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    00:00 Thursday 2014-02-27

    by , 02-27-2014 at 10:39 AM (339 Views)
    23:45 bedtime -- finally, a decent bedtime. Took 1mg melatonin 40 mins ago to help in readjusting the schedule. Fell asleep pretty quickly.

    Set intention to wake up after every dream and recall, and try to DEILD back in.

    00:00 Thursday 2014-02-27

    04:20 intention worked, I woke up with some recall, I haven't woken up at the 4th hour in some time. Decided after trying to get back to sleep without success that I'm still no so keen on waking up a lot, but I'm going to do it for the hope of increased lucid moments.

    + outside looking at the walls of some houses/ buildings. I don't like the boarded/cemented up windows and I know my younger son doesn't like them, either.

    + inside a house, we'd just moved in, I see a young Indian boy walking through the house wondering what he's doing here he wasn't invited, I walk down the corridor to the entry way I see through the clear glass front door that other people are waiting just outside, I step back to the hallway so they won't see me so I won't have to deal with them. They come in anyway, they're the Indian (asian) family that owned our place before us, they came for a visit. They say it looks very different. It's very messy, lots of stuff on the floor. I say yes with different furniture a place can look entirely different. I look at some of the furnishings, they are odd, like solid 3d mathematical shapes (spheres, cones) made out of a mottled brown granite, stacked on top of each other. My sister says something about the crystal chandelier. I say something about it too and I hear my mother's voice say, "Oh, <my name>!".

    We're in a family room looking at a TV mounted high on a wall of from the ceiling. It's showing some (news?) program, the reception is terrible it's really static-y. The conversation topic is about how I don't like cases around TVs because if you're sitting to the side the side of the cabinet blocks some of your vision, I imagine a cabinet that opens by itself automatically. I go up to the TV (which now has a cabinet around it) with a piece of paper to measure the loss of screen space from the side, and show this (about 1/4 inch) to the others in the room.

    + I'm DO? in the back seat of a car with dark/black upholstery, there's a super cute fluffy young puppy sitting in the middle of the back seat, my view position is eye level with the puppy, the owner is in the front seat and is feeding it little treats and saying doggy things like "goooood boooy...". He gives the puppy in the end a little doggy bone treat wrapped in a plastic baggy.

    + I was holding a shovel/trowel in each hand in some fictional backyard scraping the dirt picking up the last poops of my recently passed away dog (who actually died 4 years ago). I thought these would be the last ones I'd ever clean up and I'd never see him again. I said to myself "he lived for 17 years [true], and he lived for 5 years after getting cancer [false]", I got quite upset. One of the handles in one of the shovels didn't fit the shovel head well and came out.

    I woke up very upset and emotional. Intention worked too well, after recall, recording, and quick bathroom trip, couldn't get back to sleep.

    Tried "relaxing SSILD" for a while and started getting some imagery, but external noise always prodded me awake.

    09:00 back to bed....fell asleep eventually in there somewhere.

    12:15 woken by wife to fix the internet, solidly asleep, argh!

    + saw a cute girl from the pool, checked her out a bit as she walked by. She walked through the opening of a low square metal fence and said I shouldn't stand so close (to the fence) so people could walk through. She goes to sit at an outdoor table (night time)I see a bunch of young ladies also sitting there. I move to a different place away from that table and realize my computer fell out of my backpack, I pick it up.

    + some struggle, forgotten

    + other stuff, forgotten, quite a bit, due to shock of waking, dang

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