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    00:00 Monday 2014-09-22 long sequence about having to report to the police to be arrested

    by , 09-22-2014 at 07:13 AM (291 Views)
    00:00 Monday 2014-09-22

    still catching up on sleep but a return to some interesting dreaming

    +(f) I'm skimming/driving quickly over a dirt road with lots holes

    +(f) getting ice cream from a softy machine?

    + I'm given a responsibility I don't want to supervise some young people and something goes wrong and the police want to arrest me. I think this is massively unfair since I didn't want this responsibility in the first place. I'm working in an office and endless streams of paperwork keep appearing from the police and I'm spending all my time to try to figure them out and as soon as I read one another one appears. One of them is a laminated card with instructions on how to bail myself out so that I don't have to stay in jail. Where do I have to go? By when? Do I have to go at all? I leave the office and the door locks and I realize the paperwork is still inside and I find the office administrator girl to let me back in, otherwise I may miss the bail deadline and have to go to jail, and my wife is out of town so I'd be stuck there until she returns.

    I'm vacuuming the office floor, the carpet is deep and fluffy and bright yellow. There are a lot of dirty spots especially at the corner where the floor meets the wall.

    I arrive in a building/room where they know about the place to report for arrest. The arrested people must arrive at about 6am Friday morning, I think I don't have time to arrange for my bail. The woman there says that if they have not called me yet then I'm probably OK and I don't have to go. I ask her several times to confirm this. I don't have my phone to call, there are men sitting around tables and we get to talking and they mention the university laboratory and I mention that both my dad and I worked there. They hand me items that look like big thick church key can openers.

    + In a group of young people, at some large outdoor park, a giant mechanical arm/tentacle descends out of the mist, we talk about it for a bit. Then we slide down a slide into a normal playground coming through the mist, my friends start using the swinging rings and I move to the drinking fountain which is small and sort of dirty looking and surrounded by several mean looking young men so I decide to move on.

    Later we're lying all together in a pile, one girl close to me lying on top of someone else, I tell her "You can be the girl who is one top". There is another girl next to me and we make out for a little bit.

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