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    1. 2/15/2023 - Snowy mountains and weird nuclear power plants

      by , 02-15-2023 at 04:30 PM
      Just another dream that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I was had a wingsuit gliding through these tall mountains with heavy snowfall. There were tons of these big towers that you see at old factories (I forget what they're called) but I think they were nuclear power plants. There was a catwalk platform on top of all of them but they all differed in shape and size, even though I went on just a few. I landed on some and I think I remember seeing some green glowing light at the bottom of the plants, and I'm pretty sure that's why it was nuclear lol.
      Tags: dream
    2. A tall man

      by , 01-14-2023 at 03:12 PM
      1/14/23 Dream journal

      I went to sleep at around 1-2 with struggle of falling asleep and kept waking up in the middle of the night about 5 times

      Me and my sister went to the store after she got 6 dollars, when we got candy, I got mad because she didn’t give me any candy and we split up going home. When I crossed the street, I felt weight on my shoulder disappear, and noticed I dropped my bag. I crossed again, but another man was there, we almost crossed the street at the same time, but I got there first. When I started picking my stuff up, he tried to grab it I told him it was mine, but he ended taking one of my things. Then we started fighting, he was like 8 foot tall and didn’t talk, and I had to do crazy things to get to his head to bring him down, the thing he grabbed was a cord, that at the end of the fight he wrapped around my neck. I ended doing a move where when you get to the ground the cord releases. The dream goes out then I see some guy talking about how he loves that move on like a tv show or something and he shows it in one of his- looks to be sumo matches, when I wake up.
      Tags: dream, man, tall
    3. shooting at a soccer field/girl?

      by , 01-12-2023 at 03:49 PM
      1/12/23 Dream journal
      I went to sleep at around 1-2 am then woke up without a dream to an alarm(7:10) I didn’t mean to set, then woke up to my actual alarm at 8:10, so this was less than an hour of sleep for my dream, but I think I was in rem sleep so all I had to do was go back, I could of did one of the method’s for lucid dream, but I wanted my sleep and didn’t want to sit there because that method can range in time depending on how good you are at it, and I only lucid dreamed once and it was without that method. I kind of feel like it was a lucid dream, because right when I said the last part of my dream and woke up, I had it in my voice, idk if it's like I'm repeating what I hear when I sometimes watch or hear something like a song I don’t remember, so idk, and it was decently vivid, and I remembered it easily right after I woke up.

      the dream

      I first went to play the world cup with Luis, we beat them, but it was like a war world cup, so everyone had guns including Luis and me, we were shooting at them. The last people came up to us and we were the last people, we ended up killing one, but We ended up letting one person go, because he was a good guy and nice. Then we went to the movies with Omar, the movies had a Walmart, when we were looking around, I started sitting on the ground and tying my soccer shoes right next to a female who walked up to me and wanted to talk. She was trying to kind of get my number but playing hard defense and playing hard to get. I then Sayed something of the lines of “do you want my number or something”, because she was talking to me for so long, I don’t remember what she said after, but I said to her after she said something, I don’t need a girl…. right now (I'm 15 so I say this a lot, because I want to wait a little), with a smirk on my face, then woke up to my alarm
      Tags: dream
    4. Unreal World

      by , 01-04-2023 at 09:45 PM

      Updated 09-07-2024 at 03:16 AM by 99032

    5. What's My Password?

      by , 03-31-2022 at 07:41 PM

      Updated 09-01-2024 at 10:34 PM by 99032

      Tags: dream, lucid
    6. Tuesday, June 29

      by , 08-12-2021 at 06:18 AM
      I am sitting in bed and I think about to type dreams or do something else on my phone when Mom comes in and lies perpendicularly up on the bed with her head in her hand. I’m playing music on my speaker, what sounds like the type of deathcore I listened to in high school. Mom pauses and kind of looks like she’s thinking, then let’s out an “I hate this.” The vocals are pretty creepy, I imagine especially if you don’t like this kind of music. Then, a bump against the side of the house coincides with an intense part of the song, and it almost scares me. I reach for my phone to stop the song.
      Tags: dream, music
    7. 28 March - Dreams, Daydreams and FAs

      by , 04-23-2021 at 10:51 PM
      Finally, some time to catch up with the DJ here.
      No lucidity this time but I am including this because the dream - daydream confusion is somewhat important to me.

      dream comment

      O and a lake
      A dream about my friend O and a frozen lake. Trying to cross the like and worrying about the thickness of the ice.

      My friends, A and P, have a bunch of rings, some are their wedding bands, some are other rings, we talk about them. There is a stone, blue and gold, with a labradorite-like effect, very heavy. I like that.
      In this dream, I think it is a daydream and not a dream. Later, I realize this was a dream.

      I am with my grandmother, in her garden. There are some weeds. I am thinking about possible spaces for planting roses.
      I think this is a daydream and not a dream.
      Then we go inside and I log my previous dreams (O and a lake, A&P) in my DJ.
      For some reason, I don't wear any top. Some girl wants to see what I am writing but I tell her it was personal. But I show it to her anyway.

      Gravel road
      I am lying on a gravel road, trying to sleep. I decide there is no point in trying to sleep. I decide to log my dreams.
      Then I go down the road.

      And again, I think this is a daydream!
      There is a blanket and my husband and I sit next to him and think about my dreams. I remember I forgot my DJ up on the road but forgot it after a moment.
      Right next to us, there is a house and a door and I get inside with some female DC. It is a house of someone rich and important but they don't live there anymore and artificial intelligence is caring for the house. The girl DC let them to serve us and care for us. We are there for days or weeks
      (it doesn't feel like that but it the knowledge behind the dream).
      Then we are outside again and they catch us and someone is surprised by our behavior.
      I slowly wake up from this, struggling to believe it was a dream, but remembering that I already logged my dreams twice!

      And another one on 3rd April

      I am trying to VILD. I imagine drawing numbers and colouring them. Then I daydream about being an apprentice of a master of drawing. But it doesn't last long.
      I slip into a mi of short daydreams turning into dreams. I feel awake and aware of my surroundings but I don't realize that some daydreams fully turned into dreams.

      I am in a room with some people/friends. I am wearing my nightie only. T touches my breasts under the nightie. I tell him that I don't mind him doing that but that I don't like not having control over it (basically, that I want it and he should continue but I don't like him not asking).
      I snap my fingers and all other people in the room disappear, it's just two of us.

      I love that. I think how cool it would be to have this skill in a real dream, but this doesn't count because it is only a daydream.
      Then we start kissing... and other things.

      I don't know why I struggle with this. Maybe because I like to daydream and my morning daydreams with closed eyes can be vivid and look the same as dreams - at least to my half-asleep brain.
      About the differences:
      Visualization - completely conscious, needs to be maintained with a lot of energy, needs to be micromanaged.
      Daydream - telling myself a story, it can be with our without a narrative over, usually with good visuals. It's part me, part subconscious. Me steering the whole thing but micromanaging isn't needed. It stops if I stop.
      Dream - 100% subconscious, running on its own.

      I used to think that when anything happens in my daydream which I didn't put there (a new object, a new scenery) that it means that it is a dream. But in fact, it is not stable at that point. It needs more to become a dream.
      When daydreaming during hypnagogia, a lot can happen. My dreaming mind is usually trying to distract me by changing the scenery and changing things in my dream. It is OK to let it rather than trying to keep the focus... but it is then hard to stay lucid. This often leads to semi-lucid dreams. With a good chance of regaining the lucidity later.

      One more note: My FAs are never in my bedroom. It can be a hotel room, random room, or just trying to sleep anywhere, like on the road. Fragmented low-quality sleep causes this type of FAs for me.
    8. 4/6/21 - The Reoccuring environment

      by , 04-07-2021 at 02:43 PM
      Yesterday's dream (I forgot to log) was quite shattered, I remembered being in my old elementary school's cafeteria, and a subway (not the restaurant lol). I also remember seeing this one room that I have seen in a lot of my other dreams, it looks like an additional office in my cousin's closet in his office in his house. I'll just put a quick graphic to show what it's like. My first (two) lucid dreams! Very, very strange!-reoccuring.jpg
    9. 3/30/21 - Walmart/Hotel Hybrid

      by , 03-30-2021 at 01:50 PM
      Last night my dream began inside of a hotel, with a large pool, with very dark water. I wasn't scared in the dream but I went in the pool anyway. After getting out, I see that there is a Walmart in our hotel. I exited the Walmart and I notice a guy on his bike, and he looked like Justin Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place, except with blond hair. I told him that he looked like Justin Russo, but he just kind of shrugged it off. I believe we became friends because he was texting me, and he showed me that he was trying a birria taco? Not too sure why lol.
      Tags: dream, memorable
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. 3/29/21 - Finally another dream

      by , 03-29-2021 at 03:07 PM
      So I finally had another dream, it's been about a week and a half since I could recall my last, and what I remember is my current house being larger than it is IRL, and I believe the dream lasted 4 days? I don't really remember but in the dream I do remember waking up multiple times. When I did wake up, I would go smoke a cigarette, and that's it. (The cigarette part is weird because I've never smoked or had a desire to smoke IRL.)
      Tags: dream
    11. 3/16/21 - Walmart Lights Out

      by , 03-16-2021 at 02:51 PM
      The dream started when my friend and I were in a Walmart in the bakery section, when all of a sudden, the lights go out completely. We communicate with each other as we are both terrified. Nobody else was in the store with us, so we start looking for a way to get out. We see three doors to exit, so we go through the first two sensor activated doors, then there was another we couldn't reach because there was so much ice on the floor preventing us from getting out. We decide to explore it some more, and what we saw was horrendous. It was a 20 foot tall figure with long black hair covering it's face. It was so tall because it was wearing stilts. It kept running at us, with these loud footsteps. Each time we were killed by it we had to restart until we escaped. Wasn't sure how we escaped, because there was ice on the floor blocking the exit. That was it.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 3/13/21 - Dream in a jungle

      by , 03-13-2021 at 02:27 PM
      Last night's dream was a little weird, I was in a jungle, on the side of a tall mountain looking down upon the trees. I noticed some people walking down there, and then another person who was trying to take them hostage, which he had done successfully. He then attempted to kill them I think? But before he did, I was able to stop him and push him out of the way.

      Updated 03-15-2021 at 04:00 PM by 98358

      Tags: dream
      memorable , non-lucid
    13. 3/12/21 - Tiny Whole Foods dream

      by , 03-12-2021 at 03:18 PM
      I had a dream where I went to a Whole Foods grocery store that was very small, almost the size of an average gas station. I can remember being very hungry in the dream and my dad went to get me some soup. That was the end of the dream.
      Tags: dream
    14. 3/10/21 - Dream about family

      by , 03-11-2021 at 11:25 PM
      On 3/10/21, I had a dream where I went to go see my cousins, uncle, and aunt. I went to their house back in New Jersey where I used to live.
      Tags: dream
    15. 3/9/21 - Subway dream

      by , 03-11-2021 at 07:05 PM
      This is a dream about the Subway restaurant I had the other day on the 9th. I got hired at a Subway and I remember making sandwiches, that's all.
      Tags: dream
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