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    1. Elements and Pirate ships

      by , 12-19-2023 at 09:53 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I take a cup out of a freezer and go to drink it but notice it has mercury in it. I show Tami and then leave it on a table. She then starts playing with it and gets it on her face and it starts to cover her skin in a similar way to gallium. I was pretty freaked out over the toxicity of this. Just like gallium, it comes off easily with soap.

      Dream 2

      I find myself about 18 years old, most of the other people are as well. I'm on some sort of cruise with Tami. I find myself as sort of a hostage. I peer out from the deck at a cul de sac, it's as if I'm looking out the front door of a house (yet I'm on a boat) and the homes are full of bodies, my captors did this.

      View from the boat of the cul de sac.
      Hero of the Day-1.jpg

      There was a girl that wanted to swim with me but I wasn't interested. She ended up laying down on a very large sail-like structure above me. I found out she had an identical sister who then went up and laid down by her, they were sun tanning - though it was now getting dark.

      Then a third sister of theirs with dark hair was talking with me a bit before going up to meet the other two, she was very friendly.

      Then I met their mom and we were talking about me having dry eyes. She was saying if I got some sort of surgical lens installed I would be cured. I was interested in this and she said she could inspect my eyes and let me know if I was eligible.

      She then says she can do this inspection while we go on a two person sort of boat ride. The ride goes from your present and into your future, and you discuss with each other about what is seen during the ride. She mentions in an off hand way that there is also the possibility to go into the past and sort of brushes it off with 'but yeah, you know - that's optional we don't have to do that'. I get the impression that secretly she wants to do that part of the ride the most.

      While we were talking I had a vision of what this boat ride would have looked like:
      Hero of the Day-2.jpg

      For some reason I need my clothes washed before going on this ride. I find a tiny secret door in a wall and push my clothes into it and watch them fall downward. I go down one level on the boat to see where they went.

      Hero of the Day-3.jpg

      Turns out they landed in a large washing machine but there were already a ton of clothes in it. I contemplate turning it on or removing all the other clothes and only putting mine in so I can run it at a faster setting so I can finish this quicker and go onto that ride.

      I wasn't very interested in the ride thing, but nothing else was going on.

      Updated 12-19-2023 at 10:21 PM by 106

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Jean-Luc Picard's thoughts on AI

      by , 12-19-2023 at 05:33 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      Jean-Luc Picard was sitting in a chair on the Enterprise in his private quarters and was holding an i-Pad like device. He put it down and exclaimed that there's such a backlog of technological advances that have been made by AI that he will never get through them. And on top of that, all the information he was sifting through was from 10 years ago when he was last on earth - the amount that things must have advanced since then back on earth must be astounding.

      Updated 12-22-2023 at 10:04 PM by 106

      non-lucid , dream fragment