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    1. Offroad driving into zero-g, Gundams and VR

      by , 12-22-2023 at 09:30 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I’m driving offroad in an old station wagon style car with Tami in the passenger seat. There’s a grassy plateau that seems designated for a destruction derby sort of setting, where two cars enter and just smash into each other until only one works.

      I swap out and have Tami drive. She has trouble getting up to the plateau area and accidentally drives into an underground tunnel. We keep getting deeper and deeper, there are constant forks in the path and it feels like we’re going in impossible directions.

      Suddenly we find ourselves in zero gravity, floating in a more cavernous part of the cave. Small things are floating past us, a single rib for instance.

      Someone radios in and lets us know that there’s a reset button if we’re stuck. Relieved, we press it and we are instantly teleported back to the surface in the grassy, hilly field.

      The plateau was like this but larger and not so raised off the ground:
      Possible to achieve total invisibilty?-2.jpg

      Possible to achieve total invisibilty?-5.jpg

      Dream 2

      I see views of a large real life gundam mech. I’m getting the information that it was built to handle complex movements and that it’s very robust. The actuators in particular are very high quality.

      An example movement happens as the arms take a rifle and it holds it across the chest. A voice is telling me that the actuators can only move once every 20 minutes or so

      I’m confused by the great lengths that were taken to make such a high quality mech, yet it can only take one physical action every 20 minutes? That’s too bad.

      Now I’m speaking with a certified ‘screw-hole’ glue guy. Apparently he had to go through a lot of training in order to take a glue gun and squirt colored glue into the holes in the gundam mech that had screws to conceal them..

      Possible to achieve total invisibilty?-1.jpg

      Dream 3

      I’m handing over $100 bills to Danny one at a time and counting. After I’m done handing them to him I try to figure out why I’m doing this, it was for my car or something. We both realize I don’t need to be doing this and I take my money back.

      Then we see a large yacht parked on a street, it’s white. It had a ‘hood ornament’ - which was actually a full sized car. I notice that only the front grill and lights of the car looked like a mustang I used to own, Danny agrees that it looks the same.
      Possible to achieve total invisibilty?-3.jpg

      Dream 4 (fragments)

      Elisabeth, Johnny and James are over (Tami was probably there too). After we are done hanging out they all leave.

      James ends up coming back, apparently he left on foot (he had a lot of gear and backpacks) - he either got lost or the trip was too far for him to make.

      Dream 5 (fragments)

      I’m in a fancy apartment in new york city. It’s on a very high floor and has an absolutely amazing view over the city. It’s extremely small and narrow though, like 9 ft wide by 20 ft long.

      My new espresso machine (which should arrive tomorrow irl) is set up by the window.

      I’m testing a VR game that I’m developing in this dream. Using the valve index controller I made it so dragging down on the touchpad causes some haptics and in the game it pulls back the cocking mechanism on a revolver handgun. It feels pretty satisfying and would probably work pretty well irl.
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      Dream 6 (fragment)

      I’m describing how the wireless RODE microphone system works to Elisabeth. Pointing out that when we first got it we weren’t sure how a certain aspect of it worked, but now after understanding it that it’s not very complicated at all.


      I would like to increase the vividness of my dreams. When I woke up this morning I was fairly certain that I didn't have much for dreams to recall based on nothing really stuck out in my head. Of course after thinking on it for a bit I got all of these dreams to come forward. I just wish they were more vivid more often, to the point when I wake they just jump out because of how memorable they are.

      I guess I'm only a few days into working on building my recall back up again so I don't have to be too rough on myself about that. Before these last few days it's been months since I've tried to recall a dream at all.

      Updated 12-23-2023 at 08:20 AM by 106

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Unformatted Ramblings

      by , 12-22-2023 at 06:17 AM
      Been laying in bed for hours asleep, but fully aware as though awake.

      I can’t feel my body, it’s floating weightlessly in space. There’s a soft wave of energy slowly undulating through me, like the lulling sway of a hammock, but it’s inside of me.

      My mind isn’t focussed on anything in particular, but there’s a constant feeling of tension that binds me inside my own body. Technically, I can move, but reality seems frozen. Time seems frozen.

      I stare ahead at the door and watch the light move between the cracks as my perceptions distort to my will. I can make them flicker or move in the direction I want. I can make sounds turn off or on.

      Meager control over my perceptions brings me comfort, but still frozen, knowing that it’s not real. I can only dream of having control over reality.

      I tell myself that I need to get up… Gotta move forward with time because time is moving without me.

      Eventually I get up… I check the clock and note that several hours have passed.

      Then indecision binds me again. I don’t know what to do. I lay back down after my muscles ache from sitting in one spot for too long.

      This goes on all day. Rinse and repeat.

      I dreamed that my old house was trying to kill me last night. Same old. I’m glad the new one doesn’t do that.
    3. lost race, gained lucidity

      by , 12-22-2023 at 06:08 AM
      I was following a small boy through a sandy path in the desert. We then turned around, and he challenged me to a race, I accepted. I tried to run, but I was so slow he was beating me, I thought "How the hell am I losing to a six year old?" [COLOR="#008000"]I then remembered that I usually can't run properly in dreams. I stopped, and then I was in his garage, there was a large window. I wondered if there was going to be a brain outside, and there was. I asked the boy about it and he said it was just an image or something. I realized I felt like i had drempt about that garage before so I asked him if it was going to become one of those persistent realms, and I forgot what he said. [/COLOR]

      I was in a room which was very slanted, I was with my mother and a few distant relatives. The room was slanted because it was in the sky, and the doors were two grocery store doors. One of them would occasionally open a crack and close, so I was nervous around them, and I felt a duty to try to keep them closed when the distant relatives dog was walking near them. It opened a crack, so I pushed the dog away and held the door shut. One of the relatives then pushed a switch that I had just realized existed, and it didn't do anything.
      lucid , non-lucid