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    2015-04-21 awesome vivid flying, number of WTF moments, old work colleagues, odd toilets

    by , 04-21-2015 at 10:41 AM (252 Views)
    + vivid amazing long flying/gliding dream among steep tall mountainous seascapes: cupping the air with my hands and soaring in slow circles over the landscapes and crowds of people going "ooo! ahh!" at the sight of me, teaching friends to do the same (almost no wind left though!)

    +(f) kids at the beach on an inclined sandy hill, don't play too close or you'll get sand on people

    + kissing my kids at a really young age, promising we'll go to our favorite yogurt place, but how to get there from here, oh yes let's take "680", blind left(U) turn on odd traffic light signal there's a huge line of cars (in the left lane), think the signal maybe was the fusion of two arrow signs

    + See JoLa (KC) at party, he's young and buff looking and dark haired, sudden WTF moment, how did I get here, how long have I been here (missed it)?

    + It's super late at the office, quite dark, see ChDo shake his hand as he leaves, go to my cube, someone's drunk friend is in there which annoys me, I look at my cube wall and see that my colleagues have gone "cube signing" (like yearbook signing but they sign their messages on the walls of the cube) and I missed it, but I see my own signature with my old cell phone number from presumably long ago, see FrFi zip by my cube opening (curly tussled hair), call him back, he comes, shakes hand, super other tall guy DaGe (DC) also comes (didn't call him) but shook his hand, too.

    + walk by a room with open door, see it's the home's exercise room, decide to go in for a look around, open door, see naked guy there posing in front of a mirror, I scream like a little girl and run out from the room ("AAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEK!"), go to bathroom, want to do #2, the toilet is the size of a teacup and 1 meter off the ground, see 2nd larger toilet on the left of the first but it's still too small and to high up off the ground, think about how to aim my butt, notice naked gym guy looking in from across the hall, close the venetian blinds

    + sitting at a banquet in rows of tables (like at a conference, wide rows of tables and everyone's sitting on one side facing the front), the guys in front of us (lot of them) are getting drunk, I want to order a type of alcohol from the waiters but can only think of the name "Rothschild", then I think why not just order a bourbon and coke, the guy in my row says "too sweet," and I find I've pulled out the entire loaf of bread from the bag, putting it on my plate, wonder WTF I did that for, and put the bread back in the bag; the guy in the front row has a tasty looking big roll with red slices of salami/beef lying on top of it

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