the second of the three step task: eat/drink something. It doesn’t really matter what, since it’s a dream, so I look around for something that I can try to eat. I think I try some small cardboard or plastic box at first, but have a little trouble. Then I find a small plastic pouch, which I might “will” into containing a sort of soapy liquid inside. I bite into this and swallow some of the liquid. Surprisingly, it seems to have a strong and a terrible taste, making me gag and want to vomit. I’m a bit worried that I didn’t fully swallow it though, so I choke down another swallow.

      I think I might lose my lucidity around here somewhere. I find myself walking back from somewhere, outside now. I remember having had a lucid dream, but I think I'm awake. At another point I think I’m going back to a bathroom. There is some strange guy around crying about something – he is looking for help, but doesn’t seem to be quite normal. I want to go hide in the bathroom.

      Something about going into the mouth of a large fish. There is some sort of TV show – hosted by Jerry Lewis, apparently. But this might just be a documentary about the show. Inside the fish’s mouth is a small auditorium.

      Updated 03-30-2024 at 03:08 PM by 97618

      Tags: bathroom, fish, lucid
    11. Short lucid, testing things out

      by , 01-14-2024 at 11:05 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I had a lucid dream. It was fairly vivid.
      I was in the middle of a dream when it started to shift and I realized whats up. Then It shifted and now I was infront of my house, late evening. It was getting dark, I looked around asking questions for some reason.
      I looked back, the buildings looked a bit different as I expected, I couldnt see clearly.
      Anyhow, I tried to manipulate the dream and tested this invisible keyboard, cause I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams, but it didnt work, I wanted to make it daytime again I think.
      Then I tried to fix my vision, it was like I had no glasses on, so I tried another association, I imagined there is a focuser on the side of my head, and turned it and I almost got a good focus, but then it also stopped working and reverted to glassless focus.
      And then I woke up.

      So I theorized that associations are the best sources to manipulate dreams. Which partly worked, the first attempt didnt, then the second one kinda did, but then it stopped working.
      I'd like to look more into it, come up with new experiments.
      side notes , lucid
    12. Lucid Library (DV Winter Competition Night 7)

      by , 01-14-2024 at 06:42 PM (The book of mars)
      WBTB, back to sleep...

      I enter a dream. I'm at a library, in a city, maybe Seattle? There's guards who pat me down, but then let some others in. Why? Oh, they're regulars.
      I go in. I'm walking the shelves when I remember books! Books is a dream sign - yes! Is this a faint visualization? No, it's a dream!
      I look to the shelves, so excited, and pull a big book out. Large format. It's a symbology book, all the symbols from some ancient culture. Fuck yeah. Each symbol is created using two or three stick-like figures, but someone has gone in and used pencil to make them all doing obscene things like smoking and fucking. OK then. I put it back; the shelf was ILLs.
      I'll go upstairs to the fiction section. I have an idea that this library is an amalgam of two that I know IWL, maybe Seattle and somewhere else, but this is a false dream memory really.
      The place is super busy. Lots of folks, and seems like a class of kids as well. I look around, trying to find exactly what I want. Cool short stories. But where's the fiction? So much garbage, non fiction, Christan-themed children's books (though the cover was so cool in memory…) I'm low lucid, because I would be delving into any of this had I my full memory. Oh, well.
      I find a tiny shelf of some fiction on an end cap. One of the books is an old mystery writer short story collection, but a massive gilded cicada has bored a hole in each book. I yell "Staff? Any staff?!" and someone comes over with a black knit cap on. (Again, low level lucid, or I'd have loved to speak to any of the many DCs here..) I tell him about the books. He seems like he's seen this before and thanks me.
      Something about Chase being here.
      Tags: books, library, lucid
    13. Winter Competition 2024 Night Five

      by , 01-11-2024 at 08:34 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I woke up for a WBTB and took 4mg galantamine and 300 mg Alpha-GPC.

      Winter Competition 2024 Five (MILD) 01.11.2024

      I spontaneously become lucid and start flying. I remember there is a competition and that I need to do my three step task. While flying I reach behind my back and grab something. I pull forward a small lemon. I take a bite out of it and it isn't very flavorful. I then put my hand forward like Superman and fly super fast. I hear the air rushing past my ears. Now I remember my personal goal is to take off a VR headset that is simulating the dream. I reach up and feel a vr headset that is much smaller than current waking life products. I take it off and... nothing happens. My view is replaced with the same view from before. Huh.

      I fly down to a city and get caught up in a dream plot that I have mostly forgotten now.
    14. Sleep Paralysis Subway Train

      by , 01-11-2024 at 04:55 PM
      This dream was from 3 nights ago.

      I boarded a subway with sectioned rooms big enough for one or two people. Each room was empty with just a handrail.

      I stood inside, waited for the doors to close, and felt the train move. Stood there for what felt like a few minutes, thinking it was a bit odd that my dream wasn’t changing. I can normally sense the motion of my dreams and things change around me.

      Something felt off.

      Then I felt something wash over my spine (the sensation I get with SP). I noticed a presence in the room and looked up. There was something nonhuman hanging on the handrail above me. I didn’t want to see it, so I blocked it from my mind with a blur effect as soon as I realized it was there.

      it’s been a while since I’ve been scared like this, normally these don't get under my skin. I attempted to wake myself up, but did an FA into a room that looked nothing like my bedroom. I recognized it as a dream, but played along with it until I started feeling the sensation again of SP again and saw the creature coming back for more.

      Woke myself up for real that time.

      I kept accidentally DEILDing back in several times after that, though, and having waking hallucinations.

      So eventually, I got up and walked around to wake myself up enough to stop the DEILDs.

      I’m so glad this isn’t common for me any more. I used to go into SP multiple times per week and the experiences were a lot worse (this wasn't too bad). Once it would start, I would get stuck in endless DEILD chains.

      The dream control skills I’ve picked up from this community make a world of difference. I didn’t lose sleep or experience any panic like I used to. Pretty great improvement.
    15. Winter Competition 2024 One Naps

      by , 01-08-2024 at 01:37 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I took a nap and had more ludis.

      Winter Competition 2024 One - Nap One (DILD) 01.07.2024

      I think I wake up but it is a false awakening. Normally my false awakenings are at my childhood home at night but this one is my current bedroom during the day. I was planning on starting dating in a few months but in the dream I feel like making a Bumble account right away for some reason. I find myself staggering because gravity is all sorts of off. I do a reality check and confirm it's lucid. I am really suprised and remember my goal is simply to take off the VR headset. I reach up to my head and try but I can't feel one or force one to be there. I think it's because I didn't bother willing there to be one before trying. I wake up.

      It is super hard to get out of bed. I sit up and do another nose pinch RC and it is still a dream. I am always in awe of how really flase awakenings feel. I sit up in bed and try swiping up the VR hud from my left wrist but nothing happens. I say, "Clara", the name of my AI assistant and she doesn't respond. These things never seem to work as well in FAs as they do in other lucid dreams.

      I wake up into two more FAs before my real life eyes open and I am awake.

      Winter Competition 2024 One - Nap Two (DILD) 01.07.2024

      I am in a Dungeons and Dragons lucid dream. I don't remember the beginning of it. We defeat some hard enemies but one of our people gets cursed and becomes a powerful Oath Breaker Paladin or something he kills everyone, me last and I respawn inside my childhood home. It is dark. Familiar teritory. I know he is outside ready to chop me in half again. I have a bunch of D&D minis that I turn into full size fighters that I send outside. I hear them all get defeated and then the paladin comes inside and kills me for me to go back in time and start over. I send more and more minitures at him each time. The last time I send 8 powerful constructs after him and notice the house is getting surrounded by drow and vampires. "Even more trouble!", I think when I wake up.
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