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    1. finally a good nights sleep with many dreams!

      by , 04-30-2018 at 05:34 PM
      2018-04-30 - dreams pdf.pdf

      ^^^please click PDF above^^^^

      I did it that way so all the images would be sure to be formatted how I meant them to. Thanks! Charles
    2. A couple dreams, a lot of insomnia

      by , 04-29-2018 at 10:13 PM
      I got to sleep OK around 8. And slept until maybe 1 or 2.


      My first dreams I remembered were of being at a big round table with my family. I was handing out sweet potatoes. They turned out to be soft but at first I thought they were under cooked.

      Out Somnia

      I had insomnia again and it was from after my first sleep cycle until IDK when. I gave up after an earnest try, and got up. I don't know what comes first. My workaholism or my insomnia.


      Eventually I went back to sleep. Around 6 I guess. I felt myself drop in.

      I don't remember much of the dream but I was in a loft. Something happened. Then there was someone like Goku. they expanded into a big illustration.

      That made me lucid for a moment. I realized I was in a dream but didn't know what to do.

      Springy False Awakening

      I had a false awakening of waking up in a bed. But the bed had springs on it. I figured the dream had startled me into waking with a jolt. And that made my bed keep swinging back and forth.

      The springs creaked. I kept trying to tell myself they would eventually slow down. But it seemed like my swinging gained momentum, and the creaking got louder. First it was right to left, then from head of bed to foot of bed. And squeaky squeak squeak.

      I was thinking I need to record this dream in my voice recorder. Which I had put away since the sun was already up. (If I dreamed I planned on just getting up to write it. But I forgot that during this false awakening.) I wanted the bed to stop swinging and creaking, otherwise that sound would get recorded, too. So I tried to think about the dream while waiting for the bed to stop.

      Then I grabbed onto this black metal bar of the bed to stop it but the force was too much. It felt like it would rip my arms off.

      Missing Table

      In waking life there is a table to the side of my bed. I got up from my bed to stand, and try to stop my bed swinging from the outside. I realized it wasn't there. My chair near it was though. "Oh well," thought I. "Maybe I moved it before sleeping."

      Actually woke up

      I appeared in my physical bed kind of surprised about all that having been a dream! It took me a moment to be like, oh, wait, my beds not shaking.

      It would have been a great dream to become lucid in. However, I might have just gotten excited and returned to my body, if I became lucid. I'm surprised I didn't find lucidity over the bed swinging like that. I kept telling myself it must be possible and thinking of how my bed was built.

      The end!
    3. Not much lucidity, but good vividness and recall.

      by , 04-28-2018 at 01:35 PM
      It was 2337 words. I only do pictures when I feel really inspired to and today I just felt like writing it.

      Here is the PDF with all my formatting:

      2018-04-28 - dreams.pdf

      Here is the entry without any BBcode if you don't want to click PDF. Because I wrote it in Word.

      Spoiler for DJ Entry:
    4. My first FILD ever. During a nap! :)

      by , 04-27-2018 at 03:50 PM
      So, this is my second Dream Journal post today, because I ended up going back to sleep later that morning for a nap. First I slept on my back after doing some meditation. I had some dreams but didn’t remem bird them.

      All the Channels

      I remember I was typing on my lap top. Typing dreams I guess. Typing away on there. There was some audio that kept coming on. Maybe a sports broadcast.

      My Dad kept coming in my room and setting up a T V. it was a big T V. My room was a lot bigger, too. “Now we can watch all the channels!” said he, excitedly.


      There was one scene where I was kind of on our back deck. And I saw the back yard neighbors window open. It was black. But the mom was out there and some kids.

      I was behind some wall kind of thing. I felt the need to hide. Not sure why. Maybe I realized it was fine and I could get up. But I remember really really hoping they wouldn’t see me!

      More Lap Top

      Funny I would dream of my Lap Top a lot. I was typing more on my lap top. I REM ember that the blue headset wire had pulled out. In waking life this causes my computer to blue screen so I was like, oops. Maybe I don’t need it in because I hadn’t been listening to anything.

      I remember I was at a podium this time. Maybe more audio kept coming on. I think someone was telling me they did something for me.

      I remember tilting the screen to get the words to appear better. As if there was a glare. The screen was red orange with black text like when f.lux is on a high setting.

      Forgotten parts

      I thought there might have been a part at my Nana’s room or something. I tried to store some details in my head but later, after the FILD, found I had forgotten at least some.


      I started to get some vibrational sensations like I might Dream Exit Induced Lucid, Dream. I tried to amplify the ringing but it didn’t go anywhere yet.

      As I did this I realized I might forget the previous dreams. I told myself I formed a strong enough memory.

      Finger Induced Lucid, Dream

      Yeah! So Then I randomly got the idea to try Finger Induced Lucid, Dream. I think it was the fingers on my left hand I started to twitch. I felt something happen I never felt before.

      It was hard to describe. I will have to pay more attention to it in future attempts. But something like a bright light in my head. And some sensations.

      Twitching my 2 fingers felt different too. They started to move super fast because I was probably twitching my dream fingers.

      Back in bed

      I was back in bed. Or so I thought. I figured the Finger Induced Lucid, Dream had done nothing. But then I noticed another sports broadcast playing. That wouldn’t be playing in my room since I didn’t leave it on. And no one was home. So I felt like taking a little chance that I was in the dream world.

      I’ve heard of this before. During Wake Initiated Lucid Dream for example. Someone being in their bed, and it seems like its their physical bed, so they’re afraid to move. But really it’s a dream and if they open their eyes its going to be a dream.

      Snow?! In my Room?!

      I started to feel snow fall on me. This seemed normal at first. (LOL) I opened my mouth and let it fall on my tongue. Yep, snow.

      Then that also made me think this might be a dream. So I decided to roll onto my back at least and take a peek.

      Getting Up

      First I was on my back. My low back felt stuck to the bed but everything else could move.

      I got to where I was still stuck on my lower back, but I had fallen onto the floor. Or teleported there. I still wasn’t totally sure it was a dream. Maybe I was just getting up.

      I willed myself to stand. It was kind of like flying a little, more than using legs and arms to get up.

      I still had my eye mask on within the dream. I had to remove a few layers of cloth until I could see. They kept appearing once I removed the previous one.


      One thing I noticed was the objects in my room kept going invisible. My room was laid out like waking life. Shelf in same place. Desk and lap top in similar place. Even my Dream Journal chair in same place.

      Even my dream body would blink into invisibility, then become visible again. I noticed this when trying to check my hands to verify it was a dream. I had a hard time believing that I hadn’t just gotten up out of bed physically.

      This will prove it!

      I eventually found my lap top and opened it. There was a VLC kind of icon on the task bar, but more to the left than in waking life.

      I tried to open a note pad file. My goal was to type myself something and then see if it was there later. But the more I noticed the difference in the computer, I was already sure it was a dream.

      Morphing Keyboard

      What really sealed the deal was the key board. It was smaller and had more tape on it. Also I remember looking at the letter “D”. It was like where “W” in waking life. But I did the good old double check letters and the “D” became an “S”. The rest of the letters morphed, too.

      Popped Back

      I thought of checking out the window or something but the dream didn’t seem that stable. Everything was going invisible and stuff.

      After I was looking at the key board more I thought, “You know how I will know it’s a dream? That thing will happen where my consciousness pops back into my body in bed. So that’s how I’ll know.” And then that happened.


      I was really excited to get my first Finger Induced Lucid, Dream! It was hard to believe since I never entered a dream that way. But I guess the Finger Induced Lucid, Dream teleported me into a dream. Very cool.

      Thanks for reading!
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. Pre Lucid

      by , 04-27-2018 at 01:01 PM
      Well, my insomnia’s back. I made 4 questions for myself. One, What do you think causes your insomnia? Two, describe your experience of insomnia. Three, What would your ideal night of sleep be like? Four, why do you want better sleep quality? Then I answered those so I am going to go back over question one piece by piece and see what I can change to see if it makes any difference.

      Sleep Cycle One

      In my first round of dreams, I had this thing about Pokemon. Some legendary Pokemon and a way to hack the moves. They had moves called S 5 and S 6? I remember a legendary trio but they were dream originals. The map went off somewhere maybe by a lake. Memory just on the tip of my tongue.

      There was a
      Something with a rich guy wanting us to eat cheese.

      There was a little hardened cheese left in the dish. It was like he demanded I eat it. I kind of forced myself to.

      Aunt Butting In

      There was something with my Aunt. My apartment was flooded with water but it seemed normal. Like its normal to just swim down the stairs and stuff. I was blocking my Aunt out. It seemed like she was butting in.

      Someything Else

      There was somehting else I put on my voice recorder but its not on the top of my head.

      Sleep Cycle Two

      After some insomnia I actually did fall asleep. I found myself in a dream and became pre lucid. But the dream checks didn’t conclude in lucidity. The rest of the dream was interesting anyway.


      I was on my computer. A task manager kind of program popped up, and it played music. It looked like it was doing a virus scan. The music it played surprised me. It was just an instrumental but it didn’t seem to go with the program.

      Eventually it said 14 threats were removed. But one was remaining. The thumb nail of the program had a picture of santa claus. I had to remove that one too. It said the word alert.

      Pre Lucid

      Eventually I got that program to close. The task bar at the bottom was like my dream the other night. In fact, my dream the other night came to mind, and I was like, wait. Didn’t I dream of my task bar being a little different like this another night? (The start menu was moved over or missing and it was just different.)

      At first I doubted it but I decided to finger palm test. I pushed my finger through and it seemed like my hand was solid. I felt my finger between my bone of my hand but figured that was normal in Physical Matter Waking Consciousness if I push hard enough. Also a little dent appeared on the back of my hand. But I figured that was normal in Physical Matter Waking Consciousness. It made me think finger palm tests were just too dangerous.

      But I would do a nose pinch breathe test anyway. So I did pinch my nose. I also covered my mouth, to be thorough, and try to breathe. My conscious mind was very active within the dream. Too bad I didn’t actually become lucid.

      Air passed through. But I told myself I must not be covering the whole air passage. So it couldn’t be a dream.

      It’s not a dream

      I looked around my room. I remember seeing my window without curtains. I saw the dark night outside. But light was on in my room.

      I considered flying out the window. But I was like, nope. It’s not a dream.


      I went downstairs. The lights were on. I was going to the fridge. I hadn’t brung my orange glasses. I sat at the table. I think I was eating food. But also there was talk of some kind of lottery thing.


      I was back in my room then. I was on the computer again. I think I got sleepy. But I wanted to wait to sleep until the task manager thing was fully done. This way if I got up in a hurry to write my dreams, nothing would block me.

      Something was playng about American Idol, which I haven’t seen or followed in over 10 years, thank FHQWHGADS. Don’t need that kind of thing.

      That fellow Randy was talking about something. I was so annoyed even to have the vibration of American Idol in my space. I quickly shut it off, thinking, “I don’t need this.”


      I went back downstairs. There was a woman my age. It didn’t seem out of the ordinary for her to be there. My Dad was there too.

      I went outside. She was just getting ready to go for a jog. It was like midnight. She said it was for her lucid dreaming practice. I guess she was doing a really extreme Wake Back To Bed which involved going for an intense jog. It made sense.

      Then we were talking. I felt like we knew each other. We ended up hugging. I did a smooching sound a few inches from her face because I wanted to kiss her. But then we just kissed on the cheek.

      Then I realized we’d kind of just met. So kissing that soon might be too much. I walked up my driveway and I guess she went out for her jog.


      I went up some stairs and I was in a college dorm. It was a women’s dorm. But suddenly I assumed I lived in a room in the women’s dorm by myself. The reason for this was that I had moved in with a girlfriend into that dorm room. But then she had left, leaving me, a guy, living by myself in a room in a female dormitory. It made lots of sense!


      I was at the door with a guy from college. My college room mate appeared there too. I figured they must be my room mates. We went in the room.

      There was music. It was like a college party. I was annoyed because I wanted to go to bed. My bed had white sheets on it. White with the square lacing, that has the square texture.

      Two people were on my bed. This seemed normal since it was a party. Lots of other people were in the room, and there were other beds, also with people on them, hanging out. (The people on my bed weren’t doing anything intimiate or anything just hanging out.)

      I used a funny hip hop phrase in asking them to get off my bed. I repeated it a few times, in a hip hop tone of voice. They got off my bed. A female with dark hair kind of smiled at me from the corner of my eye, as if she appreciated my joke.

      I was thinking the hoolgans would notice I was sleeping, and shake me awake. Something about lucid dreaming came to me mind. I wanted to play my audio I play when I fall asleep but it seemed the music would drown it out.

      False Awakening

      I had a false awakening where I was recording my dream in the dark. Only every sentence felt like it took forever to say. I was like, theres no way I can say every sentence. I may as well go write it out.

      Overall Notes

      Yeah, insomnia. Blah. I was in bed and probably sleep by 9 the first time. I gotta see what I can do about this insomnia (without drugs).
    6. i had less dreams than usual

      by , 04-26-2018 at 07:00 PM
      Last night was kinda weird. I had less dreams, recall and lucidity than usual. I couldn’t understand why because I worked a good L D program. But I’ll just write them and not try to worry too much. I didn’t do any of the usual things that harm my dream abilities. Also couldn’t sleep past 5 or 6 A M even though I tried. Maybe it’s stress.

      Sleep Cycle 1

      Sleep cycle one I couldn’t really remember anything.

      Sleep Cycle 2

      Took me a while to be able to sleep.


      I dreamed that I was in my Nana’s living room. Hiding something from my Dad. He got home and I scrambled to hide it.


      The land line was lighting up and ringing. It said some kind of unidentified caller. I considered answering in case it was someone I knew. But decided not to.


      I dreamed that some people from high school saw me and said, “Oh, that’s Charles (they used my old nick name though). He’s back from hell.”

      I felt cool about it. Like I was a “BAMF”. I was looking at my beard in the mirror.

      Debt Collectors

      2 people my age were kind of threatening me that if I didn’t pay a couple hundred thousand at once. Something bad would happen. I forgot what.

      They also had some writing that explained how I had to stop being mean to people.


      Two guys were flying in a helicopter. I was looking at them from where the wind shield would be. The guy on my right put the thing on auto pilot and went on the floor to sleep.


      We eventually landed I guess and then ran a red light. We didn’t get in trouble.

      Then one of the guys was asking me if he could get my key to the pool. I was like, well, I don’t have a key. I have a guest pass you could use.

      Lucid Dreaming Class

      There was something with a lucid dreaming class with Tim Post.

      Sleep cycle 3

      I dreamed of being in a computer lab or library computer room. I typed something in. The librarian came around like she was monitoring me. It didn’t come out typed how I meant to.

      I had a ruler. I was measuring my forearm with it but not circumference. Just width.

      It had wood and metal. I couldn’t find the right picture.

      Something about something playing on my phone. It was a false awakening. I couldn’t move, then made a sudden shaking movement, which startled me physically.

      That’s It!

      Not as many dreams as usual. I had some more bits on my voice recorder but I will just leave them on the voice recorder. No reason to strain.
    7. i had lots and lots of dreams

      by , 04-25-2018 at 06:51 PM
      This is my DJ entry in PDF. Its 31 pages but thats due to spacing/size/lots of images. I wanted to post it as PDF so all the images and formatting would be already embedded since I accidentally messed up the BBcode things.

      2018-04-25 - Dreams and Pictures.pdf

      If anyone wants to read it but wants something other than PDF please let me know.
    8. I caught a dream figure shape shifting! And had an "dream donut"

      by , 04-24-2018 at 07:23 PM
      Here is my DJ in pdf format. The illustrations are contained in this version:

      2018-04-24 - dreams.pdf

      Here it is in regular text (without my illustrations though... don't wanna miss those )

      Round 1 of Dreams

      I recorded these dreams on my voice recorder. I remember being in my room at my old house and then going out the window. I couldn’t get back in through the kitchen because I hadn’t removed the screen. There were two little kids on bikes across the road. They went to go somewhere.

      Then there was something about wanting to go to a pool. I was walking through a hallway eating tuna from a can. Then I wanted to go to a pool.

      The dream time jumped back to 2:45 P M or so and suddenly the pool was closed? Kind of hard to explain. So I was mad.

      Then I was at a cash register and trying to get into the pool still. Something about rolls of quarters. While I was still doing my transaction, a woman tried to get to the register. I was like wait I’m not done yet.

      There were a few more things on my voice recorder.

      Round 2 of Dreams
      I had RLS so I got up to bike and stretch in the dark. Then I went back to bed and had 3 REM cycles before I dream journaled again. I chose to stay still because I thought I’d remember it all. I didn’t remember every bit but by the end of the 3 REM cycles, I had a good percentage.

      REM cycle 2-a

      My memory of this one started with my friend. And he asked me to watch something as he went in the bathroom.

      Then there was a vitamin powder jar. I became lucid some how and asked a woman there if I could eat the last of the powder.

      I woke up and thought those through. One more dream flash of a building.

      Eventually got lucid in another dream which was with me and 3 friends in a study room. I was lucid again and telling everyone how I had won a game against my friend (S) in a previous lucid dream. (S) was the one next to me.

      As Looked at him, he shape shifted into ( C ). I almost didn’t notice!

      Then I was like… “Wait! (S) just shape shifted into ( C )! I caught you this time!” because usually people will shape shift and I will have no clue. I tried to will him to transform back to (S) but he just stared at me blankly. I started losing my voice. I tried to stay lucid but I woke up.

      There was one more dream flash of a man wading through a lake.

      REM Cycle 2-b

      I dreamed in this one. I initially remembered it. But by the time I went to record, it was gone from my mind. I regretted that.

      What had happened was I began to dream about an Asian woman. It was like we were dating or getting to know each other in the dream. I felt connected to her as time went on.

      I remember remembering it at the time. But not when I finally recorded.

      REM Cycle 2-c

      There was a bunch of earlier parts to this dream chain. Especially involving the Asian woman. But just vague memories by the time I got to record them. This dream chain went on and on.

      I remembered a Pokémon game where there was an elephant character (like Musshi) but he was a Pokémon trainer.

      Then I remember being on a computer with a big screen next to me. Not lucid yet. Going to look something up on the computer while the Asian woman was up. Then she came back. I wanted to hide what I had looked up but the screen froze.

      A blonde woman appeared and said something about how “I have to think about addiction in many different states of conciousness for it to finally sink in.” I understood what she meant.

      I woke from that hoping to dream chain and apologize to my “dream girlfriend”.

      I did a dream chain where I went out of body. I got up, not sure if I had gotten up physically. (It turned out I hadn’t.) I went to try using my computer. It was in the same place as my physical computer. Eventually I popped back into bed.

      That was one thing from the TV.

      I went out of body again. It looked like the sun was up. (I wasn’t in my physical body but thought I was again.) I popped back into bed suddenly.

      Up out of body again. This time a car appeared to the left of my bed. Now its more of a dream.

      I drove the car down a stair case and a hall way and out a door. Willing it to fit through the narrow space. Then I drove around the road. I was lucid. So I put out my hand and stopped cars at will. It was kind of fun.

      That dream ended but I hadn’t woke up yet. I was in a grocery store. “Oh, another dream,” I thought. “I have had enough. I will just close my eyes and be in my bed,” I thought, as I looked at a little cartoon thingy. An older woman walked by me.

      But JUST before I closed my eyes… To my right, on the counter… A TRAY OF DONUTS APPEARED. I was like, “WAIT!! DON’T WAKE UP YET!!!” And some how the dream lasted long enough for my to go grab a donut.

      I chose a tan colored one, thinking it was like a coffee or cinnamon flavor. There were all sorts of colors donuts with various sprinkles.

      A guy walked by me and grabbed a piece of donut. Ripped it right off the donut in my hand! He was like, “Wasn’t that weird? That I just did that?” But I was lucid. So I was like, “No, not at all, bro! Come on, let me buy you a coffee!”

      Another woman walked by. I was like, “Hey, let me buy you an ice cream shake!” And ice cream shakes appeared on the counter. She kept walking LOL.

      I totally forgot to apologize to my “dream girlfriend”.

      I woke up back in bed but still not done dreaming. Went out of body again. This time it was kind of dim. There was a creature there.

      At first it scared me. Bound to run into something that scares me when crossing dimensional barriers. But I decided to embrace it some how. I woke up before anything else happened.

      Then I was in my bed… but it was still a dream! (I didn’t know it then). There was light coming in, and the sound of rain drops. I stayed still and tried to remember the dream, not knowing I was still in a dream!

      When I woke up in Physical Matter Waking Consciousness it was not raining and I knew that the rain drops had been a dream.


      I didn’t really feel like typing these but I’m glad I did. Some days I don’t feel as motivated to type them. Other days it is effortless.
    9. Playing along with the dreams

      by , 04-23-2018 at 04:04 PM
      Here is a copy of my dreams with images in line (as a pdf)

      2018-04-23 - DJ with images.pdf

      Here is just the text from the dreams (without the drawlings)

      Round 1 of Dreams

      There was something with some people on a raft earlier in the dream.

      There was something really cool I couldn’t put into words about a powerful being.

      I remembered my sister drawing smiley faces in my Nana’s back yard.

      One had the top of the circle curled over like on the left. The others had different versions of a lowercase U like on the right.

      She also drew a lizard. It said, “My name is dinner.”

      Round 2 of Dreams

      I had a dream of being at the Arboretum.

      Then I left the arboretum. And drove kind of crazily. I pulled out across 4 lanes and in front of a truck going the other direction.

      Then I also backed into a building and it got smashed. But then I rewinded it somehow. I don’t think I was lucid. Eventually the dream shifted.

      Then I was with these people telling lucid dream stories. I didn’t know it was a dream. There was something about waiting for a shower.

      I had to solder something or do some kind of machine work that created a smell. When the other people got back they complained. We were out doors but I still put a fan on to blow the smell away.

      Then I was taking out the garbage too because I felt bad about the smell. I overhead one of the rich people talking about eating lint from the couch. Or licking it. I think they were trying to get me to lick the couch lint.

      Then I was at a mall. I had boxers on but not pants. I was holding my tan khaki pants and looking for a place to put them on.

      There was a thing about needing to consult with agents from the bank. They were waiting around on some couches for people to come do their appointments.

      I found a mall computer and started filling in the form. It seemed like it would be easier that way.

      I remember seeing that in my dream. I had to confirm my information. Then they detected I was at a computer and came to me.

      They wanted me to pay them 1500 dollars a year for my bank account. I was thinking how I will probably have to change banks. I really needed the bathroom so I had to desperately seek a bathroom before I could finish my form and have an appointment. I was afraid to leave my personal information up on the mall computer.

      I walked by these dog cages looking for a place to go to the bathroom. Then there was a hairy school bus outside.

      I said, “Nice hairy bus!” And a guy poked his head out of the window. “Thanks!” Said the guy.

      Then I went left and it seemed like I was in the back of a haunted house. My high school gym teacher was at the bottom of some steps. I passed through there, thinking he wouldn’t let me. But he was fine with it. Seeing high school teachers is a dream sign.

      Then I saw a woman who I went to college with. I asked her if she would go with me on a date. She said, “Give me a day, a date, a time, and a place!” But I didn’t have one. I thought, oops, was I supposed to?

      Then I woke up. I was thinking if I could ask for her number, and call her when I think of a “day, date, time and place”. Then I realized it was a dream and began recalling it.

      I drifted back to sleep one more time and had a dream of being by this house outside. To the left was a stream. I was on the phone with my friend, talking about some stuff. I was also walking around peeing.

      I woke up in my bed again and thought I had wet the bed for sure. However I didn’t want to move because then I might dislodge the dream. So I stayed still and thought it through. It turned out I hadn’t wet the bed. Thank FHQWHGADS!

      Round 3 of dreams

      I fell asleep pretty consciously this time. One dream flash was of a tan beverage and nutrition facts.

      Woke up briefly.

      dreamed I worked in a restaurant.

      Woke up briefly.

      Dreamed I was in college. And thinking of going to audit a class on dreams. Then I was in a class on dreams. The teacher was giving a lecture. Some guys next to me did something funny like hijacking the lecture.

      Then I was shuffling blue books with a woman from the class. She spoke very softly and I could barely hear her.

      Then I had a false awakening that it was around 7 A M. And there was tons of noise. I went to look if my Dad was home. He wasn’t but there was a big red truck out front. In the back yard they had all this equipment going. They were laying out sod. I got mad because it distracted me from my dream recall.

      Woke up briefly, glad it had just been a dream.

      Then I dreamed of being at my old house’s kitchen with some food. I sat on some pine needles outside. There was glass in the pine needles so I went to put my shoes on. There was food in my shoes. I ate the food and then realized that was probably not the cleanest. I felt kind of sick.

      Woke up briefly again, glad it was just a dream. I decided to hold all the dreams in my head and stay still, to keep dream chaining.

      This was where I started to get lucid in them. I dreamed of these cartoon characters. And I dreamed I had a camera that could take pictures from my dreams. And I would see them when I woke up. So I got really excited about that.

      Woke up briefly again…

      Then I was walking towards an empty playground. There was a retainer (for teeth) on a slide thing that reminded me of mine. I figured a kid had left it there. When I looked back it was in a blue case. I tried to move it somewhere safer for the time being.

      Then I looked out onto the neighborhood for some people to tell. A mom was at the door as her daughter left for school. I walked up to them.

      The daughter said, “You can’t punch me any more!” The mom had purple under her eyes. I was like, “Uh oh. Good thing I’m here to distract the mom a little.” I told them about the retainer.

      The Mom pulled the door knob and the whole door came off. She put the door to the side like it was weightless. That plus the dream chaining got me lucid. But I decided to finish what I had set out to do before I had become lucid.

      The daughter left and the mom went to look toward the empty playground. Then I woke up.

      Laid there recalling the dream until one more started.

      I was working in a Restaurant Again. My job was a bus boy but instead of a pitcher of water, I had a pitcher of tan bean soup stuff. One of the pitchers was made out of a taco shell.

      So I carried the beans out and poured them in people’s cups. One couple said “Charles, more beans please!” I gradually realized this was a dream, especially from having dreamed of it earlier.

      I decided to play along. I said, “Okay, so I just pour the beans in your cup, right?” They looked like almonds.

      Round 4 of dreams

      One vague dream

      Went back to sleep hoping for dream chain

      Woke up not remembering any other dreams


      My dream recall and lucidity are improving again. I thought they took a little dip for a few days.
    10. DJ & Drawings

      by , 04-22-2018 at 04:36 PM
      This is my PDF version with the drawings in-line. Otherwise the drawings will be at the end of the post.
      2018-04-22 dreams and drawings.pdf

      Round 1 of Dreams
      The first time I woke up I just remembered a little bit. One was something of a lucid dream cycle and they mentioned the Lucid Saint. It wasn’t refering to the podcast but it made me think of it. Also there was something in my sister’s
      room but I couldn’t remember any more.
      Round 2 of Dreams
      These got a little more dreams going on. I remember my friend had 4 hero sandwiches. He offered me some. I didn’t
      want one because I had already had dinner. Even though I felt hungry I would rather wait until breakfast.
      I remember talking to him about how he was going to teach foam rolling. He was wondering if he should speak in the “I” or “You”
      Position, something that always confuses me. When I put on my sun glasses, my vision got a lot clearer.
      I had an app on my phone. He told me the code was 1-2-2-2-2-2-… And more 2’s, to get a special app. So I typed that in but it was
      hard to press the touch screen.
      We had an audio book playing with a heavy bass instrumental. Some women upstairs wanted us to turn it down so we turned off the instrumental part. I’m not sure if there
      was anything else in that dream.
      Round 3 of dreams
      There was something with a bee type of thing that scared me.
      This was a long one. I dreamed that we had to go on a trip. But we were taking a short bus ride home. My friend was
      throwing a pill around and picking it up.
      I remember I was talking to someone about Astral Projecting. And to go if it feels safe but not to go if it doesn’t. Then I dreamed of my body going to sleep paralysis and being unsure if it was safe or not. But a
      light flickered in the loft that seemed paranormal. That was when I knew it was a dream. But I didn’t know it was a dream within a dream!
      So then a female fell or jumped down from the ceiling and onto my friend.
      At first this scared me. But it turned out okay.
      I woke up from that dream but it was still a dream when I woke up. Another friend was there and he had a girlfriend. She had black hair with a big red dyed part and wore denim.
      My friend went in the other room and she talked about how I don’t need to be some iron man. I kind of knew what she meant. Then we went out onto the roof. It overlooked water.
      I got the feeling she might be a smoker. So I hinted, “I give points to help people
      quit smoking.” I said this as a way to gauge her reaction as if she smoked or not. Worried that if she was a smoker, it would be a problem that she came around. I didn’t know it was a dream any more.
      It turned out she was a smoker. My friend came
      out. They were sitting together in a sky light. I started to tell my friend she smokes. He said that’s not okay. I felt relieved that he wouldn’t condone her smoking.
      Then she started to try to kiss him. I felt like this was a way of her trying to
      manipulate him to get him to change his mind. I felt threatened by this so I kept saying, “Don’t listen to her! She is an evil, manipulative addict! She is just trying to manipulate you!”
      Her eyes began to glow red. I didn’t know it was a dream, so I was so
      surprised at this. “Look! Her eyes are even turning red!” And they did. First just the pupils but then her whole eyes. I tried to draw a picture but it was too scary. Her teeth got sharp and her face morphed a little, like Monster Form of Frieza almost. Like a venus fly trap mouth.
      I was sure I had talked my friend out of having her over. But then she began to come towards me. She slowly inched towards me
      and I backed away. She was holding some writing utensils. It seemed like she was going to stab me with them. I thought of going to hide behind the door.
      It turned out to be such a fearful dream that I consider it my first official nightmare in a while. I have
      a high thresh hold for what I consider a night mare but this was truly one. In fact even while I was awake and recording the dream, I felt like I could see her face in my mind. I felt like if I opened my eyes, she would actually be there in my physical room.
      Round 4 of Dreams
      It took a little while to fall asleep. I had some sniffles developing. But I had a dream that ended with this green candle wax man holding a green candle. He lit the candle, and began to melt along with the candle.
      I couldn’t remember the parts of the dream before that.
      A dream flash happened where two kids in green
      coats were flying towards me. With their backs facing me. I got startled and woke up.
      Empty hoodie: I was at the mall. There was something about getting ice cream before they closed the metal gate thing. I got locked into a jail cell thing.
      I might have got lucid but I didn’t put this in my L D count because I’m not sure if I was. I saw myself in a mirror. I had on a brown hoodie. But where my head and hands should have been, I had only a black void.
      I squeezed out from between the jail cell bars and a friend carried me upstairs.
      Stop Smoking/ High fence arboretum: In this dream I was walking through the part of the arboretum near the mulch piles. I actually smelled smoke. I rarely have a sense of smell in dreams but in this one, I did. The fences were high picket fences, not there in waking life. I didn’t know it
      was a dream though. I looked around to see what trail it was coming from. Up around the bend? Behind me? To the left?
      I yelled out stop smoking twice and heard a cough. It was from behind me. A guy with a dog. He yelled back, “It’s a disease!” I tried to run away. Then I woke up with a startle. Lots of emotionally intense dreams tonight.
      Round 5 of Dreams
      My sister asked me to do the dishes. So I helped her out with those.
      There was a commercial of a guy in a foreign zoo. I felt a sense of dream de ja vu. I felt surprised at how long the commercial went. That’s what was funny
      about it. It took up so much time. The guy joked around with some animals. Then he stood on a log and put his arms overhead like a bear. And some bears imitated him.
      Baby commercial:
      There was a commercial with a woman and a baby.
      Then another woman sang a song about how other people can have their issues but you can be free of yours. In a nice yodely voice.
      I had a little false awakening after that. The commercial draems were
      funny because I felt like I saw them before.
      I got more details on my voice recorder but this was just off the top of my head. What I notice is more of the dreams from my final
      sleep cycles tend to be the ones that I remember easily the next day and can draw drawings from. The earlier dreams I don’t remember until I listen to them (more often).

      vitamin B-6-bee-thing.jpgvitamin B-6-dream-trail-map.jpgvitamin B-6-faceless-hoodie.jpgvitamin B-6-green-wax-man.jpg
    11. DJ&Drawings

      by , 04-21-2018 at 02:30 PM
      I already have everything on my voice recorder. But I decided I would try to write all the dreams I could off the top of my head in the morning too, just to test my memory.

      In my first round of dreams there was something about my Uncle mixing butter and Au Jus in a frying pan. Asking me if he was doing it right.

      The second round of dreams. Well, it is hard to remember at this point what was from each round of dreams. I recorded dreams 6 or 7 times. There were a few more micro awakenings than usual.

      In one set of dreams I was fighting my Uncle. Well, good thing I recorded everything on a voice recorder through the night. I guess by morning my memory isn't that great!

      I had a dream of being in a class. I drew something really cool on a chalk board that dissappeared from a certain angle. Also I colored all over my notes and got in trouble. I just put random words but tried to draw the way it looked when I colored all over my paper:

      (not the actual words from the dream)

      Quite a conspiracy...-color-words.jpg

      I had a few dreams at a pizzeria. I remember in one dream I gave some friends a ride to their house. Then my friend's older cousin was in the road and he got into my car. I gave him a ride too. He asked if I minded that he smoked. I said I couldn't smell it so I didn't care. He took a plastic bag of apples with him that he said were his. I looked on the seat and there was a cigarette butt. I felt really embarassed because it wasn't mine but I thought he thought it was mine. I didn't get lucid from the cigarette butt dream sign. THERE WOULD NEVER BE A CIGARETTE BUTT IN MY CAR!!! And there was also a bottle of pee in my car and I was embarassed about that too.

      Then I saw 3 females and offered them a ride. One's name, I remembered. The other, I actually didn't remember, and felt bad. She said it was something with an S. I think I gave them a ride somewhere, too. It was on the main road near where I live.

      Before that I think I was in a gym.

      In one of my dreams at a pizzeria, I went in there because my sister needed soap. My Nana and AUnt were there and I was surprised to see them. I started to walk out the other door and I saw cigarette smoke floating up from a guy's hand. I pushed the smoke at him and ran the other way. There was no smell but I didn't catch the dream sign. On the way out, I was still mad, so I yelled, STOP SMOKING. Then the guy chased me. Then it shifted to where there were lots of guys in camoflauge and neon yellow jump suits around. I guess protecting the place, from me, or from him, not sure.

      Quite a conspiracy...-security-guards.jpg

      Then I dreamed I was driving around doing my taxes. It was the sixteenth and they were due on the seventeeth. In waking life, I did my taxes earlier in April. In the dream the tax service wanted to charge me 29.99 and I declined.

      Then I got to a pizzeria again. This time I was writing a story on a big lap desk that was surprisingly light in weight.

      My Nana told me that she always thought I was negative for complaining about cigarette smoke. But now she understands how positive it is, to point out the negativity of the smoke. I was falling asleep, with my head down, but I said I was listening.

      Then I realized my Dad was leaving. I got up to go after him. He was making a burrito but all the rice and beans were falling out the other end. A giant pile of rice and beans had accumulate on the floor behind him. oops!

      Something with a production anomale creating spiky forks, and Santa claus appearing at the door.

      The pizzeria dreams were at R's Pizzeria.

      Oh yeah in an earlier dream I lived in an intentional community. There was a feeling that the people there were emotionally healthy and it was easy to talk to them about feelings. I was amazed at how I've tried to recover for so many years but being in a community of other people trying to recover at all times really made a difference.

      In my final dream, I got a lucid moment on a dock. I think I was looking at the sky, and something seemed dream like. So I flew up and tried to grab a branch. Then I realized I was really straining, and just relaxed. I closed my eyes and felt myself float down.

      Then I was in this place where they were doing an experiment with some people. It was pretty humane, not like some mad scientists or anything. It involved testing different stimuli on the body and it wasn't painful. I remember the blue lined graph with "W-1" next to one wave form and "W-4" next to another, on a black screen.

      Quite a conspiracy...-test-lab.jpg

      Then I dreamed I was in the lobby corridor thing, greeting everyone on their way out. At first I was confused why I was there. But then I became lucid and my reaction was to just blend in. So I acted like I worked there, and greeted everyone leaving.

      Then when they left I walked in and asked someone, "Hey, do I still work here?" They said yes. I preceded to have some work conversations with other dream figures. I looked down at my shirt and it was similar to theirs. One guy had a big blue hair net on his afro that seemed to grow as we spoke. His four front teeth were missing but I didn't point it out. We talked about the job. I tried to casually explain away how I could have been unsure that I worked there.

      Quite a conspiracy...-blue-afro-guy.jpg

      Then I had one more dream scene of these red guys in shoulder pads like Saiyan shoulder pads. With pony tails. Jumping 6 feet high to catch basket balls. And landing near a puddle. I think I still was vaguely lucid as a carry over from the previous dream.

      Quite a conspiracy...-red-guyz.jpg

      Drawing in MS Paint was a lot of fun. I have surrendered my drive to type EVERY DETAIL from my voice recorder because it just isn't humanly possible! But, this was very doable today, and I think it helps exercise my dream memory a little extra. The only thing is, I am motivated now, but I'm aware I could get frustrated again or lose motivation any time. So hopefully I can stay consistent this time instead.

      Updated 04-21-2018 at 04:04 PM by 94557

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    12. Funny non-lucid flying school dream

      by , 04-20-2018 at 12:26 PM
      I had a funny dream about being at a big lucid dreaming party at a school.
      First I was in an auditorium. I said I don't write full names in my dream journal and someone got mad. I left and went into another room.
      It was a workshop on flying in lucid dreams. I told the person next to me this was so funny because I was just saying how I wanted a flight school in a dream. However, I thought I was in waking life! I didn't know it WAS a dream. There was a context of being late for lunch, so I couldn't stay for the whole class. Everyone had funny note packets.

      Then I left there and when I went back in, it was like a high school dance, only for lucid dreamers. I was excited to talk to other lucid dreamers. However, again, I didn't know it was a dream at the time! I thought it was waking life.

      I saw some friends from waking life and talked to them. Most people had punch.

      I dived into this giant hole in the ground to show everyone I could fly out. But I didn't know it was a dream. Then it showed Piccolo sliding down the hole after me. It had become a volcano.

      I put all my other dreams on a voice recorder. I got a good number of dreams on there. Maybe I will turn it into a daily dream pod cast one day.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Rhino Snake

      by , 04-19-2018 at 11:56 PM
      I had some cool dreams. One was of a snake or serpent with a rhinocerous nose who came up to me and then looked at me and swam away. It was black and had thick rhino skin and a rhino horn.

      your movie-rhino-snake.jpg

      I also dreamed of someone sky diving on a skate board holding a nerf gun for a really long drop.

      And filling a 500 story elevator shaft with water and trying to swim up it. But then in the middle I starter running out of air (not lucid) and tried to swim back down. Then I went out the wrong door and got in trouble. They said I would have to do community service next time I was in town.

      Bunch of other dreams on my voice recorder. Oh I had one LD where I had the sense of being back in my previous dream with a chance to "do it over" but when I woke up I thought about it and it wasn't the same dream.

      And Android 17 was going to be my coach but then I let his bird get away by mistake and he put on a helmet and said he would have to charge me 15 dollars now.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    14. Did NPB then woke up

      by , 04-17-2018 at 10:28 PM
      Last night I had some cool dreams. I got them all on my voice recorder. But what I will type.

      is that I dreamed my hair had been cut. Then I regretted it. And, within the dream, hoped I was dreaming.

      In another part, I was in a movie theater. I did a finger palm test that didn't go through. But remembered to do a nose pinch breathe, which did go through. It was exciting when I breathed in through a pinched nose.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. Last nights dreams summaries

      by , 04-16-2018 at 05:32 PM
      I have all the details on my voice recorder. But just making summaries for today.

      Dream 1 Summary

      There was a van we had to go through before it "faded" due to a time machine thing. Then a Mermaid going to help us go somewhere underwater. Diving in a channel of water. Had to evacuate due to floating buses. Walking through muddier area. Class thing I didn't want to go to.

      Summary of Dream 2

      Fighting with my Uncle about him smoking in my drive way. Friend from college on the back of a truck. "Hey, look at that sunrise!" Purple and orange sun rise off in the distance, above the tree tops.

      Summary of Dream 3

      Women walking through a store, doing affirmations out loud. "I'm a good singer." Commented on this to store clerk. He said he knew me from a live stream. Playing a video game with my Aunt. The live stream became my primary means of earning a living. I was setting up phone meetings to auto dial.
      non-lucid , memorable
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